Iyad Ifalqa’s memory of suffering humiliation by the Israeli Defense Forces as a means of control prompt me to comment from my position as a Jewish man deeply distressed by the carnage occurring in Gaza.
I think that many American Jews have a difficult time thinking of the Israelis as bullies. We’re raised on tales of the Holocaust and the struggles to regain and protect our homeland, so we tend to reject talk of colonialism, settler acts, and apartheid conditions. I understand why we want none of that to be true. But at some point one has to accept that, regardless of whatever right and nobility may exist in our purposes, they still have to translate into actions — and that is what Iyad illustrates so movingly. This is what goes on. We know, at some level, that this is what goes on. South Africans knew about the sins of apartheid; Southerners knew about the rejection of equal status attending both slavery and Jim Crow and now again police violence and voting rights; Colonial and Manifest Destiny Americans knew, even if they made up stories to justify it, that we were taking land from people and it did not make sense that they had no real stake in it and so were giving it up freely. We may not have wanted to know. but we know.
When we know what we don’t want to know, we have two reactions: we may want to justify our way out of the dissonance between our self-perceptions as just and moral beings, but at a more visceral level we think that it really doesn’t matter. We will never be safe around those we have subjugated.
All of the above have in common that the problem is that the subjugated won’t just accept the current social order — that is the problem! The Native American we have stolen from will always hate us and will someday take revenge. The Blacks who we enslaved, then lynched, then redlined away from prosperity, then kept from voting, and always murdered — they would of course grow up hating us, so what else could we do but continue to keep powers out of the hands of the resentful? So we have to keep them down. Once you ride the tiger, you can never safely get off. And so it is for Israelis with Palestinians. How could teenage Iyad grow up without overweening, implacable, violent hatred towards his oppressors? (And yet he did make a point of learning about Jewish culture and fighting for a just peace.) Yet, even now, he finds himself kept down by those who thinks that he endangers us because he gets in the way of inculturation. And others of us, Palestinian or otherwise, are also attacked if we stand against attempts to obliterate Palestinian hope.
Our own subjugation of others justifies subjugation forever — unless their spirits and forever and implacably broken. Giving them hope is literally dangerous, because without loss of power and self-respect they may someday stand up and destroy us. The slave revolt was Thomas Jefferson’s greatest fear. It was why the father of American democracy quailed at the existence of a revolution similar to ours in Haiti.
Americans do not by and large understand that much of the rest of the world sees Israel as bullies, because they can see clearly that Israel evinces these same views that only humiliating and terrorizing the children of Gaza can offer them protection against what their grown-up selves might do. That is why people speak of Gaza as a genocide — because it is a declaration that such people cannot be allowed to live unless they do so without pride or potency. For some people, hatred of Jews based on ancient conspiracy theories may be a motivating factor. The rest are just seeing what’s happening and following the curve to its horrific end.
I went to bed realizing that Iyad’s story ought to be broken into two parts. I woke up to find that Vern had been very efficient in implementing the plan I set out last night to publish it as one part. I’m far more comfortable with this. Part of my New York Times subscription is that I get the right to share 10 articles per month for free. So I’m going to share this one, Under Rules of War, ‘Proportionality’ in Gaza Is Not About Evening the Score, which challenges aspects of my position. I think that this gives a good sense of what the Israeli government, and its defense forces, are thinking in making the case that their attacks have been lawful.
Here’s what I think that it fails to recognize: that discarding the principle of proportionality so long as a given attack can be justified as taken in good faith to be the most restrictive way of reaching a valid military goal can, if abused, turn into a justification for genocide. The rule of proportionality does not exist in isolation. When Israel determines “Hamas” to be “the enemy” (and as I’ve noted in comments elsewhere, Hamas has both a political and a military branch, and the political branch is not a military “enemy” in the sense that the military branch is), it uses it as a means of justifying any behavior whatsoever — siege, starvation, deprivation of water, bombing a city to rubble — because those are considered instrumental to the goal of permanently disabling the military branch of Hamas. That itself is absurd, as any Palestinian fighting back against Israel’s security, whether it comes from Hamas or not, will inevitably be considered Hamas. What Israel is saying that attacks now may continue, at any level of damage and carnage, until anyone who would physically attacks Israel is dead.
The U.S. employed this notion in its Manifest Destiny days in accord with a slogan (that may have come later) saying that “The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian.”) That became disallowed in the last century under various treaties including the Convention Against Genocide. Quibbling about the proportionality of a given attack is immaterial if the goal is eliminating anyone who might ever pose a threat. That overreaching goal is a crime against humanity. That is what the U.S. had better not fund.
