(0) Preface and Correction: Not Technically a ‘Reappointment’
The original form of this story stated that the Board of Supervisors would be voting on whether to appoint James Mai, who had served on the Commission in question since January 2022, to a new full term beginning July 1, 2022. That turned out to be not quite correct: Mai automatically stays in place until he is removed, so he begins his new term in due course. The text has been revised appropriately; the inappropriateness of this appointment based on what you read below, however, remains the same.)
(1) Intro: County Commissioner Who Bragged of Hate Crime Starts Full Term
First, contact info for Board of Supervisors:
- Doug Chaffee (714) 834-3440; Fourth.District@ocgov.com
- Andrew Do (714) 834-3110 · Andrew.Do@ocgov.com
- Don Wagner (714) 834-3330; Donald.Wagner@ocgov.com
- Katrina Foley (714) 834-3220; Katrina.Foley@ocgov.com
- Lisa Bartlett (714) 834-3550; Lisa.Bartlett@ocgov.com
Most of this story will not involve Supervisor Doug Chaffee directly; he comes in mostly at the end. But he is the second-most significant figure in this story, because he is the one who appointed, and still retains, the most significant figure in the story — James Mai — as an At-Large Commissioner for County Housing and Community Development. Mai’s starting a new full term is what drove the timing of this story, which cam more quickly than I had hoped. The Supervisors should know exactly what is going on here.
The third-most significant person in this story is a woman that our readers have come to know as “Love Cameron,” or “LC”; I will continue to use that name for her here for reasons that will become clear. The fourth most-significant person in this story is, I’m sorry to say, me — and I dearly wish that we had a larger stable of writers so that I could have handed it off. But Vern’s been busy and I don’t plan to say anything here that wouldn’t be found in a court filing.
I’ve compiled this story from notes and images provided by LC, removing the invective (which I estimate as less than 80% of what she provided me), and putting it into my own words. The important thing to know is that when LC spread the news about James Mai (who is Southeast Asian) bragging about either an actual or made-up hate crime against South Asians that he claimed to have committed, LC publicized his Instagram post to the South Asian community. Not all Hell broke lose, but Hell is probably missing a few city blocks.
And yes, Supervisor Chaffee knows about this — or at a minimum can be constructively credited with the knowledge. LC and others posted information about James Mai onto his Facebook page — and those posts have been removed. (They were also posted to Supervisor Andrew Do’s Facebook page, where at last inspection they remained.)
(2) Disclosure: My Role in This Matter
I agreed to represent LC (despite our considerable political differences) in early preparation stages of a possible action against James Mai, and probably the County for its negligent supervision of him, over his harassment, discrimination, and retaliation towards her, which has included “doxxing.” (For the uninitiated, doxxing means publicly releasing private information about a person with the foreseeable purpose of retaliating, intimidating, or provoking actual harm towards them. You’ll be able to make up your own mind about this below.)
This is not just a “normally” unpalatable doxxing, however; LC’s name and residence information are supposed to be held private under the California Secretary of State’s “Safe at Home” program, which protects people who have suffered previous victimization and have good reason to fear its recurrence. (This may have something to do with her proclivity towards electric blue streaks of cursing, which I have learned to ignore by fainting like one of those goats.)
I spoke to the Housing and Community Development Commission (“HCDC”) a week and a half ago and lamented (with a side order of fulminated) about how it was apparently impossible to lodge a complaint against an HCDC County Commissioner, because they are not county employees and are not involved directly in public safety.
In this case, though, it does affect public safety, because we believe that James Mai would have access to the confidential “Safe at Home” data via his role as an At-Large HCDC Commissioner. In fact, he would continue to have access to it even if LC were to leave the County. This is because, we are given to understand (and we’d welcome correction on that, if the Committee were even willing to engage with us), the At-Large Commissioners are responsible for Section 8 Housing Vouchers — one of which a member of LC’s household has — James Mai having direct access to this information, or even being in a position where he could importune someone to provide it to him, is a significant danger to LC.
But is he really that kind of guy? Read on.
(3) History: Some ‘Highlights’ of James Mai’s Career
In late January of this year, Supervisor Doug Chaffee appointed James Mai to the OC Housing and Community Development Commission. I have a feeling that Chaffee did not due his due diligence.
I suspect that Chaffee had two tactical motivations. He expected that he would be in a runoff against Buena Park Mayor Sunny Park, who is Korean — not realizing that he would only make the runoff by the skin of his teeth. So one thing he wanted to do was to shore up his relationship with the Asian community — apparently thinking that a Vietnamese appointee would appeal to North Orange County’s large Korean and Taiwanese communities. Mai is also an “Anti-Asian Hate” activists — though as you’ll see, that is quite a misleading self-description.
And speaking of misleading self-descriptions, due diligence should have directed Chaffee to this:
Do you see the problem? He calls himself — in promoting his business! — “James Mai, Esq.”
This is a problem because James Mai is not a lawyer! (Or, if he is one, it is not by that name, or at least in this state.) Any clients who engaged him under the misconception that he had a law degree — well, that’s a highly and materially improper business practice, and if anyone wanted to bring a fraud suit against him — well, I’m sure you could find a referral.
(I do give him a point for being unconventional, though. A non-lawyer using “Esq.” after their name is certainly that. And maybe Chaffee doesn’t mind it — even in his appointees!)
James Mai had a second sort of appeal to Chaffee. Chaffee also knew that if was going to beat Sunny Park, he would have to do so with the help of a massive amount of Republican voters. James Mai is very well connected within the Republican Party. He is a recent leader of the Greater Irvine Republicans. He also has had (and maybe has) a position within the county Republican Party dealing with Asian candidate recruitment voter outreach.
Handing it over to LC for a moment for the Republican view of all this:
James Mai is a fixture in local politics. An establishment (anti-Trump) Republican, he has built a name for himself as a behind-the-scenes stage director in the freak show that is the OCGOP. The county chapter of the Republican party where the unethical and unprincipled masquerade as public servants, while stealing, cheating and lying their way to elected office – from city councils to Congress. Some get busted and fall from grace. Others get really COLD busted and just get shown more love. It depends on the whims of the powers that be in the cult-like inner sanctum called the Central Committee. As a voting member of the central committee and frequent, generous donor to GOP endorsed candidates, James Mai presents himself as a larger-than-life figure dominating the local political landscape. This article will endow him with well-deserved notoriety — with extra, king-size helpings of humiliation piled on for good measure.

It was apparently in his Republican operative capacity that James Mai ginned up a fake controversy to hurt Jay Chen in his drive to make it into Congress. (With this attack, he displayed the consummate dishonesty and hateful gall that was exhibited when another GOP operative turned a recording in which she said “Why’d he” into her saying “Whitey.”)
You may even remember this attack on Chen:
Jay Chen did no such thing, but — WITH CHAFFEE’S HELP — Mai may have the credibility to make this stick, even though he could only muster about 50 folks to his bacchanal of fake outrage. It still made a big media splash, from his promoting it to conservative-leaning Asian news outlets, to whom he lied about it voraciously. It was eventually picked up my the traditional media. Good lying, Chaffee-pick!

Now, did it actually help Michelle Steel to have Mai jacking up he campaign by painting her as a long-suffering victim of Taiwanese racism? It doesn’t seem so. But it gave him a spotlight, his appetite for which appears ravenous.
This in turn led him to something that may get him in trouble. He created a nonprofit organization, AAPI United, that claims to draw attention to “Asian Hate.” Something, incidentally, that Jay Chen has been doing masterfully for years. It sure looks like it might be a partisan political organization — as well as one devoted to the glorification of James Mai.
I haven’t watched his YouTube Channel personally, to try to decipher his rants — and I’m told that that puts me in a majority of about 99.9999997% of the world.
But look, even all that would not be enough to get the increasingly desperate Doug Chaffee to back away from him. Let’s move on to the main course.
(4) Hate Crime: Bragging About Desecrating the Sacred Cow. Literally.
The screenshots below show that James Mai bragged to LC and presumably others, in an Instagram chatroom, that he had vandalized an Indian eatery because he felt that they had overcharged him. Although, actually, “vandalism” doesn’t even begin to describe it.
What he described was — or would have been, if he made up the story — a religious-based hate crime … against Asians.
James Mai knew that owner was Hindu, and obviously was fully aware that the cow is sacred in the Hindu religion. He may think that Indians are not Asian, and that what this country really needs now is more conflict between Southeast/ East Asian and South Asians, and so … well, let’s let him continue his story:
As hate crimes go, this was pretty darned effective. After Love Cameron documented the atrocity, word spread through the Hindu (and broader Indian) community. Indians — not just Hindus — were furious and frightened. Furious because it was, in every sense of the word, a willful act of sacrilege; frightened that they or their neighbors or loved ones might be next. Do you recall how Christians 25 or so years ago were outraged by an artist taking a photo of a crucifix submerged in urine? This is like that — except with actual blood, actual desecration, actual targeting, in an actual community.
Whether this literally happened, at least in recent years, matters. But it greatly matter even if this was merely or whether this was the puerile and pathetic bragging of a seriously disturbed man trying to bolster his cred as a renegade cowboy. This point of this story was to emphasize that he was so powerful and ruthless and bulletproof he was that he could engage in an implausible dispute with a restauranteur — and then go to a butcher shop, procure the head of a cow, return to the establishment, dump the cow’s head outside the doorway, smear the cow’s blood on the windows in what the owner would see as a monstrous act of sacrilege — and get away with it all!
In his telling, the story had a happy ending, though! The restaurant owner gave into his ruthless intimidation, just like in the “horse’s head” scene of The Godfather! Winners win! I suspect that most of the people who tell stories depict themselves as Hell on Earth are just posturing — but maybe he really is that despicable!
