An Open Letter to Anaheim Councilmember Jose Diaz:

I do not believe that we have ever met, or even corresponded. I endorsed against you in the latest election, not because of you but because of my respect for your opponent, Denise Barnes, whom you beat by fewer than 800 votes out of 18,441 cast. My understanding of you from others whom I respect is that while you are quite conservative, you stand apart from many of the members of your Council majority in that you are a decent and honorable man.
And that is why I am now calling upon you to resign. Not because I know there to be anything wrong with you or your character, but because your honor demands it — and I suspect that you may act honorably.
You haven’t done as good a job as Denise Barnes did, mostly because you did not know the truth of what was really going on in Anaheim as well as she did. You believed sources whom you thought were credible; you took their instructions because you thought it was good for the city. And I’m sure that you were both flattered to be chosen for support by what we now know as “the Cabal,” and eager to be a good representative and role model for the Cuban community.
Here’s why I’m inclined to trust in your honor: because Todd Ament, who of course wanted you to overcome any sense of honor that might make you less, uh, “reliable,” did not trust you, perhaps due to your honor. Ryan Cantor posted a piece today identifying you as Council member #7, in the context of whether to invite you to a cabal meeting — and here’s what Todd Ament said about you:
AMENT: To me, I don’t think [Elected Official 7], I think this would be a lot for him to absorb in his first week [as an elected member of the Anaheim City Council]. It’s kind of like when S.O.A.R. took how the sausage was made to the S.O.A.R. Board to show them how polling works and how we manipulate it. That’s when half of S.O.A.R. kind of went off the deep end. … We’re part of the manipulation. I think it’s too early for [Elected Official 7] to get into this level of detail.
You dodged a bullet there! It’s a good sign when you’re not trusted by a criminal to be a good accomplice! And that is why I am asking you — and not asking Trevor O’Neil, Steve Faessel, Gloria Ma’ae and Avelino Valencia — to resign. If you think about it for even a moment, you’ll know that it is the honorable thing to do — but not because of what you have done. Unlike your colleagues named above, and your Mayor, your main “sin” (if one would even call it that) is a venial one of credulity rather than a mortal one of corruption. You don’t deserve to stand with them — and I mean that in the most flattering way possible.
Here’s why you should resign. Your eyes have been opened to the painful fact that your seat was an ill-gotten gain for the Cabal. It was purchased with independent expenditures — which you probably welcomed, not yet understanding their moral cost — by the very sorts of people who were in the cabal and its corporate sponsors.
This should distress and disgust you. I believe (unless shown otherwise) that you truly did not have an idea about how corrupt things really were. Denise Barnes did — and that’s why they used you, cynically, to get rid of her. Now, you should finally understand and respect why she did what she had been doing. It was brave and noble — much as I’m sure you see yourself as being.
Lots of people — Avelino and Faessel being the most transparent, O’Neil the most clumsy — have belatedly distanced themselves from Mayor Sidhu and, they would at least like us to believe, the Cabal. This is too little and too late. You’re still the new kid — newer, even, than Ma’ae, who while a later addition to the Council has been an avid servant of the Chambers’ organizations far longer than you’ve been in office — so you actually have a better excuse for ignorance than anyone else on the Council. But you’re still going to be lumped together with them absent something dramatic.
Resigning is dramatic. It is a more eloquent statement than anything you could say on Council. As such, it frees you to run for the District 1 seat when it is next open without the stench of what is, and what is yet to come, clinging to you. I’ll still endorse Denise, but I will have respect for the stand you would be taking now. It would throw into stark relief the fact that people much more culpable than you — Faessel, Ma’ae, O’Neil — who really should resign in shame, will not resign — because they have so little honor, and honest regret, to begin with.
Your resignation would clear the way for the five remaining members of Council (because Sidhu is toast) to choose Denise Barnes to fill your seat on the Council, as she frankly would have were it not for the Cabal-associated interests pummeling her (and to a lesser extent promoting you) with their incessant glossy mailers. They may not do it — but that retention of ill-gotten gains would be a very ugly look for them. (Even … a suspicious look.)
