A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog https://closertotheedge.substack.com/p/what-else-could-a-russian-asset-possibly : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
Realizing my tenuous existence here, I was hoping for some help:
When I read Dan Chmielewinski’s recent post on Galloway’s kick off event:
“I knew I was in trouble when I was 15 minutes late to the Lorri Galloway’s Mayoral headquarters launch party and I couldn’t find a place to park.”
Really, that THREE STORY BRICK BUILDING next door, didn’t strike you as a good place to park? Take a look at the google street shot.
Dan wrote about “Dodging” rockers and attendees, but not about strollers at Lincoln and State College.
REALLY??? And I am the guy who get’s bashed for being fake. AMERICA BABY!
That chump Dan C. is routinely bashed for being fake, among other things.
Yes, too true. There is a large three story parking structure right next door that was likely empty. There was probably also an event at the Senior/Rec Center across the way with people using the street; it could well be that no parking is allowed and Chipmunkski was making the whole thing up.
I bet that if he showed pictures there weren’t any that showed more that eight or nine people in them.
Check Save Anaheim; I think that there might be pictures there. If not, you can request them!
No pictures but apparently KFI’s Bill Handel, whose step-daughter went to school with Galloway’s pedicurist’s dog’s veterinarian, was a no-show. It also seems like only a few dozen people showed up – mostly family and Eli Home employees.
Someone ain’t a-tellin’ the truth.
You’re sort of the opposite of Dan C. You should use a real name for what you write. He shouldn’t.
Well done counsellor. Le mot just.
Sorry didn’t get to go to Claremont High…
Okay, now that was sort of funny. Which reminds me of an old story:
Apparently some low level poetic talent was complaining to Oscar Wilde about not being considered as the next British Poet Laureate. “Oscar,” says Mr. Poet, “there is a conspiracy of silence against me. What should I do?”
“Join it!” says Wilde.
Thanks for getting ahold of Lou’s pictures (when I couldn’t), Vern! As usual, he did a great job.
Yeah, took a long time picking the 30 or so best ones.
You can write your own response about North OC.
The latest fatal shooting in Anaheim, involving the APD, makes more urgent the questions well summarized by one the VOC’s Editorial Guests: Big Job for Anaheim’s First Latino Police Chief, “revamping the department’s system for dealing with use-of-force complaints and officer-involved shootings” and “review Anaheim’s strategy for combating gangs.”
A step in this direction is the proposal of a Public Safety Board as stated in a city’s newsletter dated 3/20/ 14 : “The City of Anaheim recently announced the creation of a pilot Public Safety Board to increase community engagement and public input on fire and police services. The Public Safety Board will be comprised of nine Anaheim residents from the four neighborhood council areas to review fire and police budgets, staff levels, service delivery mechanism, police and fire policies and practices, and certain critical incidents, that may include officer involved shootings or in-custody deaths. “
Applications are now being accepted to serve on the Board online or in person at the City Clerk’s Office at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd, second floor.
If you are interested, please submit your application by 5 p.m. on April 30, 2014
To apply or to learn more, visit www. anaheim.net/ PSB or call 714-765-5162.
The discussion on whether the latest fatal shooting was justified or not, is taking place in the OC Weekly, as well as the latest incredible Lucille Kring’s statements.
can we get back to how Norby gropes female county employees and is looking for wife #5? I love how Zenger defends his friend in spite of being a joke as a husband…four times in a row
Wow, right out of left field.
Groping female county employees is bad — but as I recall that has been hashed out. Looking for wife #5 after marriage #4 ends is pretty much par for the course. So I don’t see much point in rehashing something we’ve already amply covered unless there’s something new.
I wonder if to balance this off I should post the testimonial Bushala e-mailed to me?
The whole thing is kind of sad and embarrassing and pointless to me now, now that I know Chris has no political ambitions.
Sure, why not?
OK, it just makes Martha look real bad. And it seems like the kind of stuff that should wait for court. But since so many people including anonymous ones are trashing Chris on the blogs, and since Bushala wanted me to print this, here goes (below)
This should be a separate post.
David surely speaks to Chris’s interests here — so if he thinks that this should be a separate post, I agree with him. We can port the comments into the text.
Today two young men stopped by with an opinion questionnaire.
One of the questions dealt with the bathroom bill in schools, allowing anyone of any sex to pick a bathroom of choice.
Another question was about the realignment of prisons and jails, put state prisoners into county jails and county inmate released back on the streets.
Last question was what is more important? Jobs or spending or (I forget).
I bet it’s going to be a busy primary season.
Hey – Let’s help Chris clear his name….
On December 17, 2013, Martha Norby hit Chris Norby in the left eye (photos attached). These photos were taken by his old Oxy friend and attorney Alex Wallace who picked up Chris and took him for treatment with Alex’s friend Margaret McCabe, a 10-year Army Medic and Iraq War veteran. Concerned about ongoing light flashes, pain and blackening eye socket, he was taken on Christmas Eve day to an optometry clinic near Alex’s Lakewood home.
