We may have new posts up before and after Friday, and maybe before and after Wednesday the 16th, but the default will be just to note new candidates here. That photo was of my smiling face from two years ago yesterday, when I implemented my successful plan to get more than 25% of the vote against District Attorney Tony Rackauckas without even filing a ballot statement. It’s the only photo I could find in our archives of someone submitting a check to the Registrar of Voters, so we’re stuck with it.
The dates will be listed in reverse chronological order, so scroll down! March 14-16 are in italics, as they will apply only to races where no incumbent is running.
Wednesday, March 16 (Final Day Where Incumbent Folds)
Tuesday, March 15
Monday, March 14
Friday, March 11 (Final Day for Most Races)
[Pretty much on time, after recovering from being busy.]
Judging only from dates of entry of various submissions and such, candidate filings on Friday were almost identical to than on Thursday. If recollection serves, “Final Fridays” are usually much busier than that, so congratulations to candidates for coming in early as well as to ROV Staff for doing their usual wonderful job.
CA-39: Democrat Brett Murdock got his ballot designation approved on Saturday (but it’s included in this Friday listing).
CA-45: Democrat Ron Varasteh filed his papers. NPP Nancy Trinidad Marin did the same. Republican Greg Raths got his ballot designation approved on Saturday.
CA-46: Democrat Bao Nguyen turned in papers before the deadline — which in this race is next Wednesday. Republican Bob Peterson, an OC Sheriff’s Commander, did the same. Interesting.
CA-47: Alan Lowenthal’s 2014 opponent Andy Whallon turned in only a candidate statement, which suggests that he lives in the LA County portion of the district. Pretty good investment there.
CA-48: Colin Melott did not
SD-29: Josh Newman filed his papers in what will be an interesting three-way race. (Ling-Ling Chang did not file a candidate statement here. Weird mistake for a well-off candidate who needs to build name recognition in the vast majority of the OC portion of the district that isn’t in AD-55 — but one that helps her opponent Sukhee Kang. Perhaps, like me, she’s figured out that he’d be easier for her to beat in November?)
SD-37: DON WAGNER DID NOT FILE! REPEAT, DON WAGNER DID NOT FILE! So this race will be a one-on-one: John Moorlach and Laguna Beach Democratic Club President Ari Grayson. (It’s interesting that the biggest news of the day is non-news!)
AD-55: Gregg Fritchle turned in nomination signatures. This race ain’t over, as incumbent Chang is not running, so maybe we’ll see a candidate statement from him as well.
AD-68: Deborah Pauly filed a little more material. Republicans Steven Choi and Kostas Roditis, sudden Democrat Sean Jay Panahi, and newly NPP Brian Chuchua, finished filing, including submitting candidate statements. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges filed her papers – but submitted no candidate statement. (That is good news for Pauly, the only other woman on the ballot.)
AD-69: Tom Daly finished things up. His opponent, Ofelia Velarde-Garcia, also filed her papers.
AD-72: Controversial attorney Lenore Albert-Sheridan had her ballot statement revealed on Saturday — and it says “Consumer Advocate/Economist.” I don’t know whether that’s pending — or as a result of — the resolution of her disciplinary hearings with the California Bar Association.
Judicial #3: Andrew Stein filed his papers.
Judicial #23: Derek Hunt will remain on the court with an election, as Emily Wehbe-Sturgeon withdrew her candidacy. (Congratulations to Judge Hunt — and to the other judges who have evaded judicial challenge.)
Judicial #40: Larry Yellin filed his papers. Thuy Pham filed his papers. SHAWN NELSON DID NOT GO AHEAD WITH HIS RUN. That’s a surprise (to me, at least.)
OC Board o’ Ed 1: Robert Hammond turned in his papers. Vong Xavier Nguyen did not go forward. Rene Gomez (widely believed to have been deployed as a confusion bomb against the campaign of Beckie Gomez on this “plurality wins” contest) showed up to file nomination papers — but not, according to the candidate log, a declaration of candidacy. Paul Zive completed filing — but without a candidate statement.
OC Board o’ Ed 3: Zonya Marcenaro-Townsend filed, which completes the trio of Republican contenders.
Supe 3: Todd Spitzer completed his filing. Unless a whole bunch of write-in candidates can collectively hold him to no more than 50% — and despite the obvious entertainment value, I don’t recommend trying — this one is over.
