The U.S. Military Prepares For War – The Enemy is Not Who You Think

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just completed their report how human activity affects our climate.  The bottom line is this: if we humans do not change our behavior right now, there will be irreversible damage to our environment in the near future.

The United States military is putting together a strategic plan to try and handle the situation. If the military is convinced there is a problem, you know it’s not a hoax.  Have you noticed in your local grocery store that food prices are going up? If the drought continues, expect prices to soar. Many Americans are already living paycheck-to-paycheck. Many Americans have trouble feeding their families right now. What would happen if food prices doubled? Can your household budget handle that?

California and the Mid West are in a drought and so are many countries around the world. We can’t grow food in drought conditions. What do you think happens when people are hungry?  Effects of climate change may already be showing up in terms of global conflict. The fight between the have’s and the have-nots. Will the U.S. military be called in to settle the dispute?

Could the problems in Syria be caused by a drought? New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman traveled to Syria to investigate if  a long-running drought has contributed to their fighting.

In a recent interview with the blog Responding to Climate Change, retired Army Brig. Gen. Chris King laid out the military’s thinking on climate change:

“This is like getting embroiled in a war that lasts 100 years. That’s the scariest thing for us,” he told RTCC. “There is no exit strategy that is available for many of the problems. You can see in military history, when they don’t have fixed durations, that’s when you’re most likely to not win.”


The polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate.  Hiding beneath the ice is methane gas. Methane gas contributes to global warming (climate change) and causes the earth to warm up faster. It becomes a vicious cycle. The hotter the planet, the faster the ice melts.  Melting ice causes sea levels to rise.  People living by the sea will look elsewhere to live.  Where will all the retirees living in Miami go? Miami is below sea level already.

The world’s population is growing. The world’s resources are shrinking. Remember the catastrophic events back east? What do you think will happen, if this becomes a common event? Do you think the citizens back there will be happy about that? Who do you think they will blame? Can you say “civil unrest?” Will our troops be used to “put a lid on it” right here in the U.S.?

Who will win the coming “water wars” right here in California? Will it be big oil or  farmers?  If the drought continues, the price for fresh fruits and vegetables will be much higher. The cost of beef is already up 4% due to the 2012 drought in Texas and Oklahoma. I haven’t bought meat in years because I choose not to. But if I wanted to, I couldn’t anyway because I can’t afford it.

Droughts affect our exports. If the fields are dried up, there is nothing to sell to other countries. Many farmers depend on exporting their food products to make their living. Who will bail them out? Climate change will impact our economy. If we have nothing to sell, people will lose their jobs. If people don’t have jobs, they won’t have money. Get my drift?

Climate change affects our imports as well because all the problems I just wrote about is a global issue, which takes me back to — lack of food. Hungry people do desperate things. Can you say “civil unrest?”

The time to debate whether climate change is made by human activity is over. The military is convinced. Are you?






About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at