"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.
Great. I guess you haven’t heard all the vitroil against Donald Trump. Your sides rhetoric have incited voters against Trump . That includes talking heads at CNN and MSNBC
Bump stocks
Roof tops
Pot shots
God rocks
Odd lots
Long shots
Lost shoes
Bad news
But the Butler
Didn’t do it
Or did it
Biden’s response (going back to DC and clearing his immediate calendar) to the attempted assignation of Trump was his John McCain moment. EN said it.
Somewhere Speaker Johnson is doing his best Alexander Haig impression.
Inspirational words from, of all sources, Melania Trump:
[L]et us remember that when the time comes to look beyond the left and the right, beyond the red and the blue, we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together, while we are here, in this earthly realm.”
Dawn is here again. Let us reunite. Now. Ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence.
We want a world where respect is paramount, family is fire, and love transcends. We can realize this world again.
I feel very sorry for her. I hope that the cognitive dissonance suffusing this doesn’t injure her. But I do think that these words should be quoted, perhaps read by Mary Trump?, at the Democratic convention.
For the Open Thread: Anaheim has finally settled that $5 million lawsuit from Arte Moreno for the failed Stadium deal – we’re paying “only” $2.75 million to Arte, and whoopee! We get to build Fire Station #12 which he was SOMEHOW stopping us from doing. Ashleigh and Lyster are spinning this as a great win for us!
What really sticks out like a sore thumb in this story is “The city is also still required to maintain the stadium, which is set to cost at least $1.5 million over the next two years, according to city Lyster.” Wait, what? It’s been an established fact for over ten years that Arte Moreno is responsible for all maintenance!
The story is written by Noah, who doesn’t usually cover Anaheim; another author (like Spencer) wouldn’t have let that slide without comment. This maintenance for two years is estimated by Lyster at $1.5 million – (why did he mention maintenance “for two years?”) – so maybe we ARE really shelling out at least $4.25 million out of that $5 million.
Donna’s first reaction was… “So… how long HAVE we been maintaining that Stadium for Arte and how much has it cost us? And whatever happened with that APPRAISAL we were supposed to see?” Good questions, and this will all have to be its own story, after I finish three others.
At least Noah mentioned that “the team makes around $117 million each year at the gate alone.” Compare that to the estimated timeline of 2-3 years for us to have paid off the $2.75 million by foregoing the usual money we get from them – that means we get about $1 million a year? Real business geniuses we’ve got running this city!
A lot more to say about this… but first three other stories I’ve been procrastinating…
Somehow the fact that the Angels colluded with Sidhu and Vanderpool to commit honest services fraud WE are responsible to pay for Moreno’s perpetrating a fraud on US.
I can’t believe Aitken is that stupid to believe the talking points she was given by the liar Lyster so she’s culpable, too. A card-carrying member of the kleptocracy. And in retrospect I can’t believe people bought into her reformist bullshit.
And how come Harry Sidhu isn’t being sued by the City for these alleged damages? He’s the one who’s responsible. And why are Vanderpool & Co. and the City Attorney still on the payroll?
Where is the DA? Where is the Attorney General, where is…aw, forget it.
And don’t forget it was Arte who GAVE us Mayor Sidhu in 2018, in a very close election against Aitken (how different she woulda been is a mystery now of course), by announcing a month before Election Day that the Angels were leaving town, and an obviously-prepared Sidhu proclaiming “Only *I* can keep the Angels in Anaheim!” after which Harry won by 472 votes.
(And this was four years after Arte tried hard but spectacularly failed at getting his puppet Lucille Kring elected Mayor – back during the “$1 a year lease” days – and she came in THIRD AFTER GALLOWAY.)
So Harry got in and did what Arte wanted and expected him to do. Arte should owe us a lot just for that.
No, how she “woulda been” is no mystery at all. Quit giving her any credit at all. She’s a dyed-in-the-wool klepto. It’s a scandal that we should pay for Assclown/Moreno’s crimes. It’s worse when the debutante describes it as a victory. Who in the everlasting fuck benefits from a fire station in the stadium parking lot? The paramedic goonion, of course.
It is of interest, and this is one of the rare commenter links that readers might want to click. The thrust is that parts of Disneyland are falling apart for lack of proper maintenance. On the one hand, it may imply that the City of Anaheim should dump more (and evermore!) amounts of money in Disneyland to keep it open and in good shape — after all, cities are supposed to pay for maintenance on behalf of their largest business interests, right, Arte Moreno? — perhaps also using public money to pay off the private employees that Disney has been stiffing since they lost a lawsuit brought for back wages.
On the other hand, who do they think they are kidding? Disney surely has lots of resources at its disposal, including massive amounts of intellectual property that could be sold or leased out under certain conditions.
At some point, Disney is going to stop going after City money and start going after City property and other assets. (Well, not “start,” given “Disney Forward” and all. Once Disney get its hands on the publicly owned utility companies, for example, residents will surely have to fall in line and take their orders!
Remember the figures, they’re handy – Disneyland Resort makes $6.7 billion a year, which is $18 million a day. We see (now I’m spitballing) less than 2% of that I think.
