Greedy O.C. Fair Board Pigs stopped by the FPPC?


Success!  I just got an update from Jim Poterfield, of Stop Government Greed, has apparently succeeded in stopping the greedy Orange County Fair Board from taking any more “free” concert tickets!  Well done Jim!

Here is Porterfield’s update:

I am sure most of you heard by now that on August 28th, the OC Fair Board reduced their concert ticket allotment to six each. They also seriously reduced the number of admissions and pins and other things they have taken in the past, except for the dinners.

The reason I am writing to all of you is that the FPPC’s (Fair Political Practices Commission) PROPOSED revision of this regulation that allowed the OC Fair Board to take these tickets was recently published. So, it looks like the OC Fair Board will be stripped of all of their personal tickets as they will have to justify in
the future “what governmental or public benefit” was derived by giving away each ticket. It’s not yet a hurrah, but darn close! The FPPC will make their final ruling next Thursday. I hope by sending you all this email I have not jinxed it in anyway.

If you paste this link in the address bar, you can read it for yourself. There is some legal jargon that sounds confusing at points, but the bottom line is that each ticket or admission will have to be justified.

Oh, and one more important thing I just wanted to tell all of you, is that I could not have done this without your support and the support of one very special individual by the name of Charlene Yonai. I directed our efforts, but she was the one who rallied the troops, got the letters signed, organized the picketers and actually did the leg work! Great job Char! And thanks!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.