Pitbulls and lipstick, hockey moms, tales of selling luxury jets on E-bay! The Republican VP candidate, Sarah Palin delivers a great speech to rally the troops. She’s gooood!
But what about the Democratic VP candidate, Joe Biden? What exactly do we know about THAT guy? Hey, Joe, What do you talk about when you have nothing to say?
Kicking ass! I told you all Biden was a great pick.
I understand Hillary is going to have the job of taking on little poisonous Caribou Barbie. How do you spell that catfight sound again? reeeowww! or something
Obama, the change agent. What a crock. He’s no different than most men, he needs a woman to boost him up and make him look presentable. Unfortunately Hillary wasn’t good enough to secure the VP nod. Nope. Obama fell right into line and selected the aging white man as his VP choice. WOW! Now that’s change.
Both parties reek of plucking their flavor of the season woman attack-dog candidates to deflect from both inadequate presidential candidates.
I remain undecided at this time. There’s more political theatre to come. Haul out the styrofoam pillars, bright lights and scripted rhetoric.
I think that either of the candidates is a definite upgrade from what we’ve had the last 8 years.
I don’t necessarily think that a woman on the ticket legitimizes the party’s candidate. That said, there are strong women candidates present in both parties who could have easily been the candidates for VP OR President.
Red, there is a lot of evidence that McCain would be even worse than Bush in a lot of ways. Hard as that is to imagine. Probably not as incompetent, that would be a bar nobody could crawl under. But as far as getting us in more endless pointless wars – and looking at who his advisors are – psychos who think Bush was not belligerent enough with every single country they dislike – McCain could be even worse. That’s why I’m taking this election very seriously.
Did Joe talk about what they wanted to do? Or did I somehow get the wrong video link?
What I heard was just another rant from angry Joe. At least he’s fun to watch and listen to, I’ll totaly give him that. WTF does he mean, “What do you talk about…?” and then all he talks about is….what?
Well, Carl, this was just a short speech criticizing the lack of substance in McCain’s and Palin’s speech. You talk as though Joe hadn’t already given his own big speech last week. With plenty of substance and things he and Barack “want to do.” Shall I find you a link to that?