What is the Trump Doctrine? Inquiring minds need to know. So far, the Trump Doctrine is so secret, that even Donald Trump isn’t exactly sure what it is from day to day, hour to hour or minute to minute. DT will certainly tell you his position on anything within a New York minute. Slash and burning opponents seems one of the core values however. Slashing and burning ANY special interest group other than groups DT is supporting are obvious targets. Heck, who knows which Costco or Walmart shoppers he will go after next?
Donald has been rather depressed lately, due to the fact that he is not being covered in the press every second of the day. In fact, because we feel so sorry for him, we are compelled to write this blog entry. You have to feel for a guy that has such an insatiable appetite for the camera, the lights, the crowds and the Blue Meanie Press that never tires of mentioning his name in the most unsure way possible. “Did he say that to get attention?” Duh! “Oh his said that just to get attention!” Duh! “Oh he was just using reverse psychology!” Duh! We are not talking space science or nano fusion energy here! Did any of these folks graduate from journalism school? Did any of these “Wonder Pundits” that appear on Morning Joe do anything but have lunch with Joe after each show? “Oh it’s a Republican Voter Revolt…and he has tapped into this tremendous vitriol!” Really? “What a revolting development this is!” said Ralph Kramden on the “Honeymooners!”
Trying to understand Donald Trump and his Doctrine of Life…is actually quite Old News. DT has already made all the mistakes one rich person can make in a lifetime and still land on his feet. Failed Marriages, Failed Businesses, Failed Personal Life……..all true. But DT just keeps going, like the Energizer Bunny…..banging that drum until the camera runs out of film or digital memory. The Donald Trump Doctrine is as easy to understand as his failing enterprise in Scotland, where one disgruntled Scot could not be persuaded to give up his land no matter what paid off politician or promotional offers DT he could come up with. In the words of Dirty Harry to his boss: “Your mouthwash isn’t making it!” The Trump Doctrine has always been to use a bigger hammer. To threaten, to sue, to pay off those or anyone necessary, to twist every argument, to maintain the low ground and claim it is actually “the high ground”. DT has the temerity to treat so-called intelligent people like they really are: “Stupid, if you believe that crap!”!
The Trump Dynasty reminds us much of the J.R. Ewing in Dallas. Willing to walk over and name call anyone in the name of ego and riches. Of course, after you employ this technique, year in and year out – pretty soon it becomes second nature and we are sure that DT uses this same concept in his home, on his private plane and wherever he goes. It is not a act – this is who he is. “A conscience is like a boat or car, if you feel you need one – rent it!” or “Never tell the truth, when a good lie’ll do!” – (J.R. Ewing quotes!) DT is someone that you might seriously dread meeting for lunch, because you know that YOU will end up buying and he will still insult the hell out of you, before he leaves. Welcome to the Trump Dynasty. This is live reality television at its best. You always know that the threats, intimidation and lawsuits are coming, you just don’t know when. You realize however that nothing will truly be resolved until the next season – any maybe not even then.
The Trump Dynasty, is a work in progress. DT has the great rolodex of presumptive Shark Tank contestants that he can sue later for duplicating what he did on The Apprentice! His rolodex also includes some of his dad’s old contacts and a list of New York Lawyers that will choke a horse. The Trump Dynasty has no ethical base. The Trump Dynasty has no cultural norms or basis in actual philosophy. Who needs it? If the Presidential bid fails….he will always have: The Naked Apprentice or the Naked Survival Apprentice television show to fall back on. Donald Trump believes in one very important thing: Perpetual Donald Trump 24/7 on television. DT sees himself stepping out of George Orwell’s 1984 and waking up every person in the world with: “This is Big Brother!” DT wants to look into every bedroom, outhouse or house of ill repute around the world and see his face in the background pasted on the green screen.
On this Memorial Day 2016, we can all think back on all the many megalomaniacs in history and realize how many people that they were responsible for killing. We won’t bother to name names – you know who they are. Too many to mention here and give them full credit for their very evil deeds in the name of progress, preservation of their kingdoms or global communities. One thing in common: They were all very rich!
The Trumped up Dynasty and New Trump Doctrine! Just remember, that before you vote you know what you are voting for. Everyone knows what will happen to our planet should we choose the wrong path. No problem – either way. Don’t vote for: the Evil E-Mail Queen? No problem, just remember: “There’s still time brother!” Wouldn’t it be nice to see who DT voted for his the last five elections? Or how many times he actually voted? Or what his voter registration was in the last five elections? Just wondering! Maybe, all those DT apologists on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC have these important answers! Maybe not! You may have to pull up J.R. Ewing quotes on Google to find out the real truth!
Hard to believe this post has the same source as –
“*There is nothing more frustrating than the like of unrelenting personal attacks for 74 comments on Memorial Day. We will remember this always! Doesn’t anyone have something positive to say?”
Evidently only about people they support.
For those reaching for (and not finding!) either a red or a blue airsick bag as the “Presidential Selection Process” progresses, you may not know there is (at least, perhaps more to come?) a third “flavor” of the same activity occurring concurrently – YouTube “suggested” to me a bunch of clips of the Libertarian Convention in Las Vegas, moderated by Penn Gillette, who is almost always interesting. One of the Candidates is computer security guru John McAffee, who easily pins SOME SORT of scale. I am DTS, party-wise, and always in search of new info, so without plugging anythingor anyone, may I suggest investigating it, for political thought provocation, or for entertainment, as you wish.
*Actually only two or three of those “74 comments” came today. Everyone is out doing their Memorial Day things right now, Winships. We’re about to head out to Baxter’s Feed-the-Homeless Free Ice Cream shindig ourselves.
Oh sorry Red Whine. At first glance I thought the Winships wrote that comment, and without reading through it, I thought they were complaining that nobody was commenting.
Trump had better watch out for that ticket. (Hillary perhaps as well.)
*Yeah, “at the end of the day”, Gary Johnson really has a way with words.
He supports the Steve Forbes Fat Tax, the Rubio VAT Tax and….and….
not much more…..except he like Trump has “another solution” for healthcare
in this country: Competition! Wow, how did he ever think of that? Guess we may have to consider a write-in of Bo Greitz again!
*Can’t wait for Trump to go after the Danish, German, Irish, French and Norweigen Judges!