Bundy and the Kochs: Oppressed Millionaire Rancher with his Billionaire Backers.
We Americans are apparently so starved for a “homespun hero” that we’ll manufacture one from a deadbeat sociopath in a Stetson. Has it been so long since we’ve seen true bravery that we can’t discern it from simple garden-variety grandstanding?
I speak of course of Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher making the news for non-payment of grazing fees, and allowing his cattle to trespass on public lands for which he has no permission to graze, while threatening the lives of law enforcement staff for removing cattle he disowned in court, from land he does not own and has no legal right to. Be still, my heart!
The mainstream media correctly identified this for what it is, a petty land use squabble with law enforcement, and they’ve dropped it. In the absence of truly organic news coverage, the “citizen-journalist” factions have manufactured hysteria and gift-wrapped it as news.
And their coverage of the events unfolding at Bunkerville Allotment is no more genuine than Cliven Bundy’s victimhood.
One might note that the media coverage for this crime spree shares some common threads. One is a taste for conspiracy theories, UFO stories, and sidebar ads offering to sell us a year’s worth of survival supplies in a barrel.
Well, okay. That year’s worth of supplies may be a good idea.
The other common thread of those celebrating the Great Trespass Lands Caper of 2014 is the backing by the Americans for Prosperity crowd, during an election year in which the Brothers Koch have already spent big in an effort to dislodge the Dem leadership and gain control of the nation’s 7th largest State. That Federal control was handed over by the Nevada State Constitution, in 1864, long before Bundy’s ancestors wandered over from Utah.
87 percent of Nevada’s 109.781 square miles is Federally controlled.
That Federal control is not just a problem for a cattle rancher who claims not to recognize the Federal government (while demanding the protections of its Constitution) – it also presents one hell of an opportunity for men who have been trying to get those public lands sold off to private interests for quite some time.
When looking for who is manipulating land deals in Nevada, it isn’t the Chinese we need to fear. Our master swindlers are home-grown.
Far be it from me to get between a good old-fashioned tar-and-feather campaign and Senator Harry Reid’s lily-white keister, but I gotta let the air out of the F-150 tires on this one. Yes, Reid’s former staffer Neil Kornze did manage public land issues for Reid’s office. He left in 2011 to join the Bureau of Land Management as Senior Adviser to the Director. He later became the Deputy Director for Policy and Programs in 2013. The U.S. Senate then voted 71-28 on April 8, 2014, to confirm Kornze as the new Director of the agency. So Reid is perfectly positioned to ask a friend for a favor.
And yes there is a Solar project in the area, as well as mitigation for another project. [See map, showing the Dry Lake Solar project on the WESTERN side of Lake Mead. Bundy’s range is on the EASTERN side of the lake.]
Rory Reid, Harry’s son, is the former Chair of the Clark County Commission (the Vegas area equivalent of OC’s Board of Supes) and in 2011 he was reported to have left that position to work for a law firm securing land rights for the Chinese company ENN Energy Group.
And yes, Harry and Rory Reid were both deeply involved in a deal with the Chinese-owned ENN to build a $5 billion solar farm in Laughlin, Nevada. Would anyone like to take a look at a map and tell me where the Laughlin project is in contrast to the Bundy dispute? Yeah…try again. [Click image for much larger pdf.]
In June 2013, having failed to find a buyer, the Chinese company, ENN, dumped the solar deal, which was never anywhere near the Bunkerville Allotment to begin with.
Now lest anyone out there claim it is the left debunking the tale of woe, that review of Reid’s involvement came from The Blaze, a site that recently ran an article entitled “Harry Reid is the Worst Human Being on the Planet”
Yet some will stick with the story that the BLM is endangering their own staff, and endangering nearby civilians who refuse to stay home, and choose to take offense at being told to “stand here to safely shout at us while avoiding the probable trajectory of gunfire” as a violation of their civil rights. And that the BLM is facing down armed (and/or videocamera-toting) Americans to defend some old deal that fell through, because MAYBE their boss Harry Reid could get another buyer? Santa, is that you?
Cliven Bundy stole public land when he stopped paying for the grazing rights he agreed to.
He then stole more land, when his cattle moved to a nature preserve.
Bundy has been told, repeatedly, to remove his cattle from land he has no right to. (see II. SUMMARY JUDGMENT.)
Bundy disavowed ownership of the roaming cattle in question, when he was fined per head of cattle, per day, for their trespass, even claiming no knowledge of cattle photographed with his brand.