This is your new open thread. Talk about that, or whatever else you’d like, with — this time — a specific emphasis on decorum in these trying times.
Only a matter of time… Three Israeli hostages, who had somehow gotten free, killed by the indiscriminate Israeli bombing.
Somewhat similar to the Sergeants Affair.
I’m going to memorialize a Facebook interchange here:
= A** J****
If anyone is reading this who can explain something to me, please, feel free.
Here is the thing I need someone to explain:
How exactly is it that any woman who is part of or supports the Me Too movement can shrug off hamas terrorists gang raping women at the festival so violently that they broke bones, and support hamas’ intention of repeating that act again and again and again and again during their stated intent to erase Jews from the planet?
Because this is one thing I can;t even begin to figure out how to see from the POV of the women shrugging it off.
= Greg Diamond
I don’t think anyone is shrugging it off. I think that they’re viewing it in the context of many murders and other grave injuries in that event AS WELL AS the violence being done on innocents in Gaza because Israel’s grievances are supposed to matter so much more than the combined grievances of Palestinians.
For my part, the fact that uncritical Zionists like you (and I speak as a self-critical Zionist) use these rapes as a means of diverting attention from the war crimes being committed in Gaza is repugnant. If you want to put your mind to MeToo criticism, you might want to ask yourself why so many of the leading villains of the MeToo era — Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Les Moonves, Mark Halperin, Brett Ratner, and many others among the most prominent examples. (Matt Lauer is half-Jewish, but I’d count him for these purposes.)
THAT, rather than the Hamas actors who intentionally committed atrocities to goad Israel into its present reputation destroying war, is what’s on MY mind when I think of MeToo. THAT is what I and YOU should be thinking about as Jewish males — what the hell was wrong with how we were raised and why haven’t we better policed those around us. You want to use MeToo as a weapon? Use it as a tool of self-reflection and remorse first.
One of our greatest Jewish moral thinkers, the lay rabbi knows as Yeshua ben Yosef, has a nice on-point story that you should look up. (And the more you don’t want to, the more you should.) It talks about the seeing the mote in your neighbor’s eye while ignoring the log in your own eye.
Trying to use these horrors for your own personal gain (on behalf of your side in a war) is not what MeToo is about. And trying to detract from the disproportionate agony in the Palestinian rather than the Israeli Jewish community is disgusting and morally bankrupt. This is why Israel and its overzealous defenders are taking a situation where both sides and both right and wrong and stirring up enmity among those who can see clearly which side is acting as a huge bully. You’ll reap this whirlwind in decades to come.
Umm, Israel is an ally with Azerbaijan. Supplied Azerbaijan with weapons used on ethnic Armenians in their ancestral homelands. Go read about what Azeri troops did to civilians and militia alike. Israel enabled and supported that.
Oh, NOW I get why Israel pings so brightly on your radar!
Can you find a site to source that’s more open to contrary views than “azeriwarcrimes.org”? For example, I’d like to know what UN publications and US Government publications have to say.
This article refers to the same video regarding the rape mutilation and murder of Armenian pows by Azerbaijani troops. Eh.
https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/article-761855 (Israel helped Azerbaijan in Artsakh)
More, Greg.
______________ Rabbi Petey Levi and his Zionist colleagues have a problem. One of which is they appear greatly outnumbered. Zionists are endangering more than tribe members.
CAIR-LA applauds Khan and Agran for supporting ceasefire.
CAIR-LA and Groundswell (fka OC Human Relations) partner for webinar on impact of anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim
Hate Crimes and speech.
Mind you OC Human Relations gave Farrah Khan an award once before it was revealed she was enabling Turkish nationalist genocide deniers.
CAIR-LA and Groundswell event.
OC Human Relations changes name but continues emboldening a mayor whom was revealed to be enabling Turkish Nationalist genocide deniers while claiming to fight hate. Notably absent, rabbi kishkah in a kippah Petey Levi and Shane Moslehi, Chief Mike Kent. And, any of Farrahkhan’s armenian-American neighbors.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0AaPWpWS8dvUBv8hoixRzEDdrThMr3hc7pxMyDyquqYxWh2gC2iNgabUHhfowsm7fl&id=100076474826396 (Look at how proud kishkah in a kippah was the first time around)
PS where was the mayor at the DPOC holiday party in Irvine this month. Noticeably absent. Things that make you go hmm.
