Federal prosecutors are asking for a sentence of eight months in prison for former Anaheim Mayor Harish “Harry” Sidhu, a sentence they insist is “sufficient, but not greater than necessary, to punish defendant, promote respect for the law, deter others from committing similar crimes in the future, and avoid sentencing disparities.” Many of us in Anaheim who lived through Sidhu’s time in power, and spoke up when nobody was listening, feel it is insufficient.
Naturally, Mayor Sidhu would prefer to do NO time in prison, maybe just some home arrest, probation, or community service. He has penned a six-page letter attempting to make his case, dizzyingly alternating between minimizing his offenses and abjectly apologizing. (His explanation of what he meant by demanding a million from the Angels through Todd Ament is especially fanciful! – see page 5.)
He tells his whole life story in this letter, from first coming to America with SIX DOLLARS in his pocket (he used to say it was sixty.) In the prosecution’s view, this story is “aggravating, rather than mitigating.” He only manages to show that he was not financially desperate, he’s educated, he’s a successful businessman and politician. He “knew right from wrong and had the means, the ability, and the options to live any life he wanted. Unfortunately, he chose, time and again, to prioritize his political career and personal finances over doing the right thing or faithfully serving the public.”
Well, he was convicted of what he was convicted of, he confessed to what he confessed to. But if Harry Sidhu is allowed to give his whole bio thinking that it makes him more sympathetic, to portray his adjudicated crimes as uncharacteristic lapses in character and judgment, we Anaheim citizens should be able to tell what we know of his public story, which shows these crimes he’s convicted of to be part of a larger picture, a picture of greed and arrogance, of lawlessness and secrecy. We the people of Anaheim were his victims, and here is our Victims’ Impact Report.
2004-12 Cronyism on Council.
Staff who worked with Sidhu during his eight years on Council complain that he was forever pressuring them to steer development contracts to friends of his, and had no patience for the traditional process of putting work out to a fair bid. (JL Report p. 108-11) One developer he pushed for above all others was ADI, an affordable housing developer that was already under FBI investigation for mammoth overbilling, bribing public officials, and “bringing in immigrants from India to work for them and then paying them almost nothing when they got here.” The owners of ADI eventually fled the country, and in 2016 a couple of them finally got arrested in Mumbai. An early example of Harry’s philosophy of governance.
2010 – Lying about residence to run for Supervisor.
Harry ran for higher office several times while on Council, and in 2010 there was an open seat for Supervisor, but not in the Anaheim Hills district where he lived, rather in West Anaheim. So he rented a cheap apartment by the Linbrook bowling alley and swore on penalty of perjury that was where he lived, even though his luxurious spread in the Hills is well known. Later in 2018 when Todd Spitzer ran for District Attorney he brought up this case as something he would prosecute if the statute of limitations hadn’t expired, and he has recently charged several politicians with felonies for the same exact thing.
2012 – Gardenwalk Giveaway Comment.
By the end of his Council tenure Harry was part of a 3-2 majority that insisted on giving huge tax subsidies to well-connected luxury hoteliers, a very controversial practice. The first of these was the $158 million “Gardenwalk Giveaway” to hotelier Bill O’Connell. The package was rushed through 3-2, but City Attorney Cristina Talley ruled that the vote had not been properly publicly noticed under the Brown Act and had to be redone. Harry’s reaction was memorable: he complained about the waste of electricity, opening up council chambers for a second meeting, while it was a $158 million giveaway that was being debated. (This call led to Talley’s being fired, and later prevailing against the City in court, but Sidhu was termed out by then.)
2018 – Stolen Valor in July 4 Parade.
Many military veterans took offense, and called it “stolen valor,” when non-veteran Harry Sidhu, in the middle of his run for Mayor, appeared in the July 4 2018 Anaheim Hills Parade dressed in an Air Force flight suit and standing on the back of a humvee. Sidhu and his defenders pointed out that he wore no insignia, but this was obviously intended to give the candidate the illusion of having served in the military.
2018 on – Arte Moreno’s Mayor.
We know that Sidhu hoped to get at least $1 million in campaign funds for his 2022 re-election from the Angels, as he estimated his services to owner Arte Moreno were worth at least that much. But what happened leading up to his 2018 victory was just as sleazy, if maybe not illegal. The Angels owner had been wanting to get his hands on that land, for a bargain basement price, since at least 2013, and only Mayor Tait stood in his way. When Tait was termed out in 2018, Sidhu seemed much more dependable to Arte than his opponent Ashleigh Aitken.
