For the first time ever, a majority party in the House of Representatives has voted to remove its own Speaker from office. Democrats voted to remove Kevin McCarthy — taking a really stupid risk, in my view, but one consistent with their prioritizing of form (non-cooperation) over content (avoiding disaster) — and enough MAGA Republicans joined them for a 216-210 vote. The Majority Leader, Patrick McHenry will take over as Acting Speaker with limited powers: the ability to preside over Speaker elections.
(All the Democrats had to do was to have six of them abstain — and the motion to remove would have failed on a 210-210 vote. Democrats would have then had their own sword hanging over McCarthy’s head.)
Until McCarthy is replaced, no bills can come to the House floor. I hope, but do not know, that work can still proceed in committees; I could imagine a Republican boycott of such work — leading to an inevitable government shutdown that no new Speaker (unless coming from a Democratic + moderate Republican coalition) will be able to delay or resolve. And, of course, the budget bills are coming due.
Why are they doing this? Well, your big clue is that Donald Trump was against the House agreeing to a Continuing Resolution to extend the current budget by 45 days. In other words, he wants a shutdown.
Pundits’ initial thinking was that Trump wanted to stop the federal trials against him in their tracks. But it turns out that trials will go forward even in the event of the shutdown. Maybe he didn’t know that — but, either way, he likely had a deeper reason in mind as well.
Right now, although the public doesn’t seem to get it yet, the overall economy is doing pretty well under President Biden. That is a big problem for Candidate Trump.
A government shutdown, especially a long one, will likely tank the U.S. economy. (At best, it will not “tank” it, but it will create a lot of misery and some terrible economic numbers.
Next fall, one would think that logically the voters would blame the actions of the House of Reps from 13 months before. But people are not logical.
They tend to blame the President for the state of the economy. People blamed Obama for the state of the economy based on a recession that began with a deregulation-fueled crash a few months before he took office.
This is especially true because the Republicans have some tremendous advantages at PR — ones that the Democrats lack — which will lead a large part of the public to lay blame on Biden.
First, they have about a third of the public that will literally believe anything that Trump tells them, just like sports fans will so often view a questionable penalty or foul in a way that benefits their team.
Second, they have the media and social networks to spread their take on the news, through repetition, to inculcate it in voters. The takeaway from today that will be drilled into the public mind when things go bas is that 96.3% of the votes to Remove Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership — without knowing whether, when, or by whom he would be replaced — came from Democrats.
Third, the MAGAs among them truly don’t care if this company (and much of the rest of the world) takes an economic hit. They’re against NATO, they’re against international economic cooperation, they’d like to end efforts to fight climate change, and they frankly admire tough and cruel “strongman” leaders and governments (so long as they aren’t communist.) Putin they see as more of a brutal dictator (with a reasonable grievance) rather than as a “commie.”
Fourth, they care most about winning and less about collateral damage. They will rationalize that most of those harmed by a global economic collapse will be poor people at home, minorities abroad, and that in any event they have guns to protect them and, if all else fails, a god who will grant them eternal salvation no matter what so long as the declare fealty.
Fifth, in the sort of damage we could see, President BIden will be in a series of (probably worsening) “no-win situations.” Inevitably, he will make mistakes — or sometimes things that just look like mistakes because his response was the best of terrible options. (Think of Jimmy Carter’s trying to deal with the hostage crisis.) So Biden would be more vulnerable than ever to unprincipled and simplistic attacks from MAGA and the rest of the right wing.
The cost of chaos and upheaval might seem unreasonably high to some people — but hey, Donald Trump REALLY does not want to go to prison, and this is the only way he can stop it! So WE the ones who want “vengeance” (actually, law and order, but potayto-potahto) more than we want to keep MAGA from releasing the Kraken!
The only solution here, given that gerrymandering has given Republicans this majority, is for a Republican to become Speaker with unified Democratic votes and Democratic votes. Hakeen Jeffries will NEVER become Speaker in this Congress because Republicans seriously don’t mind seeing the baby cut in half. It has to be the most moderate republican available, one who needs to attract no more than seven people’s votes besides his or her own.
The obvious choice, who says he doesn’t want it (but who would probably choose it over catastrophe and chaos) is Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska, head of the Problem Solvers Caucus. That’s the one that Lou Correa is part of. They’re generally useless at anything except watering down progressive (or even traditionally liberal) legislation — but rallying Democrats to vote in a Reasonable Republican as Speaker to avoid disaster is finally a useful task for them.
(My guess is that they won’t do it.)
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris ought to take point on making these arguments. It’s time for her to work up on her skills — including sarcasm and disdain — to be a badass ninja in order to save the world. The President doesn’t have the sharp tongue to do it. Kamala had better find it in herself.
