
The expected Republican contenders: The Moorlach (right) looks askance at Don “Spanky” Wagner (left) and his fearsome Scolding Patriot Finger.
The news comes to us from former OC Treasurer and Supervisor and Orange Juice friend John “The Moorlach” Moorlach, whom we agree with nearly half the time, which is pretty good for a Republican.
Unfortunately certain bloggers with no lives beat us to the punch, while I was in the shower; but readership being what it is, you’re likely to read it here first! Here goes…
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Contact Tim Clark @ (916) 346-6551
Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach Announces
Run for State Senate
20th Anniversary of Orange County Fiscal Crisis Highlights Moorlach’s Success in Helping Restore County’s Long Term Fiscal Health. Moorlach Vows to Bring Same Fiscal Focus to State Senate
(Orange County, CA) – Today, newly retired Orange County Supervisor and former County Treasurer-Tax Collector John Moorlach announced his candidacy for the open 37th Senate District. Former Senator Mimi Walters resigned her Senate seat last week upon being sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives.
“Just like Orange County was twenty years ago, our state is on shaky financial ground, and it’s time we got our fiscal house in order,” said John Moorlach, who built his career as a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Financial Planner before becoming Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector. “Our economy will thrive when California gets serious about eliminating its wall of debt and huge unfunded liabilities. That must be the Legislature’s number-one focus.”
Twenty years ago, Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert Citron triggered what was then the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in American history. In the election that year, then CPA John Moorlach had warned of Citron’s risky investment strategies. In the aftermath of Citron’s resignation, the Board of Supervisors appointed Moorlach to serve out Citron’s term, where he took swift and decisive action to help reform Orange County’s investment portfolios, cut waste and inefficiency, and assist in bringing the county out of Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection. Moorlach then focused on long term county spending and budget practices, helping restore the county’s financial and economic outlook.
Twenty years later, Orange County is back on solid financial ground, and Supervisor Moorlach is preparing to bring that same focus to the State of California.
“I’m running for State Senate to bring a fiscal framework to Sacramento—one that sets goals for short term and long term budget stability and measures every policy proposal, every new spending plan, by whether or not they meet the objectives of a fiscally healthy California,” continued Moorlach. “With revenues on the rise, the legislature’s tendency will be to spend first and save later. But that short-sighted vision will only lead to higher taxes, lower bond ratings, and less prosperity for Californians. Now is the time to pay down our obligations and demonstrate to the fiscal markets and job creators that California is serious about restoring sound finances and a robust free market economy.”
“John Moorlach is a bit of a legend in America’s public policy circles,” said Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait. “Nobody had witnessed a mess of the caliber that Moorlach inherited when he replaced Citron. And, arguably, nobody has been as successful in helping restore a major municipality to prosperity in the midst of bankruptcy-level crises.”
After serving 12 years as Treasurer-Tax Collector, John Moorlach was twice elected by wide margins to serve as County Supervisor. He is considered one of the most recognized and respected political figures in Orange County.
“I’ve always believed that if you do a good job, and focus on the task at hand, voters will recognize that,” concluded Moorlach. “We need our legislature to adopt that mindset.”
Let’s see, Democrats who could run, either on a wing and a prayer (where they could possibly beat Moorlach but probably not Wagner) or as a spoiler because just in case:
From Anaheim: Lorri Galloway.
From Orange: Tita Smith
From Unincorporated Orange: Florice Hoffman (as I recall)
From Tustin or Villa Park: No one?
From Irvine: Sukhee Kang, Beth Krom. (Not, I think, Agran.)
From Lake Forest: revenge of Kathryn McCullogh?
From Laguna Woods: Lots of Democrats, no one who’d run.
From Laguna Beach: could be a source of a spoiler at best
From Newport Beach: I think that Steve Young may live here.
From Costa Mesa: would Katrina Foley dare? Probably not.
From Huntington Beach (south): probably no one who could raise enough, but maybe one of the usual crowd. Definite spoiler possibilities.
If there’s one Dem and they campaign actively, they probably make the runoff, even here. If there are two Dems, then they won’t have a chance unless there are evenly matched Republicans.
Another possibility: Jose Solorio rents Mimi Walters’s old apartment in Irvine.
Sounds like the slimmest of pickings, and most of em unlikely to run OR beat both Republicans in the primary, given how Democrats only vote when a President is up. Krom… maybe. Prevail ultimately no.
