Vern here: Don’t know how long you’ve been reading this blog, but Mission Viejo’s conservative activist Larry Gilbert is an OJ OG, who wrote hundreds of stories here from 2006 to 2011 (when he left in protest of my controversial ten-year-anniversary Sept 11 piece.)
But now like the Prodigal he has returned. I remember the main topics he wrote about were eminent domain and redevelopment, and I often agreed with him. I’m not so sure now, as he seems to be a supporter of Donald Trump, and we have let some Republican writers go in the past for supporting Trump. But we’ll see how this goes – this is supposed to be a Mosh Pit after all, isn’t it? Here’s Larry….
With the General Election less than 100 Days off, I spoke to Vern about coming back to posting on the OJ blog.
For those unfamiliar with me, Art Pedroza solicited me way back in Sept 2006 to provide a conservative viewpoint from south county. Over the following five years I posted over 900 stories mostly dealing with redevelopment, the High Speed Rail disaster, candidate interviews and Mission Viejo news. In some cases we broke stories not initially covered by the OC Register. I.e. The tax protest rally in Fullerton where people shouted “off with their heads”. I probably penned two dozen stories of the disaster called CA High Speed Rail.
In Jan 2007 I was able to get Matt Cunningham of OC Blog (“Red County”) to admit that our blog predated his.
As a investigative reporter for the Cutting Edge a talk show I attended President Obama’s LAUSD Miguel Contreras Learning Center Town Hall in March of 2009 after which I posted a report with photos.
A final comment. Vern has a photo in which he mistakenly identifies me. [Huh? Where? – V]
Your comments are welcome. My few rules are simple. No personal attacks or vulgarity as my family read my posts. We can agree to disagree.
Welcome back Larry. Does this mean we can be friends on Facebook again? Lol
Paul. Looking forward to your comments
I’m gonna send you a friend request .
What’s a personal attack? I claim Trump supporters are fools, vulgarians, self-interested or traitors.
Is that personal?
“Short-fingered vulgarian” would be personal.
Vern. Somewhere on the blog is a listing of former writers in which you state my bring on the left. I have no idea as to who is in that photo. I can surely provide one.
*The Great one has returned! Heck, this is definitely a monumental moment to be
sure. So, to honor the Great Ones Return……we will offer a few comments:
During the Trump Administration, the USA moved its Embassy to Jeruselum, and
let Israel Occupy the Water Rich Golan Heights. The expansion of Israeli Settlements
has been exponential and putting IDF Troops around these settlements to “Protect”
the occupants has raised the temperature throughout the middle east. The pretext
and killing of the October 7th attack has resulted in the total destruction of Gaza and
the deaths of over 40,000 Palestinians, mainly Women and Children. The recent
Assassinations of Hamas leaders in Iran and Lebanon…..will finally raise the temperature so that World War III is easily considered. The Iranians, Lebanese and
others in the neighborhood will now respond with targeted drone and missile attacks
on each of the 180 Israeli Settlements. The deaths of Israeli’s is on the back of Bibi
and Company. If this is plan to kill our planet before Climate Change does… is a
good one. OK, that was issue one.
Welcome back Lorenzo, our love for you is endless.
[Larry Gilbert clearly meant to respond to Ron rather than to Tardif, so I’m porting the comment over here. GAD]
Brother Ron. While I have spent three weeks in Israel when I add a post on the war feel free to comment. As to the number of deaths in Gaza. It could have been avoided if Hamas had not attacked on Oct 7th and Israel security had done their jobs.
This should be interesting.
Welcome back, Larry!
Tony. Glad to hear from you. I do miss the evening beer, burgers and cigar meetings with Steve Greenhut
Is the phrase “grab them by the pussy” considered vulgar ?
Trump is the most vulgar man in American politics.
Good luck with your turd polishing.
You’ve led me to wonder whether the word “vulva” is related to the the word “vulgar,” because Trump’s statement is both vulvar and vulgar and marks him as a vulgarian.