Who do you think raises more money in the Orange County, Rabbi kishkah in a Kippah and his Anti-Defamation League of Long Beach/Orange County or the Democratic Party of Orange County? Which organization gets better attendance at their fundraising events?
Katie Porker flip flops, calls for bilateral ceasefire.
Was Adam gadahn related to one of the founders of anti-defamatlon league of orange county/long beach.
Ocda, oc human relations and ADL OC/LB at Laguna woods hate crime town hall after Khan was linked to Turkish Nationalist Genocide Deniers that city of Irvine remains partnered with. That’s odd, I don’t recall any of those folks coming to Irvine to address the community.
The county and municipal actors are playing anti-hate and bolstering hateful people and groups with impunity.
If was Joanna Weiss I would have linked sb 741 to how disconnected he is to the local legal community and the family law bar and how the bill which becomes law this January is likely subject to being struck down like other of his legislation. Heck, what does she have to lose. Lawyers vote and know people. Just saying. What is the acfls’ position re sb741?
No one from family law bar supported or opposed the bill. DUI Dave and his wife are on an academic island.
Queue to 1:36:10
Umm, is cross-examination good cause? What about a litigant’s existing right to protective order.
Either way, no one was in the audience to speak In favor or against this bill. Things that make you go hmm
If [you were] Joanna Weiss, we’d have a lot more trouble figuring out who to endorse.
And what is the ACFL? A Contemptuous Family Lawyer?
ACFLS is the Association of Certified Family Law Specialists. We are an independent non-profit organization for California Certified Family Law Specialists dedicated to promoting and preserving the practice of Family Law.
Long Beach passes proclamation supporting ceasefire.
I’ve got the surly Muhammad Aly calling me an “IDF booster” who couldn’t possibly support a ceasefire, and why?
Because a couple weeks ago I reacted to a story about Israel flooding Hamas tunnels (which I admit I didn’t read) with something like “It’s about time.”
Am I missing something? Isn’t destroying Hamas tunnels something Israel should be doing in response to Oct. 7, rather than bombing hospitals and killing tens of thousands of civilians? Or are we really asking them to do nothing at all?
I’m not asking them to do anything. I would be asking our government to quit giving Israel a red cent.
I am soooo tired of hearing “they’re our only friend in the region.” They’re our only friend because they’re our friend. They do nothing for the US except share the intelligence they want us to have – when they aren’t spying on us, too.
If they’re our friend, thumping and pumping for Trump is a funny way of showing it.
The prospect that Israel might flood the tunnels sure explains why Hamas took the hostages, doesn’t it?
Mr. Aly tends towards disproportionately strong reactions, which I will not liken towards certain actors being discussed herein.
He could be a Russian or Turkish troll. Erdogan or Putin or both warned against doing so as it would be a – wait for it – war crime.
[…] “Jew Fag” […] “SICK Faggot” […] “Filthy CONIVING JEW” […] Isreal?
[…] dildo with a Swastika […] cell printed [….]
[…] BLACK and 12″ X 6″ […] GANG HOLE!
[Editor’s Note: He’s at it again, dear readers, and full of holiday cheer! Not a word has been added or corrected. In other words: Is Real!]
I would have liked to see the original before you edited it. I have a collection of hundreds of these. Which I’m saving for when we track the person down.
Sorry, I thought that the history function retained the previous versions of the text. If you check out the email address, you’ll get the gist of its target.
I’m putting my marker down on this now: if Trump is removed from any ballot in the general election, he’s just going to have Don Jr. put his name on the ballot as the Republican nominee — yes, of course the state Republican Party will go along with it — and then Junior can direct his electors to vote for Senior. If Trump is determined to be unable to hold office, then all Electoral Votes anywhere will be going to Donald Junior, who will hold office with Donald Senior as Chief of Staff. That way, every Trump family member wins: Junior can pardon Senior, Kimberly Guilfoyle gets to be the Worst First Lady ever, and Melania will be free from any official duties.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil and the Devil likes you so much that you not only don’t get Monkey Pawed, but he works overtime on your behalf.
But really nobody LIKES Don Jr. He’s not entertaining like his crazy dad.
It doesn’t matter. People don’t vote for candidates, they vote for candidates’ names. Trumpublicans probably wouldn’t know the difference, or care, so long as Trump said “vote for Donald Trump on your Colorado ballot.”
@inminivanhell is disemboweling Andrew Do on her Twitter feed. Wow.