You may be tempted to say that you can just stay where you are and try to act morally, like Denise Barnes would. I’m sorry to say that that isn’t likely. The pressure on you to capitulate to the remaining corrupt forces in Anaheim will be constant and increasingly frenzied and mean. Those forces believe that they bought you and now own you. Anyway, Denise Barnes wasn’t the woman we know now when she first came to the Council; it took her longer than you’ve been on Council, and in better conditions, to gain the knowledge and drive to become a real fighter against corruption. You can’t just snap your fingers and assume her mantle — though if you decide to stay, I guess I hope you try and succeed.
Anyway, this is just my perspective. You’ll do what you want. But as I noted at the outset, this is an open letter to you — and the purpose of an open letter is to make it harder for someone to do what’s wrong and easier to do what’s right.
Good luck with your choice. I hope that you prove to be the sort of man I’d like to think your are.
LOL Little Ricky? Corrupt or not, he doesn’t have the mental capacity to see “anything wrong here.”
Just as the Cabal leaders were still unsure, in November of 2020, of Avelino’s pliability, they also overestimated Diaz’ capacity for questioning, and independent thought.
They WERE correctly sure that he holds to an “ideology,” which was and remains: BUSINESS ALWAYS GOOD. GOVERNMENT ALWAYS COMMUNIST.
Hush up. He does seem to see himself as honorable, so let’s see if he buys this completely sound argument.
Rarely does a post get this many views this quickly with no outside comments.
I presume that Councilmember Diaz has seen it by now. Who do you know who can ask him for a comment? (My question was directed at Vern, but I suppose it can be directed at our readers as well!)
Councilmember Diaz, opined he has NO USE for Vern Nelson and his racist scribe. He did not know who Greg Diamond was.
His colleague found it ironic that as a champion on mental health issues that Mrs. Nelson also is involved with (to a FAR lesser degree) he would be attacked for his accent and race and be described as retarded.
Hopefully the FBI got those mailers you sent just like everyone else.
It’s not his accent or race, it’s the dumb things he actually says, and his bad votes.
Who’s my “racist scribe?” Or do you not know what scribe means?
He hasn’t seen it. We protect him from stupidity. And you are stupid.
Now THAT person sounds legit.
So what you’re saying is that you’re protecting you’re own continued employment over what may be the interests your boss, if my analysis that he needs a dramatic break with Council majority is correct. Wow.
I’ll contact him directly or through an intermediary to find if he approves of your “enlightened self-interest.”
“Ricky Retardo”?????
Even Jose Moreno condemned this.
Even I condemned it. I think that that sort of thing only allows people to change the subject, Julie, much as you’re doing now.
I’m not surprised that he doesn’t know my name; I don’t get the sense that he was paying much attention to city politics back when I was deeply involved in it during the mid-2010s. That not exactly a selling point for him.
Vern’s crudely cobbled point is, as he says, that Diaz has said a lot of dumb (I might recast them as “ignorant” or “naïve”) things from the podium. It’s best to discuss specifics rather than generalities, so if you’re willing to defend Diaz’s comments against Ver’d disdain then I guess we can go back and start collecting them for an article where you’ll have free rein to do so.
Meanwhile, do you have any actual rebuttal to the reasoning in this story? Do you really think that he’s best letting himself be lumped together with Avelino, O’Neil, Faessel, and Ma’ae, despite his apparently far lesser culpability?
Some friend you’re turning out to be!
Greg, this Julia Prince is not a real person, doesn’t know Diaz, and is just my usual troll. Same person that hijacked my Gravatar account last month and has now made a new one.
In fact, I’ll add this to the comments I’ve passed on to the FBI.
Can someone still say idiot, or moron, or imbecile?
All of those are ok in most cases, etymology notwithstanding. The problems with that name he chose are (1) it’s racial evocation (if he wouldn’t use it for a non-Latino (or at least non-Cuban) and (2) it’s inclusion of the term “retard” as a noun, which many consider to be insulting.
I find that the pointlessly undercuts the purpose of this blog, and at a time when readership is high. I can never figure out whether Vern thinks that I am the devil long his shoulder and you’re the angel, or vice versa, but we are trying to reach a far wider and more diverse audience here than FFFF did.
Be that as it may. Other people are reading this too and I stand by my reactions.