[NOTE: This story was originally posted on Jan. 29, 2021, but I’m reposting it now because I have a sneaking suspicion that it has fallen into the memory hole and — with Shawn Steel’s wife running for office yet again — there’s a fair likelihood that Republicans will try this same scam again. Someone needs to contact our new (and I hope more attentive) Secretary of State Shirley Weber about it — because this practice needs to be enjoined.
It’s also important because the clamor Republicans nationwide are making about “ballot harvesting” has only gotten louder over the past year. Said clamor refuses to distinguish between legitimate ballot harvesting — in which one single identifiable person (usually but not necessarily a family member) can be held responsible if a ballot is tampered with or does not make it to the Secretary of State’s office — and one in which, by using an unstaffed dropbox, nobody can be held responsible if someone’s right to vote gets taken away because the people in charge of a dropbox chose not to turn it in on time.
Let’s keep this story in mind BEFORE the election, while there’s still time to do something about it, not just afterwards!
Sometimes a story comes along that really makes one sad — because the person complaining about their lot shows no sign of recognizing the problem with what they did and is dead set against blaming the actually responsible parties or even showing minimal contrition. This is one such story.
If you don’t subscribe to the Register, pay what you must — and I said “pay,” not “finagle” (despite knowing that you might) — for the ability to read this story of a poor sad (but not particularly remorseful) Republican campaign operative whose life has been “ruined,” His face was publicized as a sort of a Poster Boy for election fraud as a result of his attempt to lure people into using a falsely labeled “Official Dropbox” in Little Saigon that would be controlled by someone in the party rather than by impartial and trained election officials.
We shall call him the “Poor Lad.”
We’ve covered this story here, if you want to remind yourself of the particulars. It’s an absolute cluster-frappé, in which the temerity of the action, the potential scope of the consequences, and the soup-for-brains justification of its legality are matched only by the cluelessness and gormlessness of the piteous “victim” of people’s meanness.
I’m going to go through the story pretty much line by line — without naming or providing the hometown of the sensitive lad (though the Register does both) for fear of amplifying his shame. (Well, not all of his shame; we are going to explain why he’s a dolt.) We’ll emphasize the material that you need to know to not feel sorry about him unless he wakes up and smells the liability.
- The Poor Lad says that his life has been upended by political controversy. Well, yeah — did he have anything to do with it?
- He insists that he was just “following orders.” [NOTE: this will become important in discussion below!]
- Poor Lad was working for the state GOP to support Michelle Steel’s campaign in the 48th District.
- He tweeted a photo of himself kneeling in front of a metal container falsely labeled as an “Official Ballot Drop Off Box,” which was in fact neither official, nor legal, nor monitored to make sure that its contents were conveyed safely to the Registrar of Voters.
- He told voters to DM him to find out where the Box was.
- International media pounced on the story with the force of a thousand Trumps — illustrating it with his half-masked face.
- He says that the State GOP didn’t admit that it owned the boxes until the next day, leaving him “twisting in the wind” (look it up) as the public face of the scam.
- He asserts the he “took that initial heat,” causing damage to himself and his reputation.
- The CA GOP says that the boxes were permitted under ballot harvesting laws — which they weren’t, and they can fight me over that — and even if they had been they did not meet the security standards required for such boxes.
- The GOP got away with it, with no further investigation, so far as Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office is concerned, because:
- the state GOP promised stop using drop boxes that were fraudulently labeled, lacked security, and didn’t follow the proper protocol of designating a specific person to deliver one’s ballot
- Becerra’s office believes that no ballots dropped into the boxes failed to reach the Registrar to be counted, which he could not possibly know to be true and I hope I don’t have to explain why
- As a California Democratic official, Becerra:
- values “unity” over “accountability”
- doesn’t want to provoke Republicans to get nasty about Democratic accountability
- is weak
- perhaps doesn’t want to stir up opposition to his appointment to become Health and Human Services Secretary in the Biden Administration
- perhaps doesn’t want want the discovery of actual Republican election fraud to give credence to completely fabricated and loony assertions of Democratic election fraud, because huminma hummina hummina
- and: is WEAK! Yes, I’m saying it twice!
- (Note that the Register article doesn’t mention any of these points under “3”, because … ???)
- The GOP thanked Becerra by spitting in his face and poking him in the eye with a sharp stick, agreeing to stop labeling heinously fake boxes as ““official” after unknown amounts of damage had already been done. For example: we don’t know if they matched the names on the outer envelopes against a party registration list and then just “misplaced” the Democratic ones, or whether they had already completed whatever ballot stuffing they may have wanted to do in the first day or so, before making the “concession” to take down the illegal fraudulent labels
- Becerra still had one eye left unpoked, so the GOP made no other concessions and attacked Becerra’s investigation, accusing his office of “creating a media circus” (which, uh, the GOP itself had some role in doing!) over a practice that they said” the courts deemed legal” — which is absolutely untrue!