As Mai’s story was directed only at LC, it carried with it an ominous, threatening air. Had it been aimed towards others as well, it might have been merely macho posing. Either way, it’s a vile and repulsive act of bigotry towards the Hindu community.
In recounting this gruesome act on Instagram, James Mai describes it nonchalantly, as though it was just a normal exercise of power. Mai knew that LC is originally from India, but also that she was a devout Christian. Was he of the mind that she would not be wounded by this Hinduphobic hate crime? As horrific as his story was — his attempted cover-up of it was no less evil.
(5) Retribution and Intimidation
Alarmed, LC took screenshots of the Instagram chat where Mai boasts of his gory hate crime and sent them to various South Asian Hindus locally in the OC. Over the course of about 6 weeks, two different women shared it to a website called Ripoff Report.
(This link consolidates both reports into one URL, but they were separately made by two distinct people, neither one of whom is LC.)
James Mai — called “King Mai” by his online sycophants — went on the offense. Using the Instagram alias “Asian Vengeance” — and adopting a version of the mask used by “Anonymous,” just to give the wrong impression — Mai vowed to “out” LC, to whom he had originally confessed the sinister hate crime. The tag “#expectus” — adopted from Anonymous’s promises of future releases of hidden information, but here repurposed for sinister ends — speak for themselves.
Again, this was not retribution for posting a warning on the Ripoff Report; LC hadn’t done so. It was retribution for her not keeping her mouth shut when he bragged of a hate crime against Hindus — one that she found plausible.
LC had already warned James Mai in writing that her personal information was protected by law, because she is (and was at all times in question) a participant in the Safe at Home Registry. This is a confidential database maintained by the Secretary of State in California to protect the identity of survivors of serious crime, including sex trafficking, sexual assault, aggravated stalking an other offenses that pose an imminent threat to the safety of vulnerable persons.
How did Mai get this information that literally no one else but her Landlord had? Presumably — and when I spoke to the Commission I called for an investigation of this — Mai abused his privileges as a OC Housing Commissioner by accessing confidential electronic records in the County’s database. Such a database of necessity includes the Safe at Home registry in which his victim is listed.
Even if one excuses Doug Chaffee, who appointed James Mai to this position of respect and authority, for not having done due diligence of Mai — despite that, as one widely known to harbor views hostile to the social safety net, or most any form of government assistance — the appointment seems like a very poor fit (unless Chaffee really did want to reduce access to affordable housing and Section 8 vouchers.) But ALLOWING HIM TO REMAIN, when he has been given notice on his official Facebook page as to what is going on (although all critical comments after June 15 have been removed from his “OC Supervisor Doug Chaffee” page) is beyond the pale.
After the above activity, LC again warned the “Asian Vengeance” account — which had a self-proclaimed nexus to James Mai — not to publicize her information. James Mai/Asian Vengeance then doubled down and stated an intent to trace her actual identity, and tagged several related entities such as @asiangangsters (!) and various other affiliates on Instagram
(The “threats to a leader of the community” portion referred to LC’s role in trying to put together an abortive recall of OCDA Todd Spitzer. Yes, this is improper.) On May 4th, an online zine that bills itself an “alternative news site” published an article doxxing the lady and falsely claimed, without evidence, that she was the one who had defamed Mai.
That site published the article across all its social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as on its own website. It is all but impossible to ascertain the identity of its owners/operators, as they hide behind anonymity. But its affiliate pages, including @antiasiantweets, @anonsoca and several others cross-posted the article on their own accounts.
Within 24 hours, hundreds of anonymous trolls latched on to it and made venomous comments, calling LC “obese,” “tranny.” and even “pedo.” James Mai reacted positively to these heinous comments by way of the “heart” button, which is used on Instagram to “like” a remark.
This is what James Mai — Doug Chaffee’s chosen appointee — did to someone who wouldn’t be intimidated!
LC has suffered extensive and ongoing mental anguish. I helped her make several calls to the FBI, which opened an investigation, still ongoing, into both the doxxing and the underlying hate crime itself at the Indian restaurant.
For his part, Doug Chaffee has apparently ordered his social media team to delete comments on his official Facebook page that relate to James Mai and/or provide links to the ripoff report site where the graphic screenshots are published. A California Public Records Act request and complaint are planned.
(6) Sanitation
As we prepared publish this article, we learned that — only days after I attended an OC Housing Authority Commission Meeting and put James Mai on formal notice not to destroy any evidence that would implicate him (with follow-ups of a revised post by email — Mai took a first step towards mitigating the hate crime he bragged of : His non profit : AAPI United hired a South Asian ( probably Indian and very likely Hindu) woman as “South Asian outreach coordinator” for his organization.
It appears to be James Mai’s attempt to recast himself an open-minded, antiracist individual who couldn’t possibly be guilty of a hate crime. The screenshots above have not been doctored and they speak for themselves. The Hindu community considers his acts abominable regardless of whether they happened or not: the cow’s head may have been fictitious, but the fear it evokes was real.
(7) Conclusion
So what should the Board of Supervisors do tomorrow morning? Easy: do not make the appointment. Instead, investigate. Yes, this leaves an At-Large seat open — but James Mai has already missed several meetings in his two months in office.
It seems likely that Doug Chaffee will stand stubbornly firm in his appointment, and his friend Andrew Do will likely do the same. Katrina Foley and Lisa Bartlett, both running for office, would be unlikely be the third vote for such an appointment. The possible swing vote is Don Wagner, who represents Irvine. Whomever else you may want to email tonight — and ideally that would include all of the Supervisors, with a link to this story — you should probably email him. (He represents Irvine, after all.)
I’ve already emailed Bindi Brahmbhatt, James Mai’s new hire at AAPI United, for her comment on this matter.
UPDATE: I received no response. I guess some AAPIs, like her own fellow South Asians, are not to be “United.”
Why does Chaffee get to appoint anyone to anything just six months from the end of a term?
And does anybody know what the hell happened this morning? Did nobody watch the Supes today? (I admit *I* didn’t.)
It should be a REAL big deal if Doug did re-appoint this CHUD.
(CHUD, political definition from REDDIT: “Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. Originates from a film of the same name. It’s a derogatory term for far-right bigots, perhaps suggesting that they’re inhuman, and, like cannibals, have no respect for the lives of others. And possibly that they’re basement dwellers.”)
I expect that he appointed in January because there was a vacancy. The one-year appointments seem to run from July 1.
Chaffee probably gets the at-large appointment because he’s the Chair of the BOS.
Please contact Jessica Villa, the point of contact for all matters related to the OC HCD Commission at 714-480-2920
In speaking with the receptionist at the Clerk of the Board’s office via phone: she admitted the agenda had been “revised” several times. Because this was a telephonic conversation, I was unable to make a record of it. She did admit there was no mention of Mai on the most recent revision of the agenda.
This employee with whom I spoke explained that just because a term was “expired” does not in fact prevent one from continuing to serve as commissioner. When i remarked that this defies basic common sense, she repeated that he continues to be a commissioner, until he resigns OR the appointment is withdrawn.
Please seek clarification. Thanks.
Thanks, LC. This sort of “on until you’re off” procedure doesn’t seem implausible to me. I’ll contact her as well as the Committee Chair, my own Republican Brea Councilwoman Cecelia Hupp — who will either have a perspective to share about it or go on record as lacking one.
If there is a group of Hindus organizing against this appointment, I’ll happily join the effort
All I know is that members of the Hindu community have apparently taken notice.
Hi Dmitry I’m Sonal.
I’m one of the team members of #shamehateOC working to #removehinduphobe #vietnamesevandal
please look on http://www.facebook.com/shamehate
I’m going to address this more in response to your comment below. Here, I just want to note for readers here who may visit your page; a comment I’ve also left on your page.
Some readers may be a bit jarred by the image graphic image on the page called (unless I am mistaken) often called a “swastik” — you can see an example at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastik_Productions — which is a venerable Hindu symbol that has no tie to Nazism or fascism. Unlike the Nazi swastika, it is not tilted to have one corner up, it does not have block type, and it does have four dots near its center. You can see examples on this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika. (That article notes that it has also appeared in Amerindian and African cultures; it’s a four-way symmetric pattern that can be generated in a 5×5 grid.)
Appropriation of the swastika — and giving it a sinister and repulsive meaning in most of the world — is part of the cultural appropriation by Nazis of Hindu culture. The other main example is the self-descriptions of Europeans as part of “Aryan” culture — Aryan has a real meaning, referring to many of the peoples of North India (I think excluding the Moghuls, and definitely excluding the South Indian Dravidians, and I’m sure I’m leaving something out.
So when you see the symbol, recognize that it is not something that should be offensive to those who react with horror to the Nazi swastika. This is a commonly used symbol in Hindu culture and we shouldn’t let the crimes of Hitler ruin it.
It was a little odd to receive a unsolicited (generic) email from Michelle Steel,as I’m in KP’S district. But since she thoughtfully included all her social media links I urge everyone to post THIS here article on Rep Steel’s sites.
Ms Steel is excited to receive your comments on:
Twitter @michellesteelca @repsteel
Instagram @repsteel
a cool option might be to use hashtags #hinduphobia & #hindusunderattack & #jamesmai. just don’t say #vietnamesevandal
I did post a comment on her twtr & IG, someone pls do her facebook as im still banned for another 10 days ♀️
Additionally it’d be even better to post this on Doug Chaffee’s social media as well: as a public service I’ve included all his known links.
He’s standing by at 1800-$UE-A-DINO
nah, I’ll let him post his contact info, but 4 realz y’all ..post this article on #dougchaffee’s page along w/ comments… #justdoit
Twitter @supchaffee4
he doesn’t appear to have any presence on IG … ??? #cmonman
So, I just tried posting a comment and it redirected me to your home page. I’m not sure why. Anyway, my name is Vanessa Mendoza and I don’t mind if you publish my name.
