Some time around the holidays, pleasant art including the “SUN WAVE” mural above began to appear around the blighted parts of Beach Blvd in West Anaheim. And immediately outraged comments like this one (anonymously published under the name “What every one is thinking” on Matt Cunningham’s Anaheim Blog) began to appear on the internets and social media:
“The ghetto sidewalk painting now extends to the other side of the street.
I understand if you come from very graffiti lined, spray painted areas this may seem acceptable, but its not, Jose Diaz.
… Its ugly, and brings down the neighborhood.
Remove this ghetto look immediately. It looks like the cheapest person on earth tried to beautify.
This looks awful!!!! How dare you do this.
Cheap, ghetto, ugly.”
[At Beach and Ball now.]
Well, there’s no accounting for taste, is there?
Or IS there?
When I first read that comment I thought, “Wow, this I gotta see!” I gathered that the walls of West Anaheim must be sporting bright vibrant portraits of Malcolm X or Tupac, or detailed representations of the decades-long struggles of migrant farmworkers, explicable only by Chicano Studies majors, the kind of mural art that makes old white people feel bad, or less-than.
Pero no…
[at the Beach Blvd CVS.]
There’s a lot to unpack in that comment.
- There’s the assumed sense of schoolmarm authority in “Remove this immediately!”, “not acceptable,” and “How dare you do this!”
- There’s the kneejerk blaming of the art on immigrant Councilman Jose Diaz, who had nothing to do with it, but they can certainly order him to remove it! (Yeah, he obviously must have imported the graffiti culture from Havana to District 1.)
- The handle “What everyone is thinking” is shorthand for “He/she is simply saying out loud what everyone else is thinking” – used for politically incorrect comedians like Anne Coulter and Donald Trump, and betraying the awareness that calling this innocuous art “ghetto” IS a little uncool.
- And there’s the troubling association of anything colorful and public with the feared and loathed “GHETTO.”
I mean who looks at these pleasant pastel decorations and sees “GHETTO?”
[Beach balls at Beach & Ball – get it? Never mind. Pic by Mark Daniels.]
But anonymous blog comments did not suffice. This affront on the propriety of the Beach Boulevard area was so severe it merited the public appearances, at Jan. 24’s Council meeting, of the impacted ladies! And to nobody’s surprise, that was Jodie Mosley and a couple of her friends, all decrying these efforts as “GHETTO” and “unacceptable.”
These ladies, indefatigable complainers about immigrants and the homeless, are what’s left of the original membership of the West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council (WAND.) Their venerable founder Esther Wallace passed away in 2020, rest her soul. The immigration-obsessed Amanda Edinger moved away to a less-Communist state. And Kathy Chance has been expelled from the crowd for having the audacity to share Jordan Brandman’s Vicious Texts with this blog.
Southeast corner of Lincoln and Beach – and it was so PURTY before!!! 🙁
Yes, three or four of these offended West Anaheim ladies showed up to call this city-funded art “GHETTO,” and more troubling than that, they all said, “I don’t know a single person that likes this ghetto art!” (Speaking for myself, *I* haven’t met anyone yet that didn’t like it, or at least had any problem with it!)
But really, Jodie doesn’t know a single person who doesn’t hate this? That leaves us a difficult choice – should we be troubled that SO MANY West Anaheim residents find this art “ghetto,” or just be sad for Ms. Mosley that her circle of friends is so tiny?
[You asked about Beach & Orange? Here’s Beach & Orange.]
I spoke with City Spokesman Mike Lyster about this worrisome development – WHY such angst from older West Anaheim Karens? Mike suspects that, since this part of town has been so long neglected and fed empty promises of renewal from the City, that Jodie’s klatch is worried that this is ALL the City is doing to fix up Beach. “NOT THE CASE!” Lyster yearns to impart, this is probably… “maybe FIVE percent of the good stuff we’re working on in that area.” The City has ONLY JUST BEGUN to tear down old motels and replace them with nice housing, A LOT of which he promises will be low-income/affordable (which these ladies also won’t like.) “You should help us get out the message that this art is only a TINY FRACTION of what we’re doing there!”
Except I don’t really think that’s these women’s problem – they insist that the art should NOT BE THERE because it is GHETTO. As in, redolent of encroaching hordes of dark minorities. Lyster and I, in rare agreement, beg to disagree. The goal, he explains, and which I believe they’ve succeeded in, is to “bring much-needed brightness and light” to a FORMERLY ghetto area. Sounding like “broken-windows theory,” he insists that illegal drug use and other crime is much less prevalent in bright colorful environments.
