Here are sample questions submitted by the NYTimes(more)
- What kind of fiscal conservative raises taxes and increases budgets in both her jobs — as mayor and as governor?
- What kind of budget-cutter makes a show of getting rid of the state plane, then turns around and bills taxpayers for the travel of her husband and kids between Juneau and Wasilla and sticks the state with a per-diem tab to stay in her own home?
- When the phone rings at 3 a.m., will she call the Wasilla Assembly of God congregation and ask them to pray on a response, as she asked them to pray for a natural gas pipeline?
- Does she really think Adam, Eve, Satan and the dinosaurs mingled on the earth 5,000 years ago?
BREAKING NEWS: Exclusive footage of Sarah Palin’s first interview. Everyone thought it was going to be with ABC’s Charlie Gibson, it was actually with popular talk show host
Jerry Springer.
The clip comes from Headzup – the world’s first daily political cartoon created for video-enabled cell phones and the internet. The style is unmistakable and there are over 450 Headzup episodes available. There is a consolidated “Week in Cartoons” feature which allows the viewer to see all of the week’s cartoons in one clip. Here is the latest one.
And here is the one with Charlie Gibson:
This orange text needs to GO.
I agree….. but I didn’t want to offend the OJ Webmistress. You see, I couldn’t embed that clip myself and I asked her for help and she did it quickly! The orange color was something I didn’t pick, but it was on the post. It actually could be some kind of override program, because when I went to edit the orange out and the black in, It didn appear orange in the editing window…. hmmm…
well, shhhhhh….. keep it quiet and maybe she won’t even notice the changes 😉
BTW: Did you view the clip, did you see the actual interview?
Guys –
It’s Orange Juice, not green juice! 😛
Drat! Busted…..
This orange is pretty tough on the eyes…. at least maybe older eyes. ouchies….
Who are you calling “older”?
Yeah Red, I watched the video and I’m not a big fan of that art form is all. Once in a while there is an innovative one but by definition they are parodies and well, they’re fine, just not my thing.
Sarah, do they have a darker Orange? Just curious.
Uhh… how about I darken the background instead? It’s not the color, it’s the contrast. The site is very bright now. Thoughts?
Thats why you’re the slayer
No, the white background is refreshing! Does anyone remember Orange Julius? They used to have them everywhere, but there don’t seem to be any in the OC any more for some reason. They made a great drink that was part OJ and part milk. The site reminds me of that now. Or vanilla ice cream with orange sherbet.
Still, if there’s not a darker orange to make the non-bold text easier on us over-40’s (which is when your up-close reading vision starts to fade…
OR the green. Because just a touch of orange here and there does get across the OJ, je ne sais quoi, yeah the ambiance??
I believe that this is the whole interview. I can’t say for certain, b/c there must have been some commercials and there must have been some editing done. But it looks to be fairly complete:
There is NO way this woman is ready to lead this country.
Absolutely, this woman has NO business running for the VP. She was slightly more coherent than a nervous beauty pageant contestant but not by much. All Americans SHOULD be VERY alarmed, not only by Palin’s performance but by John McCain’s judgement. What a farce!
sms, there was nothing wrong with how this blog looked before why mess with it. as far as palin goes she seemed very nervous and didnt do well under pressure. she bombed. this is only the beginning…….
Watched in the interview live at 11:30 pm and it was a decent showing by the Gov. She did come across as a confident politician.
I just watched it all, and I am so conflicted! Palin faltered here and there, and obviously has been exceptionally well-coached, but she deserves some credit for ultimately coming off pretty personably and for retaining an encyclopedic amount of information in a reasonably short period of time. I read that a team of McCain/Bush campaign aficionados accompanied her back to Alaska to educate her about worldly things. I wonder if she’s getting any sleep. You gotta admire someone who wants something that badly.
But I want Barack that badly! I want to feel the sense of compassion and comaraderie and overall goodness this country exuded when Clinton was president. When crime was down. When people didn’t judge so vociferously. When the economy was good. When the rest of the world didn’t hate our imperialistic arrogance. Republican leadership makes me feel perpetually FILTHY…
I am infurated about Palin on many levels. I am disgusted to recognize that Karl Rove and his strategists understand that a substantial number of ill-informed people will be smitten by the GOP subterfuge and not “get” what’s being said behind what’s NOT being said.
The most telling aspect of these interviews, aside from the Bush doctrine reponse, was Palin’s retort about Barack regretting not having selected Hillary as his running mate. Palin is a perfect shill, and she smugly acknowledges that realization. As far as Palin is concerned, the only thing A-team means is “absence of appendage.”