And a month before the November election, just as it looked like Aitken could win, Arte pulled an October surprise, tore up his lease and announced he was taking the Angels and leaving Anaheim. It was a hollow threat, there was nowhere for him to go, but it had the desired effect of scaring a lot of Angels-loving voters, and Harry Sidhu was prepared, with a statement out within minutes claiming that only he, Harry Sidhu, could keep the Angels in Anaheim.
Sidhu won by a mere 472 votes, and almost immediately on taking office (1/15/2019) re-instated Arte Moreno’s lease, which had the intended effect of “encumbering” or devaluing the land, as the first step in consummating Arte’s sweetheart deal.
“Anaheim First” recouping its investment in Sidhu.
“Anaheim First,” an astroturf outfit formed by Sidhu’s crony Todd Ament, donated $230,000 to Sidhu’s campaign, and was – after a decent interval, in April 2019 – awarded a no-bid $250,000 of taxpayer money by Sidhu’s lockstep majority. (JL Report p. 30)
The Temporary Homeless Shelter Gravy Train.
This “Anaheim Way” temporary homeless shelter is something Sidhu boasts of in his letter, as one of his great works. Here is the story. When Sidhu took office at the end of 2018, his predecessor Mayor Tait and his Council had been working hard to deal with Anaheim’s homeless problem, and had two big shelters ready to open in January and February. But Sidhu, as his first act, insisted on spending $1,320,449 of city money slapping together a 6-week interim shelter. Typically, it was no-bid, awarded to Chamber-connected campaign supporters of his, an accounting mess as documented in pages 192 to 207 of the JL Report, a huge waste, and pretty unnecessary. It seemed to have been driven by Sidhu’s desire to show that “he could deal with homelessness better than Mayor Tait,” and his campaign promise to clear out the homeless from the parks by Christmas. The folks who did stay there those few weeks found themselves showering in sewage, but the building owner, a friend of Harry’s, enjoyed a lot of permanent improvements to his property.
The Two No-Bid Chamber of Commerce Contracts
While Sidhu was Mayor and enjoyed a five-member lockstep majority on Council, Chamber head Todd Ament got anything he wanted. This included two no-bid contracts totaling $950,000 with the vaguest of deliverables, as documented in JL 207-217.
Developers’ Pay-to-Play Paradise, 2019-22
While Harry Sidhu was Mayor, his two most favored developers, Greenlaw and Shopoff, who had been among his biggest campaign contributors, were able to do whatever they wanted. If housing and development staff, who used to have some authority, attempted to make any changes or demands, these developers would tell them they had permission from “Harry” or “Todd.” Thus during these years, they pursued ever more lucrative developments, and Anaheim fell ever further from its affordable housing goals. JL 100-118.
Crushing a Gas Station to help a Campaign Donor
The story is best told here, of how Sidhu took a personal interest in denying a permit to an Anaheim Hills gas station, which was otherwise approved, to benefit a campaign contributor who owned a station across the street, thus squelching competition and keeping prices high. Another motivation may have been that decades earlier the applicant’s father had refused to invest in Sidhu’s fast-food empire.
The $6.5 million COVID money heist to Visit Anaheim
Of $15 million in federal COVID funds granted to Anaheim in March 2021, Sidhu insisted on giving $6.5 million to our tourist agency “Visit Anaheim” which didn’t need it and couldn’t actually think of anything to do with it. As was later revealed by JL Group’s investigation, Visit Anaheim CEO Jay Burress was just told “Think of an amount you’d like,” he thought of $5 million, and Sidhu himself said, “Tack on $1.5 million to that.” The extra $1.5 million was later secretly and illegally funneled to Todd Ament. And City Manager Chris Zapata’s objection to all this led to his firing. (JL p 173-184; this was also later the subject of a state audit, called for by Assemblyman Valencia and Senator Umberg.)
Suppression of Democracy thru the Sidhu Years
Harry Sidhu was the sort of Mayor who did his best to crush any disagreement either on the dais or in the public. There were two councilmembers – Jose Moreno and Denise Barnes – that disagreed with most of the actions listed here. Previously a member needed to have a “second” to put an item on the agenda; Sidhu changed the rules so that they needed a “third,” knowing that Moreno or Barnes would almost never get a third.