[Nice. South side of Beach and Orange.]
But try telling that to the Karens of West Anaheim; it will just not compute. They insist that “As soon as this ‘art’ was installed, it was covered with graffiti.” First of all, very exaggerated – Mike admits that there were a couple instances of tagging which were quickly and easily cleaned up. Because – just as I suspected – this art utilizes a type of paint from which spray-paint is easily wiped off. Big Brother was prepared for gangbangers!
And who cleans the graffiti off in that area but West Anaheim’s friendly HOMELESS folks! Operating under Nathan Zug’s “Better Way” organization, they thus gain “volunteer experience” helping them get into the workforce. Well, SORT of “volunteer” – Lyster allows as to how they are often given GIFT CARDS. Somehow I don’t think ANY of this is gonna make Jodie and her friends ANY happier though.
[West Anaheim Youth Center.]
So, who did all this art for the City, I wanted to know? “It was the idea of these consultants we’re working with – Urban Arena – they thought it would really help improve the atmosphere of the area.” Wait – CONSULTANTS again? Now *I’m* pissed off. Why is our public money constantly going to consultants? “We spent $17,000 on that ‘SUN WAVE mural at Beach and Rome” [shown in aerial view at the top of this story, and partially below.] “The rest of it is kind of hard to compute, it was just stuff the consultant did.”
I ask, “Did you guys at least use local artists?” The City spokesman sadly admitted no, but hastened to re-assure me that when they, soon, take down the Anaheim Lodge, they are talking about replacing it with an “ART LODGE,” where local artists WILL have the chance to express themselves. That Lyster knows how to assuage the person he’s talking to, but I still fear that Jodie and her crowd are just getting more and more irate. Here’s Beach and Rome viewed from ground level:
Speaking of Beach and Rome, and speaking of Councilman Diaz who lives right there, what the ladies SHOULD be mad and suspicious about is HOW DID HE GET HIS STREET ALL CLOSED OFF AND BEAUTIFIED? Lyster tries to re-assure me that there’s no secret Councilman favors going on here, that that little area was particularly problematic with prostitution and drug use – johns would pull over there and do their john things – and that now, with the closed-off road and the beautiful art, that’s all a thing of the past!
Well, I’m gonna go ahead and say that I think what the City has done here is nice, although it shoulda been done with local people rather than some fancy expensive outside consultants, and I’m also gonna add that I think the West Anaheim people who hate this are a bunch of misanthropic WEIRDOS. What do YOU think?
Vern out.
Wait – that’s Mike Robbins talking to a cop – maybe THAT could be disturbing!
Picture by Mark Daniels, which could also trigger some.
Other pictures thanks to the City.
Harkens back to the controversy in the Spring of 2008 when culturally tone-deaf Fullerton Council member Shawn Nelson mounted his soap box to declare the Lemon Street overpass murals to be gang-glorifiers. He wanted them removed, and it took the level-headed persuadings of then-Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva, activists Kitty Jaramillo (and, I think Chris Sanchez) to restore reason to the discussion. I notice they’re still there, and there are steps being taken to restore them.
Ah, “The Town I Live In.”
I don’t understand how folksy man of the people Tony Bushala managed to be and remain friends with that guy.
That’s JUDGE Nelson now, John. But therein lies another story.
The only problem I see is that the minority now seem to rule this country. When less than 5% of the population seem to get their way because their big mouths cry out the rest of us have to put up with their WOKEness. I’m not crazy about the art but it’s on a sidewalk and it seems to me that it would only be completely visible if you were walking over it. Time for the City of Anaheim to tell these Karens that the majority of people like it or aren’t complaining and to tell them you are in the miniscule minority so live with it.
You think that “Karens” are “woke”? That is not 2020s cultural literacy!
So glad the city saw fit to waste taxpayer money on something that doesn’t benefit anyone except the so-called artists that designed this. Just another of many reasons I’m glad I left the city and state..
And how are things in Moscow?
This isn’t a response to anyone. It’s a collection of articles written about the #JamesMaiHateCrime.
Vern, it was unfair that a troll hijacked that thread. The other major OC blog already shut him down (or suspended him). Cutting off legitimate comments isn’t useful. The public has a right to know the facts. Please at least email me if you refuse to publish this. The Public deserves to know all facts.
Here are ALL articles published about #JamesMai with the exception of a competitor blog. Again, please email me before rejecting this.
Some one should have the guts to ask Ms Mosley what she means by “ Ghetto”? If she’s honest, her racist commentary would be seen for what it is .. shameless, uneducated rAcism! The arts are used for transformation, healing, expression.. but you need to see the forest from the trees and Clueless Mosley clearly can’t!
