High-ranking Santa Ana police officer donates to Jessie Lopez, excoriates Serrano.

SAPD Officer Manuel Delgadillo, Mayor Pro-Tem Jessie Lopez

Vern here. Our friend the Downtown Santa Ana police liaison Manuel Delgadillo, a staunch critic of police union boss Gerry Serrano, has sent us another of his missives. He is proud of having donated to the campaign AGAINST the recall of Santa Ana Mayor Pro-tem Jessie Lopez.

To reiterate, the recall propaganda has tried to paint Jessie as “anti-police,” “anti-public safety,” and someone who “defunds the police,” which is total bullshit. Jessie has voted to INCREASE police funding and staffing, and has a good relationship with SAPD Chief Valentin (another enemy of Serrano.) The real reason Serrano is trying to recall her is that she voted for a contract that’ll force him to do actual police (non-political) work to continue to receive his hefty pay and pension.

Here’s Officer Manny:


Santa Ana SAPOA Members,

So we are up for a raise. Do we actually think we are getting one? Last year 2022 we lost the majority of it. This year we are 6 months into the year and nada. Is there one on the horizon? As SAPOA Members does one actually believe that with these constant fights with the city our SAPOA Members will benefits? Take this recall which will cost the city considerable amount of money to put forward. Does one actually think the City of Santa Ana and its politicians will actually forget these political shenanigans after all the lawsuits from last year? Do SAPOA Members realize our SAPOA keeps losing?

Our current SAPOA President is not doing our SAPOA any favors. His wars with the city will not benefit current and future SAPOA Members for some time. The filing for this RECALL cost the SAPOA Members approximately $25,000. (See the filings) These Santa Ana Council members are up for reelection soon.

Do SAPOA Members realize that SAPOA members are paying for all these roguishness political techniques by our SAPOA.

  1. No Raise with this cost of living increase
  2. Attorney Fees Paid
  3. No Retro
  4. Losing our Full time SAPOA position
  5. The City’s hard stance
  6. Audit our medical.

In this new contract proposal, we are simply getting some perks lost and getting a few new perks but in actuality in dollars and cents the SAPOA members are paying for them because we were without a contract. Who do we thank for such astuteness?

SAPOA Members have asked me, What do I have against the SAPOA. My answers is simple: “Absolutely nothing… The only problem is when a SAPOA Members voices his opinion and not heard, insulted and then the attempt is made to have him arrested for assault and battery under color of authority. This is not cool.” Well, you poked the bear now come and get some honey!

But the hardest thing to recover is all the bad blood and ill will created by our SAPOA with the community we serve, the City of Santa Ana, and our Santa Ana Police Department. This will take time but for a short-timer it’s nothing. Will our SAPOA survive? Sure, but it will take time. A short-timer will do what’s in his best for himself and not for the benefit of all.

l personally oppose this RECALL against Jessie Lopez (and possibly Thai Viet Phan as well.) The RECALL is going nowhere. (See below.) In the eyes of our community, our SAPOA keeps losing and will continue to do so with this current SAPOA administration.

Manuel Delgadillo
SAPOA MEMBER for 28 Years

Jessie is NOT anti-police.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.