There’s actually never been a TV ad for a Congressional candidate in the 46th before – because we’ve never had such a serious challenger. And this ad looks good:
CLICK HERE to help put the ad on TV – it’s only $38 and so worthwhile!
Meanwhile if you don’t know why we’re working so hard to defeat Dana Rohrabacher, here are a few of my more informative posts about him:
Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Biggest…
Portrait of the Torture Apologist in the Twilight of his Career (panties on head)
Dana, Terrified of Debating Debbie, Muddies the Waters
Surfers Turn Against Dana Rohrabacher
Gay Dana Tales
Irrelevance: Dana’s Lovin’ It!
Did I Ever Tell You About The Time…
Go Debbie- Repugs on the run!
Excellence commercial, Dana can so pull a Dornan this year.
So what up with lack of local stuff. There is a local telephone poll going on in Santa Ana, just spent 15 minutes on it and didn’t answer a 1/4 of the questions cause of the mud.
I’m sad I can’t give my vote to Debbie since I’m outta the district now, but she certainly can have my coin!!
Please … make history, all of you in the 46th! Do anything you can to get this intelligent and vibrant individual elected. You, then, can take credit for ridding the district of a miscreant who contributed nary a flea of beneficial legislation to his constituents.
Gerrymandering will not allow her to get more than 47%. Even against a loon like Dana.
Gotta’ admit – the commercial is well done.
However, I agree with the Prog – not enough dems in this high-roller district.
hm… well we’re aiming a lot higher than that, but how bout wild Green Tom Lash gets 5% and that mystery invisible libertarian gets 3%. That’ll add up OK.
#4 Are you talking about the Gerrymandering Dana has accomplished making his district run from Palos Verde to Newport with the District less than a mile wide in places but over ten miles long? That Gerrymandering?
How did that get to be a community of interest? Millionaires and the Ports! I guess that makes sense. How much say do you think Dana had in the China terminal in Long Beach being mainland Chinese soil and not part of the USA?
I know millionaires prefer a government that does nothing but pave roads and lowers taxes and thats why Dana ‘do nothing’ survived for twenty years without a single piece of legislation authored. Dana is a more coctail party behind-the-scenes kind of guy. Looks like the coctails and coctail weenies are starting to plump him up too.
This time we need to get in there and solve some problems so I hope the millionaires can see that if we dont they go down with the ship too.
Damn Gerrymandering, its only good when Dems do it.
Vern –
Looks great. Now if you could just cut it down to the standard 30-seconds for a TV spot, you’ll be good to go. 😛
Why did she choose that format? 60-seconds is the standard length of a radio spot. Maybe she should produce an audio-only version of this ad as well?
Hey anonymous #7,
Yeah that’s the gerrymandering I’m talking about it. What other gerrymandering is there?
I am not a fan of gerrymandering at all, I’m just stating facts. Debbie Cook will not get elected. I’ve personally talked to too many old people that just love Dana. They can’t tell you why they love him, or what he’s done, but they love him.
Did I forget to mention that I don’t like gerrymandering?
We can hope that this will be the year that he gets retired once and for all ala Bob Dornan but there’s just no way that’s going to happen. Not in that District. I don’t call myself the Prognosticator for nothing.
Have fun wasting your time though Vern.
Oh, did I forget to mention all the Republicans we run into precint-walking, and the Republicans we have volunteering for us?
Some of them are McCain-Cook Republicans, some are Obama-Cook Republicans, either way is OK in California.
When you do eat your words, Proboscis, I’d like to ask politely, would you like them COOKED?