Is anyone really shocked that armed agents showed up to deal with him? There are no reports of anyone harassing him on his own land, which Bundy uses to grow crops knowing his cattle can drop their patties on our land rather than his own. The cattle being removed are on Federal land where the owner forfeited the right to keep them there, in his refusal to pay agreed upon fees. This is the ranch equivalent of constructing an unpermitted family room addition…on the sidewalk. Yes, you are going to be ordered to remove it.
As much as I would love to ignore Cliven Bundy and his cheer squad of “freedom fighters” responding to knee jerk reaction where reasoned, informed decision-making should be, I can’t.
Every time people like Bundy are presented by the media as somehow representing “conservative” views, it blackens the eyes of true conservatives who still believe we are a nation of laws. Every time we allow the extreme right like Americans for Prosperity to present Bundy as a victim or hero, we cheapen the real victims of government abuses, which really are taking place each and every day. Calling reactionaries with pickup trucks, a gun rack, and the GPS coordinates for Lake Mead “heroes” diminishes the true heroes among us.
The High Speed Rail Authority continues taking the private property of hardworking Californians by eminent domain, despite the court system making it clear that their actions are a violation of the trust voters placed in them in 2008.
At the southern terminus of what-is-unlikely-to-be-any bullet train ever, a family is scheduled to lose the hotel their grandfather literally built with his bare hands, in order to spare Disney from using their own property for the streetcar station that ties into the High Speed Rail’s fictional delivery of non-existent passengers.
What was supposed to be a transfer of passengers has become a transfer of wealth, taking place beneath the glass dome of “Curt’s Cornucopia” at ARTIC. This outrageous project, promised to pull in private funding, eventually diverted $200 million in road repair money, taken from each of us at the gas pumps, to line the pockets of the clients of the man who planned all of those projects. Harry Reid has got nothing on Orange County.
Abusive takings are likely to expand as government bond junkies unable to function without a fix of public funding are now using municipal dollars secretly slipped out the back doors of assorted City Halls, to write a Ballot Initiative resurrecting a shiny new Redevelopment agency. JEDI (Jobs and Economic Development Initiative) comes with such broad expansions of power that local agencies will be able to declare nearly all of California blighted.
The abuse of taxpayers is compounded by the abuse of individuals, whose own hopes and dreams for their properties must be sacrificed on the altar of “grand visionary” projects, and none of those people invited their troubles through non-payment of Federal fees or the public utterance of violent threats.
Every time Cliven Bundy and his gun-toting pals are held up as heroes it diminishes the very real heroes California finds in Nadia, Elizabeth, Rita, Sarah, Kathy, Pamela, Ted, William, Frank, John, Aaron, and so many others, who have committed 5 years of their lives to fighting a truly evil project and will not stop until the last brass surveyor’s button from the CHSRA is removed from the last piece of private property.
Real events like this can be wake up calls, giving us a good hard slap upside the head with a rolled up copy of the U.S. Constitution to remind us of how far we have strayed from its original intent. Sadly diversions only distract us from the fight ahead of us when Forde and Mollrich buy enough votes (using our money) to bring back Redevelopment like the zombie apocalypse that just never dies.
Mr. Bundy is not a freedom fighter, nor is he a victim of anything but his own delusions. He either badly misunderstands the law and has convinced his family and friends of his misguided legal opinions, or he knows he is full of cow manure but is making too much money selling cattle he has raised for FREE on our public lands, putting him millions of dollars ahead of his law-abiding competition, to care about how many people might be harmed in coming to his “aid.”
For now the Feds have stepped down, deciding to be the grown-ups in the room and consider public safety over the need to enforce land use regulations. Some have called this a “victory” and that the Federal government “surrendered” to American citizens. This is not patriotism, or bravery, it is anarchy, and it does not end well.
As true conservatives we need to demand that Cliven Bundy obey the law, or face the consequences. We need every ounce of credibility we can muster in order to face the real battles that are headed our way in California, as government positions for even more over-reach after the next election. We cannot afford to waste ammo on phony battles.
The OCGOP crowd was pretty good about not jumping on this story. Some did, but this was nothing compared to the Phil Robertson/A&E “controversy” late last year. Increasingly, Republicans are refusing to take the bate….
And one more thing: we love the citizen journalists! (but caveat emptor)
Wow. You are en fuego, Cynthia! We’re going to have to make sure that more people read this after the holiday.
