Three of the friendly Recall Team who might come to your District 2 door – Fred, Vern & Matt!
[Regular readers of this blog will already know most of the following information; but this post is a resource for Anaheim District 2 residents who may not have paid much attention to Anaheim politics till now.]
Who should want to recall Anaheim Councilman Jordan Brandman?
Any Anaheim resident who cares about honest government and basic decency.
Who CAN sign for the Recall, and later vote on it?
Only registered voters from District 2. Basically, District 2 is Anaheim from Magnolia to Euclid, with 3 exceptions:
- If you’re north of Crescent, it’s only BROOKHURST to Euclid.
- There’s a chunk west of Magnolia that’s included, down between Winston and Cerritos.
- Those unincorporated areas are out of luck.
Put another way, District 2 is the PINK in this map:
Put another way, you can look up whether or not you’re in District 2 by inputting your address HERE. And if you’re NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE, it’s easy as pie to register (or let them know your new address) – just CLICK HERE and it takes about 5 minutes!
How do we sign? We can hardly wait.

Denise is starting to be the most prolific signature gatherer!
Teams of Brandman Recallers are knocking on the doors of all the registered voters of the district, between now and Oct 5 (by which time we’ll need 6000 signatures to get the recall on the ballot later this year – we’ll be needing to get 500 a week.) If you, and two or more other people, want to sign NOW, give one of us a call and we’ll come to you:
- Vern 714-235-8376
- Denise 714-686-8724
- Fred 626-391-6878.
Yes, but WHY recall Jordan Brandman?
Ah, that’s the best part. Have a seat.
Most press attention so far has been on the vicious, misogynistic texts he wrote about his Council colleague Denise Barnes, which most folks feel are disqualifying for an office of public trust. [OC Register, Voice of OC, Orange Juice Blog.]
But there are SO MANY MORE reasons that made us start this Recall before we even knew about the texts:
Number one, because we told him last fall that if he voted to give away our Anaheim Stadium to billionaire Arte Moreno for a fraction of its worth, while letting him call his team the Los Angeles Angels, we would recall him. He laughed and voted to give away the Stadium anyway, for $150 million in small payments over the years, so now we must keep our word. (And no, the team was never leaving Anaheim, they had nowhere to go – and we have still not seen a cent of that money, even as Anaheim’s post-Covid debt reaches $800,000.)
Throughout his years on council, as a loyal part of the Disney-funded (bipartisan) majority, he passed billions of dollars in subsidies to resort interests, including a promise to Disney of no Gate Tax for 45 years!
A month before the pandemic hit, he drove our City into over $500 million of debt by granting exorbitant raises to police and fire, whose unions help fund his campaigns.
In March 2020 after the pandemic hit, he voted to divert $6.5 million of Federal Covid aid to “Visit Anaheim” to advertise Disney and the resorts, which couldn’t even open for over another year. Later he refused to re-direct that money to laid-off Disney and resort workers.
As a loyal part of Mayor Sidhu’s majority, he has always sided with deep-pocketed out-of-town developers over Anaheim’s neighborhoods and small businesses, for example:
- Approving 39 three-story townhomes overlooking Pauline Street backyards;
- Approving the carwash development at Sunkist & Ball, against the unanimous objections of the neighborhood to the noise and traffic, while destroying eight locally-owned small businesses;
- Tried to replace a popular Anaheim Hills commercial center on Serrano St with a residential development to be built by his funder John Saunders.
He does NOT represent District 2 or West Anaheim, and is never seen in public here. He moved here, late at night, on the last day he could in 2018, to run against Honest James Vanderbilt because Jose Moreno beat him in District 3; then he refused to debate Vanderbilt, but lied and said it was Vanderbilt who wouldn’t debate him. Every unpopular vote Jordan takes, he says, “I am going to follow the judgment of Mayor Sidhu, because he was elected at large and I wasn’t” – thus depriving District 2 and West Anaheim of a voice.
He has refused, since 2018, to protect senior mobile-home owners, or long-term apartment renters, from rent-gouging and no-cause evictions – by his contributors such as John Saunders.
He tried to bring EIGHT MORE CANNABIS DISPENSARIES into West Anaheim but was outvoted. Agree with cannabis or not, he was doing the work of his campaign contributors in that industry, who gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Whether you support designating “Little Arabia” or not, that is something he promised to do during the election, to get votes from District 2’s Arab-American community, and now he refuses to even discuss that – another broken campaign promise.
He has consistently refused even to allow discussion on such important issues as campaign finance reform, and affordable housing.
As Anaheim’s OC Water District representative, he pushes the $1.5 billion Poseidon desalination boondoggle, after having received contributions from that company for a decade. This will raise all our water rates unnecessarily, while damaging the ocean and polluting the air.
Tried to derail and postpone District elections in late 2015 so as not to face Jose Moreno in the 2016 election, leading to a censure from his own Party. ALL OF THIS IS ONLY A VERY PARTIAL LIST!
Anaheim, and District 2, can not afford another five and a half years of this corrupt and wasteful Councilman. WE CAN DO MUCH BETTER. Find “Recall Jordan Brandman 2021” on Facebook, or call one of us if you’d like to sign and/or volunteer!
- Vern 714-235-8376
- Denise 714-686-8724
- Fred 626-391-6878.

“Democrat” Brandman at the Sidhu’s mansion, celebrating “Republican” Harry’s razor-thin victory over Democrat Ashleigh AItken.
