When the press release below came across my transom late last night (forwarded by the Winships) I had, after a quick glance, a series of predictable thoughts: “How freaking boring – these south county folks had eight years of Bates as a Supervisor, then eight years of Bates as a state senator, and now she wants to be their Supervisor again!” and also “Can’t any of these old politicians retire in dignity? Can’t they EVER let go?”and also “Isn’t this lady nearly 80 by now?”
But then, when I looked closer, I saw that Bates was RECRUITED – CONVINCED to run. This letter is signed by about 40 insider Republicans, not all from the South County. This means they’re not as enamored of heartless, Trump-endorsed, financial crook Diane Harkey as it first seemed. Or rather, they think Harkey would be easier for Foley to beat than the familiar, somewhat likeable Bates.
And they’re probably right. This will be an added challenge for Katrina Foley.
I hope Harkey stays in the race just out of spite. But Republicans are too disciplined for that. (After typing those words, I remember the last Moorlach – Muldoon debacle which originally paved the way for Supervisor Foley – so maybe not!)
If I remember right, with Supervisor races unlike some other races like the “special” one just referenced, the top two from the June primary go on to November even if one of them DOES get over 50%.
Another thing that’ll help Bates in San Clemente and thereabouts is she actively PROTECTED that area from a 241 extension, while Harkey supported anything the TCA wanted to do. Katrina should go farther and get really tough with the TCA. Also, this is more than ever a coastal district – Katrina needs to exploit her environmental, anti-big-oil bonafides and Bates’ shortcomings.
Anyway, here’s yesterday’s missive:
We are proud to announce that State Senator Pat Bates has agreed to run for the new Orange County 5th District Supervisorial seat currently held by progressive liberal Katrina Foley. [Not technically true – due to the vagaries of redistricting, Katrina currently has the 2nd district seat where she doesn’t even live! – Vern]
Orange County has managed to fend off many of the serious disruptions that other counties have faced because we have always had a conscientious majority. Katrina Foley’s election put that fragile balance at risk.
Pat Bates has never had a misstep in her public service to this great county and our most precious state. She IS the epitome of leadership – always acting with that rare combination of grace, determination, grit, and compassion. Her deep knowledge of the cause and effect of good governance (and bad) is unparalleled.
Her candidacy virtually ensures that we will restore proper leadership to this district and re-instill confidence amongst the voters.
Please join us in endorsing her and supporting her efforts financially. She is the right candidate at the right time.
Thank you for your consideration,
Rick Albrecht
David Bahnsen
Rusty Brown
Dmitriy Chebotarev
Brandon Day
John and Carolyn Ben
Kim Bengard
Joellen Chapman
Jo Ellen Chatham
Mary and Pat Dirk
Hon. Al Frink
Darren Gallaway
Doy Henley
Teresa Hernandez
U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
Tafa Jefferson
Ed Laird
Linda and Wayne Lindholm
Bob Loewen
Senator John Moorlach
Benny Mor
Bill O’Connell, Jr.
Lisa Ohlund
Dryden Pence
Manuel Ramirez
Kathy Salter
Susie Spanos
Tim Tunney
Lei Wang
John Warner
Glenn Woody
Kimberly and John Word
Bates graduated from college the year I was born. 1958. Let that sink in a bit. She must be 84, or so.
She evidenced signs of dementia at the County10 years ago, and unfortunately DID make numerous “missteps”: she turned over CalOptima to Janet Nguyen; she ran cover for Tom Mauk and all the egregious personnel perpetrated by him; she tried (and succeeded) in covering up the bungled Dana Point Harbor revitalization management contract; she was almost never on the 5th Floor; really, the list could go on for a long time.
She is the very epitome of the cause and effect of incompetent government.
Happy to share my recollections with anybody running against her.
And Rancho Mission Viejo giveaways.
The GOP must be really desperate – they finally face up to how awful Harkey is, and how easy it would be for Foley to attack her.
(Corollary they must have REALLY hated Greg Raths, whether it was his independence or the “allegations.”)
I think that the Republican Party strategy here is pretty transparent:
(1) Elect Bates
(2) Bates resigns
(3) Bates is replaced in a low-turnout special election, where Foley is at a disadvantage (IF the Republicans can limit it to just one candidate)
(Sadly for the Republicans, even drawing Greg Raths out of the district doesn’t guarantee only one Republican candidate in a special election.)
So she must have danced to that 50’s doo-wop music, wore her hair in a beehive, and hung out at the soda fountain! I know some restaurants she could work at, if this race falls through.
My first question is: is Doug Chaffee going to max out to her?
I presume that Bartlett, Do, and Wagner will. Chaffee will have to eat a lot of crow to even endorse her, though! I have a feeling that Sunny Park will endorse Foley over Bates without hesitation.
Nothing wrong with dancing to doo-wop! Doo-wop is great. Nothing wrong with soda fountains either, except for the sugar vending. But beehives are part of what was destroying the ozone layer, so let’s be glad they’re gone.