When COVID hit in 2021, nearly every Orange County city began to conduct Council meetings via Zoom, so that the public could participate without having to risk their health (and they still do that.) Only Mayor Sidhu steadfastly refused, conducting meetings for most of 2021 via teleconference with frequent technical glitches. OC’s largest, wealthiest city.
And we will always remember how when he objected to a public commenter he would threaten to “have my police escort you out!” HIS police.
2019/20 – the race against the Surplus Land Act!
There was a lot more to criticize in Sidhu’s behavior regarding the attempted Stadium sale than what’s covered in this case. Appraisals of the Stadium and other information important to the public and Council minority were kept in secrecy. And once the deal was finally unsealed, on December 20, 2019, it became some sort of emergency to approve it by the end of the year. (In ten days!) As it turned out, that was when the state’s new Surplus Land Act was to go into effect, and Arte Moreno thought that might complicate his deal. As it turned out it did anyway.
2022 – Sidhu perjures himself in the Brown Act Lawsuit
In early 2022, before the FBI revelations and even before AG Bonta’s Surplus Land Act complaints, the People’s Homeless Task Force sued the City over Brown Act violations in the Stadium sale. The biggest point was that the decision to sell the stadium (rather than lease it) was made in a CLOSED SESSION meeting of Sept. 24, 2019 – it is okay to discuss terms of a sale in closed session, but not the basic question of WHETHER to sell. Councilman Jose Moreno and fired City Manager Chris Zapata testified that this decision was made in closed session. Mayor Sidhu perjured himself denying that had happened, and angrily called Moreno and Zapata liars and “traitors” in public. It was Sidhu who was lying, and Zapata and Jose Moreno are still owed an apology.
2023 – Harry stymies the JL Report
In late 2022, after Sidhu’s disgrace and resignation, the remaining Council voted unanimously to commission a thorough corruption investigation, which became the “JL Report” by the “JL Group.” By 2023, when the long investigation took place, Sidhu would have you believe he was chastened, sorry for his crimes, and desirous of full transparency. But he stymied the work of the JL investigation by refusing to provide the passcode to his iPhone which JL had possession of. So there is still a lot that we don’t know, and Mr. Sidhu will never let us know if he can help it.
I hope this balances off the warm, fuzzy, self-exonerating picture Mr. Sidhu gave of himself in his letter. The crimes he was convicted of are merely the tip of the iceberg, and the very LEAST he deserves is an eight-month sentence. Many of us believe a longer sentence would be appropriate given the damage he and his conspirators did to our city.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
A version of this has been sent to:
The Honorable John W. Holcomb
United States District Judge
Ronald Reagan Federal Building
411 W. 4th Street Room 1053
Santa Ana, CA 92701-4516.
Page 5-“I regret sending the (deal) points though that was not a crime.” Really, your Honor?
Who signed this?
I almost didn’t print this comment because it’s dumb and probably hostile.
Hint: Do you see an author’s name here?
Poor stooge is unaware of honest service fraud – a Federal crime.
He must have really cooperated after lying to them.
Must he have? Or is it possible that white collar crime often isn’t taken as seriously as actions like protesting at Tesla dealerships?
I can’t think of anything more repugnant than an immigrant becoming a corrupt elected official. He abd Melahat should both have their citizenship stripped and deported.
His status as an immigrant is maybe half of one percent of the repugnance of what he did.
And still, he was not, as Neshanian would say, “a unicorn.”
It wasn’t a point to make in this piece, but he was part of a system, a crowd, a cabal. Most of which remains active and unpunished. Harry was just a little dumber and more extravagant. Flew too close to the sun!
Reading through the JL Report after a year, I notice things I don’t remember. Like, Pringle explained to some developer, “Sidhu is a pay-to-play mayor.” Pringle said that!
Sidhu is stupid and greedy. Like many immigrant he sought validation through holding elective office.
He was a perfect pigeon for people like Pringle to manipulate, a Sikh version of Todd Ament.
In the end his stupidity and greed were his undoing. And the Pringles of OC are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise.
Definitely Melahat that rata!! She wore a wire. Spied on her own party.
Unfortunately, none of that shit was pursued by Tony Racetrack or Todd Spitzer. Not looking is a great way of not finding, even though everybody knew pay-to-play was going on.
A lot of highly paid people in City Hall had to turn looking the other way into full time jobs. And how is it that the City Manager isn’t in jail?