Dem 55: Four candidates applied and will automatically be installed, with three more to be added later by the DPOC. These are incumbents Molly Muro and Jeff LeTourneau, and some guy named something like “Vote for Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris” Diamond. Incumbent Cynthia Aguirre took out papers but did not run.
Dem 65: Incumbents Monika Broom, Marti Schrank, and Jesus Silva will be waved into office without appearing on the ballot, as will DPOC Treasurer Arnel Dino. Incumbent and John Vassiliades took out papers but did not run.
Dem 68: Incumbents Florice Hoffman, David Sonneborn, Melissa Fox, and Ted Perle have filed for re-election. Incumbent Mani Kang, who has been a tireless advocate of the Sikh community in OC and beyond, reportedly came up one signature short. Others who completed filing include Paul Lucas, Ken Wyant, and Public Relations Executive Dan Chmielewski. Those seven will go to the ballot.
Dem 69: Incumbents Carina Franck-Pantone and Dr. Jose F. Moreno filed their papers. Among non-incumbents, Art Hoffman, Sharon Taranto, Rickk Montoya, and Jim Pantone, filed papers. Ken and Lindy Burke did not, likely for a good reason having nothing to do with politics, and certainly deserve alternate spots if they want them. Emma Jeanette Burns Avelino Valencia III, and Ada Tamayo Jones also took out papers but did not file. Only six qualified, so those six are waved in.
Dem 72: Incumbents Shelly Haggerty, Jim Moreno, and Nam Pham have filed papers. Incumbent Ken Arnold did not take out papers. Incumbents Sutida Bergquist and Benny Diaz took out papers but did not file (although I say Benny there on Friday, so I’m a bit concerned about the accuracy of the report.) Non-incumbents Mark Paredes, Vong Xavier Nguyen, and Victor Vallederes completed filing. That’s six people for six slots, so they are waved in without vote.
Dem 73: Four incumbents — Dr. Bill Honigman, Fran Sdao, Anita Narayana, and Denise Penn — completed their filing. They and non-incumbent Deborah Cunningham-Skurnik will be waved in.
Dem 74: Incumbents Janis Burstin, Marleen Gillespie, Jonathan Adler, and Dean Inada completed their filing. (Incumbent Joel Flores didn’t run.) Non-incumbents Andrew Gallagher, Farrah Khan, and Jill Cseresznyak qualified to run, Leah Ersoylu and Craig Beauchamp took out papers but did not file. (In Beauchamp’s case, it was due to a fluke clerical error disqualifying one signature sheet, which is terrible for one of the top disability advocates in the DPOC, but she’ll presumably come back as someone’s alternate.) Richard Armendariz did not qualify. Donna Chessen and Robert Zick did not complete the process. With seven qualified candidates, this will go to the ballot.
Chris Nguyen should do this next section, not just because it’s the Republican Central Committee but because it’s a lot of typing.
GOP 55: 15 people qualified.
GOP 65: 16 prople qualified.
GOP 68: 19 people qualified.
GOP 69: 9 people qualified.
GOP 72: 11 people qualified.
GOP 73: 12 people qualified.
GOP 74: 14 of 19 candidates qualified.
P&F 3: Adan Plascencia qualified.
P&F 4: Abner Zelnic did not pursue his candidacy.
Thursday, March 10
[Filed belatedly. Sorry, life stayed busy.]
U.S. Senate: Paul Merritt qualified for the ballot. Congratulations, Paul!
CA-39: Brett Murdock filed his papers to run against Ed Royce. Release the hounds! (On Royce, I mean.)
CA-46: Republican Bob Peterson, an OC Sheriff’s Commander, took out papers.
CA-48: Suzanne Savary sprinted through the whole process, taking out and filing her papers.
CA-49: Doug Applegate sprinted through the whole process, taking out and filing his papers.
SD-37: Ari Grayson files his papers and will presumably be on the ballot. Don Wagner paid his filing fee. (In light of what happened — and, more to the point, didn’t — the following day, this is perplexing.)
AD-68: Sean Jay Panahi filed his papers. More on this story as it develops.
AD-69: Tom Daly filed his papers after it became clear that he would likely have opposition — no causal relationship asserted there! — ending some commentators’ (viz., me) concern that Jordan Brandman might file against his old boss and, with Daly taking a dive, walk into the Assembly.