You’re taking the position on Bundy that I wish that all honest conservatives would — and you’re taking it loudly. I’m sure glad that no one on the Democratic side of the aisle ever gets abuse for taking on interests within our party.
(Wait, what’s this message in my inbox? … OK, I take that last part back.)
Nice work, CW.
Ryan, thank you for taking the time for pre-edit, you helped me focus on what was important in that huge stack of notes. Gracias.
Ryan knows how to edit??? Dude, where you been?
PRE-edit, she said. He softened it up for me; or loosened it a bit like a pickle jar lid.
Always willing to try something new.
Over fifty state leaders from nine states gathered for the first time Friday to take a stand against a long-term federal land grab following the Nevada ranch standoff. The Salt Lake Tribune reported on the gathering, during which officials explored options to retake control of state resources — such as timber, oil and various minerals — which for all intensive purposes have been seized by the federal government for so-called “public” use.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) attended the meeting and addressed the crowd during lunch, but it was Utah’s state officials who made the headlines.
“Utah has been way ahead on this,” said Montana state Sen. Jennifer Fielder. “We have to start managing these lands. It’s the right thing to do for our people, for our environment, for our economy and for our freedoms.”
Utah House Speaker Becky Lockhart (R-Provo), headed up the press conference with roughly a dozen other state officials at her side. “What’s happened in Nevada is really just a symptom of a much larger problem,” Lockhart told reporters at the press conference.
“It’s simply time,” said Rep. Ken Ivory, a Republican representing West Jordan. Ivory co-organized the Legislative Summit on the Transfer for Public Lands with state Sen. Jennifer Fielder. “The urgency is now,” he added.
Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore from Las Vegas said: “It’s time for Nevada to stand up to the federal government and demand the return of the BLM lands to the people of Nevada.”
*Cynthia, well done! This is a classic story about barbed wire, sheep herders, evil cattle barons, land grabbers, squatters and Indian Agents without a tribe to represent. You couldn’t possibly find anyone in the United States of America that could avoid paying the Federal Government land use fees for over 20 years….other than maybe Standard Oil or BP…..maybe!
You did a great job on the story and we just want to know one thing: Where do we buy our Time Share on the greater Bundy Range? Think maybe the NCAA or the USOC has some valuable training facilities they want to put there? Maybe UNLV can find a way to train their Football or Basketball teams on that land. Just to really upset Clive the Drive Bundy!
*Forgot one thing: Where does the new Bundy/Piute Casino and Spa put their House of Ill Repute?
And skally changes the subject from rendering violent assistance to a thief to facilitating boondoggles to corrupt state politics worse than it already is. Nice.
The issue is much bigger than the Bundys or their “trespass” cattle. It is an issue you do not want to address – the end of Federal domination of Western States land.
As I said — you’re changing the subject from people raising arms against the federal government. I can hardly blame you, you “patriot.”
But if you want to talk about the “Sagebrush Rebellion,” fine. The source you quote below says that “The urgency is now.” No it isn’t. The urgency is for reversing climate change. The urgency is for maintaining our democratic political system when it is threatened by a flood of funds that can buy elections. Transferring federal land to the highest bidder? Not urgent — the land will still be there centuries from now.
And, by the way, liquidation of such land for a fire sale to the wealthy — the point, after all, isn’t to bring in the most money, but to get the most land, quickly to be privatized by the states, to political cronies — would mean that even more wealth and power would be concentrated into the hands of the already wealthy. When you were growing up, skally, did you imagine that someday you’d be a neo-feudalist?
“.. liquidation of such land for a fire sale to the wealthy — the point, after all, isn’t to bring in the most money, but to get the most land .. to political cronies.”
That is exactly what the BLM is doing – I think you will enjoy the following video.
The Washington Post 4/8/2014
“The Senate confirmed Neil Kornze to run the Bureau of Land Management, where he currently works as its principal deputy director. Previously, the native Nevadan worked on public lands issues in Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) office.”
Troops move into place the first week in April – coincidence? I think not.
*Skally, you didn’t even mention the Piute Nation or their position on Bundy. They complained violently back 1993…….when Bundy first started using their grazing lands without paying them anything. Bundy is a straight thief. Who was BLM Chief back 1993? Then in 2004? Work on it…and get back to us.
