
“It looks like you’re trying to root out a smear campaign. Can I help?”
As one now-blocked, but sure to be back in another guise, anonymous commenter noted to us today, we recently removed a comment posted with a link to a page attacking this site and its owners and editors. The comment either came from Chumley or someone who knows Chumley’s email address, which means that it could have been someone else. Either way, it’s from someone who was apparently briefed by Chumley in the Chumlevian way of doing things, which includes sending out poison-pen dossiers that, among other things, are based on his own rantings and those of his partners in harassment.
But that’s not why it was deleted. You can take issue with us here under your own name — but not under someone else’s identity, even if it’s pseudonymous.
It was deleted because it linked to a document purportedly from our erstwhile commenter, author of Tito Watch, who within it appeared to claim to have taken a strong dislike to this site and its owner — after drinking deeply from Chumley’s poison well.
I don’t know who the Tito Watcher is, nor do I know how to contact them. (I don’t think that Vern knows who or how either.) My initial take was that Chumley somehow hunted TW down, fed them his brew of distortions (about Vern, me, and others), and that they then stormed off horrified — without even asking us for our side. At a minimum, that’s how it was depicted.
If that’s really what happened, it’s way below the quality of work we saw from TW before they said that they had gotten tired of covering Tito; in that case, if it was them, good riddance. Maybe they can join Chumley in doing nothing of value for HB. But even if it’s true, if they ever decide to return to their former high standards of research and analysis — which does not actually require liking us personally — they and their good work are welcome back.
Then it occurred to me that there was a much simpler explanation — one that I don’t think believe to be beyond our PR professional and his gang. That is, someone just had to pretend to be Tito Watch — and use their cred and position to attack and disparage us. With Tito Watch gone and us having no way to contact them — both facts that have been stated here publicly — we couldn’t prove that they were not the author.
I fell for it, and even drafted a long, anguished, and detailed response — until my insight that there was no reason for credit it a TW’s work.
This sort of underhanded vicious whisper-campaign is typical of Chumley, Team Trump, and other low-life political figures — but not of us. We put our criticisms and their bases right out front — and we accept the inevitable consequences. But one consequence of this sneaky little attack can be found in a couple of comments we received today from someone in the Chumley circle. (The style matches anonymous comments on his site in years past; the content is weapons-grade Chum.) I wanted to share them in part (though parts are too injurious to others to share):
Deleting comments Vern?
Put’s you in great company you DRUNK.
But the pussy COWARD, Coniving selfish smelly PIG Greg is worse. I am going AFTER EVERY PROGRESSIVE.
We know Ahmed likes to beat the shit out of women, like: Vern, Victor, One Punch Doug, Ahmed.
(For the record, that’s no, no, no, and I haven’t read the police report.)
And it continues on with references to events that we don’t even know occurred. The second all-caps comment doesn’t bear extracting. The email address, which I’m not even trying to confirm actually exists, contains the “N-Word.” Lovely.
So — and we hope that Tito Watch (who can post a draft using their account here if they want to reach us, takes notice) this is how the dirtier agents of OC’s branch of the anti-progressive warriors harass people and (in a puny way) try to terrorize them into shutting up.
I really wish, for selfish partisan and parochial reasons, that this crap were just a GOP/Trumpublican thing. But it Orange County, it’s not. And they eat it up as avidly as Marjorie Taylor Greene.
“Conivingly” yours,
OJB’s Managing Editor and Mucker of the Stables.
Um, what I’ve mainly been deleting from that anonymous commenter or commenters is a really poisonous lie about my friend Mark Daniels, a comment that’s also been published a few times on the Anaheim Blog.
It claims that at the April 27 Anaheim Council meeting, Mark called Jordan Brandman a “Jew Fag” and that I laughed when he said that. Pure lies. Mark never uttered any such words, never would, and nobody else did at that meeting; and if they did I wouldn’t have laughed. (I did laugh at plenty of other things at that meeting, but nothing offensive.)
