I couldn’t believe my ears this afternoon, and wished that I had a rewind button for my car radio. I had just been thinking about that great jazz-rock fusion guitarist Al Di Meola earlier this week, and even pulled out his best and most popular composition, “Majestic Dance” performed by Return to Forever in 1976.
And now what was I hearing – he’d gotten himself mixed up with crooked ex-President Donald Trump down in Florida, and was in major hot water for helping him cover-up his theft and concealment of classified documents? For shame!
I blame America, that nation of Philistines. We had this guitar god in our midst, and we spent our money on reality shows and “Who Let the Dogs Out?” Some artists are more sensitive than others. You say, and I say, that no matter what rejection and injustice we’d suffered, there is no way we would descend to doing Donald Trump’s dirty work at his garish South Florida resort.
It’s easy for you to say that, for I to say that, but we are not artists like Al Di Meola, permanently in touch with all the pain in this painful world, and channeling it all through our fingers. I mean, just look how depressed he’d gotten recently…
Oh. What’s that you say?
It’s not Al Di Meola who got indicted?
It was some guy called Carlos De Oliveira?
Miss Info needs to go back to using her maiden name.
This VOC story in our sidebar feed is definitively worth a look!
Not only has self-serving Gerry Serrano now cost his police “not-a-union” $80,000 for a combination of sanctions for frivolous suits against Santa Ana’s Police Chief, but the California Attorney General has refused to prosecute the Chief based on those complaints.
Yes, Officer Manny is working on his piece about that.
And I’m working on mine about OCTA figuring out prices for the upcoming 405 Toll Lanes.
All this talk about “City of Anaheim corruption.” Name ONE crime charged in relation to the Stadium deal or any other “deal” directly involving the City of Anaheim. I believe that FBI has run into a dead end in that regard.
Crimes don’t have to have been charged to be crimes. Hadn’t figured you for having the mob boss mentality, but maybe I’m forgetting aspects of your track record. Anyway, let’s both wait for the JL report to come out, which will give us both a document to examine.
What crimes? There aren’t any crimes alleged by officials or the media involving Anaheim officials – except a maybe, probably not crime, Sidhu hoping for IE’s, which he apparently wasn’t stupid enough to directly approach the Angels on. The FBI alleging “undue influence” is a big f**king joke – as you are well aware.
Interesting! When’s the last time you read the Political Reform Act?
“let’s both wait for the JL report to come out ..” The JL report will be a huge nothing burger. Unless they report 2nd & 3rd hand accounts – which would be totally irresponsible.
You are so smart, Mike! And you should write a book about Anaheim.
OK, I’ll say this once again, with less toleration of your grumpy-old-man loud and confident bullshit prognostication, which only convinces you and those disposed to trust your validation of their biases.
You don’t know what the JL Report will contain; you don’t know what teams of attorneys and investigators on the federal, state, and local levels may be able to make of it.
You are making this confident prediction only because you want it to be true and it protects your ego from the threats posed by the real world. While I respect your (at long last) writing under your own name, giving you some accountability and according credibility, you don’t care that much about accountability — you’ll just move on the next confident assertion if this one is slain by an ugly fact — so you don’t get much of a bump in credibility.
Fun Fact: DID YOU KNOW that 2nd-hand accounts (hearsay) and 3rd-hand accounts (double hearsay) ARE ADMISSIBLE BEFORE A GRAND JURY CHARGED WITH INVESTIGATING A CRIME? They won’t be *conclusive* of course, but they can give significant leads towards investigations. That being so, HOW DO YOU FIGURE that including such accounts “would be totally irresponsible” — other than because you want it to be true? It would be irresponsible NOT to include them — and to let others assess the credibility of the cited sources.
How would you like it if I tied you to a chair, gagged you, and made you listen to hours of learned disquisitions about sheet metal and how it should be sold? That’s what reading your assertions about the law is like.
Yeah it doesn’t make logical sense that the guy who ran against Avelino is so attached to the faultlessness of the Anaheim cabal. I think he just likes the sound of his own voice coming across (to him) as more worldly-wise than the rest of us. We shouldn’t keep wasting time and space arguing with him, and if he wants to keep having his comments published he should stop repeating himself so much.
