And just like that, it’s over. The primary animating force in corrupting Orange County’s Water Board races — the two-decades old Poseidon ripoff — is defeated. Poseidon could try to bring it back someday, but its loss here was so unequivocal, and it disgraced itself so much during this process — especially in its final days — that if it ever comes before the California Coastal Commission again it would likely be with its plans so dramatically scaled back that it might, after some substantial changes in personnel, might even have a chance. (But don’t bet on that!)
The discussion on the Commission was brilliant and the result was decisive. Even the Commission members considered closest to Governor Gavin Newsom — who had put a lot of his reputation on the line in lobbying for the plan and deriding its opponents — ultimately decided to reject it. This may have had a lot to do with an bizarre, unprecedented, and outrageous maneuver by Poseidon the day before the hearing, when it printed up its own rebuttal to the Coastal Commissions blistering and comprehensive staff recommendations by putting out its own version of the recommendations it wanted to see. That’s not the crazy part. It did so using Coastal Communication letterhead and the same font and style as the original Staff Report — apparently trying to pass their report off as a sort of changeling! This led some media groups to ask whether the Coastal Commission had revised its staff recommendations — which did not endear it the the Commissioners.
Arguably, Poseidon knew that it was dead in the water once that overwhelmingly devastating Staff Report had come out, but this act was so outrageous — who did it think it was going to fool, and for how long? — that it will long persist as a punchline whenever law firm Latham and Watkins is mentioned. Latham was the law first supporting Poseidon and doing an energetic (if sometimes implausible and disingenuous) job of defending a poor case — and it certainly seems that Latham’s arguments were the ones used in what one commissioner dubbed the “fake report”. So — did Latham put out the fake report itself — in which case whoever decided to dress it up is presumably going to receive an unpleasant reception back at the office — or did Poseidon decide to take Latham’s words and use it for their own public relations purposes? I don’t know which it was — last I’ve heard, the report itself was not generally available — but if it was the law firm’s gambit I expect that it will have some exciting repercussions.
I’m going to add substantially to this piece — with photos of brownfields expert Dr. Scott Wilson Badenoch, Jr., Metropolitan Water District of Orange County member Karl Seckel, the Coastal Commission’s brilliant Executive Director Dr. Charles Lester, and scads of celebrating activists, on the one hand, and various of the losers in this battle (Poseidon figures, Building Trades representatives, local water board members, etc.) on the other — but it’s not going to happen right away. Thursday was exhausting and there’s a lot of time to take stock of what this will mean for Orange County — which may now have gotten a gigantic kick in the butt towards getting its house in order.
I’ll add “Updated” to this piece once it merits that term. But, for this blog — which has been covering Poseidon for over a dozen years, often what seemed like virtually alone — this is an enormously rewarding day. And we’ll have some great things to report on what the Commission thinks are good likelihoods for future water developments.
Our thanks go to the memory of the late lamented Gus Ayer, who got us onto this mission; John Earl, who has been an important ally and guide; Merle Mohseri and others from the Responsible Desalination citizens group; Kelly Rowe, who (along with Karl Seckel) was one of the bright spots not only in giving us some of the electoral success that we’ve needed to sustain ourselves during these decades, but in both giving crucial speeches to the Coastal Commission that showed them that Orange County’s water policy makers were not simply an undifferentiated echo chamber of Poseidon thralls, Peer Swan of the Irvine Water District Board, for his continual insight and inspiration; Hans Johnson, who has bucked the Governor and State Democratic Party to organize activists within it on this issue; and environmental justice advocates like Oscar Rodriguez, who himself gave a fantastic speech to the board from the perspective of a Huntington Beach resident and politician who had resisted Poseidon’s pressure and lived to tell about it. (I can’t wait to share video of that speech here.) So, like OC’s water policy itself, this will be a work-in-progress!
Just SOME of the Orange Juice Blog’s Previous Coverage of Poseidon:
(and there are even older pieces, by Gus “Mayor Quimby” Ayer and Sandy “La Femme Wonkita” Genis…)
- HB Council Respectfully Asks Coastal Commission to Shitcan Poseidon. (July 2013)
- Poseidon Runs Headlong into Infiltration Gallery (report on Nov 2013 Coastal Commission hearing)
- Poseidon’s Water Boy: Matt Harper Quietly Pushes Desal Scam Past Ratepayers. (May 2014)
- OCWD’s Sheldon Clams Up on Poseidon Vote, Flory Shakes Things Up! (June 2014)
- Who owns the OCWD, you or Poseidon? YOU DO! Remind them, tonight! (June 2014)
- Unpacking Poseidon’s Latest Propaganda Blitz with Debbie Cook. Pt 1: The CNN Puff Piece. (June 2014)
