Pastor Jack Hibbs must be in a foul, foul mood of late, after losing his control of the Orange Unified School Board last month with the recalls of Madison Miner and Rick Ledesma. Jack’s mega-church is the Calvary Chapel of nearby Chino Hills, but he has made himself a force in Orange County politics, so unfortunately we have to know about him.
As I reported in my prophetic “The Normal People Rise Up” piece last year, Hibbs, with a Chino Hills “flock” of 10,000 and a “Real Life” program that allegedly reaches “millions worldwide,” has always been especially worried that the existence of homosexuality is a sure sign of the End Times – because just think – those sodomites don’t procreate! So it could NOT have been in existence until just recently or humanity would already have perished, can’t you see? He illustrates this theory with films of ELKS mating, particularly focusing on the phenomenon of the biggest male elk beating up the smaller male elks, and then impregnating all the females – apparently an invaluable object lesson for us humans!
This would all just be funny, weird and sad, if it weren’t for folks like Hibbs’ inability to keep their hands out of our politics, whipping up their followers with loony stories and telling ’em how to vote if they want to save this sinful world. Jack really stepped in it when he managed to place MAGA moron Madison Miner onto the Orange USD, giving that board a majority to FIGHT that Culture War, blow gobs of public money on losing lawsuits and breaking state laws, and hand over the store to for-profit charter schools.
But as I said, the normal people in Orange and thereabouts rose up last month and took back their school board. So, now in a helpless rage, Jack Hibbs spent his Easter lashing out at Joe Biden, telling his flock that the Catholic President is honoring “ISHTAR” today in place of Jesus. (WTF is “Ishtar?” Who knows? But there is no record of the White House doing or saying anything in regard to what turns out to be an ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love and sexuality. In fact Hibbs’ own salivating over elk-mating rituals seems more Ishtaresque than anything Biden has done.)
You can hear Jack Hibbs spew this nonsense at this link; Tick Tock videos don’t seem to embed on this blog. But you really should hear the two minutes, it’s something else. And then consider that this nimrod tells tens of thousands of people how to vote.
What set Jack off on this Ishtar/Easter kick was the fact that today was declared “Transgender Day of Visibility,” something that lots of other assholes including the Trump campaign tried to spin as an intentional gesture of disrespect to sensitive Christians on the high holy day.
Well, the fact is, March 31 is ALWAYS Transgender Day of Visibility – it was only a matter of time before Easter (which is timed by the lunar cycle) ended up on that day. And what? They thought it’d get moved to avoid their transphobic panties getting in a bunch? Not on our watch.
From Biden’s official statement:
..Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.
And good. Republicans and Jack Hibbs spent the day trying to wring some fear and votes out of transphobia. President Biden spent the day attending Easter Mass and standing up for the LGBTQ. It only seems appropriate here to mention that in all the early representations of our Lord and Savior’s resurrection, he was wearing what appears to be a dress. Foreshadowing?
Me, when I was finished playing church services and giving out food (which Donna and I do every Sunday), I sat down to enjoy my favorite Easter song, “Roll Away the Stone” by Mott the Hoople. Check out how Ian Hunter is too rad and old-school to “lip-sync,” for which reason you hear TWO Ian Hunters in this video, which is even better than one!
Caitlin Jenner was offended by Biden. Umm orthodoxy In the jewry and Islam aren’t too keen re homosexuality and transgender. But, you don’t know about that and when and if you do, it may be too late to complain. But, do what you do and stay on the subjects you know and love. Christians bad, Jews and Muslims good. That’s not progressive. It’s stupid, myopic and naive.
Caitlin is a moron Trumptard and everyone knows that. And yes, I read her lame-ass tweet.
And nobody said Christians are bad. We said Jack Hibbs is bad. Jack Hibbs, Netanyahu, the Ayatollah, and Trump. Duh.
Vern, you have a blind spot re culture wars being fight by non orthodox Christians. And, like I said, when you finally identify them, it may be too late for you.
The corollary of the pastor you rail against is Ashleigh Aitken. She likes endorsing anti Christian candidates like Farrah Khan. It’s so progressive. And, it wins her votes with her constituents. Eventually her constituents won’t need her.
How is that drum not broken by now with the daily beating you give it?
Ishtar is the Mesopotamian goddess of luv. And she has a mean streak.
