My name is Love Cameron.
…and contrary to some disinformation being spread by my supporters who are motivated by goodwill, I WAS in fact materially involved in a large scale movement in early to mid 2022 to oust the sitting DA and incumbent #OCDA2022 candidate: Todd Alan Spitzer.
I concede I was the primary author of the document titled “Petition to Recall Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, which received approximately 75 signatures. I believed it was the righteous thing to do, and I was motivated by a fervent desire for reform that I felt had not been delivered as promised by him in 2022.
The recall was filed with the OC Registrar of Voters after some 75 proponents of diverse backgrounds and political ideations signed it. DA Spitzer filed an acerbic Answer that didnt actually address the allegations presented, but rather accused the movement of being orchestrated and funded by Communists and Criminals. The former appears to be a reference to Luis M Huang and the latter to this blog’s publisher. Leave it to our DA to resort to ad hominen attacks when all else fails.
I know for a fact that at least one third of the proponents were Patriots because I – together with (Mr) Kelly Johnson gathered many signatures from anti-Spitzer Patriots who were dissatisfied with, amongst other things: his abysmal handling of the Yorba Linda case involving attempted alleged vehicular murder. There were some other reasons some Patriots and Republicans didnt like DA Spitzer.
Then there were his donors and supporters who had an extraordinarily allergic reaction to both my involvment in trying to recall this DA and my former support of the Democrat challenger, Peter Hardin. Of those who suffered adverse reaction to a (then) registered Republican engaging in those activities, none was more angered than #JamesMai.
Before Mai was a self-described hate crime perp, he was a cyberstalker frantically trying to ascertain my identity to doxx me. He seen me at OCGOP events and TPUSA and other conservative gatherings and pegged me as – wait for it – a “SPY” for the Democrat Party.
I am no such thing, nor was I ever but the foundation for our enmity was grounded in last year’s DA race and Mai’s delusional beliefs that I was a Democrat spy.
Shit hit the fan and climaxxed when Mai – whose many alter egos included “Asian Vengeance” openly threatened to doxx me. He made good on his promise within a few months, by having a East Asian website to doxx me.
The site’s readership base is made up of Eastern Orientals and rarely includes support for, let alone inclusion of South Asians. It’s also filled with incredibly racist comments about Blacks and Hispanics, with some articles suggesting Blacks are a closer to apes than other races.
In any event, Mai proved himself to harbor enough bias against South Asians so as to claim responsibility for a macabre hate crime against a likely imaginary Hindu owned Indian restaurant. The tale was eyebrow raising, not just because it defies credulity that such an act would go unreported but also equally pukeworthy cringe, like how sick and deranged of a person is James Mai to have invented it to begin with.
It was after Mai came to realize I actually reported the hate crime he claimed to have committed that he went after me and doxxed me not just by name, but address to. Mai seems to have laid aside some of his grudge about the OCDA recall, at least enough to partially enlist Luis Huang in the effort to doxx me. Yes I have the proof, which is why Luis’s Twitter was mysteriously set to private after someone found and exposed a tweet of him doxxing me in context of the cows head/cows blood post.
But besides Mai himself, the primary perpetrators were #StalkerSuzanna and #ShanKhan
#SuzannaStopaniFlores aka #SuzannaCooperStopani aka #SuzanneGFlores, a white HIspanic female is an Irvine resident and an alternate voting member of the OCGOP central committe. Flores and Mai have that in common.
#ShanKhan was identified as being primarily one #CharlesHwang aka #ChinHae, the latter being his Korean birth name.
IPD didnt list him as a suspect, its beyond my ability to understand why, as he was the author of the most horrific doxxing posts, as well as setting up fake accounts in my name and unauthorized use of my personal, non public images. He is also the creator of the atrocious #turtlesoup posts, which were essentiaally an attempt to have me raped. Detective Stephen Meyer of the Irvine Police Threat Management Unit bungled the case practically from the get-go. The only suspects listed for cyberharassment were Flores and Mai.
