Sen McCain receives multiple CA “first responder” endorsements

Just received Press Release

Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008

TORRANCE, CA — U.S. Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin’s presidential campaign proudly announced the endorsements from first responders across California.

“John McCain understands that national security must be a top priority for the future administration. He knows the danger that both domestic and international terrorist pose to our nation,” said Steven Remige, President of the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. “McCain has been a strong supporter of vital legislation to monitor terrorist organizations, while his opponent has supported a filibuster to stop this important legislation from passing. Barack Obama will unconditionally meet with the leaders of state sponsors of terror, like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; McCain understands that to meet with rogue regimes without preconditions not only shows lack of experience and judgment but it is irresponsible.”

John Stites of Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association continued, “John McCain is a strong and tested leader – he understands the importance of keeping this nation safe on both a local and national level. We can trust that he will always put the best interest of our country first. As first responders we understand the importance of having someone in the White House that we can trust to defend and protect us for all threats, foreign and domestic.”


Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff’s Association, (ALADS)

California Asian Pacific Peace Officers Coalition, (CAPPOC)

California Narcotics Officers Association

California Reserve Peace Officers Association, (CRPOA)

Fresno Deputy Sheriff’s Association, (FDSA)

Gardena Police Officers Association, (GPOA)

Law Enforcement Association of Asian Pacifics, (LEAPP)

Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association, (PPOA)

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca

Merced County Sheriff Coroner Mark Pazin

Morgan Hill Police Officers Association

Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas         

Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens

Police Officers Association of Covina, (POAC)

Riverside Sheriff’s Association, (RSA)

Southern California Alliance of Law Enforcement Associations, (SCALE)

About Larry Gilbert