
Rackauckas and Spitzer, juxtaposed by the O.C. Weekly.
Vern here. The day after our disgrace of a district attorney Tony Rackauckas was broadcast on 60 Minutes for the world to see (which you can see here if you missed it) his longtime rival Supervisor Todd Spitzer has called for the US Attorney General to take matters into their own hands here. Our first thought is things couldn’t get much worse, although we’d hope the pot-and-minorities-hating AG Jefferson Bureaugard Sessions doesn’t take a special personal interest in our long-suffering county; just send us out a regular honest law-and-order guy will be just fine.
The Orange Juice Blog has been covering the Spitzer-Rackauckas feud since our seminal 2010 essay “When Scumbags Collide.” It is hard at this point to find fault with the T-Rack slime office’s characterization of Todd as “nakedly ambitious, grandstanding politician who has long wanted the district attorney job.” But hey, at least he is not Tony Rackauckas Here’s Todd’s press release:
(Santa Ana, CA) – Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer, Third District, is requesting U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take emergency action by consent decree over the Orange County District Attorney’s office.
“Continuing revelations of scandal emerging from the office under D.A. Tony Rackauckas is now beyond critical proportions,” Supervisor Spitzer wrote to Attorney General Sessions. “I am respectfully requesting that you expand the current Department of Justice investigation into new allegations of corruption and documented misconduct. As it is within your power to do so, I urge you to take control the OCDA office by consent decree.”
Supervisor Spitzer, a former Assistant District Attorney, is taking this action as an individual, not on behalf of the Board of Supervisors or the County, noting the Board is not a law enforcement entity and therefore the recent allegations which now include on-going acts of felonious conduct must be addressed by a law enforcement agency.
Already deemed a ‘rudderless ship’ by the D.A.’s own hand-picked evaluation panel, Rackauckas’ office has been rebuked by the Orange County Grand Jury and remains under investigation by the California State Attorney General and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Last year, the OCDA was removed from prosecuting the penalty phase of the worst mass-murder case in Orange County history. Judge Thomas Goethals ruled the prosecution withheld evidence from the defense provided by a jailhouse snitch in the penalty phase of the felony proceeding already decided by a guilty plea. A deeper probe revealed a snitch scandal dating back at least four years, resulting in the vacating or reduction of six murder convictions.
Since the Department of Justice opened an investigation in to the notorious Orange County snitch scandal last December, further damning evidence of potential criminal actions within OCDA operations under Rackauckas have come to light:
- A liability claim was filed by the D.A.’s former Chief Investigator after he was relieved of duty in April, 2017. The action filed by former lead investigator Craig Hunter alleges D.A. interference with political corruption investigations and improper campaign activities.
- In April 2017, it was revealed Rackauckas hired an unauthorized private defense attorney to represent a Deputy District Attorney in State Bar disciplinary proceedings. She is accused of withholding exculpatory evidence in a child abuse case.
- The most recent revelation is a Superior Court ruling on May 17, 2017 that a Deputy District Attorney under Rackauckas displayed “serious misconduct” by failing to reveal exculpatory evidence in a 2006 first-degree murder case resulting in conviction.
The high-profile scandal continues to draw scrutiny from the national press for more than three years. CBS News’ 60 Minutes aired a segment on, Sunday, May 21, 2017, in which Tony Rackauckas contradicted himself and the members of a blue ribbon panel he convened to investigate his office.
When confronted by the interviewer with his own IPPEC report describing the office as, “a must win mentality”, “a rudderless ship” and “a failure of leadership”, the D.A. dismissed the written report by saying the findings were not what members of the blue ribbon panel told him privately. Tony Rackauckas continues to argue that everybody investigating the wrongdoings in his office are not trustworthy. Tony Rackauckas cannot be trusted.
“The District Attorney’s actions have left the County, the courts, the judicial system, and the public no other course of action,” Supervisor Spitzer continued. “I am respectfully requesting that the U.S. Department of Justice expand the current investigation and employ all resources to restore order immediately and halt the continuing decay within our County judicial system.”
So, what do you-all think? And I’ll try to get back into the swing of writing. Did you know this great 80’s Springsteen hit was about writer’s block?
Orange County needs a new DA.
Yeah, well, it’ll most likely end up being Spitzer, and that will be its own sort of wild ride.
Don’t be so sure. Won’t say more here and now. (P.S. Not me.)
We need a new Sheriff and a new President for this country
*Yeah, where was Spitzer when they should have had a Consent Decree for Fullerton after the Thomas Affair? No, they are after Tony, like they were after Webster Guillory……looking for a Dirty Carving Set in a French Restaurant. Does this sound much like “not being careful with e-mails”….or is it just us? Snitches are a major part of the jail system. It started back during the Civil War and encouraged captured Confederate or Union soldiers to turn in their fellows for better food and treatment. Probably has been going on since biblical times or before. Prosecuting folks on Jail yard testimony is another thing…..but many times the trouble makers are too slick to be had without it. Hey, they got Mike Carona for wearing short gym shorts and wanting to be a National political guy. Why not just get rid of the slime that never do the right thing and never wind up on the right side of any issue. Homelessness, Police Brutality and Affordable Housing – just for starters.