- Recent Poseidon-Probolsky Push-Poll Threatens Candidates and Misleads Voters. (Nov. 2014)
- Sheldon’s Unethical Culture Challenged by Legal Complaint (Dec. 2014)
- Poseidon & OCWD Bring their Snake-Oil Show to the Pumpers Tomorrow (Dec. 2014)
- Surfin’ Sheldon, Little Lost Dina, Righteous Flory – What You’ve Been Missing at OCWD! (Jan. 2015)
- Poseidon Update: OCWD “just sticks the tip in…” (Jan. 2015)
- Sheldon Says “Suck it Surf City!” The Poseidon Shill is also Behind our High Density Development. (Feb. 2015)
- OCWD’s Forecast for the Future: Cloudy with a Huge Chance of Error. (March 2015)
- Pat Bates Baits Us with Bogus Doomsday Drought Scenario. (March 2015)
- Swan Song for Poseidon? A Blast of Truth from Irvine’s Peer Swan. (March 2015)
- Cage Rattled Hard, OCWD Dons Fig Leaf Before Marrying Poseidon. (April 2015)
- Our Celebrated Groundwater Replenishment System Steals Poseidon’s Lunch Money. (April 2015)
- OCWD profile #1: Phil Anthony, the Quiet Skeptic. (April 2015)
- Showdown at the OCWD Corral Nears, R4RD launches Volley. (May 2015)
- The Poseidon Adventure Sails On! (May 2015)
- Dina Nguyen Stands Up Garden Grove, Skips Fascinating Poseidon Forum. (May 2015)
- Will OCWD be Shipwrecked by Mermaids? (June 2015)
- Cathy Green Falsely Carries Poseidon Water to Coastal Commission (June 2015)
- Watch Poseidon Joke over Proposed Property Tax Increase to fund their “Privately Funded” Desal Project. (July 2015)
- Bao Stands for Garden Grove Against Poseidon, the rest of Council Waffles. (July 2015)
- Phan is the Man – who Stopped this and Needs to Start it Again! (July 2015)
- OC Can Do Desal Better – Use Salt to Lock Up CO2 Emissions. (August 2015)
- San Diego Has Too Much Water – but is Paying $1 Billion for Their Poseidon Plant. (Dec. 2015)
- Poseidon Progress Report: Eight Ways to Screw the Public. (Feb. 2016)
- Why the Coastal Commission Will Approve Poseidon. (April 2016)
- Poseidon in denial over the obstacles ahead, and more… (May 2016)
- Dispatches from the Battle Against Poseidon, Summer 2016 (July 2016)
- Poseidon Plays the Race Card, LULAC Dances to their Tune. (July 2016)
- Fullerton Reaches its Day of Decision on Poseidon (Jan. 2017)
- OCWD Tonight: Replenish the Aquifer with the Winter’s Fabulous Snows! (April 2017)
- John Earl: The Ideological War Behind Poseidon. (August 2017)
- How Stoopid Does Poseidon Think This County is Anyway? (Jan. 2018)
- OCWD Blocks Study of Alternatives to Poseidon, Misleading Coastal Commission. (Feb. 2018)
- Poseidon-Obsessed OCWD will Try to Ram Billion-Dollar Desal Project Down Our Throats. (June 2018)
- Excellent Comments for Poseidon Term-Sheet Meeting: Hamilton, Everts, Moshiri, Hiemstra (June 2018)
- Climate Change could Swamp Billion-Dollar Desal Deal (June 2018)
- Top Three Reasons Poseidon’s New Term Sheet SHOULD Have Been Rejected July 18 (July 2018)
- Important Poseidon Updates – Video of Wednesday’s meeting, and who’s running for OCWD? (July 2018)
- Poseidon’s Voodoo Math; and Klepto Kris Murray named to powerful Water Board (December 2018)
- Let’s put Poseidon out of its misery this year: Latest reports from the Front Line. (February 2019)
- New OCWD Director Kelly Rowe’s ALTERNATIVE to Poseidon. (August 2019)
- Poseidon’s Failing Report Card in Carlsbad (October 2019)
- Indigenous People’s Day and Tuesday’s Desal Townhall: Poseidon as Columbus. (October 2019)
- Transformation Complete: OC Water District now “Poseidon Water District of OC.” (Dec. 2019)
- Poseidon’s “Reliability” Promise: Pay More, Get the Same! (July 2020)
- Karl Seckel for MWDOC! (Nov. 2020)
- Elect 2020’s Water Patriots: Elliot, Moulton-Patterson, Seckel, Yoo Schneider, Beard & Ereth! (Nov. 2020)
- Poseidon’s Latest Corporate Welfare Demand (Jan. 2021)
- Why OCWD pays CalDesal $5000 a Year, and a Very Good Brown Act Question. (Jan. 2021)
- Gov. Newsom: Stop Shoving Poseidon Down OC’s Throat! (April 2021)
- Surf City Voice: Poseidon Town Through the Wormhole. (May 2021)
- Poseidon Town: The Beginning. (May 2021)
- Poseidon’s Co-optation of Latino and Labor Groups (August 2021)
- Dem Club of West OC Skewers Poseidon (Nov 2021)
- Cal Enviro Laws Weakened by Fluid Interpretations, Money & Politics (Jan 2022)
- Against the “More Water Now” Initiative: An Interview with Conner Everts (Jan 2022)
- Debbie Cook: What You’ve Been Missing at your Local Water Board Meetings (March 2022)
- Coastal Commission Staff Report Smacks Down Poseidon Plan (April 2022)
- Poseidon Picks a Public Poisoning Apologist! (April 2022)
- Poseidon’s Poisonous Pollution Plan: Airborne Toxins over HB! (May 2022)
- NOT “Reasonable Use” – Poseidon/OCWD Desal Plan is Unconstitutional. (May 2022)
- Coastal Commission Unanimously Rejects Poseidon Plan! (May 2022)
I’m sure the local building trades will be looking for a target for retribution shortly.
*As Butch said: “Too many folks are wearing bi-focals,…when I’m seeing 20-20!” No biggie……when water goes to $20 dollars a gallon……we can look back on those times and say: “Wasn’t great that the Coastal Commission turned down that water…..”?
Lake Powell is drying up and so is Lake Mead. But then, we don’t need to worry about
water….when we don’t have any electric power…..eh?
So cool to see Greg’s fat guy in the La Times this morning. Thank Hod for the mask to hide is hideous face
You have a fat guy, Greg? Oh. My. Hod.
Yes, and his hide is horrible!
Thank Hod indeed! But, not that it applies to me or my face, why do you think that hide is hideous?