
Four California Traitors – LaMalfa, McClintock, McCarthy & Calvert.
As 126 Congressional Republicans debased themselves by signing on to Texas’ delusional and seditious suit aiming to invalidate the votes of many millions of Americans, I started to wonder how many of them were from California, and how many of the ones who DIDN’T sign on were from California?
I guess Michelle Steel (who probably would have signed on), Young Kim and Daryl Issa (who I’m not sure about) dodged a bullet, as they’re not sworn in yet. And I guess OC dodged the bullet of being responsible for this suit at all. But first, I was surprised to see how FEW California Congresscritters at the moment are Republican – only six!
And two of those six did NOT sign on – Mike Garcia (the Navy combat pilot who took Katie Hill’s place – apparently his Santa Clarita district is fairly purple) and Devin Nunes! That latter is a real surprise – that Devin clown has been jumping through hoops for President Trump for years, and seems to believe in every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. So it’d be interesting to know WHY Devin didn’t do this – maybe he was overseas doing some rogue diplomacy or espionage for his Orange Boss.
So we have FOUR California traitors, and starting from the far north of the state, we’ve got Doug LaMalfa! Who is this lunkhead, representing the First District and about a dozen sparsely populated counties since 2013? Here he is with Chris Cuomo yesterday:
Chris gets Doug to say he’ll accept Biden as President “when he sees his hand on the Bible January 20,” as though that passage of time will finally convince him of the lack of proof of fraud. But what he signed on to last week was an attempted naked power grab with no proof at all – the Supreme Court just took their jobs a lot more seriously than many expected them to, otherwise four states and all American Democrats would have been robbed. By LaMalfa et al.
Going a little further south we get Traitor #2, Tom McClintock. Hey, we know him! We used to think of him here at this blog as one of those “honest conservatives” whose social wackiness we could overlook. At that time he represented a Thousand Oaks district, used to fight against eminent domain with none other than Maxine Waters, for which he was celebrated by our then-blogger Larry Gilbert. I remember R Scott Moxley (in what was probably a provocatively contrarian moment) endorsing him for Governor during the Gray Davis Recall because … he was an “honest conservative” whose social conservatism would be cancelled out by the legislature.
But in the intervening years, since he took over a district farther north (district 4, another vast rural area encompassing Yosemite) he’s jumped on way too many hateful and nutty rightwing bandwagons, has been a craven enabler of Trump, and now this.
(On further research, Tom gets a LITTLE credit for being not only pro-MJ, but also being the only Republican to support Libertarian Justin Amash’s “End Qualified Immunity” bill.) So there’s that at least.
Heading a little further south to Bakersfield, we run into our third Republican traitor, none other than the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. I don’t know about you, but Kevin always seemed kind of dumb AND sleazy to me. Remember how he tried to justify the endless Benghazi hearings, not by claiming that they revealed any important information or pursued justice, but how they helped tank Hillary’s poll numbers! That bit of indiscretion postponed his rise to the speakership a few years, if I remember correctly. But now he’s up there, and trying to disfranchise millions of Americans to please Trump! (Which reminds me, why isn’t Devin all over this?)
Finally, our fourth traitor is a TRUE sleazeball whom I used to occasionally write about because, before the 2011 redistricting, he represented part of South OC – Riverside’s prodigious Ken Calvert! Now and then I watch in amazement as he slowly passes his huge bulk, on TV, past first Speaker Boehner then Leader McCarthy – he’s STILL there after nearly 30 years now!
27 years after that time getting caught with that prostitute in his car! Twelve years after FOX News put together a special broadcast featuring several of his “Earmarks for Profits.” And ten years since I observed him uncomfortably visiting a San Juan Capistrano Tea Party and wrote “Calvert In Extremis: The King of Pork Goes A-Teabagging!”
Well at this rate, with the patience or apathy of Riverside, this character is gonna beat Dana Rohrabacher’s record of longevity. But I think none of these seditious jokers should be seated in January 3. And Americans should stop voting for them. Who’s with me?
*Simple Insurrectionist behavior? Yeah, nothing like wanting to Secede from the Union.
Everyone of those guys needs to be made to read the Gettyburg Address in front of the Congress on C-Span. “So…who wants to be a Socialist?” “So who wants to be a Communist?” “So, who want to be a Jack Booted Brown Shirt Facist Thug?” “So, who wants to play golf with DJT at Mar-a-Lago?” OK dudes, just sign up right here! No Greens fees either!
Hey, what happened to that “throw Calvert in a culvert” piece that I wrote when Bill Hedrick was running against them? I remember putting a whole lot of time into that graphic!
I found them!
*So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls what do all of these California Foreigners have in common? “Central Valley”….we knew you secretly wanted to know who Bill Jones (Mr. Three Strikes!) has on his team! Remember the Gnat Catcher? Remember Central Valley Water Issues? Remember why these same guys didn’t have a problem with High Speed Rail? As Harry Truman used to say: “The Bucks stop here!” “Play something pretty Margaret on the piano!” said Harry! Yeah, this could be considered the “Dupont/Monsanto Four”. “Round up the usual suspects”…..hee..hee! Yeah, we used to love Tom Tick-Talk when he was with Gil Ferguson and “Principles Over Politics”!
Well – the events of Jan. 6-7 call for an update of this piece: California Congressional Traitors Part 2. But in short:
Three of the four traitors in this story voted to disqualify America’s votes once again – LaMalfa, McCarthy and Calvert.
One, Tom McClintock, released a good statement on why he wouldn’t do that, which’ll I’ll re-post… but it kind of leaves it a mystery as to why he would sign on to the BS Texas suit.
There are THREE NEW TRAITORS who were not in this story – Nunes and Mike Garcia (leaving it a mystery as to why they missed out on the Texas suit) – plus newly re-elected dirtbag Darrell Issa.
And the two new OC Congresswomen, Michelle Steel and Young Kim, were both, appropriately and ironically, out with Covid. Michelle took the opportunity to say NOTHING (except that she’s “against violence,” who isn’t?) but Young Kim actually, like McClintock, wrote a decent piece about how Congress has no business overturning the will of the people.
I’ll try to get that together by the weekend.