AD-72: Lenore Albert-Bleeping-Sheridan filed her papers, meaning that I’m going to have to write a story that I didn’t really want to write if I could avoid it after all. Travis Allen also filed for reelection.
Judicial #3: Megan Wagner filed her papers and is on the ballot for this open seat. Andrew Stein files some of his papers.
Judicial #48: Scott Steiner files some of his papers.
Judicial #49: Mike Murray filed his papers and qualified for the ballot.
OC Board o’ Ed 1: Beckie Gomez filed her papers. Paul Zive took out his papers.
OC Board o’ Ed 3: Michael Parham filed his papers. Margaret Brown filed her papers.
OC Board o’ Ed 4: Chris Norby filed his papers.
Supe #1: Andrew Do filed his papers and qualified for the ballot. Phat Bui qualified for the ballot.
Dem 65: Jesus Silva filed his papers.
Dem 68: Paul Lucas filed his papers. Amanda Riley filed her papers.
Dem 69: Sharon Toranto filed her papers. Avelino Valencia III did too.
Dem 72: Jim Moreno filed his papers. So did Vong Xavier Nguyen. Victor Valladares took out his papers.
Dem 73: Anita Narayana filed her papers. Jonathan Adler files his papers.
Dem 74: Richard Armendariz took out his papers.
GOP 55: Brett Barbre, my favorite political opponent for non-party OC office, filed papers. (My favorite childhood disease for which they now have vaccinations was German Measles.) Ed Gunderson filed papers.
GOP 65: Chris Norby (whom OJB will endorse for this one, if Vern allows it, to make up for stiffing him on the OCBOE seat) filed papers. So did Sean Paden, a dangerous conservative intellectual who we hope will pay us if we call him that. So did Shawn Nelson.
GOP 68: Michael Parham, a candidate for OCBOE (Board of Ed), filed papers. Mark Bucher did the same. So did GOP Chair Fred Whitaker.
GOP 69: Brett Franklin filed papers.
GOP 72: Andrew Do filed papers. So did P.J Garcia and Pat Garcia, whom I’m assured are different people.
GOP 73: Roberta Turbow filed papers. So did Jennifer Beall, Tony Beall, Cathy Schlict, T.J. Fuentes, and Eric Weigand.
GOP 74: Jon Aiken and Scott Baugh filed papers.
P&F 3: For the Peace & Freedom Party, Adan Plascencia filed papers.
Wednesday, March 9
[Filed belatedly. Sorry, life got busy.]
CA-45: Greg Raths filed his papers.
CA-46: Lynn Schott filed her papers.
CA-49: Darrell Issa splurged on a candidate statement.
AD-55: Phillip Chen splurged on a candidate statement.
AD-68: Deborah Pauley filed her papers and qualified. Alexia Deligianni-Brydges took out papers. Sean Jay Panahi filed his signatures. Brian Chuchua took out his papers.
AD-69: Ofelia Velarde-Garcia took out her papers.
Judicial #48: Karen Lee Schatzle filed her papers.
OC Board o’ Ed 3: Margaret Brown took out her papers.
OC Board o’ Ed 4: Jack Bedell filed his papers.
OC Supe 1: Todd Spitzer files his papers.
Dem 55: Greg Diamond and Jeff LeTourneau took out papers.
Dem 69: Jim Pantone took out papers.
Dem 73: Deborah Cunningham-Skurnick, Fran Sdao, and Denise Penn filed papers.
GOP 55: Dennis White took out papers. Peggy Huang, Desare Ferraro, Irene Yezbak, and Susi Khan filed papers.
GOP 65: Jack Bedell and Tim Milosch filed papers.
GOP 68: Nick Wilson and Trevor O’Neil filed papers.
GOP 69: Cecilia Iglesias and Angie Cano filed papers.
GOP 72: Charlotte Christina, Michael Gates and Phat Bui filed papers.
GOP 73: Lisa Bartlett filed papers.
Tuesday, March 8
Eleanora Garcia has taken out papers to run against her for Senate. Could split the vote! (Well, it’s logically possible.)
CA-45: Mimi Walters has qualified for the ballot.
AD-68: Harry Sidhu has qualified for the ballot. Still the only one to do so!
Konstantinos Roditis has paid his fees.
AD-69: The news here is that there is no news. Tom Daly still unopposed.
AD-74: Karina Onofre turns in her papers. Katherine Daigle does likewise.
