On March 4 a concerned Fullerton resident named Sherri Davison announced during the public comments period of a meeting of the Fullerton City Council that five oil wells in the city are being “acidized.” The processes of acidizing and fracturing to increase accessibility of fossil fuels deep underground are controversial nationwide. Fracturing, or “fracking,” as it has become known, has been blamed for everything from poisoned water supplies to earthquakes. The process involves shooting chemicals into rock to break it up in order to access hard to reach fossil fuels deep below. Acidizing is the practice of flushing corrosive acids into wells to dissolve sediments in order to increase the permeability of rocks deep in the ground…
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
*Fullerton? Again? Good grief, isn’t anyone watching the store there? Water, PD, FD, homelessness, no Christmas decorations: now flacking…or fracking…or cracking……
what is next?
We just have some good writers in Fullerton. Maybe you two should fill us in more often on the shenanigans in Newport. I KNOW there’s plenty shady stuff going on there, how could there not be?
*Chairman Vern,
Good Lord….we are just getting invited back to those wonderful CDM Chamber of Commerce meetings and you want us to go after the cow pies that are running for office in Newport Beach this cycle? It is truly a wonder. Probably none are worth the powder or underarm deoderant to dispense with. We have one called Diane Dixon……who has the same name coincidentally that was a classmate back in the day at FUHS. Other than that, we can watch for the money to flow in to someones campaign from The Car Dealers Assn., assorted near do well developers and of course make sure they get their printing done at Kenny the Printer. Pretty boring sir.
It was cool that the local CDM Lifeguards kicked butt and got to stay on their jobs…in spite of outsourcing threats. Too bad that didn’t happen for our Trash Guys…….. The reason the City Manager gave was: “It didn’t pencil out…..to save money – if they replaced the lifeguards with minimum wage outsourced types.” Mamma Mia!
*Vern, if something really juicy pops up……we will weigh in for the crowd…..
if that is OK?
Thanks for helping to spread the word. We are thoughtful, well informed citizens trying to share accurate information with the citizens of Fullerton. People need to park in the office parking lot at State College and Bastenchury or in the Summit House restaurant lower parking lot. There will be limited parking available in front of Rolling Hills Park.