P.S. that assclown couldn’t write one page of anything, let alone six.
Just skimmed page 2, will get to the rest later. Sidhu misspells “Tait.” He mentions the birth years of his daughter and son, and then waxes poetic about his daughter — saying nothing further at all about Rohan.
My point is that I think that he did write that portion of page 2.
Rohan the dope lobbyist?
The same.
The big tell that Sidhu didn’t sit down and type out that letter himself is that the typed name in the signature block isn’t HARRY SIDHU, P.E. (I’m sure that some poor slob had to listen to him and transcribe his ramblings into something coherent.)
The engineer who insists on the use of “PE” in non-professional contexts — like the lawyer who has to use “Esq.” everywhere, it’s your indicator that the person is undoubtedly a massive doofus. I thought about that rule the first time I saw Harry’s nameplate on the council dais, and he proved me right before the end of that evening.
One point I’d make to the Judge is that he is an inveterate and shameless liar. (As is Melahat, of course — and plenty of native-born people too.) His expressions of regret are not trustworthy. If he is truly repentant, he should be obligated to make restitution to the city and those employees and residents that he specifically injured. He should be barred from raising a statute of limitations in response in any civil litigation stemming from his official actions. Of course, he should be let out of prison to participate in his own civil trials, that I hope he’ll face, and in the civil trials of other of his cronies where he can may serve as a witness.
CATER ( A faceless, Voiceless group of bloggers from an Anaheim’s COLONY DISTRICT, A barrio apartment on Anna Drive, a Government subsidized apartment in Brea (wait is that Anaheim???) and a disgruntled county employee.
Put your names behind this. Otherwise YOU ARE COWARDS as Greg Diamond would say.
So……..Man up and put Jose Moreno’s name behind this or Deniese, or Tait or……..
Ha! Classic! A blast from the past!
You’re REALLY drunk tonight, aren’t you?
Now piss off, I see your IP address.
Wooo! Getting a little sloppy there, asshole. You may recall that I predicted that if we were patient, the defamatory trolls would ultimately make a mistake!
Hilarious. The only anonymous person on this thread, calling US cowards. Was the self-parody always this thick?
Have you seen all of the turmoil in the trash folder after I wrote my comment? Seems I hit a whole bundle of nerves!
In reality harry was just a puppet. Jeff flint,a low puppet if you want the puppeteer
Curt Pringle , Harry and the cabal need twenty years !
On March 18th, 2025, melahat filed an emergency request to continue sentencing from April 4, 2025 to July 11, 2025.
On March 20th, the court issued an order granting her emergency request indicating no further continuances absent good cause.
She also sought an extension of time to file her pre sentencing recommendation objections.
Delay, delay, delay. And maybe the Supreme Court will declare her immune from prosecution. Worked for Trump!
Just remembered the first time I saw Harry! Me and Pedroza showed up on Labor Day 2010 at the Santa Ana Zoo to hear Jerry Brown give his first speech for his gubernatorial campaign (got video, scooped the Liberal OC, some things never change.)
This was the event OC Labor put on every Labor Day at the Zoo. Mostly Democrats are there. But the two folks who got the biggest cheers from labor when they walked in were Republicans – HB’s Cathy Green and Anaheim’s Harry Sidhu. I think I even remember them carrying Sidhu on their shoulders or something, maybe it’s my memory exaggerating. There is nothing the Building Trades love more than a pro-Building Trades Republican. Democrats they take for granted, plus sometimes Democrats care about the environment or taxpayers which is a pain in the ass.
I don’t know if there were things Cathy did in HB or Harry in Anaheim that made Labor especially happy, but it may have just been this: Both politicians were on the OC Water District, and both were big supporters (along with Teamsters & Building Trades) of the Poseidon Desal Boondoggle.
Took us another 12 years to kill that fucker.
Over the years, the Building Trades unions have made it abundantly clear that there’s no price too high for Anaheim’s taxpayers to pay, no burden too great to put on the shoulders of Anaheim’s citizens, as long as it results in some six-month-long construction jobs for a bunch of randos driving in from the IE and LA. No wonder they loved Harry; they’d shiv their own grandmother in the back if she got in the way of a hotel deal or convention center expansion.
How many millions did Anaheim just have to pay the Angels as a result of Sidhu’s aborted tainted negotiations? $5,000,000?
Seems like a million a year is about right for what he did to Anaheim’s taxpayers.