This must be a reference to nasty paganism.
Nice song.
So Irvine didn’t cancel last week’s city council meeting because it fell during Holy Week or any meeting in March because of Ramadan or Purim. But, there are no council meetings in April because of Pesach and Eid. Also, in March, Irvine recognized Arab Heirage, Turkish children, Armenian Genocide and Iranian women and Police Week (which is in May) but no recognition of Cesar Chavez Day, or World Poetry Day or Poetry Month (April).
If city council’s can stop doing business on account of religion, or fail to recognize meaningful shiat, the President could have refrained.
I mean heck eventually a religious holiday is going to fall on a work day. You never see Christians at court take the day off for Ash Wednesday, etc.
Somehow it’s offensive not to recognize the sensitivity of Jews or Muslims but perfectly ok to ignore those of Christians.
Dear ignoramus:
Among the holiest days in the strictest interpretations of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity as their various Sabbaths — respectively Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, Friday, and Sunday — but generally a small proportion of all but the most devout people would refuse to conduct business on their holiest day of the week.
Shrove Tuesday is not a holiday for which most Christians take off work and close their businesses. If a meeting is scheduled for Easter or most likely Good Friday — that is a problem. Christians don’t argue that you can’t you can attend meetings during the rest of Holy Week, let along during all of Lent. Ash Wednesday — you know it’s not part of Holy Week, right? — is a holy day of obligation, but most churches of my acquaintance stay open extra hours that day to suit various daily schedules.
Purim is not one of the holiest holidays (aside from Shabbat) in Judaism: those would be Passover, Yom Kippur, and (trailing a but behind) Shavuot. Purim, like Khanukah, just commemorates Jewish escape from various oppressions; they are minor holidays and need not be held sacred.
Muslims do not stop doing business during all of Ramadan, but many I know have seemed to appreciate some consideration of their fasting — including having a little water and food available before their iftar if a meeting goes on after sundown.
Seriously, you sound like one of those straight white cis males bemoaning the absence of straight celebration day, white appreciation month, cis pride day, and male perquisite day. (In fact, you probably are.)
Transfolk have increased their influence in recent years, and I’m not 100% down with every plank of their agenda, but they are certainly more in need of special recognition of their very existence in society than most group. There’s nothing sinister about their wanting and appreciating legitimate social acceptance and — unless one laments the erosion of every single law in the bible, including those against poly/cotton blends, and spilling one’s seed, and eating catfish, so as to suit one’s prejudice — President Biden is being nothing but kind and respectful by mentioning it.
It would have been nice for him to have recognized Cesar Chavez Day, even though it’s only officially celebrated in California (and this year celebrations were moved to April 1), but I’m sure he’ll make up for that.
What seems to be killing you is all of this politeness and respect being directed towards people you disapprove of. Maybe you should see a doctor about that.
So this Pastor Hibbs holds up for celebration an animal custom in which one male impregnates all of the women around him?
Have you ever heard a more clear example of celebrating inbreeding? I guess that that’s no wonder, if it helps him stay in business.
Yeah, he loves that shit. Gets him aroused.
Ishtar was a Hollywood box office bomb.
Sealed documents filed late March 2024 in Rafiei cases including two miscellaneous orders related to the continuance of her sentencing and implications to her safety if information subject to sealing is made public. Rata alert.
Why are people obsessed with pastors like Jack Hibbs? I have a schizophrenic friend who thinks David Jeremiah is getting messages from Paul Washer, who is hacking her phone and devices everywhere all the time. When she visited me, I was married, had a garden and a bird. Sure enough David Jeremiah mentioned a woman, garden, and bird during his YouTube sermon. The sermon may or may not of been recorded after she came to my house. My advice to her was to get a Faraday bag and listen to another pastor.
ps. Thank you for explaining why there will be no Irvine council meetings in April. Hopefully the entire Council, (especially Kim and Treseder, who have been subjected to extreme verbal abuse) will recover enough for more unfortunate bashings in May.
Thank you for that important information about your schizophrenic friend and your garden and bird.
Hibbs is important because tens of thousands of gullible people listen to him, he won’t stay out of politics, and he runs a tax-exempt organization.
I have a garden. And lots of birds. And I’m not really a nut.
