Earth Day Weekend Open Thread: SoCal Water Wars & the Rude Pundit.

It’s Earth Day Weekend! Okay, we didn’t post anything for Earth Day. But here are a couple of things you should read by bloggers we think highly of: John Earl (previously “Surf City Voice”) with a lot of local water news, some good for the Earth, most bad, and a jeremiad from the great Rude Pundit. You need to click on both of these to read the whole things – and after that, this is your GODDAMNED WEEKEND OPEN THREAD! – V.

Climate Disaster:

‘Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah-blah-blah’

Some Padre Dam directors prefer fantasy to real water-supply solutions.

What about your local waterboard directors?

by John “Surf City Voice” Earl; cross-posted from SoCal Water Wars.

Global warming: the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels. —NASA

In the Pacific Northwest, including California, much higher than normal temperatures, extreme drought, and explosive wildfires in 2021 were “the beginning of a permanent emergency,” according to Washington’s governor, Jay Inslee.

“We have to attack the source of the problem,” the governor said, explaining how global warming is rapidly changing his state’s economy and culture. “You can’t run from climate change. You have to challenge it and defeat it.”

Climate science shows that without drastic action—now, global warming will inevitably increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) over preindustrial times as soon as 2034, creating spiraling climate-related catastrophe.

“Beyond 1.5, we’re not going to manage on a lot of fronts,” said Maarten van Aalst, the director of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center and an author of the report. “If we don’t implement changes now in terms of how we deal with physical infrastructure, but also how we organize our societies, it’s going to be bad.” — from NY Times

For decades, climate-change conferences among the world’s leaders, climate scientists, and citizens groups were held—most notably in 199219972015and 2021—ostensibly to initiate collective efforts for humanity to save itself.

But Greta Thunberg, arguably the world’s most inspirational climate-justice activist, says that those rallies produced more “blah-blah-blah” than substance—and her worldly analysis at COP26 could have pointed to Southern California water districts as an example of blah-blah-blah syndrome at the local level.

This is not about some expensive politically correct, greenhouse, bunny hugging, or blah blah blah, build back better, blah blah blah, green economy. Blah blah blah. Net zero by 2050. Blah blah blah. Net zero by 2050. Net zero by blah blah blah. Climate neutral, blah, blah, blah. This is all we hear from our so-called leaders. Words. Words that sound great, but so far has led to no action.

Our hopes and dreams drown in their empty words and promises. Of course, we need constructive dialogue, but they’ve now had 30 years of blah blah blah and words and where has that led us? But, of course, we can still turn this around. It is entirely possible. It will take drastic annual emissions cuts unlike anything the world has ever seen.

And as we don’t have the technological solutions [that] alone can deliver anything close to that, that means we will have to change. We can no longer let the people in power decide what is politically possible or not. We can no longer let the people in power decide what hope is. Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah blah blah. Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action. And hope always comes from the people.

But what happened—or didn’t happen—at the Feb. 02 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Padre Dam Municipal Water District in Santee might be worse than “blah-blah-blah”

(Read the rest at SoCal Water Wars!)


The Rude Pundit:

“I’m So Sorry, But We Need to Talk About Climate Change.”

A couple of times a year, I write about the catastrofuck or the fuckpocalypse or the fuckageddon that will be caused by the effects of climate change. Sometimes it’s about searing temperatures somewhere in the world, the effect of which will be eventually be to cause a refugee crisis in the neighborhood of a billion people and pretty much completely upend the way in which we all exist. And that’s not even mentioning the floods, the fires, and the wildly fluctuating weather and its effects. We’re screwed. But every single time I write a climate change post, without exception, it does some of the lowest numbers of anything I put out.

We know that’s one reason why there is so little coverage of climate change even as its effects ram our asses every day: no one wants to see that we’re fucked by something so massive that it would require the entire world to do something about it. Of course, you can make the news compelling if you want, but I guess that inevitable doom is a turn-off.

But we need to talk about climate change. And I’m really sorry. I know you’d rather the political shit that goes straight to the dopamine center of the brain and floods you orgasmic satisfaction. Trust me, I’d much rather be writing about Tucker Carlson’s nut tanning or the ludicrous decision by a Trump-appointed idiot judge that overturned the mask mandate for public transportation. I’d love to spend my time mocking them and calling them horrid names. (I mean, to be fair, last Friday, I already spent a good bit of time on Tuckus.) 

So fucking listen for a few minutes here because we’re fucked beyond fucked, fucked in a way where you look at everything going on and think, “Yeah, it’s horrible that such suffering goes on, but, basically, we’ve got a few decades and we’re all gonna be suffering horribly.” I know, I know, I fucking know that you know this and you try to put it out of your heads, like we good Gen Xers did with the threat of nuclear annihilation back in the 1980s. But listen…

[Read the rest at The Rude Pundit: Proudly Lowering the Level of Political Discourse.]

About Surf City Voice

John Earl is the editor of SoCal Water Wars (previously Surf City Voice.) Frequent contributor Debbie Cook, a former Huntington Beach Mayor, is board president of the Post Carbon Institute.