And all of us should hold onto our hats till Monday, which – it is rumored now – is the scheduled Report release.
His problem is he can’t stand Voice of OC (the dreaded media) and they are the source of all this trouble (if you unreasonably don’t count the assclown Sidhu and his cabal handlers).
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, see?. ChemLew is another prime example of this sort of idioramic world view.
*Jordan Brandeman and the Alien Invasion? Undoubtedly Jordan was contacted by Alien Invaders and made an offer he could not refuse. Now that everyone (Republican Congressmen and women) know that we have been visited by Alien Invaders since the 1930’s, it is time to find our very own Dr. Zarchov, Flash Gordon and Dale.
We always knew that Buster Crabb was really a running back for Notre Dame and played with the Emperor Ming…..just to get better pay when he joined the New York Giants.
Although Jim Thorpe of course was really one of the very first Alien Invaders that did play for Canton Bulldogs and never took a cent in wages, just some free burgers and hot dogs.
Jordan has been dancing with his psychic twins for evidently, a very long time. You don’t make lifelong friends overnight, ya know? Well, if Jordan does have to get into Private Industry…..we are sure he already has the contacts to do that without a problem.
Meanwhile, Area 51 and 52 have been cleaned out, with all those embalmed Alien Bodies have been take to Bluffdale, Utah and Cheyenne Mountain for safe keeping from the prying eyes of folks that have no idea what a SCIF room is all about or where to go when you need one.
A “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility” has lead walls that Superman, the Aliens and various Federal Agencies cannot see or hear through..
Not to worry, our thought is that Jordan has been in a SCIF most of his life. What do you think?
Ron, is this a test just to see whether anyone is reading what you post? I did, and am a bit consternated.
In related news, pro-Trump supporters protest at Republican event in Irvine over change in primary delegate rules.
I tried reading that story, and either it’s badly written or … yeah it is badly written. I can’t tell whether or not these Trump supporters protesting the new rules realize that the new rules help Trump and are favored by the Trump campaign. Did they just not get the memo, and they’re that paranoid of the “establishment?” Or is it more complicated than that, and there’s a disagreement among the faithful on how BEST to boost the Orange Abomination? Maybe the protesters were NOT Trump supporters and the writer got THAT wrong. Either way, nothing was clear.
“The new rule in California means a Republican presidential candidate who receives more than 50% of the vote in the March 5 primary will win all 169 delegates from California, which has more than any state in the nation. If no one reaches this benchmark, delegates will be awarded proportionally based on the statewide vote.”
In any case I like the sound of this: “Tensions flared as the California GOP’s executive committee approved the plan, with some pro-Trump demonstrators denouncing the move, police getting called and two factions nearly coming to fisticuffs.”
Perhaps a cartoon or animation, or even a puppet show, could better explain these people.
That the revised CA GOP delegate apportionment rules do NOT favor Trump. Statements otherwise are pure gaslighting.
Maybe you’re right, he’s not likely to get 50% is he. But neither are De Santis or anyone else.
PS. Okay I give in. How exactly do these new rules hurt Trump? Maybe you can explain it better than the Times.
Trump doesn’t favor Trump neither. Just saying. Own worst enemy much.
*False Narratives, Gaslighting, The Most Corrupt Administration in American History, Naked Hunter Biden, Sean Hannity, John Eastman, January 6th, Missing Secret Documents at Mar-a-Lago, Millenia, Eight Misstresses, Trump University, Russians, Saudi’s, $2 Billion dollar investment in Jared K’s brand new business the day after 2020 Election ……our answer: “Watch the new
Barbie Movie…….it will alter your consciousness!” Just imagine nine women
of the Supreme Court – for starters!
*OH my….we forgot: All those “Re-Trumplicans” who cannot read or write from Alabama, South Carolina, Florida and Wyoming!
Simple – under the old rules the plurality “winner” got all of the delegates – now to get all the delegates it is 50% + 1 vote.