Heh, I might be chucking rocks from a glass house if I did that though.
Every time I give the Council a hard time for not having hybrid-Zoom meetings like most OC towns do, I say, “Why does Anaheim have to be more GHETTO than Santa Ana and Costa Mesa?” Just to piss em off you know.
So, I’m not sure – rock from glass house?
The sun image and the topic in this thread reminded
me of this article. Compare and contrast.
After JODIE MOSELY and KATHY TRAN spoke at the last city council meeting stating that they were speaking for ALL of District 1 regarding the new murals on Beach, I immediately wrote to city council stating how beautiful the murals are, and that Mosely and Tran DO NOT speak on behalf of EVERYONE in West Anaheim!
It is infuriating listening to Mosely speak as, she believes she runs the entire west side and has complete control over Diaz, Paqua and the Anaheim police dept. Diaz sucks up to her every whim because he too has NO FRIENDS left.
Outstanding article with outstanding arial photos!
I was just getting ready to do a piece on the Diaz property (cul-de-sac and new park going in), so thanks for jumping on this issue to let the public know what is REALLY going on with our tax dollars.
They aren’t murals.
Technically, because they are on the ground rather than a wall or “muro.” But still, what else would we call the “Sun Wave” piece? I call it a ground mural if you wanna be a stickler.
Don’t you wonder about the difference? I do.
To be fair, this sort of gesture IS commonly seen, but usually where the government agency is iffy, broken down or has been abdicated. This top-down effort is strange.
In this case the patterns (I hesitate to call it art) are on the sidewalk – not on any walls where a real statement of something is more likely. I can’t see any uplift, certainly not spontaneous. If the City is behind this, whoever cooked it up should reconsider.
I drove up and down Beach a few times this morning trying to find all of the “murals,” sidewalk murals, sidewalk chalk art (did I miss anything?). Not only are they difficult to see when driving past, it was actually pretty fun trying to find them all. The ones I did find, I found tasteful.
I cannot believe Ms. Mosley is complaining about this (but I don’t think she ever is happy with anything, quite frankly). Perhaps she should be more concerned with the wooden structure transient fort right outside her tract on Ball Rd. I gotta hand it to the transient, it’s a pretty inconspicuous build. Perhaps Ms. Mosely would rather see THAT on Beach Blvd!
Perhaps Anaheim can give her the golden key to the city to see if she can do a better job.
I don’t think this sidewalk art is permanent as, I believe they are putting in a grass part for Councilman Diaz and his family, at the expense of us taxpayers.
Isn’t the blight colorful?
I think that they’re mildly delightful. So now I will throw some cold water on them.
Yes, the city, including public safety, have to be involved in the process. The only one that gave me pause was the one with Mike Robbins talking to a cop — NOT because of that, but because the stripes on the ground resemble ones I’ve seen representing a crosswalk. We don’t want people to think it’s a crosswalk when it ain’t, and we don’t want people to think it’s NOT a crosswalk when it is. But this is an easily solved problem.
And more cold water: yes, this has to be regulated. Otherwise, before long we’ll see Coke swirls, Nike swishes, stylized Disney characters, and other ads on the streets — and that is NOT OK. Done properly, this does brighten up the city a bit — I suppose that by Zenger’s proper “artistic” viewpoint, it’s not art, but if it’s just a little pleasing graphic design that’s good enough for me.
The money for a consultant does bother me (plenty of area artists would judge these proposals for free) and the Jose Diaz thing bothers me not because I think that Jose Diaz asked for it but because it suggests that someone in the city exercised the reflex action of buttering up a Councilmember without even needing to be asked, like a cat bringing its owner 60% of a mouse. Anaheim is hardly alone in needing to guard against.
Shout out to Kathy Chance for her comments above! All I can say is (1) that coming across these on the street would give me a little zetz of good cheer, and (2) that I am NOT writing “NOT” in all-caps again in this comment.
Whatever you want to call it, I.LOVE.IT!,permanent%20materials%20such%20as%20chalk.
According to Ms. Mosely at her public address last week, District 1 Councilperson JOSE DIAZ hates it too, so THAT pleases me! ….and right next to HIS house! LMFAO, couldn’t have chosen a better place! 🙂
Well I’m not sure he had an opinion previously; but as you say when Jodie bitches to him he snaps to attention!