Judicial 3: Wayne Philips turns in his papers.
Judicial 23: Judge Derek Hunt turns in his papers.
OCBOE 1: Beckie Gomez turns in her papers for Board of Ed. Republican Rene Gomez — out to split the Gomez vote? — takes out papers.
1st Supe: Michele Martinez turns in her papers.
3rd Supe: Todd Spitzer is still unopposed!
Dem 69: Ken and Lindy Burke take out their papers. Dr. Jose Moreno takes out his papers. Rickk Montoya takes out his papers. Avelino Velencia III takes out his papers.
Dem 72: Mark Paredes takes out his papers. So does Vong Xavier Nguyen.
Dem 74: Dean Inada is on the ballot!
GOP 55: James Gerbus is on the ballot.
GOP 65: Baron Knight turned in his papers. Peter Kim turned in his papers.
GOP 68: Dominica Kristedja turned in her papers.
GOP 69: Steve Nguyen turned in his papers. So did Thomas Anthony Gordon and Maribel Marroquin.
GOP 73: Lisa Bartlett was issued her papers.
GOP 74: Katherine Daigle turned in her papers. So did John Warner and David Whitley. Mike Glenn took out papers.
Monday, March 7
U.S. Senator: Ling Ling Shi (NPP) takes out papers.
46th Congressional: Louie Contreras pays his money. Joe Dunn pays his money.
37th State Senate: Ari Grayson pays his money.
Dems 65th: John Vassiliades files his papers.
Dems 68th: Dave Sonneborn files his papers.
Dems 69th: Emma Jeannete Burns takes out papers. Carina Franck-Pantone takes out papers.
Dem 74th: Jill Cseresznyak files papers.
GOP 55th: Karla Downing files papers. Michael Withrow files papers. Susi Khan takes out papers.
GOP 65th: Shawn Nelson takes out papers. LeRoy Mills files papers.
GOP 68th: Denis Bilodeau files papers.
GOP 72nd: Tyler Diep files papers. Dean Grose files papers. P.J. Garcia takes out papers. Pat Garcia takes out papers.
GOP 73rd: Greg Woodard files papers. Cathy Schlicht takes out papers.
Nice way to make the story about you Greg. Picture and all.
Damned cowardly liars who think that hurting my tender feelings is an accomplishment.
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So Greg is tracking EMAIL addresses now…quite cowardly in itself. What does “Henry Lipton AKA Paul Lucas’ or Coward David Zenger who hides behind Randy Roddy’s handle EMAIL response say?
Once again, Greg can dish it out but can’t take it!
Go away Phil Becerra.
You’ve got a really loose definition of “hides”, son.
Consider improving.
If your email bounces, you anonymous idiot, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the fake email address. Is that too confusing for you?
so: Anonymous idiot is accusing readily accountable me of being able to dish it out but not take it. I take shit like this from frauds like him/her/it/them all of the time. Anonymous Idiot gets to avoid the consequences of charges he/she/it/they makes. Anomymous Idiot is idiotic.
How can it be “hiding” if someone were to use his own e-mail address? That’s like saying Samuel Clemens hid behind the name Mark Twain.
What a collection of idiots the kleptos employ. No, really. These are truly stupid people.
*So Shawn Nelson files papers ….but we thought he was running for judge…not so?
Apparently you can be a member of a county central committee even as a judge — or maybe he (and Karen Schatzle) will resign if they are elected.
The concept is basic in the OCGOP – you run for Central Committee at the same time you run for another office. I think the idea is that it helps generate support by having your name on the ballot twice, although I’m not sure why this might not just confuse people. It didn’t help Hide-and-Seek Harry Sidhu in 2010.
The idea of doing this while running for a judgeship strikes me as particularly unseemly as far as judicial impartiality goes, but there you have it. “Nothing involving ethics is going on.”
This is just to let this know that this post has just been updated for today with Tuesday’s filings. Sorry that it’s taking so long; I’m a lot busier right now than I recall being two years ago. Any volunteers out there want to help? Let me know — Friday will be an onslaught!
Business will get in the way of my posting tonight and tomorrow, so tomorrow’s post will probably be about this same time of day. Just be patient, it will all come out eventually!
“…when I implemented my successful plan to get more than 25% of the vote against District Attorney Tony Rackauckas…”
Yes, one for the annals of great successes.
