It was foretold in the Book of SOAR.
Long story short: Tuesday night 9/14/2021 the Anaheim Council, 4-2 (Moreno and Valencia abstaining) appointed ferociously loyal SOAR member Gloria Saha’gun Ma’ae as Jordan Brandman’s replacement for Council District 2.
Short story long:
Did I call this or what? It was early July when I was standing on Gloria’s driveway, across La Palma from John Marshall Park, deciding whether to knock or not. I should have, I don’t remember why I didn’t, it didn’t look like they were home. I was getting signatures for the Brandman recall with Liz Gracian (a great canvassing partner, fluent in Spanish and outraged by Jordan’s texts) and I could see on my voter info sheet that Gloria lived there with her husband and son, all registered Republicans. And I said to Liz, “The lady who lives here is likely to be the beneficiary of what we’re doing now.”
Because, more than anyone else I could think of in District 2, Gloria has shown fierce loyalty to Anaheim’s special interests – Disney and the Chamber of Commerce – for over a decade. I’ve been following her career and occasionally arguing with her since 2012 (and she always had an amusing way of greeting me, semi-sneering “Hiii Vern!” slowly and going UP on the “hi” like a high school mean girl with a sense of humor. I wonder if she’ll keep doing that now – I won’t mind if she does.)
Since 2007, as a founding member of Disney’s front group SOAR (complete with the coveted red “VIP pass” which’ll get you and three friends into any Disney park in the world except Tokyo as often as you want) she has fought like a bulldog for everything Disney and the Chamber want, even when those wishes are unpopular with the public. Cynthia Ward, who used to be on SOAR with her, says, “Nobody tells Gloria what to do – Disney just happened to find someone who believes and thinks like them.” Maybe that is how it happened, but over the years her Disney-like thinking has led her to:
- Fighting long but unsuccessfully against District Elections (She lost – 69% of Anaheim voter chose the reform in 2014.)
- Fighting in 2018 against a Living Wage for Disney/Resort workers. (She lost that too – Measure L triumphed by 54.2%)
- Speaking out in favor of the unnecessary, debt-exploding Convention Center expansion, revealingly admitting that she didn’t understand all the numbers but had a good feeling about it.
- And being rewarded with membership in the Chamber-created astroturf group “Anaheim First!”
No wonder 4 outta 5 Disney-funded councilmembers – Faessel, O’Neil, Diaz and Mayor Sidhu – found her the obvious and safe choice.
“Controlled by SOAR?” Child, Gloria helped FOUND SOAR.
Last month, going out on a limb by presuming it’d be a bad idea for the Council to replace a member who’d had to resign because of his threats of violence (Jordan “rip her f***ng tits off” Brandman) with another member known to threaten violence (“Shut up and get out of my way or I’ll go STREET on you!”) activist Jeanine Robbins told the Council her story of being trash-talked and threatened by Gloria at a 2018 Maxwell Park event (which we’ll recap later.)
And then, on Tuesday afternoon, mere hours before the Council vote, came the final sign that Gloria was the Chosen One, the Foreordained: Chamber-funded blogger Matt Cunningham printed his revisionist version of that Maxwell Park incident, a version in which Jeanine is the aggressor, entitled “Council Gadfly Flings Mud at Only Latina Applicant for District 2 Vacancy.” Pretty much a nothing-burger story, it just says Jeanine is lying about it all, and that she’s an un-self-aware “zealot.”
Note that folks like me and Jeanine, when we criticize the establishment, are called “gadfly,” while Gloria, who aggressively advocates for positions that are often unpopular, is never called a gadfly. Matt is right about one thing though, Gloria IS a “Latina,” a Mexican-American born in Santa Ana (just like Jeanine Robbins, ironically.) Most of us had assumed that with an exotic name like “Gloria Sahag’un Ma’ae” she was some kind of Pacific Islander, but apparently those names come from her Samoan husband, by all reports a real nice guy.