My brother was one of the original OCDA Recall proponents. We had like 80 voters who signed, but the Registrar’s office whittled it down to the minimum of 25. My brother was not on the list of signers that got filed.
The point is that I saw a lot of this go down in real time, as far as the doxxing and stuff because I worked closely behind the scenes with Cameron in April and May.
I remember when the Asians Dawn leaked all her information. One thing about this article is it doesn’t touch on the timing of when Cameron was doxxed. I think its suspicious that it was the same day as the OCDA debate in Fullerton, which is the only one Mr Spitzer bothered attending. I can’t help but wonder if Mr Spitzer was responsible for turning over Cameron’s information to James Mai. I’m not disagreeing with you guys that Mr Mai’s motive was to exact revenge, but look at when the doxxing went down. Look at the date on the Asians Dawn article.
There is 2 different ripoff reports, but the first seems like it was done in early March by a Hindi person named Laxmi. Look at the date. https://www.ripoffreport.com/report/james-mai-jim-win/irvine-ca-asian-vengeance-1516759
I’m not here to defend Doug Chaffee, but if James Mai wanted to dox Cameron, why did it not happen until the first week of May? I personally think Mr Mai enlisted Mr Spitzer’s help to access the Safe at Home database. Do you guys seriously believe a Commissioner can just walk into the County Hall of Administration and start digging through digital databases and no employee would report it?
I had my own reasons for being involved in the Todd Spitzer recall, but I literally wouldn’t put anything past our District Attorney. He HAS committed misconduct while in office. He will do it again, believe that !
Also, you guys putting Louis Hoang in charge of the recall was not the best move. Its more like the best gift to Todd Spitzer. Louis is psychologically unstable. Assuming we try this again in 2023, he won’t be welcome. He means well, but he’s a loose cannon. Also, the slogan about putting Mr Spitzer in prison isn’t the best way to make a recall happen. Not because he doesnt deserve to be, but its just a moronic slogan. I worked on the Gavin Newsom recall too, and nobody ever said anything about throwing him in jail !
I just hope Cameron survives this.
The timing of the doxxing is most likely, in my opinion, related to Mrs. Cameron’s involvement with the recall becoming public. I don’t think that Spitzer is dumb enough to have given secret information to Mai, because then Mail would have blackmail material over him. By Mai was a Spitzer supporter and would have had reason to try to please him based on his own initiative. (I doubt that Spitzer was pleased, though.) I do not know what ability (even if not authority) Mai would have had to access this information either in digital or paper form, but my sense is that he would because it involves housing.
I’ll let Louis know that he might want to come here and defend himself. Just tryin to be fair.
My first comment was actually on this thread. Can you post it ,please? I merely voiced suspicion on the timing of the doxxing. I’m on Cameron’s side. I dont understand why you feel a need to be rude.
Please follow hashtags
#shamehateoc #removehinduphobe
#hinduphobicvandal #hindusunderattackbyjamesmai
and #vietnamesevandal
Please “like” our Facebook page
Please sign the change org petition found on our Facebook page too
Thank you, Sonal. As I mention to Ketan Lal on another item, I’m working on a follow up to my previous stories, which I hope to have done by Monday. But it’s a complicated matter and I want to make sure that I’m on a solid footing.
Please tell Cameron to stay away from Luis Huang. I know Luis from DGI,like Im one of the few who actually talk to him.
In a message on Instagram, Luis told me He’s in active contact with #JamesMai. Not about anything good. I tried messaging her on Facebook but it doesn’t seem like she checks those.
#HinduphobicVandal and Luis are in contact about this. Luis is desperate for attention and wants to please the Irvine GOP so they endorse him for Mayor. Like if they did, it will only help kill the Democrats. Luis is ready to throw his own friend under the bus to help GIR.
1. Party rules will never allow GIR to endorse any Democrats, just like vice versa DGI nor DPOC nor CADEM nor DCCC nor DGA nor DSCC nor DNC would ever endorse a Republican. (Your statement regarding this scenario is too ridiculous for me to address directly)
2. As a Democratic Socialist, I would never honor any endorsements from any groups that do not align with my political beliefs.
3. I await the findings from the FBI, and I categorically reject any hate against any and all groups
4. The only attention I wish to seek in running for public office is to expose the Sham that is OCPA (bipartisan scam literally in midst of FBI investigations), and to highlight the damaging voting record that Republicans like Kuo and Carroll has committed in voting against the interests of my friends here in my community.
Yes the #ToddSpitzerRecall will be revived as early as the law allows – projected ca end of March 2023
Yes anyone + everyone is welcome to join the movement in some capacity
As far as Luis Huang, his campaign for mayor died today.
He couldn’t collect 40 signatures – but don’t feel bad he’s already planning his next move / which appears to be a seat on the democrat statewide committee as a delegate
y’all have BIGLY fun with THAT venture of his.
Again, the #OCDARecall shall be revived. Count on it !!!
#trailerparktodd has implemented about as much #criminaljusticereform as Joe Arpaio. Remember HIM ?
I received enough signatures. Just like you begged me to help you with collecting signatures for the Recall. Just like you Begged me to be the face of the Todd Spitzer Recall, when I didn’t feel comfortable with it.
I never wanted to be mayor. I wanted someone good to represent Irvine, free from developer and special interest entanglements. Branda Lin has my vote and support.
For Democrats in AD-73 (Irvine), I hope to bring Dem Socialist representation to CADEMs in December/January, look forward to being on the Progressive slate with my Leftist allies, to take back CA Dem politics away from big money donors, back to populist principled politics, Medicare for All AB1400, California Green New Deal, drastic campaign finance reform, root out government waste and corporate influence, raise taxes on commercial property owners and tax cuts for all homeowners in California (revised Prop15/Prop13).
Luis Huang
CADEM AD-73 candidate, Progressive/People’s Slate
Good luck, but please keep a journal on the steps that will be taken to thwart your efforts. I’m sure that they’ll be interesting and extensive.
Word is that BRANDA LIN has become the first Irvine Mayoral candidate to condemn the anti-Hindu hate crime about which James Mai bragged.
Hey, anonymous asshole who tried to reply to this comment: do I have your permission to print your comment with the defamatory parts edited out?
Branda Lin actually did.
he totally was like against it and she did speak out about it on her Facebook page
I don’t know what the hell is going on with Sunny Park.
I’ve been thinking about this. The likeliest possibility seems to be that she has been advised not to wade into this issue. That could mean that campaign advisers consider this matter to be so weird, confusing, and troubling that it detracts from (or could engulf) other points she wants to make.
Or it could mean that she has been ordered by some influential supporters — such as, oh, DPOC figures? — to stay away from it for their own petty reasons. Need I elaborate?
To be fair to her, I don’t think that anyone things that she is in favor of doxxing and hate crimes, or even likely to tolerate it. So by not wading into it, she keeps the focus on Chaffee — where, frankly, it should be.
At this point, I’m wondering why the DPOC isn’t interested in it — given that it involves acts by someone who was, after all, involved in Irvine Republican politics and has been particularly targeting Jay Chen. Maybe we haven’t explained the evidence clearly enough for them to understand, I guess I’ll have to work on that.
Sunny isn’t going to open her mouth it doesn’t look like she cares. Another issue you guys should be concerned about is James Mai is committing fraud with his non-profit AApi United.
Regarding the press conference where he made so much drama about Jay Chen? I don’t understand why you say that his publicity shtick didn’t benefit Michelle Steel? Michelle won by 10 percentage points! That a lot so clearly it is benefiting her.
I’m not sure if you guys were aware but his non-profit raked in $200,000 last year and he’s using those funds to donate to John Park’s campaign as well as other campaigns. Why don’t you ask around or talk to some people in Irvine? This needs to be investigated.
See the story I posted this evening. Sunny condemned his actions, if true, and called for an official investigation.
Give me better evidence as to what Mai is doing wrong with his non-profit AAPI United. Then give it to the Secretary of State.
Michelle Steel won OC by 7 points, not 10. But she did poorly in the LA part of the district and only won the district as a whole by 5 points. The shift from low-turnout primary to high-turnout general election is about 4-6 points. I think it’s a dead heat right now. Even if you think Michelle did better, that doesn’t mean it was because of anything James Mai did.
We’re happy to receive whatever figures you have to prove that he raked in that much and donated it as you say. But my guess is that Jay will be able to find out what’s going on more easily than I can — and he’s probably just waiting until the time is right.
Your right that impropriety needs to be investigated, but not necessarily by this two-person operation at the instigation of an anonymous source. You seem perfectly able to compose a story should you wish — so sent it to Vern.
Date: Wed, Aug 24, 2022, 11:51 PM
Subject: DO NOT RE-APPOINT #HinduphobicVandal
forward to
Dear Orange County Housing Authority Commission
in re: Housing and Community Development Commission
full Name
stands for
Stop Hinduphobia Amplify, Magnify, Expose Hinduphobes And Their Enablers
#hinduphobiaisreal #hindusunderattack #HinduLivesMatters
#endhinduphobia #stophinduphobia #hindusimia #jamesmai #hindusneedrights
#hinduphobia is #asianhate
We will never #stopasianhate until we #stophinduphobia
#weareirvine #irvine #orangecounty #hatecrimeawareness
Good plan. Those interested in details about James Mai can search for our recent stories here about him and the Supervisor who sponsors him.
Thank you we appreciate it!
Where is Denise Barnes? Why is she not speaking up this horrible incident or help us? Bragging about a hate crime is something that should make the vandal unfit to serve!
I’ll make sure Denise sees this article.
(Apparently she also serves on this committee with Mai.)
I had not realized this until this past week, but Denise is Chaffee’s own appointment to the Board. (I had thought that Chaffee’s appointment was Brea City Mayor Cecilia Hupp, who is in his district, but she’s the choice of a committee of cities who have the power to appoint one member.)