Go ahead and give Pedroza a some hits for his story on Mayor Valerie Amezcua, who he says is driving Santa Ana towards bankruptcy due to its funding of SAPOA pensions. He also regrets having supported Amezcua for Mayor in 2022, but says that Santa Ana should have elected Jose Solorio, while electing Sal Tinajero, whom he calls anti-police. would have been a disaster.
Art simply hasn’t thought this through. What hurts the police (as well as other public employees) is a pension cancelling bankruptcy. Does anyone really think that Solorio would have been any less solicitous of SAPOA than Amezcua? If anything, he’d likely do all that he could to be more so!
In fact, if you want to help the police, Tinajero is exactly the sort of person you want! He’s not beholden to SAPOA, but he’s also not interested in letting crime rise. That means, among other things, NOT letting SAPOA have its way with anything it wants, because it won’t take long to break the city. Being parsimonious with public safety is, paradoxically, the best way to preserve those precious police pensions — because those concessions will probably be slashed by a bankruptcy trustee and court. And evidence that the Police have had a stranglehold on Santa Ana’s government for so long will weigh heavily against them.
Just like you don’t help children by giving them everything they want, the same is true for people with massively jacked up public pensions. Getting that sweet candy from the city is very popular at the time it happens — but if it sucks the city dry they won’t enjoy that candy for nearly as long as they expected.
To rewrite an aphorism from Wall Street traders (for reasons that will be obvious): there’s room for the bulls, there’s room for the bears, but there’s no room for the hogs. Think about that, Art!
Eid Mubarak, y’all! (Not you, Eric)
Heck Farrah Khan thought it was yesterday.
Local Muslim community rallies behind their leader er crestfallen mayor to observe Eid.
What about the
Muslim communities are preparing to end the holy month of Ramadan and celebrate the holiday Eid al-Fitr, but the specific day on which each community celebrates will depend on how its congregation observes the lunar calendar.
Ramadan is the month on the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, while also putting a greater focus on worship, charity and good deeds.
After a month of fasting, the community celebrates Eid al-Fitr, which means feasting, festival or breaking the fast.
If Eid doesn’t start until the 10th then why was no city business conducted on the 9th? And why haven’t council members at least called for a special meeting to do city business in light of regular business being suspended because of Eid and Pesach on April 9 and April 23, respectively?
Note: tribe members will not observe Passover until Friday night on the 26th.
Didn’t this already happen?
Andrew Assalian says “We are all passengers in the backseat of a White Bronco on the overpass that is life.”
I add, “And it’s going REALLY REALLY SLOW.”
Duane Roberts wonders if the malfeasance at Fiona’s office has something to do with her corrupt efforts to boost Gerry Serrano’s pension, a story which he broke last year. It’s possible!
But meanwhile the brain trust at the Liberal OC has their own ideas. First of all the troll calling itself “Tito Watch” calls Fiona Greg’s “Ex-Love-Interest.” What’s that about? No doubt nothing. But Dan responds that the reason me and Greg don’t like Fiona is because she endorsed Lorri Galloway for Mayor.
Actually I’d forgotten all about that! Endorsing LoGal was just one of the MANY lame, sleazy and inexplicable things Fiona has done these last couple years. Life is not all about Galloway over here.
(Yeah, not a slow news day, but I’m just trying to find the time to write about the triumph of DisneylandForward last night, the latest developments in the reformed OUSD, and new developments in Rancho Santa Margarita, Aliso Viejo, San Clemente and Santa Ana. My brain is tired right now…)
I don’t even get the basis of that attack. I hate it when people mix me up with Gerry Serrano. Now it’s happened … once.
Chumley’s Galloway fixation, though. Not healthy. He’s got to see a doctor about that.
Maybe Melissa Fox er Melahatrat turned on Ma.
Ma and Farrah are advisors to a university. Hmm.
You’ve gotten abstruse.
You’ve been obtruse.
And I’m deleting a couple of your comments here that don’t necessary deserve it because collective punishment.
OK, more than a couple. Once one gets going, it’s hard to stop.
In more South Asian er local corruption news, serial sealed documents and an order continuing sentencing in the United States of America v. Harish Singh Sidhu. Sentencing was continued from June 14, 2024 to December 13, 2024. Looks like Harry still has some cooperating to do. Fear and loathing in Anaheim continues.