But this brings up another matter – even her four adoring Council fans refuse to even try to pronounce “Ma’ae” correctly, referring to her as “Gloria May” like “Maggie Mae” (which is admittedly the best song ever.) When deciding how to pronounce a person’s name, I tend to believe that they do it correctly themselves. For example the “ae” in “Faessel” is not pronounced like “fossil” or like “facile” or like “facial,” but rather rhymes with “vessel”, as in “used for carrying water.” So I listened to how Gloria pronounces her surname, and you know what?
You too can pronounce “Ma’ae!”
The name is actually supposed to sound something like “muh-EYE!” with a millisecond pause at the apostrophe to allow for a glottal stop on the “eye.” It’s best, at first, to imagine oneself as Scarlett O’Hara experiencing sudden ocular discomfort (right). You can practice at home by putting your hand up protectively to your face and exclaiming “muh-EYE!” like someone just gave you a shiner – maybe Marlon Brando, or Gloria herself. After just a few tries, you should be able to go out and pronounce Gloria’s last name correctly, unlike Harry Sidhu, Steve Faessel, Trevor O’Neil or Jose Diaz, all of whom are so enamored of her.
Speaking of Faessel, as he listed Gloria’s dazzling list of accomplishments, he actually included her three years on the “Citizen’s Advisory Commission on Elections” as though that were a GOOD thing, even though her whole function there was to keep district elections from happening or to postpone them as long as possible. So let’s examine:
The Districts-Postponing Commission, 2012-14
(That’s a more honest name for it.) In August 2012, two of our five Councilmembers, Tait and Galloway, wanted to quickly put an initiative on the November 2012 ballot to move Anaheim to District Elections in time for the 2014 Council races. Latinos and the ACLU were suing for that reform, mainly on the grounds that Anaheim’s huge Latino community wasn’t getting enough representation on Council. Others of us, conservatives and liberals both, wanted districts for at least two other good reasons – it should make it six times less expensive to run for Council (giving us a fighting chance against the special interests), and of course we’d theoretically have representatives more in touch with the problems and needs of different areas.
Disney, the most powerful economic force in town, was as two-faced about the issue as you could imagine. On the morning of that fateful August 8 meeting, their president released a statement that SOUNDED extremely enthusiastic about all the diversity and democracy district elections would bring, but all of that was subtly undercut by the final paragraph: before any rash moves toward districting were made, a citizens’ commission should be formed to study the issue at length, from all angles, hearing from many, many experts. In other words, Disney is okay with Districts, but NO TIME SOON. (Remember, keeping elections at-large and prohibitively expensive favors the wealthy special interests and shuts out any dread reformers.)
And the three-member, Disney-funded Council majority at the time – Sidhu, Kris Murray, and Gail Eastman (another SOAR founder) – didn’t even PRETEND to favor district elections but were nakedly HOSTILE to the reform. They kept it off the ballot, and, as Disney suggested (Jordan Brandman, running for Council at the time, read a statement almost exactly like Disney’s) formed a “Citizen’s Advisory Commission” to which each Councilmember got to nominate two members. Obviously this, as planned, resulted in a 6-4 majority on the Commission which didn’t even PRETEND to be open to the reform.
And on that Commission, the most aggressive bulldogs holding the line against District Elections were Gloria, Sandra Day, and the toughest guy in the Colony with a long white ponytail, Keith Olesen.
One weird detour: After Sidhu and Galloway were both termed out, replaced by anti-districting Lucille Kring and AMBIVALENT Jordan Brandman, one of Sidhu’s anti-districting appointees dropped out of the commission, so Brandman had a chance to appoint a replacement. And even though he had promised Los Amigos, Loretta Sanchez, and his own Democratic Party to support District Elections, he chose as his appointee Republican Amanda Edinger, who was both fervently anti-districting and obsessed with stopping Mexican immigration. (To the degree that she thought children with ONE undocumented parent should be DEPORTED, even if the other parent was a citizen.) Jordan has never explained that bizarre choice, but every now and then I just don’t let people FORGET!
