Earth-shattering news for the (coastal OC) 47 Congressional seat currently held by Katie Porter: Democratic candidate Harley Rouda has suffered a traumatic brain injury and is leaving the race. He is expected to make a full recovery they say, and we wish him well, and you can read all about it in cub reporter Hanna Kang’s Register piece.
Perhaps it will brighten his spirits, or not, to hear, once again, the Harley Rouda Chorus, that a bunch of us made 5 years ago when he was running against Dana Rohrabacher. (THAT was a splendid, long-overdue victory!)
This pretty much leaves the Democrat side of the field to Senator Dave Min. There are a couple of other minor candidates, but till now the frontrunners in the race to take on mildly corrupt Republican lobbyist Scott Baugh had been Harley and Dave (neither one of which was particularly progressive to write home about, but they are decent.)
So the nation is counting on you, Senator Min! Not necessarily because Baugh is so awful, but because America can’t take another two years of MAGA Republicans fucking everything up.
On second thought, Scott Baugh IS pretty awful – he called Katie Porter a pedophile enabler, totally twisting her words when she was only saying that gays and trans people shouldn’t be painted as pedophiles and groomers. When I heard about that, what could I do but write THIS piece?
Baugh has followed the diseased path of GOPerism from the get go.
From the Doris Allen recall to now he has slid down the greasy pole. I bet if he were party chairman today he’d be celebrating Dean Grose and Marilyn Davenport.
Maybe, but back in the day didn’t he censure them?
My point.
Irvine stays an outlier when it comes to transparency as to OCPA. Someone besides Larry Agran needs to grow some balls and do an honest audit.
Has anyone seen it ? It’s biased and full of coverups. The secrecy around this is freaky. I haven’t seen any other city so obsessed with screwing their own residents.
What I wonder is why no one (to my knowledge) has asked either house of the State Legislature to have a relevant committee audit OCPA.
Wait a minute — did you intend this for an open thread?
People should be using your Weakened ExPresident one.
I’ll begin the relocation process when time permits
No importa.
By the way Neshanian bridles at my assertion that his Dalai Lama comment on the Harley thread was an instance of his commenting “indiscipline.” Protests the Angry Armenian-American: “The Dalai Lama comment – i.e. he is a child groomer – was a tied into MAGA and ties back into Baugh and Katie. Eh, have some vision Vern. Appears you suffer from myopia too.”
*The cart before the horse comes to mind. First off, Katie will have to go through
a Primary to get the Democratic Candidate for Senate. If she is smart, which we
know she is, she will declare to run for Congress as well. As the incumbent, she
is legacy and can withdraw should she take the Senate Candidacy….which we
believe will not happen. Adam is the odds on favorite at this point. Ah, but this is
all just politics so what do we know? One thing is for sure…..we need Katie Porter
in Congress.
*About Harley? Hope he recovers quickly, however – Harley lost and noq the political landscape says: “We need new blood!” Only the OC Republicans cling tenaciously to their cadry of “Old dependable sell outs!”
*Forget about it, Katie has definitely Left The House. That’s why there’s a feeding frenzy to take her place, duh.
You can’t run in two primaries at the same time.
You can’t unnless they’re non-overlapping jurisdictions — think of running for school board and a non-overlapping Congressional seat — but of course everything overlaps with the U.S. Senate seat.
In other instances of our commenters’ indiscipline, Eric N tried to comment about Dalai-Lama-Tongue-Gate on THIS piece…
While our troll – and Dan Fan – posted ON THE OPEN THREAD RATHER THAN HERE – that he thinks Harley “faked his brain injury and fall” to cover up some “Nathan Fletcher style” domestic violence (remember Harley and Nathan are ALSO on the long list of people our troll hates – of course that comment is trashed.)
And our troll went on to say “You heard it here first bitches (actually Dan C. published FIRST!)” But there is nothing about Harley yet on the ironically named Liberal OC. Only press releases from Farrah and Tom Umberg.
AND in broken-clock fashion, the Umberg press release is actually interesting, something I’ll follow up on. To be continued where this belongs, on the Open Thread…
If it’s interesting it wasn’t written by Chemicalewinski.
Right. When me or Greg put up a press release, or even if a post is MOSTLY a press release, we put it up as “Admin.” Not Dan, he puts up everyone’s press releases under his own name. There’ve been a few times it was totally unclear if he wrote a piece or not, but maybe that is because he is a turd-polisher himself by trade.
Don’t make fun of his ethnicity, Vern!
(By which I of course mean “Turd.”)
How come Dom Jones’ people’s campaign has zero coverage Vern?
Jones’ campaign is by far the most Progressive and Pro-Humanity campaign.
Like Katie, Dom supports universal healthcare for all, here is what her campaign website says about this issue:
“Healthcare is a basic human right, and Medicare for All is the only way to ensure that all Americans have access to the care they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Providing healthcare for all is not just an act of kindness, it is a fundamental duty of our society to ensure that no one suffers or dies because they cannot afford medical treatment.”
Best of luck to her. She has good positions. She is the Luis Huang of the coastal Congressional race. And she has neat rainbow extensions!
No money, no honey!
Speedy recovery Harley
Uh yeah I won’t be voting for Dom Jones. F her and her kaleidoscope weave. will she cozy up to the other Farrahkhan too one wonders.
Careful, you’re badmouthing “Women of Influence.”
*As usual, you guys are right about half the time. In this case, Katie is not going to give up her seat in Congress, or be afraid of running again for the same district…..just to throw her hat into the ring for Senate. This is called Agenda Politics dear Political Oafs…. There is little doubt that Adam will beat her. He has the NO CAL Vote in his pocket. However, Katie has the right issues on her side: Abortion and Individual Rights! Those are both bi-partisan and Adam will have to win the hearts and minds on both issues to take that seat.
We need to keep Katie in the House……she is too important on many issues and
is extremely effective. The late night talk shows and Sunday Morning appearances
are serving her well.
*Sorry Winships, we wish we could keep Katie in the House too, but she has totally thrown in for Senate.
1. Feinstein gives into the pressure to resign;
2. Gavin replaces her (as I hope) with Barbara Lee;
3. Katie then sees running against Barbara is useless and has a legit excuse to stay in Congress while Barbara ages out;
4. All of which’ll be a very irritating development to both Dave Min and Josh Newman who’ll have to have a D-on-D showdown for their State Senate seat, as was expected previously.
Dominoes vobiscum.
Why I won’t be voting for Katie Porter. And a reason you shouldn’t also. Goes against everything for which she claims to stand. And if you call tweedledee and tweedledumb success down the ballot. You have an odd definition of success.
If I were Baugh I’d be highlighting Min’s coziness with Khan, refusal to condemn her anti-Armenian conduct and failure to recognize the OC Armenian community. There is a lot to unpack there but the gist of it is he is Min is a race-baiting racist douchebag and a coward with a blind spot for Armenians.