Irvine Campaign Finance Update

Irvine is on pace for another million dollar election. But the big money has switched sides.


Since my last update, more money has flowed from entities I believe are associated with Lennar/ the Strader family / Starpointe Ventures to independent expenditure committees supporting Steven Choi’s slate. Local Republican organs such as the Lincoln Club and the ATLAS PAC are also chipping in a few tens of thousand dollars.  I can’t find evidence of independent expenditures for Larry Agran‘s slate that weren’t paid for by Larry himself .

That’s mostly what you need to know about this election.

The  money flowing from developers associated with the Great Park isn’t unusually large this year. What is different this year is that the big developer money is being spent against Agran; in the last four elections, much of that money supported Larry Agran. Larry is spending several hundred thousand dollars of his own money, so he is getting his message out.

The individual “hard money” contributions (Form 460 A) made since September 30th tell the rest of the story; 

Candidate Contributors Irvine Contributors Amount
Steven Choi 32 18 $9,573
Mary Ann Gaido 4 1 $1,480
Katherine Daigle 0 0 $0
Jeffrey Lalloway 14 5 $5,036
Lynn Schott 12 5 $3,007
Larry Agran 10 4 $4,700
Evan Chemers 1 1 $100
Melissa Fox 0 0 $0

The Melissa Fox number is probably wrong, as she showed strong fundraising in the spring. Presumably she will file later.  Additionally, Schott, Chemers, and Gaido have put their own money into their campaigns.

Completely tracking all the money through dozens of forms, three web sites, and hundreds of filings is an immense amount of work that wouldn’t change the story much.  The below table of F497 forms filed since Sept 30th gives useful, if incomplete, picture.

09/30/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $45,000.00 Republican Central Committee of Orange County
10/03/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $30,000.00 Yes on W
10/03/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $30,000.00 Irvine Neighbors for Great Park Reform
10/07/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $35,000.00 Orange County Jobs Coalition
10/11/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $40,000.00 CREPAC CA Real Estate PAC
10/14/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $22,551.00 yes on V
10/14/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $5,000.00 The Lincoln Club of Orange County State PAC
10/14/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $22,713.00 Yes on W
10/22/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $5,000.00 Community Leaders of America
10/23/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $4,750.00 Republican Central Committee of Orange County
10/24/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $10,000.00 Building Industry Assoc of So CA PAC
10/24/2014 Greater Irvine Education Guide $10,000.00 Building Industry Assoc of So CA PAC
10/23/2014 Yes on V $5,000.00 Republican Central Committee of Orange County
10/23/2014 Yes on W $5,000.00 Republican Central Committee of Orange County
10/06/2014 Schott for Irvine Council 2014 $3,000.00 Lynn Schott
10/21/2014 Schott for Irvine Council 2014 $6,500.00 Lynn Schott

About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman