JL Corruption Report Thread!


Vern here. I guess we’ve been needing this this week. We just haven’t had a chance to write anything brilliant about the Anaheim-commissioned corruption report by the JL Group yet.

You can see the 353-page report HERE. When I make a reference to the page number, it’s the page number JL listed at the bottom of the page; not what shows up as the PDF page, which is one page higher because of the cover page.

First thing we noticed is it was not as redacted as we’d feared. Names are named. Funny, all the redactions seem to be when assistant city attorney Pelletier e-mails someone something. Funny because it seemed like she took point in the redactions, to be made by her friend “SCOTT.” But 99% seems to be here.

Second thing we noticed was how frustrated JL was at getting NO COOPERATION from:

  • Disney and their government flack Carrie Nocella
  • Anybody from the Angels Baseball
  • The Chamber of Commerce – and this was under new chief Laura Cunningham
  • and Visit Anaheim under Jay Burress.

And they couldn’t do anything about it because they had no subpoena power. Which is why they were REALLY HOPING to get a little help from DA Todd Spitzer. Crickets there so far.

WE NEED YOU, ATTORNEY GENERAL BONTA! We need you to take this report and run with it.

I gotta run right now, but I’ll add a little more when I get back. And meanwhile THIS IS YOUR JL CORRUPTION REPORT THREAD.


I’m still around page 100. But the VOC gang has been putting out a lot of good stories on different aspects of this:

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.