These days all the best OC candidates come from Rancho Palos Verdes.
What part of OC is RPV? Oh, yeah. That’s right. It’s in LA County!
But how about that Lisa Bartlett, direct from Diane Harkey’s Dana Point machine? Did anyone else catch the Voice of OC story on her Mozambique fundraiser? She’s certainly wasting no time getting accustomed to “the fifth floor culture”!
*Without a doubt…this should be a walk for Pappa John. Brilliant strategy in our mind. May have been in the works for some time. At any rate, we fully support the Great Lochness or Sasquatch from Costa Mesa….. as our next State Senator.
REALLY. Wagner’s got more money, is more ruthless, and is more trusted by the GOP establishment. Just like Mimi. I would sadly bet on Don.
beneath that semi Christian homespun pseudo intellectual veneer beats the heart of an idiot who is disloyal to a fault, gives ego centricism a bad name and would be worse in sacramento than travis allen. as most of my republican friends have commented, now that moorlach is in the race, I am doubling my contribution to wagner
“HEART of an idiot?” Idiots have different sortsa hearts from the rest of us?
he does not have a brain so his alleged heart has to serve double duty, pumping blood to all glands
Alas, Moorlach accomplished virtually nothing during his eight year tenure on the BOS. Put aside the sanctimony and self-serving clap-trap and just consider the ongoing disasters in IT, in personnel, the Chriss Street debacle, the laughable OIR (essay coming) and the COMPLETE lack of accountability from County executives from Mauk on down.
If I lived in this district I would be compelled to sit this one out.
Do not count out the WGM from HB as he needs a job. Yes, the WGM World’s Greatest Mayor Joe Carchio needs a 6 figure job and he can appoint himself to any committee that pays for attendance. . He will have the support of the HBPM Huntington Beach Political Machine.
Go with John M for the victory as he would represent the people first and not the vested interests. At least he listens to the little people. Just ask dh Don Hansen who met his fate on a cold Oct evening when John M stated he was against building the Banning Bridge.
Ugh… What would I do? Actually, what should I tell my mother to do? (She’s just barely in SD 37!) Wagner is a Grade A Jerk, Moorlach is certifiable, and… Who else is running? This makes the First District Supe Special look like a trip to the candy store!
*DZ and TDM….Golly, no one ever quite reaches your pinnacle of success quotient. Is there anyone out there other than yourselves? Look, Wagner is a fine “Kiss your Sister” Republican, who will dutifully vote as he is told. We prefer the rare air of independence which Moorlach has earned, time and time again. We were never nodding doggies in his window….but you cannot say he didn’t go his own way. We find that character to be very attractive and when push comes to shove…..Moorlach listens….Wagner…not so much…unless you are on the Central Committee….in very good standing.
*Kiss your sister?
*This is a reference to “Incestuous Relationships”. Get it……it may make you feel good, but probably doesn’t do much for your Sister! Analogies are always a tough gig when you are talking to younger folks who think the reference is new…..when it has been around cease Adam and Eve……….get it?
The Registers endorsement of John Moorlach seems to be right on the money. I live in Second supervisorial district and have watched Mr. Moorlach over the years as he is served as the county treasurer and then Second District Supervisor. Mr. Moorlach is a certified public accountant not an attorney. It’s my impression that many of the legislators currently in Sacramento are attorneys and brought with them all their special interests.
The current legislators, past and present governors and special interest groups have caused the fiscal problems the California currently finds itself in. I think we need more bean counters like Mr. Moorlach, not attorneys with special interests, elected to California legislature in Sacramento We sorely need legislatures who will address these fiscal problems and get California back on a sound footing.
If this doesn’t occur, were going to see more businesses and corporations as well as individual taxpayers moving out of the state leaving only those people on the dole, who for the most part don’t pay taxes.
This is not unlike the city of Los Angeles, who over the years with their political correctness chased a lot of the taxpayers out of the city into other areas of Los Angeles and Orange County, consequently the city of Los Angeles struggles every year with its budget. This somewhat of miniscule example of what occurred in the city of Los Angeles, is currently occurring statewide in California.
Unless we elect more people like Mr. Moorlach, we will see many more businesses and individuals moving to Nevada or Arizona. To get away from California’s astronomical high taxes.