District elections would have prevailed eventually in any case, but its progress through the Citizens’ Advisory Commission was hastened by TWO FASCINATING DEFECTIONS:
1. Distinguished old West Anaheim businessman and Korean War veteran Vic Real had been put onto the Commission as an anti-districting vote by outgoing Councilman Harry Sidhu, but he paid close attention throughout the two years of meetings, and finally changed his mind, voting YES at the last minute! Gloria and Sandra screamed like the sky had fallen! Sandra, fighting back tears, practically prostrated herself to Vic, crying “PLEASE! PLEASE change your vote, Vic! We’ve been FRIENDS for so LONG! How can you DO this to me!?” but to no avail. Gloria demanded a second vote, also to no avail. Vic lost all his Disney-loving friends. Blogger Matt Cunningham labeled Vic a “weak sister.” (Ponder, for a moment, Matt Cunningham calling a Korean War veteran a “weak sister.”) I got Vic’s number and tried to interview him but he threw a fit: “I don’t want to talk to anybody about this, I’m getting threats, I’m getting insults, I did the right thing and I’m done!” I guess Disney REALLY didn’t want district elections.
2. The other fascinating defection, months later, was long-white-haired tough guy Keith Olesen. The anti-districting majority, hoping to make the best of their defeat, proposed to make Anaheim’s district elections the FAKE kind that Santa Ana had at the time – where the city was divided up into wards or districts and one councilmember had to live in each, but still had to RUN AT LARGE, keeping it as difficult and expensive as ever. I wrote about this near-disaster in my 2013 piece “Sirloin or Dog Food?” Credit due to Olesen, who didn’t like district elections, but reckoned PHONY district elections would be even worse.
And so District Elections went to a vote of Anaheim’s people who overwhelmingly said yes in November 2014, after the Council had spent $3 million of OUR money fighting against it. In late 2015 Brandman nearly derailed it again, but that’s another story. In 2016, our first election under the new system, we managed to get an honest Council for the first time in memory. But in 2018 and since, Disney and the other special interests dealt with their setback in predictable ways: quadrupling their campaign spending, and finding Latinos and Democrats who would follow their orders. Gloria Ma’ae is one of those Latinas.
All right, now let me get you the straight dope on…
The Incident at Maxwell Park.
Two big things (at least) were going on in Anaheim that 2018 autumn of discontent: Underpaid Disney/resort workers were fighting for an initiative (2018’s Measure L) that would make any Anaheim employer enjoying public subsidies pay a “living wage” (starting at $15 an hour.) And the city’s & county’s burgeoning homeless population, having been evicted from their Santa Ana River Trail settlements in February and housed in motels for a month, were back out on the street en masse, many notably at West Anaheim’s Maxwell Park.
(THAT story is told here in song, if you have the time and interest.)
And SOME rocket scientist in the Measure L-opposing Disney/Chamber establishment came up with the idea to hold a press conference there at Maxwell Park, October 11, using the homeless folks as a backdrop, to make the UTTERLY BYZANTINE CASE that if Disney had to pay a living wage they wouldn’t be making as big of a PROFIT, and would no longer be able to help address the homeless problem (which of course they hadn’t been doing anyway.) It was really a bizarre idea – it was much easier to make the opposite case, that Measure L would help reduce homelessness – after all there were Disney and resort workers living in their cars and on the street, some right there at Maxwell Park.
Well, somehow muckraker Duane Roberts got wind of this press conference before it happened, and alerted Jeanine Robbins, who put out a call for Measure L supporters and homeless advocates to get there first, which we did! First we warned the local homeless folks that they were about to be used as a hostile backdrop, and put up some big signs in front of them, then we stood there with our Measure L signs waiting for the Disney/Chamber crowd to get there. (Even Ada Briceño, then a progressive union leader, joined us!)
And ALL the usual suspects showed up, one at a time:
- Ernesto Medrano from the Building Trades, that greedy collection of unions that didn’t want hotel & resort workers to enjoy the same wages and benefits as them.
- Jay Burress of Visit Anaheim in his fancy socks, enjoying a $400K salary from the city while living in San Clemente.
- Todd Ament who has long played at running the Chamber of Commerce although he gets his orders from lobbyists and Disney (and is now reportedly in legal hot water and has left town.)
- Hilariously, then-Councilwoman Kris Murray drove up, saw us, and turned right around. (And probably drowned the rest of her afternoon in Chardonnay as is her wont when frustrated.)