Given Denise’s treatment by Jordan Brandman in the texting scandal that led to her resignation, I have little doubt that Denise finds Mai’s actions disturbing and disgusting. But she’s there as an agent of her appointee — and if she is directed to vote a particular way her ethical choices are probably either to comply or resign the position. If she happens to be able to make or break a tie, maybe it’s reasonable to demand that she do so. But at this point, she’s probably be deep in the minority if she did so.
She’s already gotten badly abused for standing up to Brandman, and then again in her election for standing up to the Cabal — and I don’t think it’s worth pressing her to make a symbolic statement that would likely lead to her loss of this position — important for reasons far beyond this issue — and replacement by someone else who almost certainly would be worse. I haven’t spoken to her or tried to lobby her on this because until last week I didn’t think it was necessary; now I won’t because I don’t think it’s fair to demand that she make a bigger personal sacrifice than anyone except Love Cameron.
How does the OC Housing Authority violate the Rights of citizens – ie members of the general public – to engage with its commission ????
Let me count the ways. Shall I enumerate them ?
Fortunately, I have slightly more leverage than most members of the public and its not anyone’s business why that is.
The remaining would – be commentators who presume to believe you have some entitlement to address the commission ( absent going there in person ) ?
Nah, if you believe that, you be smokin some shit. You think you have a right to participate in a meeting of the OC Housing Authority Commission ? You think you can send emails and actually expect them to be read ? You think you have rights under the ADA ?
Love Cameron OUT
Where is Katrina Foley in all this? City of Orange is her territory. She can’t open her mouth? Bloody simpering cowards, all of these politicians!
We do not care about politics or election, we want resolution.
Have you followed up with FBI, Greg? If not, why? Do you believe election take precedence over #HinduphobicHateCrime?
Why Katrina is not calling for enquiry, but she have time to attend conference to discuss hate crime in vague, general manner, but not one specific incident in same town where she is Supervisor.
I have contacted and followed up with the FBI. They don’t release that sort of information to just anyone who calls.
You’re basically aligning yourself with James Mai right now in not wanting to see people elected who might be willing to remove him.
You’re either being dumb about how change gets made or you’re using this to try to defeat Foley, even if it makes things worse.
I prefer the company of those who want to see James Mai punished and support a pathway towards achieving it. That doesn’t seem to be you.
This is Sonal Kher, on behalf of Exposing Hinduphobia.
We at #ShameHateOC would be grateful for a status update regarding the FBI Investigation. In particular, we would like to know the last date of contact, and the development/s, if any.
We are not for or against any candidate. While we condemn Doug Chaffee for not making efforts to #RemoveHinduphobe, we will not get involved in OC BoS elections.
Nobody is going after Katrina Foley. Reality is that she is the lone Supervisor on OC BoS who speaks out against Hate Crimes, both in general and specific incidents. The other four Supervisors, are at least consistent in their apathy. We find Katrina Foley’s conduct hypocritical in light of her refusal to speak out against this.
It is disturbing to observe on here that people who voice disagreement are branded as being in league with Republicans. It is quite offensive actually. ShameHate OC is not in league with anyone.
Greg Diamond, you say “So far, I haven’t been able to find any record of such a crime.” Please describe for us the efforts you have made to date, so we can determine if additional attempts should be made.We would appreciate from you a separate blog post detailing ALL steps taken so far.
While what you wrote in this blog post is entertaining, it is not fully informative. It is also extremely partisan, with the centric focus being Mr Chaffee. Even the very title begins with “Chaffee to Reappoint”. Practically Everything in this story revolves around Chaffee. #JamesMai is just the secondary villain.
Again, we looked specifically to Katrina Foley to say something given her current and past history of speaking out. Nobody has targeted her, just calling out what is blatant hypocrisy. To the credit of the other four, they dont pretend to be do-gooders.
Our movement is at impasse because we are not able to be certain of anything except #HinduphobicVandal bragged of committing repulsive hate crime. This is in itself apparently not a crime, but some of his behaviour following the publication of screenshots might be.
We fully AGREE he must be stripped of his commission. However, for you to tell us the only way to achieve such outcome is to elect your candidates is beyond reason. Katrina Foley currently occupies a seat and has said not one word, let alone call for any county investigation.We are focused on resolution, not elections. This does not make us “aligning” ourselves with that despicable racist Mai.
We are not here to promote your candidates, but to ensure matter is dealt with. Please answer our questions regarding progress of FBI investigation in your reply here.
Sonal, please review my answer to Ketan below. I will address you comment point-by-point tomorrow. (It’s almost 2 a.m. at the moment.)
As a preface to it, if there were the kind of evidence of an actual physical assault on property here that there is in the hate crime against the Jewish community (I tend not to use the term “anti-Semitism” as it is both over- and under-inclusive), then I have little doubt that Foley would be all over it. I have looked for and failed to find any evidence of such a crime in media or police reports — other than in James Mai’s own claims — although I will note that you are entirely as capable as I am in looking for such and better situated to hire an investigator — so these imperious demands for me to turn over my searches and such are extremely irritating. If I found something, you’d already know. I do keep coming across evidence that Mai is a braggard and a blowhard and the sort of miscreant who would think that claiming to have committed such an act is good for his image as a tough guy — which favors the theory that he made this atrocity up. But that’s not definitive.
Please note that Chaffee and I are from the same party, so maybe you can explain why you mean by “partisan” purposes. You may also want to look up Pat Bates on Wikipedia and ask yourself whether she would be as likely to take a lead role on favoring an investigation, let alone going after Mai for what can be proven, as Foley would be.
Your seeing “hypocrisy” (which as I said it isn’t, but is a matter of attentiveness to evidence) is simply screwy. What are you, an avenging angel? The issue here is how to make Mai suffer consequences for the provable (bragging of an atrocity) and potentially provable (retaliatory doxxing) acts. You seem not to want to focus on this — and I am simply flabbergasted at this. But I’ll get into that when I pick up this thread tomorrow.
How about you continue to pursue case involving your client as to publicising her information,and we contact FBI ourselves. We cannot trust anything you say. You have fixation that we are part of conspiracy to tank Ms Foley. We never even hear of Pat Bates. We do not know who is he? I suggested Sonal Kher we start separately with FBI. You place us in jeopardy because we tell everyone on social media James Mai under FBI investigation.Now you are uncertain. We only trusted you.This is bloody mess.
Who believe anything you say? Everyone know you hate Mr Chaffee,and also we have no respect for him. Only we pointed out Katrina Foley cannot open her flipping mouth to even ask for investigation by County Board.That is last time I will explain this to you. You place us at risk for defamation. We will demand of FBI an enquiry. We also have initiated enquiry with Attorneys General of California against Vietnamese Vandal for tax fraud. We do this after thoroughly researching him. Stop disrespecting my mates.
Apparently Greg is triggered AF by anything he perceives as remotely critical of the female Democratic Supervisor. The Hindus said they are not for or against any candidate. Obviously, having seen all the other Supes pages, they concluded KF is most likely to take a stand and call for an investigation. When she refused, they became rightfully upset. She has a long history of speaking out against this stuff. Chill out and stop accusing them of being in cahoots with Supe #4. I don’t think that’s what’s happening here.
I see the problem here. I am not representing anyone in a case against James Mai. I did take part in some initial investigatory steps, without compensation, but I did not end up taking the case. I was not having direct interactions with you.
If you had checked directly with me, I would have told you not to do assert that. I would have told you that we had reported the situation to the FBI, and someone spoke to us at some length, but when we called back sometime later they said that they would not talk to us. He may be under active investigation, but I don’t know.
Look, I do have sympathy for you, because you’re not lawyers and you don’t know a lot about county politics. Like me, Park, Foley, Sarmiento, and Chaffee, are all lawyers. We’re trained to took at claims or charges, look at evidence, and make decisions about how likely evidence can be brought to prove various propositions. As I’ve said: the evidence that Mai bragged online about this heinous action is very strong. That is why Sunny Park was able to make the statement that she did — way more than Chaffee has done. But the evidence that he actually committed this heinous act is much weaker.
Like I said: I looked for it. I didn’t find it. That doesn’t mean that it DIDN’T happen, but it does mean that I couldn’t devote so much of my time and energy and resources to pursue what seemed like an iffy proposition.
Now that I think of it, I can think of a really good reason why Foley would not be able to take a stand on this — and this time I actually AM embarrassed that I did not think of this before. Any civil case would be brought not merely against the James Mai, but against the County as well — because they’re arguably supposed to supervise him (ambiguous given that he’s not an employee) and may have given him the means to, for example, doxx Mrs. Cameron. Anything she says about the matter could arguably be an admission by the County — which could create serious problems for her (as well as for the County.)
I think that she would be within her rights to call for an investigation — which would necessarily include looking at the county’s own liability. But given that she is deeply into the minority of the Board, she would probably do this privately, speaking to the City Manager and/or County Counsel. And, you know what? I don’t know whether she HAS actually done so. Note that this is an entirely different situation that the hate crime against Jews thing, which did not involve any likelihood of County liability.
You should look up the requirements of defamation before you worry at all about it. And Mai would be an idiot to bring a charge of defamation against anyone, given the amount of digging that a defendant could do into his social media history, other personal communications, finances, and much more.
I’ll be sending you an email message about something where our interests are aligned related to the above comment.
By Greg Diamond “Now that I think of it, I can think of a really good reason why Foley would not be able to take a stand on this — and this time I actually AM embarrassed that I did not think of this before. Any civil case would be brought not merely against the James Mai, but against the County as well — because they’re arguably supposed to supervise him (ambiguous given that he’s not an employee) and may have given him the means to, for example, doxx Mrs. Cameron. Anything she says about the matter could arguably be an admission by the County — which could create serious problems for her (as well as for the County.)”