To be fair, that’s better than anyone else over the past decade.
Oh, c’mon, nip. He was joking. I hope.
Why would he be joking? An all out “win” is not the only goal in life. I don’t have to kill an intruder to protect my home and family, only wound them enough to rethink getting beyond the front door.
Running a suicide mission against an entrenched incumbent in such a way (not filing a ballot statement) is a direct indictment of the incumbent. Certainly there were people who voted for Greg because they know him. but without a ballot statement voters have no info on the challenger, and those are obvious votes AGAINST the incumbent more than FOR the challenger. Period. To jump in with the intent of showing over a fourth of voters will dump the incumbent and choose someone they have never heard of before, and know nothing about, shows a dislike for what they know about the incumbent. It weakens them, badly, and makes them rethink another term, and seriously makes them question whether they could withstand a recall (which I am shocked has not been initiated against the DA yet!) A smart incumbent might even take the hint and change their behavior, but its been a long, long time since the DA was accused of being smart. It’s a move that can flip the way an incumbent sees themselves, the DA was shown to be really unpopular, which trashed the establishment image of the unopposed mighty warrior he would have swaggered around the county with, had Greg not stepped in.
Also, when a candidate runs unopposed, they are safe to dole out their war chest to others, which bolsters additional races on top of conceding the seat not challenged, making the incumbent that much more powerful and influential, enabling them to buy some new friends, shore up old ones, and maybe even be that extra nudge that puts another candidate over the top. Why would anyone in their right minds hand the other party’s incumbent that much political juice? Running a challenger forces the incumbent to keep their war chest intact, knowing IEs can hit against them at any moment, even for an unknown challenger. It might not even be about the candidate, but simply an effort to prevent other races from benefitting from their treasury.
Anytime a party lets the other party run a candidate unopposed they show how weak they are. Really, you could not get ANYONE to run? There isn’t a single Realtor out there looking for name recognition for less money than a series of print ads? How pathetic is your team? So no, I don’t think Greg was kidding about his goal of taking on the DA, and it was not an ill-conceived goal. It was actually gutsy, and I wish I had that kind of backbone.
BTW-anyone else notice the Dems didn’t challenge Spitzer? How much confidence does The Left have in their Presidential standard bearer pulling shirttail candidates along at the ballot box? Interesting situation.
“It weakens them, badly, and makes them rethink another term, and seriously makes them question whether they could withstand a recall”
Either that, or a geranium could gather as many votes, maybe a few more, were one running as a Democrat. Anyway you’re probably right, T-Rack has been noticeably more circumspect as a result of this warning shot.
No Tony has been an outrageous moron, who thinks he is teflon, and it will bite him in the butt. But those who have supported him saw someone without money or name recognition or power or even a ballot statement embarrass him, and it has an impact, mock all you want, it does matter.
^^^ I agree.
Anyone paying attention should acknowledge that election, properly resourced, is winnable.
And as a reminder, I disagree with 90% of Greg’s politics. The fact is a geranium didn’t run as a Democrat. Greg did.
Futile? Sure.
Honorable? Damn straight.
By Grabthar’s hammer, nipsey, you are such a do-nothing chickenshit.
He took a number of steps to move to the center during my three months of challenging him. You’re right to slyly imply that it didn’t last — but what has happened is that his empire has been starting to crumble. Judge Goethals and Scott Sanders deserve far, far, more credit to that than I do, but I’m proud that in political terms I was at least the first needle in twelve years to at least try to poke into the bubble.
Imagine a world in which no one had challenged Tony Rackauckas for THREE consecutive quadrennial elections. That would be an admission that the county was cowering in fear of him to the point of paralysis. Instead, about 77,500 people, given the chance to shout NO to him, did so.
Did that help break the surface tension that held him in place? I’d like to think so — but my opinion about it doesn’t matter. What matters is that SOMEONE did it — and that he spent gobs on slate mailers rather than just ignoring me, as he’d like to pretend — and that that recoups some of the county’s self-respect.
And you won’t even use your damned real name in these discussions! Look, I enjoy your perspective here (sometimes) and I recognize that your trying to prod me into humility may seem like a necessary public service. But sometimes you sound like a complete clueless crackpot with good writing chops.
This just in: Ofelia Velarde-Garcia, Santa Ana resident, and lifelong Republican, has qualified for the ballot to challenge Democratic incumbent Tom Daly for the 69th AD. Please pull Daly off the list of unchallenged incumbents.