Met some nice folks who work for the school district. Turns out he’s been creating hostile work environments since before he got to city hall…He needs more than a month off for his mental illness, maybe a life-long vacation from public service!
I think he might have a career in lobbying … not that we really need more lobbyists.
Thank You Steven Fassel and APD for keeping us safe. Imagine that a disgruntled racist old white man threatening our parade.
Thanks like drunk driving through the Disneyland parking lot.
Racist like threatening to rip a Latina’s breasts off?
On KFI this morning – starts at 17:00, continues till around 24:00. Gary and Shannon really trip out on the Mara Brandman angle.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES stop exactly at the 24:00 point!
The half-minute after that is when Shannon realizes, after learning that Mara Brandman was 13-years deceased, but still being quoted to this effect, that Jordan was throwing his dead mother under the bus. She pauses, seeming to find it less than charming, in a “yeeesh, this sort of thing should never happen” way.
They intend to bookmark us. Nice! (And thank you again, Kathy Chance!)
Wait. Shannon Ferrin who’s Dad was a KILLER COP in SF.
Oh, the lady on the radio! Interesting…
Gosh, I wish I could watch it. The video won’t open for me. Is there anywhere else to watch it besides iHeart?
Thank you!
Greg: My pleasure!
Well, for one thing it’s just audio, not video. Don’t know why your computer won’t read it.
Fred and Vern on last night’s It’z Happenin show. Discussion on the Jordan Recall commences around 24:08 with the words “Speaking of rats…”
I was finally able to listen to:
(07/19) GAS Hour 2 – Gary and Shannon
Gary and Shannon
It’z Happenin #203
all the speakers, including Denise Barnes, at this week’s city council meeting!
Awesome! Keep up the great work!
You oughtta join us … when you’re feeling safe.
So it turns out that Larry Bin Larsen is as Bat Shit Crazy as your FAT CUNT WIFE.
Poor Mrs. Moreno. When the picture of her AND her 23 year old Daughter are featured in an Social Media blitz entitled “SUCK MY COCK”. Let’s see what Kathy “BLOW ME” Chance neighbors say when her “cum tribute” pic in Vern”s bathroom is published and distributed
Let’s hear for the Jew FAG, Retardo and funny talking guy who speaks SEVERAL LANGUAGES.
How about you and I meet up, face to face.
You sure do talk a good game from your keyboard.
How ’bout you say it to my face; say it directly to me, and then we, or me, will go from there.
Now and then I like to share the kind of trash we get every day, which we usually throw out. Nice people, these defenders of Jordan, eh?
There’s this thing called a “trigger warning,” man….
“Tail between their legs” Jordan-lovin;’ chicken shits, is what they are. Little Keyboard Warrior, Anchor Ban Dan, wouldn’t have the guts to say his trash to my face, Donna’s face, Mrs. Moreno, or her daughter. I personally would chew him up and spit him out. C’mon, Anchor Bar Dan, try me!
Whoever it is probably looks at me with a sheepish grin when I go to Council meetings.
“Anchor Bar Dan” can let me know (when he stops peeing his diapers), and I will set up a meeting at 425 S Harbor with this individual, along with Ms. Donna, Mrs. Moreno and her daughter, so that Anchor Bar Dan can tell us to our faces how he REALLY feels. It wouldn’t be the first time such a meeting like this took place with me involved.
Anchor Bar Dan, please note that I WILL be hitting your emotional comfort level below the belt, and in front of others, who will most likely be laughing their a**es off. You WILL leave with your tail between your legs. If you cannot take the wrath, you may want to consider a public apology to us women. Otherwise, let’s schedule a “date!”
Doesn’t have to be at the police station either. We could do it right in front of the Chamber of Commerce.
Hahahahaa! You’re right! Either way, I would need you to film it and get it up on YouTube. Poor dude, he has NO IDEA what he’s getting himself (or herself) into! HAHAHAHAAAAA!
Since the dude wants to talk about my MOUTH, I will give it to him on a silver platter; but he ain’t gonna be happy about it.
Kathy Can we invite Minivan He’ll and the HB HUDDLERS TOO? Donna can watch her Suck Verns COCK!
Vern, Just stay out of the bathroom save the load for the “lil” show. Kathy, maybe MRD can give the play by play
ANCHOR BAR DAN: I am an educated woman, yet I have no idea what you are talking about. Let’s meet up at APD, 425 S Harbor, Anaheim. If you continue to disrespect women on this website, and refuse to meet up with me at APD, I will be filing a police report for sexual harassment and online bullying. I like to at least give people the chance to explain themselves first. Your choice —> however, I am standing down to take you verbally down for your despicable comments about we women. Muhahahahaaa! Winka winka winka!
OK, stop replying to this creepy troll. He’s going back in the trash can. He is not going to become a character on this blog.
Outstanding, Vern; thank you!
[ED NOTE: This is some ass PRETENDING to be our friend Dave Duran. The picture ain’t our friend either…]
“Jordan resigned and got a CUSH State Job.
I heard a rumor about the appointment and you guys might be wishing for Jordan!”
Cush or Kush?
We will get a construction union/Disney/Arte Moreno stooge. Just like Brandman, but hopefully not a sick bastard.
I’m hearing
Nathan ZugGloria Ma’ae! That was really my first guess. An Anaheim Firster who lives in District 2, I actually walked past her place on Dogwood and ALMOST knocked. She did yeo-woman’s work in 2013-15 trying to keep district elections from happening, and she will help address the Council’s gender problem.