Response from Vasant Patel: Greg,whatever reason for Katrina Foley’s hesitation,we do not know. However, we at #ShameHateOC agree in unison that your theory is wrong and liability for county is not one of the reasons. Katrina Foley is ready,willing and perfectly happy to create liability for county by herself suing OC Board of Supervisors.
We are not against Ms Foley. We want simply for her to show same outrage against #HinduphobicVandal as she does for herself,and also with hate crimes.
It is rumoured Katrina Foley is Jewish, or her family are Jewish. If someone in Orange County government (including Commissioner) make anti Jew remarks, you want us to believe Katrina Foley will also refrain from speaking up due to “liability concern” ?
Rather certain she would not be silent.
Also, you attack ShameHateOC commentors on blog because they were saying they identify as nonpolitical, but you note they are knowledgable of local politics.
Now, I will explain to you I am Hindu and do not eat beef. However, when I managed sandwich shop I have to learn how to store beef at proper temperature, and also cook at certain temperature. Still I will not ingest beef. Having knowledge of something is different than having taste or desire for it. So, yes they may have researched OC politics, but decline to be involved.
It does not take much intelligence to figure out that other 4 supervisors are not in habit of speaking out against hate crime or racism, but Ms Foley is. So it is normal to expect her to also publicly condemn this. Stop Foleysplaining everything. Nobody cares about excuses. We want answers and we want them from ALL Supervisors. Still, we know there is one one with history of speaking up, which is Foley.
If Foley come to learn of sexual harrasment of female employee in OC county government, she will also keep silent due to “liability” ? In case it must be explained let me spell out for you. IF SHE HAVE NOT PUBLICLY CALLED FOR INQUIRY, we will assume she have not done so at all. Give us something we can verify Foley call for investigation and we will publicly thank her!
Jigar: Vasant Patel again,see my response to Greg Diamond. Katrina Foley is happy to put county at risk of lawsuits. She herself even sue them! https://www.ocregister.com/2022/07/21/oc-supervisor-cant-be-kicked-out-of-old-district-ag-opinion-says
Also we have Twitter account @shamehateOC. We publicly have shamed all Republicans supervisors and Mr Chaffee too! We tagged them all in screenshots of hate crime. When we realise it is useless, only then we specifically look to Katrina Foley after learning she denounce hate crime against Jews with Jewish Federation. Nobody here against Ms Foley. Just consistency would be appreciated. Greg Diamond’s theory of Ms Foley is not willing to place county in position of liability is rubbish when we read Foley sued county herself. This blog think we are all naive or lacking in intelligence.
Well I’m ready to jump into this fight. Next Supervisor meeting is a week from today, Wednesday the 14th, and I’ll go and speak, as long as a few of you Hindu-Americans also do.
What’s the progress on educating Janice Hahn on exactly who she’s legitimizing.
But here’s the last straw, guys: Thursday the 15th the Supervisors are giving their report on the County’s 2021 hate crimes, and everything they’re doing to put their little feet down: https://theliberaloc.com/2022/09/07/county-of-orange-to-release-2021-hate-crimes-report/
And Chaffee himself has the stones to add: “As a community, it is important we continue to stand up to prejudice, so everyone can feel safe and secure,” said Chairman Doug Chaffee, Fourth District Supervisor of the OC Board of Supervisors. “The continued rise in hate activity across the nation shows we can do more to create an all-inclusive environment, which is why my fellow Board members and I strongly support expanding the County’s anti-hate efforts.”
Who’s coming Wednesday? Thursday?
First time I am posting here. Your blog is generally funny but has lost all credibility, especially on this topic.
Let’s get this straight, you want James Mai stripped of volunteer titles and Community work because you don’t like what he said on a DM or Instant Messanger chat? That screenshot is a DM, not a post, BTW. Someone had to take a private screenshot with purpose, obviously. I’m no lawyer but you guys might be liable based on just that alone. Does the guy have a history of anything like this? Especially on social media? I looked at the Instagram profile and on Facebook, and there is nothing there.
From my understanding, the Housing Commission is to benefit the homeless and housing issues ONLY. So what does this have to do with housing at all? On the Irvine thing, Mai is listed as a Parent/Guardian representing as a parent of daycare-aged children. So your mission is “stripe” him of helping veterans and parents over a personal issue you have with him?
Disclosure I am not a Republican or Democrat. Mai should not be one either; you both are toxic parties. Just look at this post. Rumor is both parties tried to get James Mai and that it was John Park and Fred Whitaker who recruited him to the GOP. Shame we need someone like him as an Indy or Third Way candidate. Excellent outreach there CADEM!
It does seem the cow head statement was dumb or purposely told to troll, which worked. The ONLY thing I hold against Mai is his support of internet trolls. I understand they are going after racists but aligning with these people, even if just in support, is not normal.
Leave it to you far-left Democrats and your supporters to attack a community figure for gain. Sunny Park, Branda Lin, and this blog seem like a group of extremists attacking a community leader and, even worse, even going after people who disagree with your point of view.
Now you have this person you helped attacking Foley, who is in danger with Bates already and Chaffee associated with James Mai (which is a significant boost to his profile), and even Sunny Park condemning Mai, a community leader in the headlines, which hurts her.
This is a joke also, “Mai stays on the Commission, and his political star may brighten”, the guy is more influential than most politicians in OC already. Mai has support from both sides who would be lucky enough to have this guy running. Hopefully, he runs as a Moderate Democrat or with the LPOC, but they lack any resources entirely in OC.
¡Ay Caramba!
Has Mai already become a Godhead? THIS is problematic!
I’m not actually at a loss for words, but for now I’m willing to pretend that I am!
Maybe not in your world but in the Asian American community yes, he’s raised hundreds of thousands for victims.
Speaking of that I was at that Jay Chen rally, it was NOT a James Mai event (was 6-7 speakers), it was an event put on by the Korean American Federation http://www.kafoc.org and why the international press was there.
This is a largely Democratic organization and one of the oldest Asian American organization. The picture that is posted here is of the board members, there are thousands of members in Orange County.
He’s raised at least $200,000 for victims! That’d be great! It’s also implausible — but he can prove it by opening his books. As a charity, he should have filings to the state, right? Ask him to direct us to those filing! He, um, is properly registered, right?
Which rally are you talking about? Just drop in a link. Based on my recollection, the one I think you mean was attacking Jay for his remarks on Steele’s incomprehensibility (based not on her accent, but on her limited ability to put together coherent thoughts in her head), which makes a largely Democratic Korean American Federation an unlikely sponsor. If a KAF Board Member can contact us at some contact available on the web, we’d like to discuss this!
Hello, Charles. This is your warning to stop going on Cameron’s friends pages on social media. You came on my page and said you were going to track down her family and anyone else you can connect to her. That’s a bad idea, because it constitutes stalking, and you laid out your intent pretty clear.
You should go back on Twitter and check out the conversation here. Just look for your names, Chin Hae is your birth name. It’s all hashtagged.
Incidentally, Leon Sit doesn’t know you, doesn’t want to know you and the OC Libertarians are turning your info over to the Irvine Police Department. You’re going to need a lawyer, make sure they specialize in both civil harassments and criminal matters.
Just curious, how much did James Mai pay you and Suzanna Stopani Flores to stalk Cameron and make all these threats? You do understand, that there are two suspects in the IPD investigation, right?
You know who is not a suspect? Mai himself!
Although I would love to see you locked up for how you terrorized Cameron, it’s almost pathetic that Mai gets to walk away scot free.
Suzanna already hired herself an attorney. You will need one even more than her, since you seem to be the Turtle Soup Guy.
Another example of #VietnameseVandal using his illegitimate nonprofit in illegal ways! Charles, where do you get your information from? Probably #JamesMai himself !
Greg, instead of responding in comments section, why not address this as separate article? Put everything in writing in simple, straightforward manner.
Right now even Hindus in local DPOC are refusing to protest because you wrote a bullshit hitjob on Doug Chaffee. Put a real article together that will have appeal to everyone.
Hate crimes aren’t political. You have made it so, which is why none of the Advocacy groups will get involved based on this trash of an article you wrote.
Greg, you also knew of this since early May, according to doxxing victim. Yet it wasn’t until after the election you decide to act.
“Hate Crime bragging is disgusting, but let’s wait 6 weeks after we learn of it to write”. This makes you not credible. After Chaffee made the primaries is when you decided it was newsworthy. We may or may not show up for the events Vern invited us to, but we won’t be doing it together with Vern, at least not until you can put together something that doesn’t centre on your sad obsession with Chaffee.
I thought you were a journalist, but you can’t find this basic information or choose to lie about it to readers. I guess one can’t expect more from someone who can’t tell an instant message over a public post, then calls the FBI over an Instant Message and one that from the looks of it is so outrageous it was used to troll. I didn’t even notice until you posted about how it’s a hate crime….so DMs are hate crimes now?
Yes, it was the Jay Chen Protest reference you posted on this page. It was several groups, almost all Democrats, including the big Korean Union groups o Los Angeles. Do you ask for KAF board members to speak? You posted a picture of them already with James Mai. The picture you posted is of the four board members who gave speeches that day. This was international news; the reps from all Korean groups were there, get with the story – it was BIG in the Korean community! The entire protest was by Korean leaders and speakers, significant because it was the first time in OC history that Korean and Vietnamese worked together publically (not even during the Watts Riots), and who was the person they asked? James Mai. Since you don’t believe
You say it’s fake outrage, but that’s the problem you are NOT a Korean person and not Asian, so you don’t understand how offensive it was to the Korean community, especially the older ones.
