Get AJ Redkey! SIX Fullerton cops rush to Pasadena to nab Kelly Thomas Protester.

cross-posted from The Fullerton Rag:

6 Fullerton Cops Sent to Pasadena to Arrest Man for Non-Violent Misdemeanor

This video shows a man named AJ Redkey being arrested by six undercover members of the Fullerton Police Department in Pasadena this afternoon. AJ must be a pretty dangerous character to have that many officers dedicated to his apprehension, right? Must have committed some egregious offense to have so many resources directed his way…

No. AJ was reportedly arrested for failing to disperse from a protest following the verdicts rendered in the trial of two Fullerton Police Officers charged in the death of Kelly Thomas. AJ was not arrested on January 19, when the protest took place, although about a dozen others were that day. Instead, AJ was reportedly sent a summons for failure to disperse from the January protest, over three months later.

And now, on May 7, six undercover officers were sent to apprehend AJ in Pasadena, because there evidently weren’t any more pressing law enforcement priorities in Fullerton today…

[read more at The Fullerton Rag]



About Fullerton Rag

Stories cross-posted from "The Fullerton Rag" are generally written by Green and good-government activist Matt Leslie.