Greetings Cinephiles,
Have you been wondering, “Now that the holidays are (finally) over and the National Champion of NCAA football has been decided, what in the world will I do with ALL of my newly discovered SPARE time? I’m too late for Palm Springs and Sundance is passé, run by some old guy. Besides, the wax on my skis is crusty and who wants to clean up that sticky mess? One place was too hot and the other will be too cold.”
Well, it just so happens that the Irvine (adjacent) International Film Festival is happening right here in your own back yard (Laguna Hills Mall), for a WHOLE week, beginning this Friday night, January 16th at 7 PM. The temperature is just right. No need to pay for (a full tank of) gas or airfare or outrageous hotel prices. Spend more time enjoying films and less time with your travel agent bot. The timing is perfect to attain that cinematic fix you have been craving.
As usual, (and a signature of the three previous festivals), the picky IIFF directors, once again using their fine taste and discretion, have chosen quite a feast of films for this year’s celebration. These specially selected expressions of human endeavor and imagination, exhibited using the magic of movies, are delivered in packages of all sizes, lengths and subject matter. There is something for everyone and everything for someone (or more…).
Remember, a festival like this is your rare opportunity, especially in Orange County, to view such a plethora of highly thoughtful short films. These are usually my favorite offerings and I hate to miss any of them.
Please share in this provocative, inspiring, and entertaining event. Pertinent info can be found here:
I look forward to seeing you wandering the site, once again, at the very accommodating Laguna Hills Mall. For those who couldn’t make it last year, remember to enter the mall parking lot on Via Carlotta (ironic, no?). You will see a typical marquee at the edge of the parking lot. Drive into that entrance (the third as you go south from El Toro, just past J.C. Penney and before Sears. Park as close to the right of Sears as possible. There (next to a shuttered restaurant on the exterior) you will see a small slice of a mall entrance. You will then see that you are immediately in the right place, as the festival’s photography set-up will greet you at the door. Entrance to the theatres is immediately to your right.
Here’s to enjoying a fabulous cinematic rush of exhilaration,
Mr. Black.
being a truck driver and being from the central valley i cannot let the opportunity pass to tell you about a great movie that is playing at the festival, i think on tuesday. its called “Billy Mize and the Bakersfield Sound” and it tells the history of Bakersfield’s not insignificant role in the history of country music. really really cool stuff
Yes, I think Mick Jagger mentions Bakersfield in a song.
the girl with the far away eyes
The films sound interesting!
The words of Man Hee Lee sound sincere.
it got honorable mention at last years LA Film Festival