Anaheim’s 25.25 District Maps, Part 1: The Maps and Their Stats




Next Wednesday, August 19, the Advisory Committee on Electoral Districts (the panel of judges that will draw Anaheim’s first-ever district maps) will meet for the first of its final set of meetings with the public.  All of the proposed maps are now present; it’s time for them to choose — or to construct their own.  We’ll discuss all of the Anaheim Districting submissions over the next week.

This long post, with all of these graphics and tables, may look daunting.  It shouldn’t be. This first installment is simply intended to get the 25¼ maps (the “¼” one is for only one district) together in one easily referenced place.  You’re going to treat it sort of like your reference encyclopedia — except that it’s a collection of maps and associated stats.

The first map presented is the “Chuchua Map 2v3” (on which I did most of the technical work, based on deep knowledge about Anaheim provided by Brian Chuchua and other long-term residents).  It appears first not because its ours, or even because a lot of people (including strangers) seem to like it — but because it really does seem simple and straightforward.  It’s therefore a good base from which to analyze other maps.  (It’s also not the one that I most favor; that would be the “Chuchua Map 4.”)

After that come the Demographer’s Four Maps, then the 15 other “full maps” (mostly only of the west and central portions of the City, as Anaheim Hills is pretty much set) provided by citizens, and finally the map of the South Anaheim district provided by the Ponderosa community.  We’ll refer back to this post a whole lot in the weeks to come — and it will be updated if additional citizen maps are provided by Friday’s deadline for citizen submissions.

Chuchua Map 2v3 — Map and Stats

Map - Chuchua 2v3 (flatlands)

Stats - Chuchua 2v3

Consultant Map 1 — Map and Stats

Map - !Consultant1 - (flatlands)

Stats - !Consultant1

Consultant Map 2 — Map and Stats

Map - !Consultant2 - (flatlands)

Stats - !Consultant2

Consultant Map 3 — Map and Stats

Map - !Consultant3 - (flatlands)

Stats - !Consultant3

Consultant Map 4 — Map and Stats

Map - !Consultant4 - (flatlands)

Stats - !Consultant4

Adelekan Map 1 — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - AdelekanAnaheim Maps - Adelekan Stats

Bengochea Map — Whole City Map, Map, and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Bengochea Whole City Anaheim Maps - BengocheaAnaheim Maps - Bengochea Stats

Brown Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Brown

Anaheim Maps - Brown Stats

Caughman Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Caughman

Anaheim Maps - Caughman Stats

Chuchua (Hybrid) Map 4 — Map and Stats

Maptitude Mapping Software Image

Anaheim Maps - Chuchua 4 (Hybrid) Stats

Dresser Map — Whole City, Map, and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Dresser Whole City

Anaheim Maps - Dresser

Anaheim Maps - Dresser Stats

Duron Map 2 — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Duron 2

Anaheim Maps - Duron 2 Stats

Gagne Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Gagne

Anaheim Maps - Gagne Stats

Gallegos Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - GallegosAnaheim Maps - Gallegos Stats

Henninger Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Henninger


Anaheim Maps - Henninger Stats

Kim Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Kim

Anaheim Maps - Kim Stats

Lugo Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Lugo

Anaheim Maps - Lugo Stats

LULAC 1 Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - LULAC 1

Anaheim Maps - LULAC 1 Stats

LULAC 2 Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - LULAC 2

Anaheim Maps - LULAC 2 Stats

Mills 1 Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Mills 1

Anaheim Maps - Mills 1 Stats

Mills 2 Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Mills 2

Anaheim Maps - Mills 2 Stats


Ponderosa Communuty Partial Map — Single District Map and Stats






Anaheim Maps - Ponderosa (partial)


Anaheim Maps - Ponderosa (partial) Stats


Reyes 1 Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Reyes 1


Anaheim Maps - Reyes 1 Stats

Reyes 2 Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Reyes 2

Anaheim Maps - Reyes 2 Stats


Warner Map — Map and Stats

Anaheim Maps - Warner

Anaheim Maps - Warner Stats

There’s one final map to consider that doesn’t actually appear on the City’s website.  This is XTRA Map 1 — a hybrid of Reyes Map 2 west of Euclid and Chuchua Map 4 east of it.  This matches the preferences of the Latino activists who gathered last weekend to consider what they considered their interests to be (although some maps other than Chuchua Map 4 that would satisfy their desired outcome east of Euclid.)

XTRA Map 1 — Map and Stats

Maptitude Mapping Software Image


Anaheim Maps - Xtra 1 Stats


About Greg Diamond

Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that. Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too. He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.) His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)