Santa Ana Unified School District candidates Rob Richardson and Jose Hernandez, who are part of the dreadful “Team Solorio” took a direct today as Planned Parenthood sent out a mail piece that just might sink their re-election chances as we get closer to the election.
The mailer disclosed the fact that Richardson, who is a Republican ally of Rosie Avila, and Hernandez, who has never won an election, together lost MILLIONS of dollars as perhaps the lamest school board members in Orange County. Why Solorio would endorse these guys is truly a mystery. I hear that his endorsement of Richardson has put him in very hot water in Sacramento, with his Democratic colleagues in the State Legislature. And Orange County’s labor leaders aren’t very pleased with him either. Nice going Jose!
Kudos to Planned Parenthood for this well-timed mailer! They have endorsed Irene Ibarra, Valerie Amezcua and Gloria Alvarado for the SAUSD School Board. They also endorsed me for the Santa Ana City Council.
The other side of the mailer appears below.
Gawd! I have to wonder how many exams on pregnant women and teenagers could have been paid for with the amount of money PPA spent on this lame mailer.
Is it any wonder that Dennis DeSnoo is the King of Consultants in Santa Ana when this mailer represents the fruition of effort from his opposition?
All Hail King Dennis!
I would assume that Planned Parenthood made endorsements based primarily on choice and reproductive issues. It is then a bit artificial when it calls for not reelecting Board members based on financial issues that are out of the PPA realm of expertise (and not on the reproductive issues that probably denied them the endorsement in the first place).
Further, being negative politics at its worse, this mailer offers no alternatives. If another flier with the PPA endorsements comes out, will it state clearly that those very endorsements were on choice issues and not on the educational issues that directly affect our schools? I bet not. There goes my contribution to PPA.
#1 and 2,
So you two think we ought to reelect Rob and Jose even though they combined to lose the SAUSD millions of dollars? Are your kids even in our public schools? I mean, surely if they were you would want new leaders on our school board, wouldn’t you?
Weren’t things supposed to turn around once Rob got elected, after Nativo was recalled? Why are things worse than ever now?
You would have to be pretty stupid to reelect people who blow millions of dollars…which could have helped our schools. I agree with Planned Parenthood – it is time for new leaders. The candidates they endorsed are the best of the lot. I am voting for all three of them – Irene Ibarra, Valerie Amezcua and Gloria Alvarado.
Hai King Dennis? And I thought we lived in a Republic.
The mentality of #1 illustrates Pulido, Richardson & Hernandez’s “entitlement” to re-election. Neither deserves to be re-elected.
It’s time for a few SAUSD moms to take their seat on the school board.
Richardson has served nearly 20 years on the school board. It’s time for a change. Retire Richardson on 11/4.
#1 & #2
Gawd! Yesterday’s mail brought a Measure G update citing …”not printed or distributed at District expense.”
Hmmm… is this a King Snow tactic at the directive of the ever clever and conniving Noji?
I agree with PPA – let’s hold district admins and the school board ACCOUTABLE. It’s time someone sounded the alarm.
Who authorized this distribution of this mailer and who paid to print and deliver this flyer? At some point the Supt. was involved in sanctioning this pseudo-campaign mailer for the re-election of Richardson and Hernandez since it contains SAUSD information.
These back room deals must stop! These are the tactics that cronies Richardson, Hernandez & Noji actively engage in.
Reject Richardson & Hernandez on Nov. 4.
It’s time for a CHANGE!