Veterans Cemetery Fight: Here is the Veterans’ Official Rebuttal to the Agranistas!




The Orange Juice Blog has come into possession of the official ballot rebuttal against the Agranistas’ Veterans Cemetery-delaying propaganda, and since this happens to be the same day that Chemical Lewinsky’s slanderous “Liberal OC” sputtered back to life, we thought we would print it:

“Argument Against Adoption of Ordinance No. 17-08 Rebuttal”

For the first time in decades, on June 5th Irvine voters will decide on the future growth and development of our City.


“Your NO vote on Measure X will STOP three Irvine City Councilmembers from giving away – to giant developer FivePoint Communities – the 125-acre site in the Great Park that our City dedicated four years ago for creation of a peaceful, beautiful Veterans Cemetery.
This is an exchange of nearby equal 125-acre parcels of the former MCAS El Toro approved by due process and vote of council.  Nothing is being “given away,” this is not a “gift” or “land grab.”
Your NO vote on Measure X will also STOP accompanying zone changes that permit FivePoint to build 812,000 square feet of massive office, commercial, manufacturing and industrial development in the Great Park, adding more than 8,000 car and truck trips every day on Irvine Boulevard, Sand Canyon, Jeffrey, and throughout Irvine.

17-08 will move only existing pre-approved entitlements, adding nothing more.  By the terms of the “Amended and Restated Development Agreement,” the city may develop hotels and related retail on the “ARDA” after December of 2017, so development on the ARDA site is now thus inevitable.

Your NO vote on Measure X will make sure the Southern California Veterans Cemetery is built in the Great Park, as planned designed and approved by the City of Irvine, CalVet, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs.  The project has been “construction-ready” for a year.

Both 125-acre parcels are on the periphery of, but not in the Great Park.  No Veterans Cemetery – none appears on any city-published Great Park map – has “been planned, designed and approved” in the Great Park or on ARDA by any entity or agency.  The AB 1453 OWEN report and FY2017 VA grant priority list are NOT approvals, only steps in the process.  If the site was “‘construction-ready’ for a year,” why then was nothing progressing?

Most important:  Your NO vote on Measure X paves the way for Councilmembers Jeff Lalloway and Lynn Schott to re-introduce their resolution to immediately commence construction of the Veterans Cemetery within the Great Park, as originally planned and promised.  Once built, the Veterans Cemetery will be operated and maintained in perpetuity by the State, at no cost to the City.

There exists no “originally planned and promised” path or funding for construction of a Veterans Cemetery on ARDA that has been stated by council opposition minority members Lalloway and Schott or offered by Ed Pope of “Save the [mythical] Veterans Cemetery in the Great Park.”  NOTHING!  A NO vote dooms the Southern California Veterans Cemetery.

Voter beware!  Measure X, drafted for FivePoint’s benefit by three pro-developer Councilmembers, will move the planned Veterans Cemetery three miles away – to FivePoint’s deceptively named “Strawberry Fields” site – at the I-405 and I-5 interchange, one of the busiest, most congested and polluted stretches of freeway in the nation.

Strawberry Field – as named by Gov. Jerry Brown – Southern California Veterans Cemetery has strong bipartisan support at city, county state and federal levels.  This tax-saving agreement is a win-win for our communities and schools, is favored by environmental and Veteran organizations, and is truly shovel-ready as is.  Strawberry Field Southern California Veterans Cemetery will become a prominent monument viewed by thousands daily, a place of honored rest for our Veterans, a landmark that will be a credit and source of glowing pride to the City of Irvine.

Please join with your 19,164 Irvine neighbors who signed the Referendum Petition that gives you the opportunity to Vote NO on Measure X. 


Your YES vote for 17-08, for our Veterans, for Irvine, for the right thing to do.



About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.