Working on a story on that Angels lawsuit right now, should be ready in an hour or two.
You’re acting like he ran out the clock intentionally. There’s not a shred of evidence of this.
Yes, his final decision came late, but it came when it came and it wouldn’t have come without the debate performance and the three strikes that followed.
Trump beats women in presidential elections. (I know, small sample size)
And, last time Kamala ran for president, she bowed out before a vote was cast.
And, not remaining silent re Gaza and remaining silent re Azerbaijan is not going to fair well with the MENA or Armenian vote in swing states like oh Michigan.
That was a cheesy answer. And a naive one. It’s not a white issue although Arabs are considered white.
Gaza is the Dems’ Iran hostage affair. A lot of Arab and Armenian (white also) voters In swing states helped Sleepy Joe across the goal line In 2020. The field has changed a lot since then.
Palestine is here now. Netanyahu took a swipe at Kamala. And, anything out of Kamala’s mouth other than full throated support for Israel is a g*ddamn lie. Her husband is an American Israel lobby operative.
You are part of the suckers class. One is born every minute.
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog https://closertotheedge.substack.com/p/what-else-could-a-russian-asset-possibly : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
I was just coming here to write about this. I have three questions:
(1) What did Trump and his followers say when Paul Pelosi was almost murdered?
(2) What would Trump be saying now if Biden had been shot in the same way?
(3) Will MAGA voters really vote for a man who has had his ear pierced?
Great. I guess you haven’t heard all the vitroil against Donald Trump. Your sides rhetoric have incited voters against Trump . That includes talking heads at CNN and MSNBC
Are you some kind of snowflake? Do you track your own side’s vitriol?
As someone once said — specifically, Trump after the Iowa school shooting in Jan 2024 — “we have to get over it, move forward.”
Oh, Sweet Jesus. Seriously? Trump and his cretinous followers have been spewing violent rhetoric for 9 years.
Who provoked the attack on the Capitol? Who praised the Neo-nazis? That’s right your hero, the Rotting Yam.
Standing against someone’s fascist aspirations is “inciting violence” against him?
I sort of want to ask you your feelings about Mussolini, Larry — like, was he mistreated by the public? — but I have a stronger urge not to.
(I want credit for not bringing up Hitler!)
The Yam and his followers have been all-in on violence and weapons since Day One.
And the Dems are like “isn’t it time we all just got along despite our political differences? Kumbaya.”
There has never been civility and respect in our politics. Returning there is like Making America Great Again.
Citing 2x Governor Jerrry Brown while acting as Attorney General:
“Compromise in the rough-and-tumble legislative process is not achieved by doilies and tea.”
And elections – especially Presidential ones – are not tea parties either.
Civility and respect are better left for tea parties.
I’m not sure what you’re advocating in this and your prior two comments. Ramp up the conflict to Neshanian-preferred levels?
We’re not talking about compromise over legislation here. We’re talking about a right-wing gun activist shooting a presidential nominee.
Worshipping disrespect at all times and on all occasions may suit your taste, but it is both cray-cray and Trumpian.
Greg, you either have a reading comprehension problem or an Eric Neshanian or both.
I don’t have a reading comprehension problem. I do have an Eric Neshanian problem, but it’s mostly under control.
Jerry Brown was a four-time Governor, Eric. His father was the two-time Governor.
Bump stocks
Roof tops
Pot shots
God rocks
Odd lots
Long shots
Lost shoes
Bad news
But the Butler
Didn’t do it
Or did it
Biden’s response (going back to DC and clearing his immediate calendar) to the attempted assignation of Trump was his John McCain moment. EN said it.
Somewhere Speaker Johnson is doing his best Alexander Haig impression.
Inspirational words from, of all sources, Melania Trump:
I feel very sorry for her. I hope that the cognitive dissonance suffusing this doesn’t injure her. But I do think that these words should be quoted, perhaps read by Mary Trump?, at the Democratic convention.
While the Democrats pause their Trump messaging in the wake of the shooting, we blogs should pick up the slack:
Who better to pick up the slack better than you slackers
For the Open Thread: Anaheim has finally settled that $5 million lawsuit from Arte Moreno for the failed Stadium deal – we’re paying “only” $2.75 million to Arte, and whoopee! We get to build Fire Station #12 which he was SOMEHOW stopping us from doing. Ashleigh and Lyster are spinning this as a great win for us!
Voice story: https://voiceofoc.org/2024/07/angels-get-millions-for-cancellation-of-stadium-sale-after-fbi-investigation/
What really sticks out like a sore thumb in this story is “The city is also still required to maintain the stadium, which is set to cost at least $1.5 million over the next two years, according to city Lyster.” Wait, what? It’s been an established fact for over ten years that Arte Moreno is responsible for all maintenance!
The story is written by Noah, who doesn’t usually cover Anaheim; another author (like Spencer) wouldn’t have let that slide without comment. This maintenance for two years is estimated by Lyster at $1.5 million – (why did he mention maintenance “for two years?”) – so maybe we ARE really shelling out at least $4.25 million out of that $5 million.
