Blogs have one big advantage that social media does not: more persistent availability.
I won’t call it “permanence,” because technological obsolescence, natural and human-made disasters, and the eventual heat-death of the universe render that infeasible, but blogs are a lot less ephemeral than tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram, and the like. We actually make it into the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archives. And so, when something really worth remembering comes up, we like to commemorate it on this blog for future scholars of OC.
Today — last night, by the time most of you start to read this — was the end of Dr. Jose Moreno’s service on the Anaheim City Council (at least for now.) An unfortunate casting of lots limited him to six years rather than eight, as Anaheim adopted the district system that he fought for, but in those six years he accomplished plenty.
Dr. Moreno’s staff or supporters (I’m not sure which — the label at the bottom says “Spotify”) prepared graphics that nicely mark his successful tenure on the Council. Here they are, snagged off of Facebook, and here they shall stay.
Congratulations and thank you, Dr. Jose; we look forward to the next chapter of your live, wherever it takes you.
Hail and farewell from the Council, compadre: we know that you’ll still be around, but we’ll still miss you on the dais!
Well, Greg put all that together last week, I just thought I’d add in my two cents here – VERN
Truly the best council member Anaheim has ever had.
Solid human being who really loves and serves his community. Regardless of political persuasion, the dude simply focused on making his community better. I hope he runs for Mayor one day.
Thought I would just add in my two cents here: