Anaheim: Gloria & Trevor Complete One More Dirty Job for Harry Sidhu.

Last Tuesday, November 1, the Anaheim City Council jammed through a development project at the last moment before a new mayor and council can be elected, and while everyone is distracted with the elections.  We expect Trevor O’Neil and Gloria Ma’ae to get a big infusion of last-minute money from the developer, Greenlaw Partners of Irvine. Greenlaw’s lobbyist was Jeff Flint’s client according to the city website.  Greenlaw also is the Chamber of Commerce and Visit Anaheim’s landlord.

At the June 7 Council meeting – shortly after the FBI scandal broke and Sidhu resigned – an “audit report” was presented listing Sidhu donors who are part of the investigation.  Greenlaw is on that list. Three of their employees donated big money to Sidhu. And Greenlaw in turn has been awarded exclusive rights to buy and develop condos and apartments on city-owned property. 

This particular project, to be located on the southeast corner of Ball and Anaheim, was listed on the October 10 Planning Commission as including 15% affordable housing – something important to this city with its housing crisis – but then the staff unilaterally recommended in their report, also on the city’s website, to lower it down to 10%. No one seems to know why. Even the Planning Commission minutes indicate 15% in writing, but now it’s been  lowered by staff to 10% on the Nov.1 documents. Who is controlling the staff? 

“a mixed-use 8.3 acre project consisting of 223 for-sale townhomes ranging from 3 to 4 stories…”

Construction unions are also protesting since the developer insisted it be a non-union project even though its land owned by the city.

Go to the city’s Economic Development webpage. Under Quick Links you will see the Anaheim Blvd and Ball Road project.  That’s it, buried on the economic development page.  It’s dated November 1 – one week before Election Day. They have managed to sneak in one last Sidhu donor project one week we get a new mayor and city council. 

Very few people spoke against the project at either meeting because it was all so rushed and secretive. On the Planning Commission, only Steve White (the usual dissenter) voted against it, and on Council only Moreno and Valencia dissented, against yes votes by the cabal members Gloria Ma’ae, Trevor O’Neil, Jose Diaz and Steve Faessel. They just couldn’t resist one last dirty act, in case the majority changes next week. If you elect Gloria, Trevor, or either Natalie (all supported by the same special interests) you can be sure they will KEEP ANAHEIM DIRTY!  

Your Best Bets:

Aitken, Lal, Jabbar, Leon.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.