- And of course, our new District 2 Councilwoman Gloria Ma’ae was there, “representing” for SOAR.
I was standing with Wes Jones, holding a sign, and trying to have constructive debate with some folks, so I wasn’t watching Jeanine. But she was up front with her sign, and when the macho Ernesto saw her he ordered her to go OVER THERE to the bleachers. She laughed in the union thug’s face.
Then Gloria stood as close to Jeanine as she could, and neither Chicana keeps quiet much. After a few attempts to get her sign in front of Jeanine’s, Gloria spat, “Shut up and get out of the way or I’ll GO STREET ON YOU!” Jeanine, a tad incredulous, laughed again at Gloria, which seemed to make her even madder, and she repeated the exact same words even louder. (Must be one of Gloria’s sayings.) By this time several people from both sides had turned around and were watching and listening slack-jawed, and one of Gloria’s own friends pulled her away.
Gloria is TRIBAL in nature. She is of the Disney/SOAR tribe. And Jeanine was from the opposing tribe. And was infringing on Gloria’s tribe’s TERRITORY. (And maybe this is all a good thing, from the Council majority’s point of view.)
The press that was there concluded and reported that there was a great deal of disagreement on Measure L, and on homeless policy, which was a reasonable fair conclusion for them to draw. But just think, in retrospect – Jeanine was there trying to get a living wage for Disney employees, while Gloria was there trying to make sure her beloved Disney did NOT have to shell out more for their hard workers. And meanwhile, Jeanine and her friends were in the middle of fighting in court for more shelter space and civil rights for the homeless, while Gloria and her friends’ solution was for police to arrest them more frequently, for existing.
I report, you decide.
This piece will have to be in two parts. Part Two will be about the “transparent process” leading up to Tuesday night’s decision to appoint Gloria, and the decision itself. It was only thanks to Dr. Jose Moreno’s stubborn efforts that any of the public were able to hear the ten candidates questioned on real issues. Gloria did NOT cover herself in glory, and there is video. Four other candidates – Philip Wolfgram, Rudy Gaona, Carlos Leon, and our favorite Fred Sigala Jr – distinguished themselves, and we hope to hear much more from them in the future. Video of all that too. Vern out.
Gloria is Now in the in the ‘Limelight’.. no longer hiding in the shadows she has to be accountable now the next council meeting went to take their hand off the Bible the “game begins”!
The whole “Soar/Anaheim First” thing fascinates Me,_ that they think they can keep the raindrops from hitting the ground or holding the ocean back with a broom and this only work until it doesn’t,and eventually like a measure L comes along and slapped them in the face, because the reality is well.. that’s why they call it reality! and this will happen again and again, they’re an outmoded outdated organization and they can call themselves whatever they want and eventually it will Crash and Burn.
Chased Jordan out and got this. Fuck you Pathetic worm
You’re right, I should have just covered up Jordan’s texts like the establishment and the rest of the media.
NOT! 🙂
In Pragmatism it is postulated that a consequence with no distinction from an alternative, is, in reality, the same damn thing.
Yeah, what kind of person would prefer Jordan to Gloria?
Maybe, a “Democrat” who just wants ANY “Democrat” to carry the Democrat flag?
Maybe, someone who badly wants ANYBODY who’s gay to soar to political heights and make them proud? No matter how corrupt and unbalanced they are?
A “liberal” who thinks it’s worthwhile to keep swindling Anaheim’s public on the chance that the swindler will someday be an assemblyman or Congressman who casts nice votes on gun control, LGBT rights, women’s rights? (While secretly wanting to “rip their tits off?”)
It’s hard to think of a lot of people who could have a legit reason to prefer Jordan to Gloria. Gloria’s probably better cuz she really IS a Republican and doesn’t have to PRETEND not to pursue trickle-down economics.
Thanks for the history and for your kind words about me! I learned a ton from going through that application process. As a Psychiatric Nurse, I gained some valuable insight into the thought process of our leadership.
