Open Thread: Al Di Meola Indicted in Trump Mar-a-Lago Documents Case?

I couldn’t believe my ears this afternoon, and wished that I had a rewind button for my car radio. I had just been thinking about that great jazz-rock fusion guitarist Al Di Meola earlier this week, and even pulled out his best and most popular composition, “Majestic Dance” performed by Return to Forever in 1976.

And now what was I hearing – he’d gotten himself mixed up with crooked ex-President Donald Trump down in Florida, and was in major hot water for helping him cover-up his theft and concealment of classified documents? For shame!

I blame America, that nation of Philistines. We had this guitar god in our midst, and we spent our money on reality shows and “Who Let the Dogs Out?” Some artists are more sensitive than others. You say, and I say, that no matter what rejection and injustice we’d suffered, there is no way we would descend to doing Donald Trump’s dirty work at his garish South Florida resort.

It’s easy for you to say that, for I to say that, but we are not artists like Al Di Meola, permanently in touch with all the pain in this painful world, and channeling it all through our fingers. I mean, just look how depressed he’d gotten recently…

Oh. What’s that you say?

It’s not Al Di Meola who got indicted?

It was some guy called Carlos De Oliveira?

This is your god-damned Open Thread. Now do the right thing.

About Miss Info Asperger

Miss Info is just wrong, wrong, wrong. And the similarities in her style and humor to the style and humor of our editor/owner Vern Nelson are especially regrettable, regrettable, regrettable.