Nice pull.
I left from the ROV office at almost 8, once Brian Chuchua’s application was done, had some of my wife’s excellent brussel sprouts and asparagus, and then flat out collapsed until 3:30 a.m. This is the first time I’ve been at my desk since Thursday night. They best laid plans go awry — but yes, I will start updating!
Is that the same Ofelia who works for the County Clerk of the Board, and would therefore be a pal of Daly enemy Hieu Nguyen?
That Ofelia is a super nice woman (she ministers to the needs of the Supervisors and their helpers) but hasn’t got a nanogram of polical or policy savvy.
Oh dear, if so. She’s not allowed to run for a legislative position, is she? Jojo Moreno and Paula Williams found this out four years ago. Unless somehow the policy has (*cough* *cough*) “changed” in this circumstance.
I don’t remember what the “prohibition” said. I seem to recall that employees in certain departments couldn’t run for some reason. Obviously running for office is a staple of the County Supervisorial diet.
I really hope that somebody is not manipulating Ofelia, patronizing as this sounds (and I guess is), just so Daly has an opponent. But I’m picking up the scent of monkey business with a breeze drifting in from the 4th District office.
Ha ha. Federal funding determines if a hatch violation exist and the assbly candidate position is not not funded with federal funds and she apperently has no direct discretion in reimbursing fedral funds. However, I wonder if a complaint will be filed against Gregg Fritchle, assembly candidate and social worker from Los Angeles county.
Spelling, Pretend Joe, spelling!
It may be a state rule comparable to the Hatch Act. It’s been four years since I remember having to worry about it. You’d probably know, but it’s going to be hard to reach you.
Thank you for provoking me into possibly investigating! As I recall, neither Jojo nor Paula were running for a position funded with federal funds when they were told by their county employer to desist. The reason that I may not investigate is because I’m not going to do squat for Tom Daly unless I can bill him in advance.
Los Angeles County, where Fritchle works, has not tried to pull this sort of thing, so that’s not a problem.
Ha ha. Federal funding determines if a hatch violation exist and the assbly candidate position is not not funded with federal funds and she apperently has no direct discretion in reimbursing fedral funds. However, I wonder if a complaint will be filed against Gregg Fritchle, assembly candidate and social worker, from Los Angeles county. Government social workers would not exist if not for federal funds
Vern, take a look at the IP Addresses. This dude is traveling fast!
To his credit, he is using the same e-mail address he’s had for years.
Which no one but us can see.
I know who he once (in my experience) claimed to be — but that doesn’t mean that that’s who he is. Some kinds of people lie just to keep in practice.
You are saying he could be a PRETEND Pretend Jose? A Faux Faux Joe?
Can’t rule it out, can I?
Wednesday and Thursday filings are now up. Friday is yet to come. (I need to recuperate first.) ONLY THEN do I get to write my analysis.
“Traveling fast” what does that mean or what are you trying to insinuate.
Everybody who writes or comments here has too much free time on your hands.
Get out of your homes, go for a walk, spend some qualitity time with your family and significant other.
Some anonymous insulting asshole wants to know what I meant in a comment about him or her (or it)?
I’m not sure how to put this, but — have you been interacting with actual human beings for long? You don’t warrant or receive respect, syphilitic traveler! Are you complaining that I’m tarnishing your non-existent personal reputation?
Bloviator: ” Insulting”
I’m using a name that a major local publication editor has used to communicate with you. Since you answer his comments and communicate with him, I think you seem to be ok with the name.
I’m using my email address and who else would know much about the Hatch Act than I.
Bye Felecia
So are you indeed Jojo Moreno, aka Jose Moreno (2)? Spit it out, if so.
You and your model make a good pair, as neither of you seem to understand the meaning of the word.
Tell us what you’re running for this year! I heard a rumor that you’re going to pretend to be Dr. Jose Moreno and run in District 4. Correct?
*Meanwhile, back to “regular order”. We still like Tony…..he is “Mensch Proof”. Tony
has a lot of wisdom in those little fingers and in our opinion…..Tony will not be merely booted out by some wishing near do well. Whoever can take Tony out ….will be someone with credentials, history and a record to stand on. Joe Dunn could do it, but he is far too wise to go after the “Toughest Guy on the Block”.