T. Boone Pickens has picked up the mantle of pumping for a version of the failed House Bail-out….from yesterday. Why in the world would our urban hero Pickens…throw his weight behind a “Government Bail-Out”? The answer is pretty simple – LNG…..Liquid Natural Gas. This part of the energy market that will need Government pump priming to the tune of $300 billion dollars. Boone in his wisdom is may be a giving, loving patriot….but he probably wants back his $50 million bucks in TV money…he has put out there. If there is no Govenment Bail-Out….that philanthropy in fact, may continue to come out of his pocket.
The “political cockroaches” are not going to give up their efforts to get free Government money. Untraceable……uncounted…..unbelieveable! It will take another great effort……to say NO again! We cannot dump these YES voting politicians fast enough. McCain is marching in lock step off the cliff and into the sea! We can’t wait to see how his driving push to go against the tide of the American public will stand after his next debate performance. Do not underestimate the high level of lobbying by big banker and their minions. There is lots of pressure and lots of political contributions at stake!
The market tanked yesterday and has come back strong today….in spite of the fact that Rosh Hashanah dictates “no work”! In spite of all the negative remarks about the “Bail-Out” the purveyors of slime and crime continue to weigh in for another version of the same failed concept. If there really any action that the Congress can take as mitigation measures to help anyone other than “Wall Street Moguls”? The answer is that the proposal by Darrell Issa, Congressman from the 49th District…..could help those that are willing to help themselves. Right now, without action by Congress…all markets around the world seem to be doing just fine…without Barney Frank’s lovely witicisms!
This is a time…not for the weak of heart. The dollar seems to have survived at a stronger level against the Euro and the Pound. The cost of Crude Oil seems to be staying below $100….a barrel and we are hoping for something closer to $80 in the near term. Let us pray! Let us also….continue to contact those who voted FOR the last Bail-Out and let them know how endanger their jobs are in the future! Congressmen Drier, Campbell and Miller all need reminders that all their biggest supporters do not just send checks for $2300 after they vote!
Time to stay motivated people! T. Boone is a wonderful guy…..but he has back pocket issues….just like everyone else! The truth is…..there are no ultimate angels to rely on……just knowledge and awareness!
I’m not sure I agree with the big push to influence these legislators anymore than I agree with the big push to bailout Wall Street. This is because I don’t think anyone who wasn’t in the meetings has the full picture. Nevertheless I want out legislators to bring on independent economists who are not affiliated with Wall Street to advise them. Having a former government official who is now a partner in Goldman-Sachs advise them is like the fox advising the rooster about how to guard the henhouse.
I heard the congressman from Oregon today compare Paulson to the Clevon Little character in Blazing Saddles in the scene where he pulled a gun and held it to his own head to threaten his attackers to back off, that he’s just crazy enough to shoot himself. It seems to me that if this bailout doesn’t go through that these billionaires like Paulson and the Wall Street tycoons will suddenly find themselves millionaires. What will become then of their trickle down economics?
Here is a real life example of how these big banks, Paulson and FDIC are manipulating the market right now. A friend of mine has an approved loan from her bank to buy a condo and has found a foreclosed condo to buy but the bank will not do their part of the deal because the FDIC is telling them not to do anything with their foreclosure inventories until the deal is done. See these homes are selling at a huge discount and the Feds might allow Paulson to buy them at a better price than they can get from my friend.
The ability they have to manipulate the market is unbelievable and they are very brazen and open about it. I wouldnt be surprised if these mainstream banks didnt start to cancel credit lines in order to create a panic to help justify their requested bailout. Once again its Bush Policy – lie and manipulate the American people and take as much money as you want.
Three more months, I wonder if we will survive. Thanks GOP its been a historic eight years. As Barack Obama said “Enough!”
Not too partisan Anonyms, BOTH parties stopped any real regulatory brakes, but even Bill Clinton had negative words about the culpability of the Democrats in Congress.
“Once again its Bush Policy – lie and manipulate the American people and take as much money as you want.” but he didn’t do it all himself. There is more than enough fecal matter to go around on the oscillating rotator in Congress. Lest we all forget a lot of those banks are owned by folks who support Dems or were in past Dem cabinets.
Come on Anonyms, that’s why Nancy Pelosi was up there pushing her ass off to get it passed, she’s a part of the Bush cabal…? And you just know Barney has a huge crush on that cowboy from Texas. (rolling eyes) Please, stop blaming Bush for everything, he may be a “bad president and not very prudent”
You just have to know they have been siphoning some that cash off, so they could buy all those black helicopters they need to take us all over and hand us all over to the blue helmets’ at the UN.
Back to T Booney Pickens, Let’s see if I can give you greenies out there some sources that you will trust to verify that this guys is nobodies friend, Last time I used one from a more conservative site these are certainly not.
enjoy 😉
Lest I forget, NO on PROP 10