I agree, Greg, the money spent was too much and local artisans would have done it for a fraction of the price, but we had to start somewhere. Even though Vern’s article specifically stated, with photos, where each screeving was, I could not find the one in front of the Youth Center. It was a lot of fun to try and locate them all, kinda like searching for Hidden Mickeys at Disneyland. I absolutely ADORED the beach ball art at Beach/Ball. I think the art is great, as well as fun for not only residents, but visitors as well.
I can only hope that, per my request several years ago, that they install LOCKS OF LOVE sculptures along the streets on the sidewalks.
Here’s an example of the LOCKS OF LOVE sculpures and they are a HUGE HIT:
“Locks of Love” looks VERY nice! Wonderful idea! Agreed about the Beach Ball art too; if you have to have a funny street name like Ball, might as well make the most of it!
Diaz is probably afraid that someone near his house is going to put up a graphic of Che.
Oh, I plan to have street vendors such as the all night pop-up BBQ’s set up shop there. Since PAQUA and his officers are ALWAYS hungry, he’ll LOVE IT! I’m doing my Best to serve the Anaheim police department! Nothing like the smell of BBQ all night right outside your home, on your new Taxpayer patio! I’ll be first in line…with my camera rolling, of course!
My Mama always said, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!”
Late night BBQ’ing at the JOSE DIAZ house! WOOT-WOOT!!
I am also planning new construction for our unhoused real soon, on Beach Blvd, no less :)~
Hello new reader!
I invite you to click here to see the hundreds of pieces we’ve written over the years, including this past month, about MANY burning issues in Anaheim:
But you probably already knew that.
This one was really just kind of for fun.
I want to know what coffeeshop that person posts from. Their IP address gets a real workout!
Always with different names, and always with a notable hostility to Vince Sarmiento of all things!
PS now I see in our trash folder some anti-Semitic trash from there too. Are you able to check it out, IS that a coffeeshop?
AMEN, Staci!
No worries, WE are on a Roll!
PS: In the words of Walt Disney, “Welcome!”
“Welcome to our family time,
Welcome to our brotherly time,
This is the festival,
Ya know and best of all,
We’re here to share it all!”
Public art stories. They are a thing.
When vandalism is a hate crime. Should it be?
Who was harmed by this ‘incident’. How?
If he merely uttered the words, crime?
“A months-long search for a man who scrawled racist messages…,”
kinda shows WHAT is important to LEOs now a days. PATHETIC!
I guess because it is an EASY job to track down a graffiti artist instead of REAL criminals! Barfing. It’s all POLITICAL BULL-SHT!
The Sidewalk Art, and revitalization of Beach Boulevard, is the best thing to happen in West Anaheim, since “My Councilmember”Denise Barnes, was elected in 2016….
Let’s face it Vern. Top-down, City Hall “art” imposing vapid slogans on the hardscape isn’t art at all and it’s condescending as to the residents, “ghetto,” or not.
This gesture is typical of bureaucrats making things worse, not better, whatever their motivation, which is very often just to
make work for themselves.
This reminds me of the whole flag debacle, It seems Karens and Kens (someone’s gotta think of a better name for the male equivalent) don’t like art and don’t give a Hootsifer about what the people say. Tis a damn shame that wretched hive of scum and villainy known as Anaheim Blog supports this rhetoric.
Modest municipal street art for a modest place. I imagine most residents of the West Anaheim area are just surprised to discover that they have a local government
Yes, street art. It’s literally on the street. Well, sidewalk anyway.
That’s how Rembrandt got his start.
..if you don’t believe I AM the Queen of Beach Blvd, well then you just read my public letter for tonight’s city council meeting! That’s right, I speak FOR EVERYONE in West Anaheim!
I know there are LOTS of people who love the sidewalk art, BUT I DON’T, AND I HATE ARTISTS! So, that’s that, pussycat!
Would somebody please inform the OJB loyal followers that the plural of Karen does not want a possessive apostrophe. Sheesh.
There are people, Dave, who go thru each day with handfuls of spare apostrophe’s, and these have to be disposed of SOMEWHERE.
Yeah, it’s like the spillway on a dam, I guess.
It was the comma that did it.
Ok, well, so I have LOTS of those things that I can’t spell corectly; is THAT a crime?? Well, you all need to listen TO ME because you ALL report to ME!
I AM the Queen of the Beach Blvd Karens and AM PROUD OF IT!
I HATE art, I HATE everyone in general because I am ME— Ms. West Anahaeim Beach Blvd Karen…and you MUST listen to ME! Can someone get me my crown? Where is my crown? I DESERVE BETTER!
I have spoken, so take THAT, pussycats!
Re-visiting this article this evening and still LMFAO! LOVE IT!