So, Tuesday afternoon – same day that the Carter riverbed trial started, crazy day – gubernatorial frontrunner and progressive Democrat Gavin Newsom came to Workers United Local 50 to meet and chat with a few dozen local activists and curious voters. I (Vern) couldn’t make it because of a piano gig, but Yesenia got some video of it, which we share here to help you decide who you’re going to support this June and November!
First, a little bit of his answer to why “sanctuary” state and city policies are wiser and safer than unlimited local co-operation with Federal immigration authorities:
Then a longer clip, more wide-ranging…
We’re sorry we didn’t promote this event more – we only heard about it that morning ourselves! But our good friend Gina Clayton-Tarvin is Gavin’s “OC Ambassador” so we’ll be sure to give you all more notice, and cover the event ourselves, next time!
I agree completely with the idea that local law enforcement should leave immigration law violations to Federal INS Agents for local public safety reasons. Not only would diverting our local public safety personnel to do a Federal job in a sense divert more local tax dollars to the Federal Government to squander but it also disincentivises public cooperation with local community policing and makes the job local officers do more difficult and dangerous.
I’m happy to see INS do their job but its their job and they have a budget for doing it that doesn’t give anything back to the states. At least when the Feds were conscripting local law enforcement for cannabis raids they did it with grants and gifts of weapons and assault vehicles. There is no quid pro quo for INS cooperation.
The Gav is going to be our next Governor and that is fine. but he is a little off on a couple of things. He will not reply to our demand for Mandatory Drug Testing for all NEW Firearm Purchases and Firearms. Which means he doesn’t want to piss off Big Pharma….which is really a big problem. The 2nd thing is related to Pensions. He will not come out clearly with his position on the CAL Public Employee Retirement Fund or the Cal State Teachers Retirement System….both of which NEED fixing. They have created systems which require a 20% return on Investment to be viable. That is impossible without using the phony Hedge Funds and Derivative Markets. Having a Define Pension Plan is very popular but is not going to happen easily. If he is going to be our next Mayor….Gavin or Tony better shit a good and viable plan…which makes sense to the citizens of California. Again, if California can’t do the Mandatory Drug Testing necessary to purchase firearms …..which State can?
Do you really think that a Mandatory Drug Testing plan, even if it were called for, could not be easily circumvented? Easier than “buy me beer at the 7-11, Mister!”
Given Gavin’s indiscretions and “corporatist past” I am uneasy. But seeing him pander like this makes me wish we had a viable Dem, third party candidate.
Come on, Is Victor Valladares the best Latino dem’s have to offer?
Either John Chiang or Delaine Eastin could rise to second place. That will have to do, because Antonio Villaraigosa is not the answer to your prayers.
The sad thing is that of the leading Latino politicians with statewide heft, the best of them is Xavier Becerra — but HE is running against Dave Jones, whom people from a wide swath of the political spectrum consider the just about the best and most honest politician we have out there at all. If Becerra would switch to US Senate I’d probably vote for him.