From HB to DC: Michelle Peterson and Tanned BF Help Storm the Capitol for Trump!

Michelle in middle, anti-mask fanatic Cassandra Ferragamo on left, Michelle’s mysterious tanned BF [Update – Mark Simon, arrested 1/28] on right. (Before the storm!  See comments below for more on Cassandra.)

Huntington Beach’s effervescent Trump-loving Newsom-recalling Michelle Peterson had an exciting week.  But … she seems to be having mixed feelings about it!  Helping “storm the Capitol building” as she did with thousands of other MAGA folks on Wednesday should be a real high point in a Trump-lover’s whole life!  And Michelle filmed two minutes of the Great Incursion, firsthand.  But a couple of days after posting it proudly on her Facebook, she took it down, maybe concerned over legal consequences.

Don’t worry, we saved it for her because we think it’s exciting and valuable.  Presumably it’s not too incriminating for a law-abiding cop-respecting lady like Michelle, but it could provide evidence of OTHER folks’ lawbreaking for the authorities.  Remember, there have now been SIX deaths due to this glorious insurrection, two of them Capitol Police!  And Michelle could make a good witness for the FBI, as could her unnamed tanned boyfriend who gives a few rowdy rebel-yells in the last twenty seconds of this video:

This tanned boyfriend Mark Simon has a thing for putting up what looks like a peace sign – maybe he means “victory” Nixon-style – while  hollering in exhilaration – first time, “The Capitol baby — YAAAHHHH!”  Second time, “Yo.  AAAAGGGGHHHH!”  And third time, “Twenty-twenty-one-donald-TRUMP[sticks out tongue for some reason.]  Who is this well-spoken, mysterious, tanned boyfriend, whose pictures are all over Michelle’s Facebook wall but whose name she keeps a secret?  None of us know – yet. [Mark Simon – Jan. 28.]

DC is for lovers.


The couple that recalls Newsom on the pier together stays together!


Our curiosity as to who exactly from HB or the OC in general helped overrun the Capitol for Trump is insatiable!  A lot of Michelle’s Facebook friends boast about the great adventure… such as Tito Ortiz campaign manager Rick Brown, who actually got on a Trump Bus at the HB Pier on DECEMBER 28 to get to DC TEN DAYS LATER for the hellraising – what commitment!  What time on his hands!  Sadly though, just like Michelle, his social media is scrubbed clean of the weeks since – but why?  There’s nothing he was ashamed of or trying to hide, is there?  Well, maybe Rick also saw something that could be helpful to investigators!  [UPDATE Jan. 20 – the FBI is looking for Rick.  Wow – Tito’s campaign manger on the lam!]

Tito campaign manager Rick Brown, Michelle, and … Hey guys, it’s Tito himself!! (We’re still trying to determine what the Great Big Mayor Pro Tem was doing that day.)


With Tito’s gf Amber, she of the #SaveOurChildren charity, at what must be Tito Central!


Michelle says Recall Gavin, while Tito says “Make Childhood Great Again,” and someone in the background frets over the media’s ignoring sex trafficking!  It could be a little early for the Mayor Pro-tem to be planning for his second childhood, but hey, CTE and all…


It was COLD in DC January 6. But it’s also wrong to deprive America of this valuable history due to simple skittishness over legal exposure…


Not necessarily connected to Michelle Peterson, but just in case we’ve got the FBI’s attention by now (or the SAPD), we’ve captured more OC-to-DC braggadocio, from one of the stars of DECEMBER 6’s “Bristol Melee” in Santa Ana.  Remember that menacing tub of lard Joe Vargas, who helped his fellow Trumpies beat the shit out of three innocent Santa Ana passersby that day?  Well of COURSE he was in DC one month later – too bad he hasn’t been arrested yet for the SA mayhem, he couldn’t-a been well-behaved in Washington.  We’ll close for now with our Joe “lard boy” Vargas collection:



Update 1/20, Vargas removed most of his incriminating videos from IG

1. Lard Boy leads DC MAGAt crowd in purloined “Whose House? Our House!” chant:


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2. He records his chickenhawk hero belching out a bit of hatred before sending his minions off to the slaughter.


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3. Lard Boy LOVES “Hoody” Giuliani, who had just incited the crowd to “Trial By Combat!”


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4.  And finally, Lard Boy gets all Fan Boy with murderer-bailer-out the “My Pillow Guy.”


About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.