David you seem to have strong views, hope you will find merit in my 2nd term as your Board of Equalization member, I am alert, responsitve, creative, independent, and am native of San Diego County since OC was full of oil drilling and orange trees.
Mike Schaefer, Vice Chair, BOE
Alert is a plus.
I have strong views because I have knowledge, sort of a rarity these days.
Anyhow, I’d vote for Lucifer before I voted for Bilodeau or Harper.
OK, Mike — you’ve just prompted me to write that follow-up story I’ve had on a back burner.
Is Raths still running (or will he go back into the race, if not) now that Harkey is out and replaced by ?
Wikipedia says that Bates was born on December 15, 1939 — the same day as Cindy Birdsong of the Supremes — so she’s *only* 82. (That could be disinformation, though!) That’s only eleven days before Phil Spector, so she’s in good company. Others less unfortunate birth-month-mates born within a fortnight either way include golfer Lee Trevino, flautist James Galway, and actor John Amos.
What do this quintet have in common with Bates, besides being more prominent than her? They’re all too old to do a decent job as a Supervisor of a county of 3 million! (Well, John Amos is easily sharp enough to do it, but I hope he doesn’t run.)
Raths was drawn out of the district. He’s Mission Viejo of course – the INLAND south county district 3 which is represented by Don Wagner who’s not up for re-election till 2024.
All these folks are one year younger than my mom.
Does James Galway at 82 still toss his golden flute, twirling, into the air and catch it, at the end of each concert, I wonder?
The problem is real. This is inept gerontocracy on steroids. Is it worse than inept criminality on steroids? I humbly submit that this is a distinction without a difference.
You are full of surprises.
Thanks for sharing,
You are correct, Vern. It will be a fun repeat of 2006 when the talent-free housewife from Laguna Niguel beat Cassie De Young in a vicious primary catfight. Unless she does something really stupid it’s a walkover for your gal.
Does Foleys new district include HB?
She was pretty clear distancing herself from Hardin, GCT AND Kim Carr this weekend. I wonder what else might be cooking. Lot’s of weird stuff looks to be happening there.
I know Claudio (Congressman Correa’s Representative) Gallegos was spotted at a bar with some strange bedfellows in the FV/HB area.
There could be a run on this seat. Especially, given the progressive attacks on Chaffee.
What is the cut off for BOS residency?
Sounds like Mardahl on Xanax, trying to spook Foley and her fans with stupid quasi-gangster threats. Is it you?
Doubt it. No crazy and random upper case screaming.
I said on Xanax. The awkward innuendos-that-don’t-work, the namedropping and borderline illiteracy, these are signs of Mardahl or someone like him in a rare serene state.
You’re saying that you think that Foley might run against Chaffey?
Now THAT would be good carpetbagging!
No this guy is trying to be so clever that it’s hard to tell what he’s threatening. But 1. He knows we like Katrina; 2. He’s trying to suggest that Claudio is down in that area recruiting someone to run against her; and 3) this is partly in revenge for us criticizing Chaffee.
He thinks he’s clever as fuck but one thing he doesn’t know is Correa hates Chaffee. (He hates Spitzer too. Not sure exactly why in either case.)
Uh-oh! NOW Mardahl, writing on the LibOC as “Giselle Sanchez,” issues us this STERN WARNING:
“Todd is all about Todd.
“That’s what makes him scary. He will squash the OJB fools like an ant on a beaten path (How’s that reference Dave????) Clearly he has the CASH, the reputation and the current “anti soft on crime” narrative to beat anyone who challenges him.
“That leaves us to next January, when the keyboard warriors who are making noise TODAY, his ammo for AG.
“Then tell yourself that the progressive wing is in any way moving the dial.”
See how these people perpetually fantasize that SOMETHING bad will happen to us! For speaking our minds.
*Mrs. Bates….is a very nice lady…..who has always played the Party side without many
exceptions. She plays that violin with a constant and steady hand. However, times have changed and Foley is a capable and assertive type……that plays the game hard and with a terrific determination. She has a history in Costa Mesa and it is doubtful, she is going to change any time soon. Diane is of course looking for a gig, however she can not beat either Patty or the Kat Woman. Therefore, we will be supporting “The Year of the Cat”
….the Tiger of course!
Hi – I’m Katrina Foley. Government unions have ignored my mask and vax mandates, but since they pump cash into my campaign (really recycled COVID $$$) I gave them, it’s OK. Besides, I ignore my own mandates. PEAK of OMICRON and I hangout with pregnant women at an INDOOR MASK-LESS event. Just one of countless photos of me everywhere ignoring my own orders while threatening others for doing the same – https://www.instagram.com/p/CZsIHfuP805/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
NARRATOR VOICE: This is not actually from Katrina Foley, and I am not going to be the first one to click that link….