The biggest takeaway for me thus far has been that most of our leaders owe their careers in politics to donors who’ve persuaded them to make hasty decisions benefitting said donors. They then commit to seeing those decisions through come hell or high water because of promises made for future gains for the city. Their intention may indeed be to benefit our great city as they are convinced to believe that during the sales pitch-like lobby sesh, but much like with a time-share, once you fall for it, they’re going to keep you jumping through hoops to get it for the rest of your life, and they make it next to impossible to get out.
Anyone can become a victim and it shouldn’t be so hard to admit you were selected and duped because you were ignorant of their ways and gullible. But the Ego builds powerful walls before going dormant giving way to narcissism. They are then surrounded by “Yes-men/women” in echo chambers like Anaheim 1st, told they are going to have the full support of the corporate juggernaut, and begin to rely on that input in order to perform the most basic ego functions at which point, only their False Selves are what the rest of us get to see.
It’s all driven by narcissism, insecurity, and their unwavering need for control which is why I always try to be kind to these folks because I see them as broken people who became unfortunate victims, fooled into believing they were ever truly qualified to be what they think they are. The residents are just unfortunate collateral damage, and their loved ones are probably very lonely people because of the inability of these folks to pay attention to anyone else’s needs. I doubt they really like themselves very much really.
These are tried and true techniques by the way, real kool-aid drinking stuff they do to people. And since there’s one born every minute as they say, I really stop associating the individual with it. Once you spot it, it really should take the same form in your eyes every time. If you’re going to attack, attack the source because you never know who might wake up and suddenly become an ally. My 2 cents anyway. Again, thanks for the history as usual!
I wish Gloria nothing but the best. I really do.
I hope she understands what she signed up for. Council, in any city but more so in Anaheim, is an ugly grinding business that has little relief and an even smaller paycheck.
She’s going to put in a lot of work, a lot of stress, and a lot of soul into a job that’s only going to make a lot of other people really rich. No red passport to anywhere will makeup for the year or so of often revolting topics discussed in closed sessions, hours of public comments, and pseudo public fame/infamy.
I hope she does better and has more substance than Jordan Brandman’s Trader Joe’s.
Her red passport probably has a value that exceeds the limits on gifts, so I presume that she’ll have to give it back. At a minimum, anyone with such a passport should have to abstain on Disney-related votes.
Well, maybe she’ll be decent on non-Disney/Resort related issues. That would be a nice change from her predecessor. If not, I guess we can always “go street on her.”
Those red VIP passports lasted a year, were given out to SOAR members and other supporters each year, and that practice stopped a few years ago – the whole thing was getting a little controversial.
Great Job Vern. And yeah we are losing the war but we are getting our licks in. We shut their “fake news” conference down big time. And with Vern’s leadership Brandman is gone.
Vern can stick this entire event right up his ass and blame any discomfort on the wife he beats up so he has a place to sleep at night. Fuck you Vern
You can cheer up, your golden boy fell right into a great job with the Building Trades, where he can talk about women however he wants and have plenty of fun in Fullerton in his spare time.
And ladies and gentlemen, here’s a lesson. We try to understand a corrupt politician’s bad votes by looking at the few thousand they get in campaign contributions, but the real place to look is their Promised Plum Post-Political Positions.
And we don’t know about those until after the fact, but THEY sure do.
I think that someone has a crush on you-ou, Vern!
Let’s actually wait and see, what she does before busting out the knives!!
She can’t be worse than ANY of the current council and mayor. Hypocrite Jose included.
Yeah. She’s “brilliant.” Somebody on Jerbal Cunningham’s blog said so.
That somebody was her fellow SOAR member and Anaheim Firster Michelle Lieberman.
Michelle was also Lucille Kring’s planning Commissioner.
A bunch of us had fun protesting at Michelle’s “historic” Colony home that same year (2018) when she held a fundraiser for SOAR.
And why the hell are there things like SOAR fundraisers? These middle-class folks really think Disney needs their money? It’s like paying tribute to a king, just making sure they know you’re loyal.
But I digress. Gloria has a year to show if she has any independence.
A phony “fundraiser” is part of the “lookoverhere” show, just like Anaheim First, whose signs actually color-highlighted the last letters: “i’m first” like a little gold star handed out to the slowest kid in the class.