The attached medical report clearly attributes “spousal abuse” as the cause, and reports “massive bruising” and “floaters and flashes” (copy attached). Chris declined when the doctor offered to send the police the report, not wanting family disruption, and hoping–obviously in vain–that he could continue with his violent and abusive wife. Chris has since seen two other doctors and continues to have pain and light flashes. On the day he was falsley charged, his wife had turned a garden hose on him, hitting again his left high with a high-powered stream increasing the pain and flashes.
For whatever this is worth…in 2010, Chris & I were watching the Rose Bowl in his old garage. With about 3 minutes left to go. the TV went black. He pushed on the power button, but then it went black again. Martha had grabbed the remote and kept turning the TV off., then yells at me to leave… “no more football!” Chris explains to Martha that there are only 3 minutes left in the game, and asks her to turn it back on. She refuses, then begins swearing in Spanish (words beginning in “ch”). Then she throws the remote at him, breaking it. While he’s on the floor trying to put it together, she yells–“you hit me, I call the police!” Chris hadn’t laid a finger on her. I told Chris that day, he has a problem and told him that I wished the best for him.
Should he have called the police when his wife through the remote at him in front of me? Should he have done so when she damaged his eye just before Christmas of blasted it again last week? In hindsite, yes. But she got to them first, without evidence or a witnesses.
Many in the community and in her own family have witnessed her violent physical and verbal outbursts. They are now stepping forward. I am one of them.
Tony Bushala
(pics coming – OJ)
I’ll address just one point made here: for someone with nonnative English, the words “you hit me, I call the police” may be less likely to connote “you have hit me, so I am calling the police” than “if you hit me, I will call the police.”
I can see why Tony reads that as a declarative statement that is inconsistent with his not having seen Chris Norby hit Martha that day (or perhaps ever.) I construe it as a warning — which, whether or not appropriate, would not be inconsistent.
Yeah, that’s how I understood it too. And her saying that in front of Tony could mean she was afraid Chris was gonna hit her (cuzza past experience or just some special angry glimmer in his eyes) or it could just as well have been victimmy theater for Tony’s benefit.
Here are the five images Tony wanted me to post. You should be able to click em all for larger views…
I can certainly believe that Martha Norby injured Chris Norby’s eye.
Even if true, that doesn’t prove anything about other allegations — about which I’m happy to stop talking, because as Vern says he’s apparently no longer a political figure. This will get hashed out in court. But I’m glad that Tony was able to come forth in defense of his friend.
It depends on the tone and tenor of the voice – how it was said. If you weren’t there to hear it you can’t construe anything. Unless of course you are determined that Norby be a wife-beater.
Well, yes, it does in part. But even someone who was there at the time may not be a great witness regarding that, especially if they themselves have fixed beliefs as to whether Norby is a wife-beater.
I actually don’t. Never have. But it pisses me off, regardless of what the truth turns out to be in this case, when the possibility is completely dismissed by his friends who seem to know little about domestic violence. I’m happy to leave it to the courts at this point — they’re good at this sort of thing.
1. You know NOTHING about what I know about domestic violence.
2. You know NOTHING about the “fixed beliefs” of “someone who was there.”
3. You continue to cantilever one unsupported supposition off of another to defend your own fixed belief.
4. Pathetic
5. Anybody who sticks duct tape to his face deserves sympathy.
He seems like the type who will put his Nobel Prize money to good use.
Another piece of information for BBRW sports’related files. This is in regards to soccer superstar David Beckham, who was granted a Major League Soccer franchise in Miami:
“Funding for the $200 million project is being provided privately by the Beckham-led group, but they must receive approval from the Miami-Dade County Commission. Plans for the stadium, which also include a hotel, public park, retail space and a tiered plaza, were released Monday to spark public support.”
Thanks, Ricardo! I am keeping one file for MLB Stadium issues, and another for other sports, possibly for later revisit, as some cities host both or many. NFL success at extortion of host cities is often greater and for larger amounts, despite fewer games per year. The Miami Marlins Stadium set records as a fiasco, leaving others no choice BUT private financing. Wikipedia details the whole saga, including mass recalls and an SEC investigation. But that’s not the ONLY ‘interesting’ story, by far, (and possibly not the LAST!)
At the risk of sounding Chmielewski like, Miami isn’t exactly the place you want to use as a model for publicly financed stadium deals.
Do you even know what happened there?
I am sorry, you must have missed my use of the words “fiasco”, “mass recall” and SEC investigation”-Yes, those ARE two good articles – if interested, here are some more (Besides Wikipedia – also Very Good!) on Miami-
– Miami might be the WORST fiasco, but not the only one, also see-
http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/A-roof-unused-Texans-punt-on-opening-their-4723331.php (last paragraphs about debt service problems)
Cincinnati Stadiums Bury County Government in Debt
But, On a historic note, The first “Give away the Store and Stick the Taxpayers Deal” that set the STANDARD for ALL OTHER Team Owners to follow, was in Colorado-
And, not to be left out, our neighbors the SanDiego Padres did them proud-
OR, you can check the websites of
Neil deMause (www.fieldofschemes.com) or Maury Brown (www.bizofbaseball.com) for NEW updates!
…and since you have YET to use the phrase “apples and oranges” once in 3 sentences, you are definitely NO Chmielewski! LOL! But thanks for your contribution!