The first time this anonymous commenter told that story on Matt’s blog, I immediately replied, “Matt, this is a lie and libelous. Please take it down immediately” and to his credit Matt took it down. But now it seems to be open season over there and the comment’s up at least twice. I told Mark about it and that he should complain or even sue, but he said “I don’t care what they write there, nobody reads that blog.”
But it’s ironic all these sudden attacks on our supposed bad language, when – AHEM! – there is very soon going to be proof seen by the entire public of JORDAN HIMSELF writing a truly vicious, sexually violent e-mail about Denise Barnes, whom he hated much more than any of us could fathom.
This e-mail was seen by many members of Anaheim First, who were disgusted, and I heard it caused a couple of them to leave the group. I am just WAITING FOR PERMISSION TO REPRINT IT, so voters can see the real character of the Councilman who swooned so about Larry Larsen’s “China Virus” and supposed anti-Semitic comments from a drunk homeless (and Jewish) commenter at the previous meeting. (That guy made some dumb crack about “Jew lawyers,” but I digress.)
Seeing so much Trump / Republican PROJECTION in the news, I think that’s what we’re seeing here too – Jordan is TERRIFIED of this e-mail being released, which I hope will be soon, and his crowd is trying to pre-empt that and make some kind of equivalency by accusing me and my friends of saying horrible things we never said.
But rest assured, nothing me or Mark are even ACCUSED of saying is half as bad as what Jordan actually wrote about Denise.
What an ugly world it’s becoming.
PS that Tito Watch piece, generally about sexism (or bad behavior toward women) in the Democrat/liberal world, is mostly pretty factual. But I didn’t write the gross things on Twitter that Tito Watch says I “May have written,” those were written by someone else. (Someone I won’t mention.)
But it’s funny that while Dan posts a link to that everywhere he can to embarrass and discredit me, he doesn’t put it on his own blog. Why? Because there’s a whopping section of it berating HIM correctly for his RACISM AND SEXISM toward Tammy Kim, equating her with Asian massage workers who give “happy endings.”
One final note – the writer previously known as “Tito Watch” is still writing good articles about Tito, but now on Gabriel San Roman’s “Slingshot” blog. And Gabriel’s been writing better articles than ever as well.
So was this TW? If so, maybe I’ll republish that parts about Chumley.
If we did write the stuff about me — mostly Chum/Lenore battiness — then I’m really disappointed. But maybe that’s how “Tallest Mecican” likes it.
I smell John Mardahl. Poor Magnus. What must he be thinking.
It smells LIKE him, and it SPELLS like him … but it really is someone from Anaheim that goes to Anaheim meetings. They watch us up close, obsessively, creepily.
Sadly this county seems to have many Mardahls.
I forgot there’s one other reason the Anaheim power structure including Jordan hates me more than ever… Because I forced them to have a special public hearing and vote on the Sunkist Carwash development with my appeal of the Planning Commission vote.
How much does an appeal cost in Anaheim?
$450. Interesting story there too, I’ll message you and Greg.
*So, we have to ask: What is so offensive that it cannot be posted on this site?
Ethnic, Racists, Anti-Sperm, Anti-Jew, Anti-Palestinian, Anti-Russian, Anti-Putin, Anti-Trumpian, Anti-Biden Administration…..maybe even just plain ugly and negative thinking?
The story goes something like this: The most dangerous stuff is full on lies, like saying that one our elected people has been seen drinking out of a neoprene garden hose. Maybe striking a match in front of a burning building? Who knows what is truly offensive? We think DZ and RC are truly offensive…..but that is just our opinion, which counts for nothing evidently. A lot of people hated Tony Rack……we liked him a lot. Some people hated Mike Carona, and we liked him a lot. Some people just like to be naysayers about everyone……..we don’t. We love Lucille Kring and John Moorlach. We love bunches of people others find terrible. Heck, we even don’t mind the folks at Poseidon for example. Lots of other just cringe at the thought. Some people love Employee Unions, others detest them. Some people are Pro Planned Parenthood, while other call those folks “Baby Killers”. We have not hit all the apparent hot spots on this issue, but maybe some will get the idea. We encourage everyone to go to EFF.org
and make your own statement on these issues. Electronic Freedom Foundation….if
you didn’t know.