Jerb had the temerity to insinuate intellectual dishonesty on my part because I refused to acknowledge a distinction between the SOAR Advisory Board and their political action committee! I guess the fact that a pod may have more than one pea is a significant categorical fact.
“Gloria has a year to show if she has any independence.”
If there was an iota of a chance of that happening she never would have been anointed by SOAR.
I know, it’s just good form for me to say that. Crazy things DO happen every few years or so.
David Zenger, who said anything about “brilliance”? You guys here are knee jerseys opinionist. All I am saying is give it a chance. As a great example Tom Tait, a friend was thought to be a tool. Turned out to be slightly better than “Mitt Romney” (that’s simply an example of moderate or RINO’S). But then we learn he was living in Laguna Beach. While still serving as mayor.
I don’t know if you are familiar with the term carpetbagger, but, dishonesty and/or honesty is proven and earned, not proclaimed.
You folks seem oddly out of touch with Anaheim. Do you even live here?
Interesting comment, about 70% incomprehensible and about 70% wrong! (Which means that around 40% of it is BOTH incomprehensible and wrong, which is difficult to pull off!)
Quickly though, Mayor Tait never lived in Laguna (he’s got an extra place down there as successful folks sometimes do, but I know for a fact he never left his place in the Hills.)
And if you don’t know Zenger or me, it’s probably YOU that don’t know Anaheim.
But then, I’m just a knee jerseys opinionist.
I have tried to stay as out of touch with Anaheim as I can. And yet some of the Pringle/SOAR/Cop Union/Hard Hat/Assclown corruption news filters through.
I’ve lived in my Anaheim crib for 16 years, whatever relevance that may hold for you and I do know all about carpetbaggers whom I have been fighting for a long time; carpetbaggers like your amigo Hide-and-Seek Harry Sidhu who once registered at TWO fradulent addresses in the SAME election, and Lorri Galloway who did it THREE times in that same election.
And finally, what the fuck is a “knee jersey.” Is that something you wear while genuflecting to the Most High God up in Burbank?
You misspelled “New Jersey,” where you seem to be from.
Tait gave his Anaheim home to his daughter for tax reasons and lived illegally (Anaheim Municipal Code) for almost two years while Anaheim Mayor with his gay “friends” in Laguna Beach. Check out the OC Register article about Tait’s teenage friend trying to kill himself in the ocean. Tait and our just resigned council member were two of a kind?
I realize that the surname sounding like “Fits Gerald” may have scarred you a little from people wondering who “Gerald” was, but that’s no excuse for this sort of rampant homophobia.
Even if he gave his home to his daughter, which I’m not even going to presume is true, is it any more than your idle supposition that it (1) was for tax reasons, (2) was for nefarious reasons, and (3) that it did not remain his permanent address? I’ll engage the accusation (and look up the relevant section of the Anaheim Municipal Code if you convince me that there’s any good reason for doing so. So far, you haven’t; I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to.
The whole point of this exercise seems to be to gay-bait Tait (who, so far as I know, is straight, but that would have made no difference to me either way) based on some serious psychological issues regarding homosexuality. Gays live in Newport Beach? OMG! Did you mean to imply with your scare quotes that any men he was friends with (or who stayed at his house) were more than friends?
Yes, as far as I recall, someone living in the vacation home Tait either owns or owned in Laguna Beach — perhaps because sometimes Anaheim gets hot — did try to commit suicide by walking into the ocean. That is tragic — if the kid had grown up gay, he may had endured than his share of psychologically damaging abuse from people like you — but it doesn’t reflect on Tait. If, as I recall, he was giving a refuge (or maybe it was a home caretaking job) as a kindness.
As for Tait being “two of a kind” with Brandman: do you really think that the objectionable thing about Brandman was his sexual orientation? Brandman was a sellout, a liar, and a bully. If you’re a liar here — or even just being reckless or disingenuous about the truth — then you’re also being a bully.
If Tait asks us to take down this apparently baseless shit-stirring, I favor giving you a chance to write your best defense of these allegations. If you can’t come up with a good defense, then you’re a bully. If you need help coming up with something, maybe you can ask Gerald.
You really are an insane asshole.
OK, muh-EYE was funny!