Donna’s first reaction was… “So… how long HAVE we been maintaining that Stadium for Arte and how much has it cost us? And whatever happened with that APPRAISAL we were supposed to see?” Good questions, and this will all have to be its own story, after I finish three others.
At least Noah mentioned that “the team makes around $117 million each year at the gate alone.” Compare that to the estimated timeline of 2-3 years for us to have paid off the $2.75 million by foregoing the usual money we get from them – that means we get about $1 million a year? Real business geniuses we’ve got running this city!
A lot more to say about this… but first three other stories I’ve been procrastinating…
Somehow the fact that the Angels colluded with Sidhu and Vanderpool to commit honest services fraud WE are responsible to pay for Moreno’s perpetrating a fraud on US.
I can’t believe Aitken is that stupid to believe the talking points she was given by the liar Lyster so she’s culpable, too. A card-carrying member of the kleptocracy. And in retrospect I can’t believe people bought into her reformist bullshit.
And how come Harry Sidhu isn’t being sued by the City for these alleged damages? He’s the one who’s responsible. And why are Vanderpool & Co. and the City Attorney still on the payroll?
Where is the DA? Where is the Attorney General, where is…aw, forget it.
And don’t forget it was Arte who GAVE us Mayor Sidhu in 2018, in a very close election against Aitken (how different she woulda been is a mystery now of course), by announcing a month before Election Day that the Angels were leaving town, and an obviously-prepared Sidhu proclaiming “Only *I* can keep the Angels in Anaheim!” after which Harry won by 472 votes.
(And this was four years after Arte tried hard but spectacularly failed at getting his puppet Lucille Kring elected Mayor – back during the “$1 a year lease” days – and she came in THIRD AFTER GALLOWAY.)
So Harry got in and did what Arte wanted and expected him to do. Arte should owe us a lot just for that.
No, how she “woulda been” is no mystery at all. Quit giving her any credit at all. She’s a dyed-in-the-wool klepto. It’s a scandal that we should pay for Assclown/Moreno’s crimes. It’s worse when the debutante describes it as a victory. Who in the everlasting fuck benefits from a fire station in the stadium parking lot? The paramedic goonion, of course.
Former federal prosecutor swooped in to save the day and the city. Ack!!!
Perhaps of interest ?
For current Management, the best use for sacred cows is evidently – hamburgers. Sad.
It is of interest, and this is one of the rare commenter links that readers might want to click. The thrust is that parts of Disneyland are falling apart for lack of proper maintenance. On the one hand, it may imply that the City of Anaheim should dump more (and evermore!) amounts of money in Disneyland to keep it open and in good shape — after all, cities are supposed to pay for maintenance on behalf of their largest business interests, right, Arte Moreno? — perhaps also using public money to pay off the private employees that Disney has been stiffing since they lost a lawsuit brought for back wages.
On the other hand, who do they think they are kidding? Disney surely has lots of resources at its disposal, including massive amounts of intellectual property that could be sold or leased out under certain conditions.
At some point, Disney is going to stop going after City money and start going after City property and other assets. (Well, not “start,” given “Disney Forward” and all. Once Disney get its hands on the publicly owned utility companies, for example, residents will surely have to fall in line and take their orders!
Remember the figures, they’re handy – Disneyland Resort makes $6.7 billion a year, which is $18 million a day. We see (now I’m spitballing) less than 2% of that I think.
Working on a story on that Angels lawsuit right now, should be ready in an hour or two.
This opinion piece on the potential consequences of anointing Kamala nominee is well measured.
There. Wasn’t. Enough. Time.
There wasn’t enough time because the senile guy in chief purposely ran clock. Self created emergency.
You’re acting like he ran out the clock intentionally. There’s not a shred of evidence of this.
Yes, his final decision came late, but it came when it came and it wouldn’t have come without the debate performance and the three strikes that followed.
That being so: what’s your point?
Trump beats women in presidential elections. (I know, small sample size)
And, last time Kamala ran for president, she bowed out before a vote was cast.
And, not remaining silent re Gaza and remaining silent re Azerbaijan is not going to fair well with the MENA or Armenian vote in swing states like oh Michigan.
Do the math. Dollars raised are not votes casted.
You’re part of a shrinking group of old white men who fret that a woman could never be elected President.
And thankfully most of those men weren’t gonna vote Democrat anyway.
That was a cheesy answer. And a naive one. It’s not a white issue although Arabs are considered white.
Gaza is the Dems’ Iran hostage affair. A lot of Arab and Armenian (white also) voters In swing states helped Sleepy Joe across the goal line In 2020. The field has changed a lot since then.
Palestine is here now. Netanyahu took a swipe at Kamala. And, anything out of Kamala’s mouth other than full throated support for Israel is a g*ddamn lie. Her husband is an American Israel lobby operative.
You are part of the suckers class. One is born every minute.
We’ll see.
Give me your best citation, Counselor, for Doug Emhoff being an “American Israel lobby operative.” Is he even part of AIPAC? Use the facts, Leuc
This applies as much now as it did then. Queue stevie.
And, then read Adam Problosky’s take. Don’t drink anything while doing so.
Dems have been no choiced into Kamala Harris. Painted into a corner.