- And Becerra who (wait a minute, let me check) — yep, IS STILL WEAK) did NOT go to court to establish that this is NOT NOT NOT what the law allowing people who designate a known person to deliver their ballot means; therefore making it inevitable that THE GOP IS GOING TO DO THIS SAME THING AGAIN! AND AGAIN!!
- Poor Lad didn’t comment about his actions as the scandal unfolded because staffers are supposed to direct media requests to the state party. (Yes … but parties ALSO are not support to direct state staffers to do illegal acts!)
- Poor Lad is commenting now only because his contract has ended. (I’ll bet that they made him sign an NDA, too — but if so good for him for ignoring it)
- Poor Lad denied having originated the plan to use falsely labeled Drop Boxes, and denied constructing the sign for the one that magically arrived in the OC GOP HQ
- Poor Lad believed that his sole role was to promote the Fake Drop Box’s use, though, so before tweeting the photo with him posing with his little metal friend, he sought and received permission from his supervisor to to do so
- Poor Lad never questioned the legality or ethics of his actions, because he’s been assured that the whole scheme had been vetted by the state Republican Party’s attorneys
- Poor Lad didn’t question the skeevy process because he didn’t think that his rank entitled him to do so
- Poor Lad admits that this was probably a mistake, but defends himself thusly: “Nevertheless, I was following protocol”
- After Poor Lad’s tweet went viral, he was plagued with investigators showing up, media hounding him, and critics harassing his mother and wishing calamity upon him
- Poor Lad considered quitting his job, but didn’t want his critics to “win”
- Despite his USC M.A. in liberal studies and history with the Coast Guard, he can’t find a job
- But the Republican Party staffers who cooked up the scheme still have their jobs!
- Yet … Poor Lad declined to identify them!
- And Poor Lad refused to say how many fake drop boxes were distributed (presumably meaning “in OC only”)
- State Republicans asserted that the boxes were part of their confidential campaign strategy, and so rebuffed requests for similar information from the Attorney General and Secretary of State
- Poor Lad saw Democratic criticism and media coverage attacking the use of falsely labeled “official” boxes as “a way to win some cheap political points”
- Poor Lad denies that Republicans were trying to trick voters with the boxes, but just hoped to boost Republican voter turnout
- Turnout was at issue because the then-President was discouraging mail-in voting on the grounds that ballots might be a discarded or otherwise uncounted
- Poor Lad said that Republicans believed that “ballot harvesting” — again, designating a single responsible person to deliver one’s ballot — had aided Democratic success in 2018 and that the GOP had to engage in it (using a system that didn’t involve designating a single response person to deliver ballots) to keep up with them.
- Poor Lad hopes the controversy generates more debate over ballot harvesting and ballot security, while Democrats reject making it harder to vote
- Poor Lad, who had previously worked on campaigns for Dana Rohrabacher and Mitt Romney, “remains passionate about politics” hopes to land more such gigs despite feeling “scarred” by the controversy.
- The State GOP says that it appreciates his work and ranks him among its most desired future hires.
- The State AG’s office refuses to discuss whether and when it might proceed with investigation and prosecution of the fake drop box incident or the fake polling place incident at the campaign headquarters of Kimberly Ho — and you’ll have to go to the end of the Register’s story to see how they hilariously caught Ho’s lawyer “dissembling” over whether some Democratic operative might have put a “VOTE HERE” sign at her non-polling-place HQ
- DA Spitzer is still investigating at least the Ho case, and can presumably pursue the Box case as well
- Poor Lad wants our sympathy because he did something that made him look foolish and corrupt and it led people to call him foolish and corrupt — because it was
- His employer, the State Republican Party, hung him out to dry — allowing the public to think that this was his own caper — while they figured out what to do
- He doesn’t think that he did anything wrong, because the lawyers said that it was OK and he was just keeping quiet and following orders
- He still wants work for the GOP in a similar capacity — and the GOP says that it really really likes him, and that must be true because dangling a possible future job before him couldn’t just be a way that they can keep him from identifying who lied to him and used him to commit fraud
Well, what do you think, readers? I think that he’s a fool being fooled into expressing loyalty to people who have no loyalty to him — and were in fact fully the cause of his injured reputation. I don’t intend this, and it should not be taken, as legal advice — but the police procedurals I’ve seen seem to suggest that someone who has been made a patsy and suffered for it is best off getting leniency by identifying the people who screwed him over so heartlessly so they can experience justice, and one would think that scriptwriters would know their business!