And: California Democratic Party that will want to censure anyone who votes for a Republican for Speaker? Just pipe down and fuck off until this is over — and thanks!
(From Mike Tardif, posted in the wrong place)
As California Charter Schools Excel, Los Angeles’s Top Public District Makes It Harder To Attend Them
New district policy will bring difficult commutes for low-income charter school families, officials argue.
Only the Rude Pundit can write this beautifully about The Wheels Falling Off the GOP Clown Car:
“Watching the wheels come off a clown car has its charms, teetering as it does on that tightrope between hilarious and terrifying. It’s hilarious because, c’mon, it’s a bunch of clowns and you’re watching those painted dopes as they get flung around like a dog toy in the teeth of a particularly enthusiastic pit bull, screaming, clawing at each other as they to try to position themselves to not fling out of the car as it flips over and over, wondering why the hell so many of them shoved their way into the vehicle in the first place. Of course, screaming clowns are terrifying in and of themselves, but you kind of feel like they deserve it. Fucking clowns.
“Obviously, it’s a completely different story once the clown car comes to a halt, the road coated with a viscous sheen of clown guts and greasepaint and motor oil, stray disembodied feet in giant shoes and red noses, real and rubber, scattered about, and arteries spurting briefly like a gag flower on wide lapel. So many dead and disemboweled clowns. Someone’s gotta clean up that mess. I mean, you can’t just leave it there. It’ll block the road, maybe cause more accidents, freak out the kids. For every pie flung in someone’s face, there’s someone else whose job is to mop up the pie that hit the floor. For every clown car disaster, someone else has to break out the shovels and scrapers and hoses and get that gore gone.
“Sure, it’s kind of amazing to watch as the Republican Party is in the midst of its inevitable crash…” you’ll have to click here to read the rest…
PS I’m all in trouble with Facebook now for posting the above. Damn it. “Community Standards” and “Cybersecurity?”
Really…? I posted that the Hamas demons who viciously murdered the woman & paraded her dead body in the bed of their truck should be killed. So far no FB jail for me …
Stay in your lane brah!
Another good passage from that Rude Pundit piece:
“Lemme put this simply: The Republican Party is no longer a legitimate national party. It is beholden to one man without whom most of the people who have supported the party the last few years would go back to crouching in their dirt holes, masturbating to murder porn and sending out anti-Semitic memes. I mean, they still do that now, but they also vote because of Trump. No Trump and no reason to vote. And smart Republicans know this, so that leaves them with a choice: stay on that imploding Trump train until the bitter end and hope you’ll survive or jump off and have some goddamn dignity without being re-elected.”
McCarthy had a lot of support among the rank-and-file Repuglican congresscreatures because he, like them, was only too happy kiss the Rotting Yam’s bunghole, to erase their own experiences in only a few weeks time, and to embrace the perfidious treason it represented. A veritable tourist visit.
They’re all chickenshit cowards to scared to find real work that doesn’t involve servitude to the unspeakable. The difference between them and Gaetz couldn’t be measured with a micrometer.
Today, unexpectedly, Irvine Councilwoman Treseder came to speak at the Unitarian Church where I play piano – about the OCPA, climate change, and corruption in the OC. Unexpectedly, she gave me and this blog big props for helping with her election and with cleaning up irvine and the OCPA. “The FBI reads the Orange Juice Blog!” I kinda knew that, but it’s always nice to hear it again.
Two years ago, her one crusade was fighting climate change. Now it’s become two crusades – climate change and fighting corruption.
This is the piece she was mainly referring to:
[PS I meant “unexpectedly” to me. I had gotten an email that she’d be the next speaker but hadn’t read it. Eric thinks this show real tomfoolery on my part, whatever.]
Also, he was using this link to show that Kathleen cares about her students and not the residents of Irvine. I clicked on it. It says she was first inspired by her students’ despair over our leaving the Paris Accords to get involved in Community Choice Energy, and then later run for Council. Doesn’t suggest anywhere that her students are more important to her than Irvine residents.
Neshanian’s got some kinda weakness in his brain that causes him to create meanings like that that aren’t there. At least he trashes ALL politicians, but some of them ARE doing their best.
THROTTLER: [“I clicked on the video of her speech at your chirch.” (SIC) More weird Treseder obsession.]
Hey, looking at the Voice of OC stories in our blogroll, congratulations to Irvine on moving to a Mayor + 6 districts system! I’ve long thought that Irvine would be especially easy to district because its pre-cut villages and such make such easily divisible units. I’ll comment on the maps soon — possibly disingenuously so I don’t curse the ones I actually prefer.
More unhappily, the Santa Ana Police City Council has fired City Manager Kristine Ridge<.b>, which I only know to feel bad about because re-call facing Councilmember Jessie Lopez was on the losing end of a 6-1 vote.