Yes, your opinion does count for nothing. A brief – and no doubt short – flash of self-awareness.
Carry on.
*Yeah DZ your are still the offensive blunderbuss we have come to love in your constant and ongoing life of grief….
Misrepresenting a document as being from someone else would be highly offensive, in a moral way.
Our rule has been that we accept anonymous/pseudonymous comments, meaning unknown to us, as you can use a pseudonym if we know who you are and can reach you with questions or concerns.But when you elect pseudonymity here, what you give up is the right to slag other people, especially based on so-called inside knowledge. You can get away with that on LibOC, whatever Cunningham’s current site is, the former VOC and OC Weekly, &c. — but that creates a toxic environment. Some people loved that — check our deep archives, or FFFF, which has upheld that tradition that — but I think that it gets deeply in the way of having a serious effect on things we want to change, from sounding alarms about corruption and misconduct to influencing elections.
I hope that that clears things up for you.
The best part of that piece about bad behavior in liberal-male OC is the part that Dan C doesn’t want you to see:
“Liberal OC blogger Dan Chmielewski has been harshly critical of discriminatory and sexual misconduct by fellow liberals, leftists, and Democrats, but this appears to be a classic case of pot-and-kettle finger-pointing. He was recently called out by Melissa Fox for an extremely misogynistic and racist comment directed at Irvine Vice Mayor Tammy Kim, after criticizing her anti-Asian hate resolution for failing to include old white men like himself…”
“…Another OC Democrat confirmed, ‘I’ve personally witnessed him yell at, harass, belittle, and dismiss women so many times I’ve lost count. This man’s outdated misogynistic and racist views have no place in our party.’”
At the last Anaheim meeting, May 18, I’d planned to rattle Jordan’s cage a little at the end of my speech, by saying, “By the way, Jordan, what you wrote about Denise Barnes was horrible.”
But Mark Daniels spoke a little before me, and felt he had to waste half his speech denying saying anything homophobic or anti-semitic about Jordan, ever. And at the end of his speech, Jordan turned on his mike, smiling, and said, “Mark… I believe you.” Then I kind of didn’t feel like attacking Jordan any more. This can wait.
PS I just noticed Matt took down both the comments about Mark, that’s good.
I’d rate it a little less than “good” — it’s like coming up with better safety protocols for Fukushima after the damage had been done.
Anyone around her know anyone involved in OC politics (including as an observer) of the last name “Vance”? I’m concerned that we have another identity appropriation here.
Yes I do know myself well.
But, While I am not active “on the streets” my signicant other is. And I might add well known to you and Vern, although probably disagreeable on most things “progressive”.
But, my comment was directed … bla bla bla
Your first comment was really stupid, too stupid to approve. And I tried e-mailing you to explain why it was so stupid, but your e-mail address doesn’t work. That’s bad too.
PS I further notice that you keep changing your IP. All in all not real trust-inducing.
PPS I see that you commented as “Doug Clayton” on the kleptoblog Thursday. That’s a weird list of incidents that were supposedly denied. Half of those really DID happen and were never denied. I’m proud of my song about Avelino. Never heard of that Tiffany Ackley one, I get along okay with her.
Anyway you need to look up “non-denial denial.” Mark absolutely denies saying “Jew Fag,” about anyone, anywhere, ever.
Haha, got my hands on Jordan’s texts about Denise. Damn they’re gross and scary.
But they can wait, until after the Sunkist Showdown Tuesday.
And sure enough, MONTHS after the recipients of those texts sent a complaint/report to Anaheim’s human relations dept, TWELVE HOURS after I post the above comment, they responded.
No substance to their response though. It’s all still “confidential.”
Keep coming back, we’ll post those texts Wednesday after the Sunkist vote.