One More Day (or so) of counting ballots — and very little changed today. This is making some of us Miserábles.
For those of you who missed the update, those 3,000 ballots that appeared yesterday were “damaged” vote-by-mail ballots (e.g., someone spilled coffee on them) that had to be transferred onto other machine readable ones — but for some reason weren’t included in the total of ballots remaining to count. Now onto today — where the big news is the big lack of news.
After another 7,809 ballots were counted (396 absentees and 7,413 provisionals), leaving only 5963 remaining (5307 of them provisionals), not much of anything seems to have changed today. One Day More (of counting) probably remains; more if they haven’t done the 1% canvass of ballots to verify the accuracy of the count.
Bao up 16; had been up 11
Humphrey down 47; had been down 48
Fox down 212; had been down 220
Vanderbilt up 204; had been up 206
N down 123; had been down 129
Payne down 60 (in Dana Point); had been down 53
Moore up 18 (in Laguna Woods); had been up 19
Cunneen up 84 (Fountain Valley schools); had been up 83
J up at 55.06347%; was at 55.06348% [SEE UPDATE BELOW]
No need to rush the full Special Report with numbers that look like 78 votes had been counted rather than 7,800; it’ll come out tomorrow. Only 31 votes changed among the eight closest races. Were a lot of the provisionals disqualified or something?
[UPDATE: The well-informed Chris Nguyen over at OC Political admonishes the likes of me that part of the NOCCCD is in Los Angeles County, so their votes have to be factored in. LA hasn’t updated since Monday, but with Friday’s OC total the margin went from 54.98% to 55.02%. So any final word will have to wait on what La Habra Heights and the little slivers of Whittier, and unincorporated La Mirada have to say about this. If they are similar to every city in OC except Yorba Linda, it should still squeak by.]
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