I sent an email to OCDA Special Counsel Patrick Dixon identifying myself as “Love Cameron” and sending documentation about the recall that was the basis of Mai’s hatred for me. I further mentioned that IPD was the subject of an investigation by the Attorney General’s Public Inquiry Unit for their mishandling of #IPDcase2205565 and #IPDcase2306730.
DA Spitzer apparently was only too happy to wash his hands of this matter and forthwith sent the case packing due north to Sacramento into the waiting arms of AG Bonta.
Either he was afraid I would cry foul or he didn’t want the surefire shitshow what inevitably comes with anything involving me and Mai.
I received a kind email from an ADA named Heidi at Harbor Justice Center, which was quickly followed by a caustic email from another ADA: Susan Price whose choice of words was less than thoughtful in her description of me. She basically stopped short of describing me as “unstable”, instead saying my ACTIONS were unstable. Her emails were devoid of the pleasantry of Heidi G.
Evidently she regretted cc’ing me because she twice attempted to “RECALL” the email. If Vern would like to see it, lmk. Recall is apparently a IT / tech jargon for “unsend”
I responded amused pointing out that her two attempts to “recall” the email were as spectacular a failure as my ONE attempt to recall the DA.
I didn’t cc the sitting DA, but I did cc ADA Heidi G and for good measure also “OCDA Tony” whose email is his last name at outlook. I figured he’d want to be kept in the loop as to how his successor is faring…..
I also cc’d Pete Hardin who is now a partner at a prolific white collar defense firm. I couldnt locate an email for DEA agent Chehock, at least not in time to dispatch the email in a timely manner.
I’m rather surprised the DA conceded the conflict of interest, as was proper. I figured I would have to fight him on it, but he seemed all to relieved to rid himself and his law office of the burden of a case involving myself and Mai.
Which proves that at the end of the day, Todd Spitzer cares about one person on this planet, and that is his own self. Mai got kicked to the curb as soon as his campaign learned of the hate crime posts, which was in late April of last year.
Meanwhile, Mai and his criminal associates – and maybe his wife Niki – spent the past 11 months littering the internet with a case that purportedly involvese me at Harbor Justice Center from last year. Except, no such case exists ? Freaky how that works….
Its time to end this post. I have many more missives to write. And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep.
Shame on Shri Narendra Modi for his globe trotting while Christians were being tortured in #Manipur by extremist Saffronites. And shame on the BJP for looking the other way and waiting weeks to make arrests.
To every natural born Indian and everyone who loves Bharatiya culture, Happy Independence Day xoxoxoxo #AzadiKiAmritMahotsav #JaiHindJaiBharat.
The #HarGharTiranga movement is a great one for the young 77 year old Asian Superpower, but it’d be nice if the Saffronite extremists would stop their divisive propaganda. The Secular Republic of India is inching closer to becoming a Hindu Theocracy every day under the watch of the likes of Yogi Adityanath, who scares the six-legged gods out of me. It’s just a matter of time before his polices become an existential threat to Chistians. The #manipurhorror is proof the wonderful land of my birth places a low value on the lives of Christians, Tribals and other endangered species. The fact a country where Hindus form almost 80 % of the population feel a need to exterminate others is petrifying. Many Indians admire Israel and its Jew-ocracy, and seek to duplicate its policies in India.
I have slowly come to the realization that in countries where Muslims are heavily persecuted, it’s just a matter of time before that treatment laterally extends to Christians.
I never thought these words would escape my lips, but after seeing disturbing vids of Palestinian Christians praying peacefully in an ancient church being beating by Israelii soldiers…I hollered out #fuckisrael followed by #freepalestine.
Not that I’m a fan of Islam, suddenly. Even as type this…. a Christian boy was sentenced to death by hanging in Pakistan for reciting the Lord’s prayer in public. He’s only 16. Islam is a toxic venomous excuse for a religion that preaches violence against “infidels” and even its own that dont bow to its extremist iterations.
But there is an undeniable correlation between the discrimination against the mussulmans in Israel occupied Palestine that eventually morphed into discrimination against Christians, and whats happening in India, and the moral of that story is that nations that systemically discriminate against one, eventually discriminate against the other….
Editors’ Note: Comments are disabled on this post. They get out of hand.
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?