It is entirely possible that Trump would not get a plurality. Doesn’t look like it now, but now isn’t then. And he’s better of with a proportional vote here where a narrow loss would be a glancing blow rather than a victory-threatening mule kick in the face.
Me surmising again – I think the Trump campaign is silent on the rules change b/c he does not want to give the impression that he thinks that he might not get 50%.
Heh, but his followers know better!
Oh okay I get it. You-all were counting on the Ochre Abomination getting a plurality but not 50%.
Sounds like the protesters were right. How was this rule change “SPUN” as Trump-friendly?
That’s the thing – no one has explained how this rule change is favorable to Trump. There is only a vague reference to a general push for rules changes at the state level by the Trump campaign. And nothing from the campaign in this rule change specifically.
In other news, San Diego Human Relations Commission unravels over allegations of antisemitism.
Related. Surf city considers disbanding their human relations commission.
Elsewhere, Emily’s list scrutinizes DUI Dave’s history with the Federalist Society. Closet conservative much? What’s next, John Birch Society?
Surf City cans Human Relations Commission and rolls back Declaration on Human Dignity.
The news of Trump indictments continues. Live from DC, it’s whack a trump.
https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149.1.0_1.pdf (the indictment)
https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1686493667282898944?s=42 (One of the unindicted co-conspirators is an attorney who was willing to knowingly spread false claims and pursue strategies that trumps 2020 re-election campaign attorneys would not)
Guess who is the unnamed co-conspirator.
So Greg, is Trump’s campaign manager going to make Jack Smith famous? If Trump wins re-election, will it be Jack Smith’s fault??
No. It will be the fault of the small-state Framers of the Constitution and everyone else who is opposed to a national popular vote.
So, Greg, are you saying I have more power than Jack Smith to affect the outcome of an election?
Not even colorably.
But, but, but, I thought Farrahkhan’s campaign manager ought to make me famous… lol..waffler
Dershbag opines Smith could be prosecuted for cospiring to deny Trump’s civil rights. This story continues to spin out of control. Asking is not merely “aspirational”, if you ask an undercover cop to kill your spouse, you are going to be charged for a crime. In California, it’s called solicitation to commit murder. If you ask an election official to throw an election, it an attempt to deny someone their rights or solicitation to do so.
Aspirational my arse. Trump’s lawyer claims his attempt to overthrow election was merely “aspirational”.
Eastman seeks to postpone CA state bar proceedings on account of his concerns that he may faces charges arising from Trump’s indictment in DC.
Only a Trump coup attorney could come up with this nonsense. MSNBC covers Eastman’s attempt to interrupt disbarment proceedings.
Don’t worry. His interruption of his disbarment hearing is merely aspirational.
Lead prosecutor in CA State Bar proceedings against unnamed co-conspirator no. 2 contends his attempt to postpone the proceedings are “unjustified”. Just like his lawyering for overturning the 2020 presidential elections. MAKE ATTORNEYS GET ATTORNEYS.
I’m starting to appreciate what the CA State Bar prosecutor x’ing unnamed co-conspirator #2 fka John Eastman was doing.
Postcards of a Hanging.
Eastman should have went Lin Wood and called it a day.
Now he’ll have hell to pay. In spades.
Given that this may be the last Neshanian comment I ever approve (although generally my mood improves will time, but sometimes not), I will note that in a comment at Chumley’s place he said that I said that I had little or no communication with my daughter. Technically stepdaughter, but: my daughter.
The full statement was that I have little or no commication with her about her client list as a campaign treasurer.
Those who enjoy this sort of clever readings are welcome to follow him in his new home, where he hits in between people snickering at transwomen and claiming that Vern and I send out pornographic photos to politicians; Dan abides it all. And when Etik is booted from there, probably for attacking the Jewish community (about which Dan is probably more sensitive than I am), he can always try Pedroza’s sites, then Cunningham’s.
He’d be smart to stop emailing me, though; he has no reasonable expectation of privacy there, just as he has no First Amendment right to have his presence suffered here.