I don’t know about his non-profit. I know they are tied to a bunch of others and help people, including some I know dealing with actual race attacks, and they are national. Since you don’t seem to like using Google, here is just one victim that was helped. This made national news and alone raised 117k. It takes a simple Google search
This is who you are attacking with your political attack that is backfiring. You tried to create a fake hate crime (over a troll DM) and tie the association to Doug Chaffee and promote Sunny Park. Well, guess what? It helped him! Branda Lin is already on a no list for her part, thanks to you and your friends. You do not know the Asian community, and guess what? OC is full of Asians if you haven’t noticed.
Bleeding heart so excited to find a victim that you believed anything and couldn’t find a single person to say anything negative about James Mai. This entire post is lies based on lies, you are a journalist? Why don’t you research and post the truth.
Most of this comment will be about the attack on Jay Chen, but let’s get some smaller things out of the way first.
The initial post was a general post from Instagram. Later, it was also sent as a DM, which is where the screenshot came from. If it’s a “fake hate crime,” that’s only because the predicate event he bragged about may not have happened — in other words, it was a hate crime HE faked — but it was definitely a “troll DM,” as you say, if you mean the Mai was (in the best case) trolling! The DM was designed to give someone (an Indian immigrant, in fact) the impression that he had actually done this thing. And the recipient of the DM was foreseeably horrified and traumatized and so called him out on it. Why don’t you tell us all why you think that that sort of action is OK, Charles?
Let’s briefly talk also about the fundraiser you link to. (Is Nirav Patel one of the SHAME-HATE people? Someone of that name just donated $10 to it yesterday.) There are apparently some serious questions about Mai’s “charitable work” that have been made to the state government. I’ll defer to their investigation on this — but I will say that if you want to make a fundraiser look good you can funnel donated money to your organization and then back to people who will donate to you again — any number of times. In some contexts, that’s illegal. So we’ll just wait and see.
Sure, you got Korean-Vietnamese cooperation on this — because Mai, a skeevy slimy “activist” who happens to be Vietnamese, told a Big Lie to the Korean community about what Jay Chen actually said about Michelle Steel — and the Korean community (understandably) felt the need to protest it. The only people who have been running with this story are (searching on {“Jay Chen” “Michelle Steel” attack on accent}): Fox News, the National Review, the Washington Times, various Republican politicians and associations, and a conservative scandal sheet.
Here’s what Jay Chen actually said in a 13-second clip: “She just had another town hall the other day, and it’s tough: we’ve transcribed it — kind of need an interpreter to figure exactly what she’s saying. The more she speaks the better for us.” In other words, they could transcribe the words well enough from her speech, but from the transcription they literally couldn’t figure out what she was trying to say!
I could find surprisingly few videos online of Steel speaking without a script — nothing wrong with her reading ability — but there was this one online from a Board of Supervisors meeting that gives a sense of what happens when she gets even a little off script. She can’t figure out why, if we’re told not to put COVID masks on dogs, they’re OK for people. I guess I can figure out what she’s trying to say there, but I just sort of can’t believe she’s saying it. In short, there’s a good reason that she’s not willing to debate Jay Chen — unless she can read answers written for her.
She can’t distinguish between putting masks on people and on dogs.
Here’s Chen’s response to these attacks — mostly by bona fide racists — printed in the OC Register:
I’ll tell you, I have tried to follow the syntax and logic of Michelle Steel’s live statements — and they are really hard to follow, not because of her accent, but because they seem like they’re coming from someone who knows very little about what she’s talking about. There are lots of very bright Korean women in OC politics — Sunny Park is one, and while I disagree a lot with Young Kim I don’t think that she’s incoherent or unintelligent (as opposed to less than honest) — and I’ll bet that the Korean community accepted the representation uncritically. I’ve thought that maybe Chen shouldn’t have used the word “translator” — but is there a better word for needing help understanding what an politician who doesn’t know what she’s talking about was trying to say?
Want to continue fighting this out, Charles? OK, I’ll try to find the exact press conference Chen’s staff was trying to figure out. Hell, I’m willing to publish any number of videos of Steel speaking without a script. I think that you’ll end up begging for mercy.
But here’s one thing we can agree on: she’s strongly anti-abortion, right? Well, I have reports that she’s telling young Asian women who she’s trying to get to volunteer for her that she’s PRO-choice! Would that kind of exception be OK with you, Charles?
Since you took the time to respond an actually make an effort to address your concerns in a decent manner (not like this article I will do the same).
1. The DM right or wrong is not the issue. The issue is the claim that it was posted and bragged about, there is only the DM. If you look on Twitter, Mai even said it was in bad taste (the only statement I have seen). I agree it was in bad taste even if it was to mess with someone but crime? Hardly. You are a lawyer you should know that and to use it for a political attack is WEAK.
2. Charity – fundraiser example, not sure what you mean. GoFundMe proceeds go directly to victims, that is the process. It was one example. Also I looked at the website, again I do not know the non-profit, but looks like they work with endowments, also there are pictures of the events and charitable donations online so not sure what you are saying again, who cares anyways what’s the goal to investigate this to continue the political attack?
3. Chen – This is where I don’t understand how being a lawyer you can say this “Sure, you got Korean-Vietnamese cooperation on this — because Mai, a skeevy slimy “activist” who happens to be Vietnamese, told a Big Lie to the Korean community about what Jay Chen actually said about Michelle Steel — and the Korean community (understandably) felt the need to protest it.” ——– What facts are there on this? This is again a political attack in support of Jay Chen. You are not Korean and do not have the facts. This was an issue way longer before that event happened with the Korean American community. I was there (you can see me standing next to the SBS report in the video if you look), this was the heads of the Korean American community event. You falsely stated it was James Mai event but it wasn’t and I showed you proof. Now you are changing it saying it was because James Mai somehow influenced 50+ Korean organization and got them outraged…how realistic is that? This was a BIG issue in our community as soon as it happened. James Mai has influence but to influence Korean media across the world and some of the biggest unions in the country as a Republican? Be real.
Steel and Kim and Park and whoever? I do not agree with most politicians in OC and especially MAGA and HB types. But I am addressing lies on this article and responding to a political attack on a community leader. I am not arguing or debating or fighting, just stating facts. What Chen says is up to who the person is to determine.
This article states only lies or allegations, all it is is what in the Korean community call your equivalent of character assassination, very dishonorable.
1. Again: posted of Instagram, seen by LC, then sent by JM to LC (I think after she asked him about it), and sent to her, at which point she took a screenshot because she took it at face value.
2. GoFundMe funds, as I understand it, go to wherever they are directed to go. I don’t believe that GoFundMe independently verifies that the deposits go to the actual victims. I’m in no position to know whether or not they did in you case; are you in such a position based upon your own firsthand knowledge, rather than what someone else told you. Again, I’m informed that his “charity” has been referred to the state for investigation, and if you’re a percipient witness I’m sure that they’d like to know that.
3. My recollection is that Mai publicly took credit for organizing the event. You are correct than that in itself does not make it true. I don’t blame the Korean community for being fooled into believing someone’s misrepresentation of what Chen said; doing that sort of thing successfully is part of the dark art of politics. But it’s clear from what Chen said that his team had successfully transcribed what she said — meaning that the problem was not her accent — and was mystified by what she had been trying to convey.
By the way, in researching this I learned for the first time that Steel is from North Korea, not the South (as I had presented) and that her family had escaped to Japan. Good for them! But I couldn’t find any public comment from her condemning Former President Trump’s cozying up to his good friend Kim Jong Il (part and parcel of his cozying up to Putin); can you point me to any such comment?
Greg is deflecting to hide his own incompetence. Any lawyer worth their salt would get a declaration under penalty of perjury from the person claiming such a serious incident. And they would do it PRIOR to addressing the BoS publicly. What if someone was gaming and fabricating this ?
*Cameron is NOT lying about this, but if as an attorney you didn’t obtain a declaration in the earliest stages, and it turned out to not be true, you would be on the hook for this, and rightfully so. I looked you up and you went to a Ivy League Law School ?
Guys, the article has nothing to do with wanting James Mai gone. These are left wing agitators who are profiteering off of a real Hate INCIDENT against Cameron to kick Doug Chaffee out.
I can ask my sister in law to send a letter to Supervisor Chaffee since she’s a constituent. I’m still trying to get someone who can do a declaration with Cameron before Tuesday because Greg is more obsessed with Mr Chaffee than the truth about James Mai.
As far as getting resolution for Cameron, filing a complaint with the AG on a Hate INCIDENT should have been Greg’s first step. Why did Greg Diamond not take advantage of this ? It is because Mr Chaffee lives in this guys head rent free. You can’t see clear enough to take the basic first steps, because your focus is getting rid of Mr Chaffee. You are a communist agitator using a despicable hate incident to influence who sits on the Board. Someone should report you to the State Bar.
#shamehateOC folx : screenshot Charles Hwangs post immediately about the fund$ collected by #vietnamesevandal #jamesmai
it will be most helpful to an agency headed by a Filipino American
btw Charles im Asian. South Asian 2 be exact. I’m a #Desi. you got any slurs 4 me , loser ? I could always use me some more ammunition to #suejamesmai
how much are you being paid 4 your trolling btw ?
No one even spoke to you. Trolling? I am posting FACTS. No one is paying me anything, I find this political attack sickening. No one said a single word to you but you’re triggered enough to call me a loser?
Screenshot the GofundMe is that an illegitimate company also?
No idea who you’re talking about, but I don’t think being Filipino is a necessary qualification. But if it is, I have lots of family members who qualify.
There is no place for hate in the Republican Party. James Mai was the head of GIR, and then either stepped down or was told to. He is now functioning in some type of accounting role, last I checked. The OCGOP needs to address this bragging about the cow’s head as it may qualify as a hate crime against a woman who was adopted from a majority Hindu nation, and whose adopted grandmother was a Hindu.