I don’t remember holding Ridge in high esteem when she worked for Anaheim, not as City Manager, but I vaguely remember that Vern told me I was harsh on her. You’ll soon here from him as to whether and how much I was correct and why. Anaheim has had some people who would have been better than they were if it were not for a vicious and vindictive Council majority; maybe she was among them. Mr. Chairman, your thoughts>
She doesn’t know what she is doing. Kind of like Tammy. Neither of them no rules of parliamentary order. They can’t run a meeting.
And, Treseder is alluding that she is for 100% renewable for her students. It’s green fraud that’s costing Irvine citizens and businesses a lot.
We can have different opinions but there is only one set of facts.
Santa Ana City Manager Ridge resigned – she was not fired. I believe the majority of the Council supported her and did not want her to resign.
What’s your understanding of why she resigned, Tardif? VOC suggested that she had run afoul of the police association — and if that’s so it’s hard to believe that Amezcua and the rest would not oppose her on that basis.
Being for 100% renewables and promising to get them immediately are two different things. What OCPA, pre-Treseder, was not clear about was telling (or at best implying to) people in Irvine and beyond that the ascent to 100% renewables would result from a protracted process. It was that lack of candor, as well as the funneling way too much money to sketchy staff, that doomed the project. That’s not on Treseder’s tab.
Also: Mayors do not have to know parliamentary procedure. Parliamentarians, and City Attorneys acting as such, do.
Treseder re district voting map chosen by Irvine city council. She is concerned about the students. Talk about having blinders on.
How dare a councilperson care about the representation of students!
Not all students only those from the campus where she is employed by a professor. Her constituents are much broader than students.
Umm, Treseder’s favoured map got shot down unceremoniously. And once again her ability to gather consensus resulted in team attorney vs team dinghy B-road with Farrah hanging with the professional fiduciaries/
Her influence on the council is minimal at best. You should see how she tries to convince the other members that ocpa is improving.
She definitely is not fighting corruption. Lol!!!
I would think that you’d have more empathy for someone who gets “shot down repeatedly.” I suppose she could fix that by allying with Farrah, Carroll, and Kim. Is that what you’d advise?
I’ll let the “not all students live there” and “she has other constituents too” arguments sink into the bog on their own. They only make sense in a chiaroscuro world.
Had to look up chiaroscuro. Eric spends his days throwing spitwads that don’t reach his targets. SUCH a waste of a mind that could be valuable.
THROTTLER: [“She certainly does not know how to build concensus.” [sic] Rest was stupid]
Some situations simply don’t afford consensus. She’s not to blame for that. But I can’t blame you for not knowing what creating consensus is; that’s sort of a foreign concept for you.
THROTTLER: [Asserts/implies that Farrah, Carroll and Agran are now the dominant faction on the Irvine City Council as opposed to the two “dinghy broads” (SIC) Says “You two should just stick to what you know.
Obfuscation andthrottling.” I’m not used to throttling, but in this case it’s kinda fun!]Ok — throttling it is!
That’s why Farrah mentioned Armenia yesterday in her tweet after I blasted her again cuz I’m not reaching her and that’s why Irvine had pledged to build an AG memorial, cuz I didn’t reach them. Lol!!! I enjoyed my day of Jihad in Manhattan today capped off with a lox and salmon egg everything bagel sammy. Kishmir toochas!!!
As dead as Matt Cunningham’s Anaheim Blog may be, his ironically named “OC Independent” is getting bigger and bigger, with its mixture of klepto apologia, rightwing / cop union propaganda, and bland little announcements from the OCTA. (i.e., everyone who gives Cunningham money.)
He’s even got little YouTube videos advertising each of his stories – if I had time I’d try that. I kinda want to add Matt’s RSS feed to our sidebar, so we can conveniently find things to fence against. You may not be surprised to learn it does NOT ACCEPT COMMENTS – there’s not even a contact e-mail. Pure one-sided propaganda.
One of his latest lambasts a few “radical progressives” in the OC Democrat community who find the recent DPOC statement on the Hamas attacks one-sidedly pro-Israel.
One funny mistake he makes, when quoting obscure left-winger Andy Lewandowski, is identifying him as “perennial candidate and wealthy Democrat donor Andy Lewandowski.” Heh. He’s obviously got him confused with Andy Thorburn.
For an Independent, he certainly does seem to be a Dependent!
I want to know what Jerbal wrote about Jordan Brandman’s death. After all, Brandman was a loyal and enthusiastic water boy for the kleptocracy. You’d think the kleptoscribe would at least mark the event with appropriate encomia.
Nothing. What could Matt write about that that would benefit his benefactors?
Something about OCTA wanting its money back?