Spitzer is a personal train wreck. He looks like a meth user on rehab. This guy’s claim to fame is he arrested a bible toting preacher cause he looked at a butter knife ominously. He’s a joke. Spitzer is the Republican party’s Anthony Weiner. He’s a psycho. NO WAY.
It’s amazing that all that can be true — and he’d STILL be preferable to Racky!
I used to compare Racky and Spitzer respectively as “Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Evil.” But now I wonder: can it be “Lawful Evil” if it’s Lawless?
[Ed. Note: Secret ninja character assassin wasted his time! His comment has been edited down.]
What’s amazing is … But I guess … armed with a bible … Its all speculation … at least a couple of times … other attorney’s … Oh wait … he was …
This is out of line for an anonymous commenter. Go post somewhere else if you can’t man up and make lurid accusations under your own name.
Chaos suggests randomness. There is nothing random about Spitzer’s relentless megalomaniacal trip. He suffers from an acute personality disorder. Letting this person carry a gun, let alone direct the course of justice in OC, invites disaster.
Isn’t it astounding that a person like that could still be preferable to Rackauckas? And yet here we are.
Maybe there will be a third candidate.
As I’ve mentioned publicly for over 5 years now (including directly to DA’s face at an Anaheim city council) this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding this filthy racist DA’s office, it’s filthy racist fake police community plus collection of criminal confidential informants. Harassment – deliberate reputation destruction – felony stalking – property damage – attempted murder on behalf of this criminal injustice progeny of Klansman filth.
Would you be willing to introduce yourself to our readers, so that they can look up your previous claims?
That’s German Santos. We used to run into him at the Starbucks across from city hall so often that we renamed it Germbux. But we haven’t seen him in a while, except on various comments threads.
I know. I thought that others should know too. I don’t know why he keeps using this pseudonym. It obscures people learning of his own complaint.
German Santos is correct. Have you and Vernon noticed as time go by how my claims become easier to accept. Still seeking justice for the reputation destruction I was subjected to by Stan Knee @gardengrovepd #randallgaston @anaheimpd #bradgates @ocsd upon my traveling to Colombia for engineering policing projects. As a result of this, these three despicable agencies have conducted a now 20+ year criminal harassment campaign dragging in every other police agency in OC and surrounding Counties. I’ve been on Twitter relentlessly @18USC241.
I moved out of the loft across from the city council Vern. It’s why you haven’t seen me at that Starbucks lately. In Tustin currently.
We need a total F.B.I. investigation into our nations infrastructer of De Facto government(s) system(s) !! So if Federal Funding is cut in many ways these evil creeps would not thrive!!!
…. There is a evil haze of stupidity that thrives in Orange County California!!! Ya its called REPUBLICAN MIND SET!!!
I am not certain if my other blogs got in / through…What is needed is an entire over hall of County level government.. Starting with under cover police work.. Undercover police and their reletives get away with murder!! IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE ME ASK …
… there is a very bad SUBCULTURE THRIVING IN CALIFORNIA!!! What I see is evil thriving!! I see subversive work being done and the evil thrives BECAUSE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE IN POWER ALLOW IT!!! Our Sheriff was appointed initially because we had such an evil man like Mike Corona as Sheriff!! My cousin *** worked for Mike Carona… Her Husband was appointed by Bush to a very high position. She was appointed by a man that named Mike Corona “AMERICAS TOP COP” …. hmmmmm I wonder what he meant by that??
Our country gets CLANDESTINELY OVER THROWN EVERY SO ONCE IN AWHILE AND IT STARTS AT THE “BOTTOM OF THE GOVERNMENT” YA WITH THE COUNTY LEVEL!!! My cousin almost could of been a congressman and he was raised BY AN AMERICAN DRUG LORD!!! My uncle has the most mysterious background that I know of!! Heck my entire family does!! Way to0 many family members getting murdered, family members as murderers, and now we have a problem with national security we cant trust our President!! We can not TRUST OUR D.A.’s OFFICE!!!! Heck we can not TRUST OUR SHERIFF!!!
GOD HELP US AND GOD HELP THE F.B.I. put these mafia people behind bars!!!
I’m not sure what to do with some of your comments Steven, since we can’t prove many of these things. Hence when I approve them I take out people’s names, except for those who’ve already been convicted of stuff, like Carona or Baca.
Too much dancing with the stars and not enough orange juice blog gives us an uninformed electorate which why we are in this mess, tony should been gone along time ago. Great job Vern