That’s why the actions of James Mai horrified her. Any decent person knows you don’t brag about committing a hate crime as doing so cheapens the seriousness of hate crimes. I’m part Mexican origin and I know what I’m talking about.
I don’t think James Mai is guilty of any hate crime, but he definitely is guilty of a HATE INCIDENT. Greg Diamond doesn’t even know how to get Cameron the help she needs.
They could have filed a report with the AG’s office months ago on a “Hate INCIDENT”.
Our Constitution protects Free Speech in the 1st Amendment. In deciding whether something amounts to a Hate Incident (if not an actual hate CRIME) the factors to look at are
1. Is the victim the statements were made to part of a particular race, ethnicity or religion?
2. Does the victim have known affiliations with protected groups?
As far as Cameron the answer is most definitely yes. Anyone who follows her social media knows she celebrates significant events that are basically Hindu, like the color throwing and the New Year in, I guess its November. James Mai and Cameron followed each other on Instagram, so Mai would have known that Cameron has “ties” to Hindus in the sense that she celebrates these festivals, and they are usually held at and sponsored by temples.
What Charles Hwang doesn’t understand and Greg doesn’t have the professional experience to know is EVEN IF MAI ONLY SENT THIS IN A DM, its still a “HATE INCIDENT”.
Why? Let me walk you guys through this again, since you all since limited in your ability to comprehend basic concepts.
1. Cameron’s status as an adopted baby from India is less relevant than her current choices as an ADULT to affiliate with the Hindu community by going to their festivals. Indian cultural festivals are based on Hinduism. So if Cameron participates in these and posts pictures of herself on social media that James Mai would have seen then she meets the qualifying factor of “affiliation”. STUDY THE AG’s website.
2. Determination of “affiliation”. Let’s suppose someone supports like maybe the gay community. ( I personally do not) However, if went to those so-called “pride” rallies and was seen at them, and someone sends me hateful DM’s attacking gays, then it would probably be a hate incident. Go back and look at the affiliation definition. Greg should have figured this out for himself.
3. Copied and pasted from the AG’s website In California, you can be a victim of a
hate crime if you have been targeted because of your:
» race or ethnicity,
» nationality, religion,
» gender, sexual orientation,
» physical or mental disability, or
» your association with a person
or group with one or more of
these “actual” or “perceived”
characteristics. (Hope the cut & paste works ! )
So Greg is negligent and the Hindus are obsessing over the wrong thing. The HATE INCIDENT was directed at my friend Cameron due to her publicly known *association* with Hindus. Since this occurred close to a time of the colors festival, sorry I forget what it’s called it may rise to a hate crime, if Mai expected Cameron to show the DM to Hindus. Which she actually did. So James Mai sort of vicariously committed a hate crime against Hindus as he certainly knew Cameron would seek out the local Hindu community about this. He knew or should have known that if Cameron shows this to Hindus it will trigger them terribly.
I’m Christian and Republican but I myself have witnessed hateful acts against, like Hispanics. I’m half Mexican. This has been an issue addressed by Latinos for Trump, and I’m very proud of them for this. I’m a member of Latinos for Trump, and they do a lot of great work with pushing back against racism.
Greg failed Cameron miserably in not exploring the “Hate Incident” aspect of this.
As far as you Hindus, get over the cow. We can’t prove there was one. If Greg put his mind to it he could prove a hate incident against Cameron based on her ASSOCIATION with Hindus. Unfortunately, he can’t even read his emails to know she called the FBI yesterday. What a pinche excuse for a lawyer….
vanessa, so honey i legit appreciate you having my back , but greg has diminished capacity as to some things.
he did the best he could given his limitations. he had a stroke + it affects his ability to retain / process information, but he does his best.
i don’t want 2 see him in trouble
we don’t know what may be going down in his personal life either
just – pls… he makes a lot of mistakes but he got the facts right on #jamesmai …
plus any errors he corrects them swiftly..
i hope the new article Vern wrote gets lots of views. i will wait on someone else 2 comment B4 I do myself
#vietnamesevandal #takehimout #removehinduphobe #banjamesmai #suejamesmai #lockhimup
put that gorilla in a cage
Great, LC. Would you like to review your own “limitations” as well? I can’t do it here due to attorney-client privilege, which outlasts the active representation.
I will kindly refuse to discuss the reasons that I decided not to take the case, except to say that my mental acuity is low on the list.
Shame Hate, you might want to re-think the term “Vietnamese Vandal”. It has a terrible ring. I get that it’s acceptable in many cultures to identify someone based on physical characteristics. Like Mexicans will refer to people by their appearance “Gordo” for overweight, “Chino” for those with Native Mexican features, but when you guys are doing a campaign where you want sympathy from the public, its not a great idea. Btw, I just followed you guys on Facebook !
I agree — and said so on their FB site on Saturday.
charles hwang:
immediately send your contact information including phone and email and mailing address 2 Greg Diamond 2 be forwarded 2 me.
I am fixin 2 file a supplement 2 the existing investigation on #hinduphobicvandal + list you as a material witness in the AG’s fraud investigation. as Greg what material means.
cat’s out of the bag. Mr Bonta’s investigators – lucky they got a field office just due NW in LA – will want 2 speak 2 you based on your extensive knowledge of the fund$ collected ….for “nonprofit”…when there IS no nonprofit.
if you be coming on here yappin, you are only helping the authorities take down the man who terrorized me based on the type of Asian *I* am. and I will aid them in any way possible
If you choose not 2 furnish this, I will ask #shamehateOC find some other means 2 locate you.
after all, they were they ones who enlightened ME as to mai’s fraudulent “charity”
get it through your thick skull: we just want #vietnamesevandal the hell off of the commissions
if the “HATE INCIDENT” / hate crime / hate speech investigation takes just a wee bit longer, well the Good Lord done blessed me w/ the patience of Job …
if we can accelerate our quest 2 #removehinduphobe on the basis of #taxfraud or #taxevasion, then idgaf.
right now , it’s 6 of one or half dozen of the other.
that’s a idiom used by proficient speakers of English to say “either which way”
at this point we are aiming for the low hanging fruit . “we” = me + my frens
cuz #WWG1WGA
Sonal Kher for #ExposingHinduphobia. Cameron say she post comment but we cannot find. We also will appreciate information of Mr Hwang as he is surely knowledgable. We are attempting to re-centre our efforts.
Cameron send us text message and said “lowhanging fruit”
If we can lobby AG’s office to pursue #HinduphobicVandal with vigour on his non compliance of tax crimes, even racist will wash hands of him. That is our pressing focus.
Please rush contact information for Mr Charles Hwang, we will send updated form this very night and confirm first thing tomorrow with Attorney Generals.
Thank you.
As well we will like to know (all of us) why Greg Diamon did not previously pursue “Hate Incident” path. Please explain failure to do so.
I deleted her comment for reasons that I explained to her. If she will allow me to edit it so that it’s printable — despite its still being Islamophobic — then I’ll restore it and you’ll see it.
I would suggest that Mr. Hwang forward the information to one of you, as I am not representing her in the action against James Mai, though I’m rooting for its success.
As for your final statement: it wasn’t a “failure” and you and your friends have shown yourself to be so reckless with allegations and of bad faith that I will not discuss it with you. If do you have people from the Hindu American Foundation
International groupthat has been mentioned coming into help, and they have attorneys, then I will happily discuss it with them.And we got a lot of other stuff we want to discuss here on this blog, so can everyone keep it to e-mails or some shit?
Sorry, but I’m not emailing any one of these people anytime soon. I’ve gotten shitty treatment from enemies in this county at time, but never something like this from supposed allies. I’m done with them unless sufficiently provoked.
Mr Diamond, Vasant and Sonal both here. we are not referring to islamophobic comment as we do not know what you mean.
We are asking clarification of you on this: Vanessa Mendoza point out you never pursue Hate Incident option.
How Vanessa learn of this option and not you? It seems easiest to prove.
As well we are speaking to Jesus from OCHR (This is not joke, he really is called by this name). It is real name.
We ask why this OC Human Relations not act previously. Cameron say you call them. When and what was outcome? They dont have record of you. Jesus was being helpful offering to start over. County have existing policy already on hate SPEECH.
Yes we are bloody furious with description of cow head. We are Hindus. It is our belief. Still we look for easiest path to remove Mai. Any means possible. Even if Hate Speech, Hate Incident, or Tax Code Violation.
Again we ask you for last time: WHY YOU DID NOT PURSUE HATE INCIDENT REPORT or advice Cameron to do so ? Who is Vanessa that she know more laws than you ?
Lastly, why OCHR have no record of you? Explain to us.
I started investigating it and came to the conclusion that I would not be able to take the case. I’m not going to say why because it’s none of your business. All I’ll say is that the case looked like it was winnable, but not likely by an unfinanced solo practitioner.
Vanessa Mendoza is full of shit. If James Mai were an EMPLOYEE of the county, one or another organization might get involved. But he’s not: he’s a political appointee. It’s not clear what rules apply to him. There could have been help from a branch of the District Attorney’s office, but (1) I believe its been defunded and (2) Mrs. Cameron just organized a recall campaign against the DA, and I endorsed against him, so that didn’t seem likely to do much.
We were directly to, and called, several agencies; I don’t recall the results of that one, but I know some didn’t return our calls.
I do not believe that is remotely the case that her swearing that it was an accurate screenshot would have made any difference at all. And, as I’ve said repeatedly, while I did some additional work necessary to assess the case — which is what calling the FBI and such was part of — I never agreed to take the case and in fact told her otherwise. I did agree to speak to the H&CD Commission on her behalf (for reasons she can explain if she wishes) as a courtesy, but that’s a damn sight different from agreeing to take such a case to its bitter end — ESPECIALLY if it was likely to be a case against the county, either by suing them directly or by the Defendant bringing them in.
