With Inauguration Day coming in 100 hours , it’s time to revise the standings for “Most Frequent Presidential First Names” race! (Note that this is not the same as “Most Popular“; if it were,

Woodrow? No. Lyndon? No! Millard? NOOOOO!!! (Love Fillmore’s facial expression, though! Much more contemporary looking than Wilson’s!)
Here are the new standings as of noon on Wednesday, presented in chronological order of first use:
George – 3
John – 4
Thomas – 1
James – 6
Andrew – 2
Martin – 1
William – 4
Zachary – 1
Millard – 1
Franklin – 2
Abraham – 1
Ulysses – 1
Rutherford – 1
Chester – 1
Grover – 1
Benjamin – 1
Theodore – 1
Woodrow – 1
Warren – 1
Calvin – 1
Herbert – 1
Harry – 1
Dwight – 1
Lyndon – 1
Richard – 1
Gerald -1
Ronald -1
Barack -1
Donald -1
Joseph -1
Tomorrow’s inauguration of Joseph R. Biden means that one of what scholars deemed the “Nine Surprise Omissions” can now be scratched off of the list — an event not seen since 1969’s deletion of “Richard” from what were then the “Ten” such omissions. Remaining as what will be called the “Eight Surprise Omissions” are: Charles, David, Henry, Mark, Matthew, Michael, Paul, Peter … and every women’s name ever. “Michael” had long been presumed to be the favorite to be the next to break its losing streak — but now, thanks to the Secretary of State, that prospect strikes pure terror in the hearts of most voters.
While “George” of course got off to an early head start in this competition, it languished for almost two centuries before it recurred. (Though that’s better than the third President’s name, “Thomas,” which has never recurred.) The second President name, “John,” had once dominated the contest (though some note that he arguably cheated, in naming his son) for many years, but in 1993 it fell to a tie for second place with “William,” the name of the otherwise evanescent ninth President.
The leader of the pack continues to be “James,” the name that the fourth President shared with his less luminary protege, the fifth President. Since that illustrious start, though, it has been most notable for describing Presidents he served no more than one term: Polk, Buchanan, Garfield, and Carter. (In Garfield’s case, much less than one.)
In terms of which President’s name has served the most years in office (defined for this purpose as rounded to the closest half year): “James” has 28 and “George” has 20, but “Franklin” rises into a tie with “John” for the #3 spot with 16. “Andrew” and “William” tie for fifth place with 12, two shortened by early deaths.
We will keep you informed on new developments as they develop.
For those following it, the Most Frequent Presidential Surnames race will continue to be a tie between Adams, Harrison, Johnson, Roosevelt, and Bush — with a 34-way tie for second place.)
It’s a great day to be an American!
I’m surprised at how happy I am, and I had expected to be plenty happy.
QAnon people are apparently confused and wracked. I guess we have to deprogram them gently.
You’ll laugh, you’ll weep, you’ll hurl, when you see what these QAnon’ers are going through:
Lemme try this instead… learning Twitter AND Reddit in my 60’s!
But still, go to that first link, I love that blond lady who is starting to realize just how much she’s been lied to: https://fb.watch/38A8hkHGKW/
Some more to hang – Well, even without his Peloton in the White House, no stopping PJB from doing some heavy lifting –
Can you briefly summarize this story for the hard of hearing?
Right now that sadly assumes non-existent spare time. Suggest if interested you search the guest’s info back to the original article cited. Worked for me. Regards.
One thing that made Coastal OC cringe was envisioning newly elected anti-masker Congresswoman Michelle Steel opening her mouth in public. And as expected, she is showing herself to rival Louie Gohmert as a tiny-brained laughing stock in the making. Here she cheerfully describes her brush with Covid 19 as a good way to lose weight!
Or in her words, “And you know what 99% of people that they survive, and you know what I went through I lost few weights it’s a (laughs) VERY GOOD WAY TO LOSE YOUR WEIGHT! And you know what…”
To be fair, Coastal OC deserves this shame. I wonder how things might have been different if Rouda hadn’t driven so many leftist reformers into abstention?
*Dr. D., the lure and smell of cash is abundant here behind the “Orange Curtain” in spite of the number of votes that make election wins. Harley, wanted to take that one step into the abyss of “Fund Raising”…..which is difficult to avoid. However, if he wants to recapture his seat …he will have to do it the “Hard Way” with endorsements from Regular Out of Work folks.