Mamma Mia, here we go again!
Chuck Liddell’s punching bag Tito Ortiz has become a symbol of the oppressed… No, not people who are actually oppressed, just people like this upstanding “patriot” who threw a full shopping cart at an essential worker.
Anti-masker attempts to assault store employee with cart after being confronted. From Orange County, CA from r/PublicFreakout
“F**k YEAH I voted for Tito!”
At the beginning of each year, Huntington Beach City Council has an all-day meeting called the Strategic Planning Workshop, where councilmembers and city staff meet to talk about their agendas for the year, and determine legislative priorities for the city.

Mayor Carr
Mayor Pro Tem Ortiz showed up in person for this meeting, only to be turned away at the door by Mayor Kim Carr due to his continued refusal to wear a mask. To be clear, he wasn’t barred from participating in the meeting– he was welcome to either wear a mask inside, or participate through Zoom; but the City of Huntington Beach requires masks in all government buildings, and it looks like someone is finally enforcing the rules:
Because this meeting was not televised, and because anti-mask Councilmember Erik Peterson announced his absence in advance, it was a savvy moment for Carr to put her foot down. She only had to deny entrance to one unmasked councilmember rather than two, and it was unlikely Ortiz’s absence from the physical meeting would be noticed by many of his supporters.
In fact, if Tito hadn’t immediately bitched on Instagram, she would have entirely avoided a public spectacle. However, as all Tito Watch readers know, the man cannot control himself – his is, as we have observed, “a life lived on Instagram.”
How fast would your boss fire you
if you complained on Instagram
about having to do a Zoom meeting?
After the Oak View incident in December, Ortiz reposted a video bashing Victor Valladares, who had organized the protest, and Trustee Gina Clayton-Tarvin, the OVSD board clerk who had showed up to enforce the district’s mask rule. Within hours, his fans leapt to his rescue.
A comparatively tame (for him) e-mail from Mark White calls Clayton-Tarvin an “enemy of the constitutional republic and we the people,” and implores her to “Shove [her] covidiot mask up [her] enemy a**.” Anaheim resident Danny Masip didn’t mince words when he sent her an Instagram message reading, “You stupid lying c**t. I hope you f***ing fall down a flight of stairs b***h.”

“Receipts” for the incredulous.
Valladares received no hate mail in any of his inboxes, but he was the subject of many violent comments on Tito’s Instagram post (including one from Tito himself!) It’s not terribly surprising that supporters of a man once arrested for beating his girlfriend would direct most of their anger towards a woman in a position of power:

…and THIS is why Tito Watch remains anonymous!
Considering the backlash from last time, even this well-calculated strategy was a risky move for Kim Carr — perhaps more physically risky than politically risky. If Tito Ortiz continues to rile up his base against everyone who disagrees with his actions as an elected official, it’s only a matter of time until someone gets hurt.
He won an election with the campaign slogan “Make Huntington Beach Safe Again.” I guess no one ever thought to ask, “Safe for whom, Tito?”

Chuck Liddell exults.
Dildo the Clown!!
In so many words.
This Mark White chicken and his equally vile cohort hole Danny Masip are pitiful. They are pro-virus, anti-mask covidiots. them.
My mistake, I used the emoji indicating profane language; it was not recognized. I meant “chicken shit” and “asshole” respectively. Oh, and Tito is stupid.
Sincere thanks for that clarification, sir.