Winnable, but I wasn’t going to be able to do it myself. You can find someone else to do it. It’s still a viable claim.
Now, if you want to see the biggest obstacle to getting anything done, LOOK IN A MIRROR! I did not want to say this, but you guys come off as entitled, uninformed, demanding, unreasonable, and nasty. NOT A POLITIICIAN IN THE COUNTY would want to be involved with you after reading your postings here and elsewhere. You would strike them as a disaster waiting to happen.
Your views of this matter have been poisoned by this goony Trumper Vanessa, who is a far-right activist, foe of Katrina Foley, who wants to see the majority of the Board stay in power. And they will do NOTHING for you. NOTHING. EVER. And SHE KNOWS IT! So if you think that you’ve been used by political ends — you have been — but not by me, by HER!
Here’s some general political advice: organize against the people who are standing in your way. Don’t make your focus the people who are potential allies but haven’t yet fully come around to your side, especially if they are NOT YET in power or IN A DEEP MINORITY on the Board itself. This is basic. How do you not get it?
Foley’s calling for an investigation would not do SHIT on the Board as it is presently composed. Thwarting her demand for an investigation just makes the majority feel even nicer. So why has she been your focus? Sensible and intelligent as she is, she might well want to avoid you guys because you seem like loose cannons loaded with uranium shells — but EVEN SO she’d be the only one on the current Board who might agree to help you COME DECEMBER when a potentially sympathetic majority might be in place.
But no — you attack Foley. You attack Park for not doing enough to support your crackpot approach to political influence, which is predicated on the idea that if you JUST YELLED LOUDER you’d be able to win.
You attack me for supposedly writing about this because I’m trying to push my political preferences. Nope — that not why I did it. I did it because I TOO AM BLOODY FURIOUS with James Mai’s attempt to look all gangster and macho with his description of desecrating a store with a cow’s head! (And now he’s posted a picture of him dining with Don Wagner’s supporter, City Council candidate John Park, at an Indian restaurant in Orange, is which he says “nice masala!” I don’t know about you guys, but in the 20 years I was married to my Goan first wife, the only time one of us said “nice masala” is when one or the other had cooked it up from scratch. Otherwise, it’s “nice brinjal, nice aloo gobi, nice malai kofta, although to be fair we’d always go our for that.)
As I tried to explain to you AGAIN AND AGAIN, the only way that you get a majority of the Board willing to remove Mai is if Foley wins and Chaffee loses. Then you’ve got three people who will at least give you an honest hearing. Then it just matters whether Vicente Sarmiento or Berenice Nguyen is more likely to side with Chaffee and Do for the next two years — and I’m pretty sure that that would be Chaffee’s ideological twin Nguyen. If you watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe, remember when Dr. Strange says that he’s looked at all of the possibilities in alternative universes and there was only one possible — not guaranteed, but possible, way to win? I have a much easier task: I just need to look at two incumbents and six candidates for three seats and do a little math. If Chaffee and Do have EVEN ONE ALLY on the Board with them when the term ends, Mai stays. The EASIEST path is also the HARDEST path. There is only ONE WAY.
But you think that because that way matches my own preferences, that means that I’m pushing it for an ulterior motive. I shouldn’t call you “idiots,” but as I hope that this is our last-ever interaction, I’ll indulge myself: it never occurs to you idiots that the reason that I prefer these three is BECAUSE THEY HAVE shown the moral character and decency that they would want to investigate this and act on that investigation? My God, have you been played!
You have turned out to be James Mai’s best ally in all of this. When we might have scared the current Council into action, instead you’ve given your opponents aid and comfort. James Mai is laughing at you. He’ll probably send you Christmas cards!
Your ONLY HOPE is to get some people out here, perhaps someone from HAF, aren’t so woefully clueless and stubborn. For now, just get out of my face. Good luck solving this one without my help — and while I seriously hope that you do, I should wish you luck finding lawyers who can take this one on contingency. You’re not putting on a good show for anyone you might hire.
I just realized that there was one ignorant bullshit charge made here that I had addressed in my article draft but not here, regarding my noting that Supervisor Foley was likely not ABLE to speak to the James Mai case, beyond (presumably) calling for an investigation into what had gone on, because her statements on it would probably put the county at risk.
In a great example of “a little knowledge being a dangerous thing,” the commenters here and on FB associated with SHAME HATE said that this obviously could not be true, because Foley had recently commented critically about a hate crime that had had the Jewish Community as a target.
The person who wrote this (I’m not bothering to look up which one it was) said that they had come up with this information based on their research. I suspect that, instead, it was handed to them by someone who knew that it was a baseless analogy, but it’s wrong regardless of who found it.
In the Mai case, Mai is an agent of the county. He’s got an appointed position and there is reason to think, if it could be proven that he had actual operational control over the websites in question — a real expensive pain in the ass to prove against someone who is Trump-level unethical and dishonest, as might be the case (and no, none of the admissions they mention of some role in the case would be conclusive) — that he may have used some information available to him (or to someone through whom he might have sought and received it) as a result of his county appointment. That would have put the county on the hook, whether as a primary defendant or as one whom Mai could implead into any case as an additional defendant. That’s when the case would go from simply expensive to exorbitant.
As in effect a member of the Board of Directors of the incorporated County, and statement that Foley made could have been imputed to the county as an admission. That too would not have been conclusive — but it could have been persuasive and surely would have been damaging to her personally, as she would be expected to know not to make that sort of statement with litigation pending.
How is that different from the Anti-Semitism case? So far as I recall — correct me if I’m wrong — that was not a case in which the County would have had any plausible liability (and I don’t think that it even had plausible involvement), and so she would be free to speak her mind about it without recklessly inviting liability.
How do you get this across to people who have that dangerously little amount of knowledge that leads them to think that a hate-crime case that does NOT involve the county is the exactly the same as a hate crime case DOES involve the county? In my experience, you can only do so if they’re willing to listen and think over what they’re told. In other words, in this instance, doing so was impossible.
Speaking of corrections: when I wrote about “Tess” before, I meant “Ness” or “Nessa,” also known to us here as “Vanessa” — the Foley-hating self-described “MEGA MAGA REPUBLICAN.” If I had to guess who gave the Hindu commenters here the information about this case, and perhaps also instructions as to how to use it, she’d certainly be among my suspects.
Just to be clear to our commenters languishing in the trash: I’m prevented by attorney-client privilege from defending myself against certain accusations that you make against me. As a possible victim of defamation myself, I can’t facilitate it by publishing those comments here. If you want to publish something non-defamatory, such as about Janice Hahn’s reaction to the work you did, go ahead and send it and I’ll fish it out of moderation.
Tomorrow, City of Irvine will approve a resolution proclaiming January as Human Trafficking Awareness month.
Ask maybe how one particular Sex Trafficking Survivor feels knowing James Mai doxxed her,published her addres suggesting strangers go to her home for turtle soup and still got away with it? She is in the Safe at Home program for a reason, no? He did these things after she exposed his Hinduphobic posts on Instagram. Why is this creep allowed to hold any commission post?
James Mai did dox Cameron, just not under his own name. He used other vessels. First he got the far-right Asian website to do it, then Charles Hwang, then Luis M Huang, and finally Suzanna Stopani Flores (Suzanna Cooper Stopani ).
Mai himself never mentioned her name in writing until he filed that civil paperwork.
That doesn’t mean he wasn’t behind all the doxings, just that he managed to call in a lot of favors from a lot of fools. Charles Hwang being one. So, Charles are you sexually obsessed with Cameron, or you just said those things to scare her? Never mind, you can tell your story to the IPD detective.
And for this bonehead commenter to who I replied, thanks for setting Cameron up for failure with the MAI-NOR-Attracted thing. You’re Hindu aren’t you? That’s how the concept started. I’ve seen the email chain, don’t deny it. Kathleen Treseder doesn’t even talk to Aarti Kaushal Chopra anymore, wonder why.
If anyone wants a seat on Irvine Child Care Committee
email Meredith Marquis. She’s Councilmember Treseder’s Chief of Staff. Treseder gets to fill the appointment anew since Aarti resigned.
From what I see on Twitter, Mai is living it up in Florida, stumping for DeSantis. Probably waiting it out til he thinks the investigation into his friends is over. Mai is a cold-blooded sociopath, alright. He and DeSantis might just get along good.
Shame on Irvine Council for the Human Trafficking Awareness Proclamation. While they are at it they might as well change it to Turtle Soup Awareness Month. Another option is Cyberstalking Awareness Month. Maybe try Doxxing of a Sex Trafficking Survivor Awareness Month. Better yet just make it #JamesMaiHateCrime Month.
Oh and to the bellyaching Hindu fanatics, sorry but the real hate crime is the doxxing not the make-believe cow’s head. There was no cow,but there was a Safe at Home Violation by a sitting Child Care Committee member. It’s not about a cow, believe that.
Two new comments on this post and topic – that’ll do for the month of January
Well … then I guess we’ll have to start a new post for Irvine’s meeting tomorrow!
As two comments mentioned the turn “Turtle Soup,” which does not seem to have a related meaning based on UrbanDictionary and Google, someone write in to Vern and explain what it means. I may use the term in the headline of the new post, if I understand it well enough.
The Irvine meeting *I’m” excited about is TODAY at 3!
(Hat-tip Eric N. and Doug E.)
Yeah, that’s the one I was talking about yesterday when I called it “Irvine’s meeting tomorrow.” Are you watching it?
Reminder for people in that district to vote for Doug Elliot for Assembly District Delegate (if voting is still open, which I’m not checking.)
Quick reminder for people in that district to vote for Doug Elliot for Assembly District Delegate (if voting is still open, which I’m not checking.)
Yeah, that’s the meeting I was referring to; obviously I wasn’t clear about the day. Did you get a chance to watch it? We can continue talking about in in this item, I suppose.