Same BLM autrocities –
*Skially, yeah see…..those were just old squaws……as opposed to Tea Party Ranchers….with pals from Laughlin..
Skallywag AKA —– supports pedophile priests. Nuff Said!
I wish there was a law on the books. You know. One that said that an armed attack on the employees of the government doing their job was… what’s the word? Sedition. Yeah, we should have a law against sedition.
Imagine how the press would have reacted if instead of an all white redneck crew of militia conspiracy nuts there were that many people of colour all armed and ready to fight? Would they be called “freedom fighters” or a terrorist mob?
Clearly the lesson here is don’t do what Occupy did. Don’t peacefully assemble in the public square. If you do the police will come down and beat the crap out of you and shove you in jail and disassemble the peaceful protest. Nope, if you want to win, arm everyone and the feds will back off, and if they don’t, just put the women and children up at the front for good ole fashioned martyrdom purposes.
Here is an idea. Next time they go out to “take care of the problem.” Bring along an FBI Sharpshooter and just start killing the cattle. Leave the cattle there for two hours, and if no one comes to claim the carcass, scoop it up and deliver it to the local VA hospital so the meat can be fed to the vets. After the poacher loses 100 head of cattle, maybe he will understand that he can’t use land that doesn’t belong to him.
*Far too reasonable…..for today’s world. However, there is plenty of blame to go round and it all started with Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian Gonzalez. This was the era of the “Jack Booted Thugs”. How bad could a girl Attorney General be? Pretty darn bad……. Anyway, this is Indian Land and needs Indians on pinto ponies riding bareback with bows and arrows – shooting cows and pretending they are buffalo. Only killing what they can eat. Raiding wagon trains and pick-up truck parties on the rivers. Taking white women captive, shooting the bad white men who were trying to take their lands. Those were the days…eh? Thank goodness Bonanza, Wanted Dead or Alive, Have Gun Will Travel, Bat Masterson, The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp and Gunsmoke are back on TV! We really enjoy still living the myth!
You lost me somewhere in the middle of that one….
I don’t know how you made it to the middle . . .
Isn’t that standard for the ‘ships?
*Dr. D., the constant pandering for publicity from anyone, doing anything is amazing. The excuse for the Laughlin Tea Party Time Share Bundy Supporters to be there….is loosely based on all the wrongs done by the BATF at Waco and Ruby Ridge. The images of Elian Gonzalez when the Assault Weaponed up with Bullet Proof vest broke into Aunt’s house in Florida to grab the kid…..were too much. These were Bill Clinton’s low points….all bad choices. Now the Bundy Rebellion folks are trying to claim that because some BLM Officers had K-9 help …they were doing the same thing. Not really! As far as who are the true responsible parties in the Bundy affair – The Piute Tribe! Our tongue in cheek suggestions for “Corrective Action” for the Piutes….was a very feeble attempt at a litle levity. Truly, Bundy deserves the whole “Black Helicopter Fleet” to land at his hitching post in front of his ranch and take charge from there! But that is all just fantasy…..like Bundy’s entire revolution!
*Janet Reno……OMG! Makes Eric Holder look like Thurgood Marshall.
“Kornucopia”? How about “Kleptocopia”? Are sponsorship rights still open? lol.
Hopefully, the Bundy case will represent the nadir for republicans and the conservative movement. I mean really, how low do you have to go to be getting kudos for common sense?
Nice article. I especially liked the information about the Laughlin solar plant not being an issue:
It’s really just Cliven being a criminal.
Patriot is defined by MW as “a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country.” Mr. Bundy is no patriot nor is he a terrorist. He is a misguided moocher.
Inherent in the BS is a simple problem for Mr. Bundy to answer: how can someone who refuses to acknowledge the authority or even the existence of the federal government hide behind it’s most fundamental document?
There is also a question for Tea Party supporters: TP supports citizens choosing to NOT live off the government, how is it TP supports Mr. Bundy who not only lives off the government but, steals from it?
One of my favorite memories from the Tea Party I went to (and reported on) back in July 2010 was a grizzled old tea partier chasing after Congressman Ken Calvert, asking insistently why Congress wouldn’t extend his unemployment benefits.
…and ooops again.
Wow. Cliven really needs to be in jail. He is a selfish liar that is only going to get a bunch of people hurt trying to protect his criminal behavior. Thanks for the link. I hope the whack jobs willing to die for him realize he has no rights to that public land.
And now, of course, for the Jon Stewart version-