Chaffee Sex Discrimination: He Fires Bea Mendoza, but keeps James Mai.

As though there weren’t enough reason to vote against Supervisor Doug Chaffee, we’ve got this now: he is being sued by his former employee Beatriz Mendoza We know Bea real well – we didn’t support her when she ran for Santa Ana council a couple years ago, but we know she is a very caring and hard worker for the underserved. And Chaffee fired her because she needed time off – time that should have been legally protected – to care for her sick children. Here is Bea’s complaint.

We hope Bea’s suit is successful, but the whole thing bothers me a little more given that this is the Doug Chaffee who went ahead and re-appointed James Mai as his County Housing and Community Development Commissioner – rightwing provocateur James Mai who likes to brag about terrorizing Indian-Americans, as some kind of joke apparently. And doxxes people who take offense with that. And spreads vicious lies about Democrats, rejoices in “trolling,” and everything else. This guy should be kept on, and Beatriz should be canned?

The DPOC made good choices this year, in the Supervisorial Races – and it’s VERY rare they would go against an INCUMBENT who also happens to have uncounted millions to invest in his own re-election. Generally, the Democrats’ very good reasons to back challenger Sunny Park over Doug were his close alliance on the BoS with Republican Andrew Do fighting against transparency, and their ganging up on good Democrat Supervisor Katrina Foley.

Apparently now, having lost his primary to Park, this “Democrat” Chaffee is hoping to appeal to Republicans now, and especially Asian Republicans, so he made the decision to cling to the bully Mai, who passes his inexcusable ass off as some kinda “Anti-Asian Hate” activist even though he helped start the nonsensical lie that Jay Chen ridiculed Michelle Steel’s accent. DOUG HAS NO VALUES, HE JUST WANTS CONTINUED POWER. ANYBODY in that district, vote Sunny Park!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.