Should he sue the GOP operatives who set him up for ignominy? That’s not the sort of question that I answer for free! (But I can give him a referral….)
Anyway, this is your Weekend Open Thread. Talk about that, or anything else you’d like to, within reasonable bounds of decency, discretion, and decorum.
*A couple of news items of note so far this week: (1) $400 dollar per Auto rebate by Gavin and Company? It is not enough but will help some……let’s do it State Legislature!
(2) President Biden’s call for Raz-Putin to step down or be removed from office? What would you ask Putin to do, tell him to not be naughty after mentioning he can use Nukes
or bomb babies and mom’s with impunity. When Raz-Putin wipes out a major city like
Mariupol? Or takes Eastern Ukraine by force? Baloney……..the guy a the worst IdeAmeam buddy we have ever seen or heard of. Raz-Putin has long all credibility on the World Stage. Hopefully these Sanctions will last for 20 years or until we find another quality Russian leader?
*Lost Credibility – for sure!…..sorry!
NEWS- the brands who shut down in RUSSIA may NOT be able to do so-
Is there anyone in our “leadership” who DOESNT put the JERK in “Knee Jerk Reaction ”
I couldn’t help noticing above ..”until WE find another quality Russian leader “?
After WE “found” a “quality” Ukranian leader after the Midan events, (Leaked Victoria Nuland call) I guess the American Imperialism has become subconsciously normalized.
The Register has a really good, important piece on our judicial races, probably the best until Greg Diamond writes his.
Find out: Why so many judicial candidates are prosecutors! Why nobody runs against incumbent judges! And why we end up with judges like David Hoffer who (like in the recent Stadium Swindle lawsuit) always start with the assumption that government agencies are in the right and tell the truth!
Thanks for posting this, Vern. I usually avoid the Register like plague but this is one of the best (and best written) articles I’ve read from a newspaper in a long time.
One line in particular is chilling: “No incumbent judge has lost in Orange County in at least a quarter of a century.” Know if that’s true throughout California, if not the country? Because that explains a few billion things.
The Register has some good writers. You never know what you might come across there.
OC’s great Federal Judge David Carter (he of the homeless shelters, the bane of the Mexican Mafia and white supremacists, and the judge who ruled against this blog, when it was run by Pedroza and being sued by Chmielewski, in what he called “the battle of the childish bloggers”) made NATIONAL NEWS TODAY!
He is apparently the first Federal Judge to rule that Donald Trump (and his then-lawyer Chapman’s John Eastman) “most likely committed felonies.” Well, duh! But it’s apparently a big deal for a Federal Judge to say that.
He also seems to be rattling AG Merrick Garland’s cage by warning that if the events of Jan 6 are not investigated and PUNISHED, they’ll happen again, and it’ll be the end of our democracy and Constitution.
I’ve asked Greg to write about this. Orange County has given the nation both John Eastman and Judge David Carter. Here’s a couple pieces to last till Greg writes his piece:
I hope to get to it tomorrow, but I have a lot to do these days. Damned pandemic keeps me so busy!
Let’s set aside Carter’s homeless performance which I believe was just lame and completely inappropriate theater.
Finally, somebody in judicial authority has come out and said what everybody has reason to believe: The Yam Klowns were hard at work seditiously working to overturn a fair election, and were involved in an illegal conspiracy to do it – including the Fat Yam himself.
The Biden administration has been working hard not to do anything because they afraid of the political fallout which is typical statist cowardice. People belong in jail and it’s past time indictments were passed out.
Biden, Harris, and others gave nice speeches today on the newly signed Emmitt Till Anti-Lynching Act, which makes lynching a federal crime.
Note that this legislation is not a narrow view of lynching. A “lynching” does not need to map perfectly onto the lyrics of “Strange Fruit” to qualify. Remember that story from Texas about that man whose leg was tied to a pickup truck by a long thick rope and was then dragged to death? That was a lynching. It’s great that defining and prosecuting these are no longer left to state law.
It’s one of those great moments that the mainstream media ignores and the video appeared on very few timelines; yet I guarantee almost every person in the black community heard about this. It’s a big deal and it’s overdue.
The incedent you speak of got GWB elected President. He promised to kill those two dudes that did it (death penalty) and guess what???? HE DID!
What are you talking about? You’re saying that the Texas lynching is what determined the 2000 election? That’s an unusual take. Show a source claiming that.